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DoL Endgame Melding

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Guest Phoenix


Hey great info, trying to help a friend who only fishes, do you have a meld priority for that or break points for benefits on stats?


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On 4/30/2022 at 4:53 AM, Guest Phoenix said:


Hey great info, trying to help a friend who only fishes, do you have a meld priority for that or break points for benefits on stats?


You want the exact same melds for fishing, but the tool only needs a single GP meld in at the moment but the gathering on the rest of the set is enough to hit projected breakpoints for future big fish. Absolute worst case the tool then has room for gathering/perception in the future if needed but it is unlikely.

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Guest Guest

Hi, thanks for the guide!

I have a question regarding the high-tier meld list.

The guide states that the set reaches 3600 perception without food, but the set's perception is 3535.

Am I missing something?


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Guest Anon
On 10/30/2022 at 12:42 AM, Guest Guest said:

Hi, thanks for the guide!

I have a question regarding the high-tier meld list.

The guide states that the set reaches 3600 perception without food, but the set's perception is 3535.

Am I missing something?


You aren't missing anything, it falls short a few melds. easy fix is to change some of the right side melds that have gathering to perception and it reaches both

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Guest Pumpkin

Can you just spell out the Crystalline tool melds for me? How can it be "the same melds as indagators" if it also includes a GP meld? Which materias exactly should be used?

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On 5/20/2023 at 6:05 PM, Guest botanist said:

what's the meld for botanist tools

The tools are the same for both mining and botany so exactly as on the error page. Same for fisher as well if you plan on big fishing!

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Guest Jenesse

I can't seem to find the link for the actual Gathering Melds

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On 5/27/2023 at 2:01 AM, Guest Jenesse said:

I can't seem to find the link for the actual Gathering Melds

There was a brief issue with one of the links not loading or it may have been due to Etro having a lot of player activity across the board due to raid gear also having been released and BIS coming out. Let us know if there are any issues down the line!

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Guest Lysarxi

Is the Jhinga Curry comparable to either or these since it has a higher ilvl?

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21 hours ago, Guest Lysarxi said:

Is the Jhinga Curry comparable to either or these since it has a higher ilvl?

Not really comparable no because ilv has no relevance with gathering because everything is entirely hard stat breakpoints, Jhinga focuses on gathering as its primary stat while Kalamarakia Focuses on perception and Yakow GP. That being said if you have the food you may as well use it as you hit some stat breakpoints.

With the high tier melds coming in at 4068/4006/903 + Jhinga you would have. 4204/4006/934.

From the breakpoints calculated and discovered you would still get the following benefits:

  • Capped Meticulous chance on the new Sublime nodes. 
  • The hidden +3 yield node bonus on new legendary nodes.
  • + 2 Attempts on sublime nodes.

You would however miss the +2 attempts node bonus on legendary nodes and would instead just get +1. Note that these bonuses are not guaranteed to appear, only the +30% boon one is with this tier of nodes.

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Hiya, I'm wondering as I'm getting close to fully overmelding the high tier meld, only chose to use the relic tool instead, and I see that I will end up on 4012 Gathering instead of 4068, even though relic stats got 98 more Gathering than fully melded inda tool, is there any benefit to using the entire indagator set in terms of stats, like does it give % bonus gathering & perception or something ? I'm definitely not getting it, been verifying dozens of times and I've done the melding right as it is advised (only swapped place for some same grade materias like put GP+8 before PERC+14 on shoes for example but this shouldn't affect stats I guess) , don't get how I'm ending up below the 4068 when I should be getting something at least higher, not lower, and from what I've read higher the 4068/4006/903 doesn't take food into account u.u Same goes for perc btw relic stats have 103 more perc than inda tool and I'm only ending up with 4031 u.u

Anyway thank you for the guides though, appreciate if you have some kind of answer to make me stop scratching that Lala head of mine x))

Edited by Nelayaya
Ignore me I wasn't comparing relic stats with HQ tool >.<

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Guest Guest

Your Midtier Set is missing Materia. = Less Spiritbonding.


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15 hours ago, Guest Guest said:

Your Midtier Set is missing Materia. = Less Spiritbonding.


You do not need expensive or gathering related materia to spiritbond. You can literally add anything.

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Guest Harye Sidur

Hi, like the person above, the final meld is showing 0% on all the items. Not sure why.

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Guest Harye SIdur
10 hours ago, Guest Harye Sidur said:

Hi, like the person above, the final meld is showing 0% on all the items. Not sure why.

I've discovered the reason was using the wrong materia, I was using a different materia that gave +9 CP but the one named in the guide is the only one that works.

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Guest Powerpuncher

Hey, I'm wondering about the 900 GP breakpoint for the mid-tier meld set. The guide says to use Stuffed Peppers, but that only gives max +32 GP, and 857 + 32 = 889 and not 900, am I missing something?

I could go for Crab Cakes which gives enough bonus for both perception and GP breakpoints.

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On 12/19/2024 at 1:29 PM, Guest Powerpuncher said:

Hey, I'm wondering about the 900 GP breakpoint for the mid-tier meld set. The guide says to use Stuffed Peppers, but that only gives max +32 GP, and 857 + 32 = 889 and not 900, am I missing something?

I could go for Crab Cakes which gives enough bonus for both perception and GP breakpoints.

You gain GP as you hit a node. 

That being said, im not seeing where the guide says to use stuffed peppers as the main food, its generally a second option as it stands with Nasi being slightly better. 

But if crab cakes hits all the breakpoints you want, then thats perfect.

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Guest Powerpuncher
On 12/27/2024 at 11:28 PM, Shikhu said:

You gain GP as you hit a node.

Ah, of course, I knew I was missing something, thanks for clearing that up 🙂


That being said, im not seeing where the guide says to use stuffed peppers as the main food, its generally a second option as it stands with Nasi being slightly better. 

It only says Nasi in the High Tier Meld Set description. The Mid Tier Meld Set description says "The best food for this set currently is Stuffed Peppers so that you[...]".

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On 12/31/2024 at 5:28 PM, Guest Powerpuncher said:

Ah, of course, I knew I was missing something, thanks for clearing that up 🙂

It only says Nasi in the High Tier Meld Set description. The Mid Tier Meld Set description says "The best food for this set currently is Stuffed Peppers so that you[...]".

Yes sorry you are very correct, Stuffed Peppers is generally the best option with the Mid Tier set because of its benefits both on normal nodes and collectables. I was getting mixed up with the Legendary node rotations page where Nasi provides 0.02 more items on a node for the mid tier set lol.

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Guest Powerpuncher
20 minutes ago, Shikhu said:


Yes sorry you are very correct, Stuffed Peppers is generally the best option with the Mid Tier set because of its benefits both on normal nodes and collectables. I was getting mixed up with the Legendary node rotations page where Nasi provides 0.02 more items on a node for the mid tier set lol.

No worries, thanks for all the hard work, these guides are super useful! 🙏

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