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Hello fellow Shadow priests, I have some questions. I am concerned with my damage output being low in comparison to other spriests. Here is an armory link: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/zuljin/Reikai/advanced

The puriified Bindings was just obtained this weekend with no valor to upgrade that will be fully upgraded on reset. Here is a link to my warcraft logs. I am logging personally so all my abilities are going to be accurate. 


Please only comment on my priest, the comments on the other members is not what I am seeking. I thank you for your time and patience to give positive feedback. 

A little more to know about me I am running macros and focus macros here are some examples. 

/cast [@focus,mod:alt][@target] Mind Blast
the same goes for my other abilities such as dots etc... I am sure mouseover macros would give me a better edge in most cases I have just grown accustomed to this setup. 
This is my Ui as well: http://i.imgur.com/Bu6fm7T.jpg

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ok at this point in the game you should be pushing the 50% haste cap ( your at 35%) and your mast and crit should be close to = your at 52% mast and only 22% crit. that part of your issie the fact that you have so low crit is effecting your dps.


the first 4 bosses are kind of bad for logs. best would be malk or iron jug. but based on your sha of pride wipes: Shadow Word: Pain up time is good some times you go under 95% but for the most part you are where you should be. Vampiric Touch need a lot of work. your uptime is only 70% on a good wipe. your Shadow Orbs useage is good at time but bad at time. many time  you will be sitting at 3 orbs and not cast Devouring Plague for 30 ish sec. that a lot of wasted time that you could be casting to get more orbs. some time you use Devouring Plague when you have 1 or 2. you waste dps if you do it.


the only other thing i can think of is your bars are a bit to small to catch every thing. so you might want to make them a little bigger. but that just me

Edited by TIme987

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Alright at this time I cannot reach the 50% haste mark from what I can tell with my current gear set. and self buffed I am at 41.75%. If I am able to reach that threshold then I am just missing something somewhere.

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well you can if you forget your socket and gem to pure haste gems( yes a lot of priest are doing that)  but if you dont want to do that then your haste break point is good.   i think your putting way to much in to mast. up your crit a lot and that will help you. your mast and crit should be close together( with in 5 points)

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The most important thing is hitting the third breakpoint for DP at 14873, after that haste, mastery and crit become equally great DPS increases and you generally want to level them.

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even if you have to abandon some socket bonuses, try to get to 14873 haste and then try to get your crit and mastery equal. and by equal i dont mean the % outcome, i mean equalize the secondary points from your gear. so if you have 10k crit and 8k mastery, try to get to 9k crit and 9k mastery. the actual percentages will be different from each other. you should get these values before joining a raid group and being buffed by other classes. this is your "unbuffed" stat priority. (keep PBI equipped though) 


after that, focus on mind blast. unless you are channeling insanity, every second that mind blast is off cd is a mistake.

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Thanks guys, took a look at the recommendations. Going to give those a try and see how it turns out this week in raid. I would be much appreciated if you guys could look through this weeks upcoming logs and see if there is anything else I may be missing. I will link logs after this weeks raid on this thread.

Edited by reikai

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Hi guys, raid for this week has ended and I will post links to the warcraft logs for each day. There are multiple logs running for Fridays run but not for Saturday's. For some reason my logs wouldn't upload. I noticed I was MB'ing more but I feel like I am still missing some MB's I am going to be setting up a noise for my MB weak auras so that it screams at me when MB is off cd. My VT uptimes are better but still not where they should. Again though any and all positive feed back is greatly appreciated.


Should I be using Mind Spike in my test on Norushen to speed up me getting out of the cleanse realm?


These logs are for Friday. The top link is paladin logs the second link is my logs and the third link is a balance druid logs





This link is for Saturday again I couldn't log for some weird reason, so only the paladin's logs are available.


Edited by reikai

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ok so looking at your malk fight(im also looking at most of the other logs) i see some good improvment. your up 240 k on the low end and high im seeing a nice 337 k dps:) nice improvement.  your vt and swp up time is over 90% on the malk fight. this is good 95% is a good set point but 90 % is still good improvement. ( this is normal)

looking at your hero iron jug. you run in to the same issies that you have been. low vt and swp up time(70%) not sure if this is becasue of movement or some panic mode that people get in to becasue it hero mode and there more to do i cant say.  i see a few thing with some fight you dont cast mind blast for up to a min. MB weak auras is a good way to go:)


Should I be using Mind Spike in my test on Norushen to speed up me getting out of the cleanse realm?

unless you want to swich to from darkness come light tallent then no. the inproved mind flay is better dps wize ( as long as your using your 3 orbs each and eveny time) then a the mind spike buff

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looking at your hero iron jug. you run in to the same issies that you have been. low vt and swp up time(70%) not sure if this is becasue of movement or some panic mode that people get in to becasue it hero mode and there more to do i cant say.

The Heroic IJ is the strategy we use. During Seismic Activity phase we are not attacking the boss.The group is on one side of the room and the boss is on the other side of the room.


The mind blast not being used is probably on galakras I assume. Yes I found myself sitting on orbs when I was calling stuff out. I am the raid leader of the group. This was our fourth week as a 25 man, I have found myself not casting as much as I should have on my proper rotation on that fight specifically due to me paying to attention to everything going on. That is something that will get better once the group is functioning a lot better. I think that was the fight you were referring to. That and maybe spoils but I hate the shit out of that fight on reg. lol

Edited by reikai

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I don't like to use the raid leader comment as an excuse, it is just something I noticed this week in raid as to why my orbs are just sitting there not being used. 

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