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New World January Update: Mutators and a Lot More

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A massive update has arrived to New World as the January patch brings the new Mutator system to expeditions, as well as the new Umbral upgrading system that takes gear to level 625, in addition to many, MANY fixes and improvements you can read below.

Amazon LogoJanuary Update (Source)

Expedition Modifiers: Mutators

We are introducing a new end-game feature: Expedition Mutators! Mutators change the familiar by augmenting “Normal” and “Named” Enemies found within expeditions, changing the way encounters play out and what strategies players should consider before battle. And as combat changes, so do the rewards! New bespoke gear and resources can be found, providing additional means to increase your power level.

This system is intended to rotate through a unique combination of Expeditions and Mutations each week, with 10 difficulty levels per Expedition Mutation. Players will be challenged to climb the ladder, with the aim of eventually reaching the max difficulty.

Please be advised that “Recommended Gear Score'” levels for a Mutated Expedition is important, as it directly factors into enemy scaling — and by consequence, your chances of success. Please note: This combat scaling is individual per player and separate from the base difficulty increases in health and damage.

Entering a Mutated Expedition
  • Players will require a codex for opening a Mutated version of the expedition. On completion of a Regular Difficulty Expedition, players will receive the Codex for that Expedition and a one time reward of a Mutated Expedition Tuning Orb.

    • Note:

    • Players that are invited to a group that already has a codex and orb will be rewarded with both items upon completion.

      • The Mutated Expedition Tuning Orb will not be rewarded on additional playthroughs of Regular Difficulty Expeditions.

  • Upon approaching and interacting with the Expedition Menu, players will be able to see the type of mutator available, the mutation level, Gear Score recommended to advance, and lastly if they meet qualifications for entry.

    • Mutator Orbs are universal. Players can craft 1 per week and will be able to purchase additional orbs in the Faction Shop.

  • Scoring & Advancement

    • Score is performance based, taken from a combination of categories. Score is also a shared value for group members.

    • The following categories count towards the group’s overall score value:

      • Time: The better the time, the better the score. Calculated at the end of a run.

      • AI Kills: A target value for killing a predetermined amount of enemies within the expedition.

      • Takedowns: A target value for killing “Named Enemies” within the expedition.

      • Team Wipes: Each team wipe during a boss fight reduces the score by a significant amount.

      • Respawns: Each respawn reduces the score by a moderate amount.

    • There are also Bonus Multipliers for run efficiency, minimal respawning/wiping, speed, and taking down all targets. These are calculated at the end of the Expedition run. The score ranks are Bronze, Silver, and Gold.

    • Advancement through each Mutator difficulty level requires reaching a predesignated level of proficiency within the highest achieved level. Higher scores mean advancement to higher difficulties, which in turn lead to bigger rewards.

  • Mutation Effects

    • Elemental

      • Elemental mutations infuse enemies in the Expedition with a specific elemental damage type, increasing their resistance to that damage type, converting a large portion of their damage to that type, and giving them powerful elemental-based abilities.

      • Hellfire: Hellfire infuses enemies with fire, allowing them to burn players who oppose them.

      • Eternal: Eternal infuses enemies with void, granting them them abilities that debuff players or buff their void-infused allies.

    • Promotions

      • Promotion mutations grant creatures in the Expedition powerful new abilities.

      • Savage: Savage AI apply healing reduction and cast damaging beams around themselves.

      • Indomitable: Indomitable creatures persist through damage with life-stealing abilities and are able to summon a phalanx, blocking all incoming player projectiles.

    • Curses

      • Curse mutations apply dangerous effects to players, forcing them to work together to overcome the curse’s power. At the highest difficulties, Curses become Empowered, creating additional tactical challenges.

      • Desiccated: Desiccated players will occasionally combust with elemental energy. When the curse is empowered, players will need to cleanse themselves by approaching the combusting player.

      • Censored: Censored players will find their abilities turning against them. After players in the group have used a certain number of activated abilities, explosive silence zones will appear on all players. When the curse is empowered, players will lose natural mana regeneration and must enter the silence zones to regenerate their mana.

Adventurers battle within the Dynasty Shipyard Expedition
Adventurers battle within the Garden of Genesis Expedition.
Adventurers battle within the Dynasty Shipyard Expedition
Adventurers battle within the Garden of Genesis Expedition.
End Game Update Part 2 & Umbral Upgrade System
Umbral Upgrade System
  • Players can upgrade individual gear pieces from GS 590 to GS 625, by spending Umbral Shards. Note we reduced this requirement from GS 600 to GS 590 based on PTR feedback and the desire to require Legendary items to engage in the Umbral System.

  • The ability to upgrade items of any type is unlocked when players hit 600 Expertise for that item type.

  • Players can acquire Umbral Shards via three methods:

    • Expedition Mutators are the most efficient way to earn Shards. The higher the difficulty level and the higher the Score Rank achieved the the more Shards a player will earn.

    • Opening Gypsum Casts, once the expertise of that type has reached at least 600 Expertise.

    • Crafting 600 GS items, once the expertise of that type has reached at least 600 Expertise.

  • Upgrading any item via Umbral Shards binds the item to player.

Expertise System Updates
  • Players raise their Expertise from 590 to 600 through the current means; Gypsum Casts and random open world bumps.

  • Expertise is increased from 600 to 625 via the Umbral System.

  • Expertise Gear Scaling

    • Any item that is purchased from the trading post or acquired through P2P after the January patch will have its effective gear score scaled down to the mid point of players Expertise and the items gear score if their Expertise is lower than the item’s gear score.

General Enhancements & QoL Improvements

  • Whenever you craft a GS 600 item, if your Expertise for that item type is under 600 it will trigger an Expertise bump. This will be another great way for crafters to get their expertise to 600 (in addition to the already released Emerald Gypsum from Trade Skill Aptitude Reward containers).

  • If you get an Expertise bump from random drop in the open world, the loot ticker will now show which item gave you the Expertise bump.

  • If you get an Expertise bump from opening a reward cache, the opening sequence will highlight which item gave you the bump.

  • You can now craft the Topaz Gypsum Attunement Potion at any Arcana Station as well as any T5 Camp.

  • Increased the odds of getting Topaz Gypsum when killing enemies and attuned.

  • We addressed an issue where Gypsum casts were only providing +1 bonuses when opening above gear score 585 for an item. Now, upgrades from Gypsum Casts from 585 to 600 should be at least +2 except when expertise is 599.

  • To allow players more access to use Gypsum more freely as they acquire it we’ve removed the crafting cooldowns on Gypsum Orbs.


World Experience

Expeditions Changes

  • With the release of Expedition Mutators, we’ve made some balance changes and updates to existing content.

  • We’ve made expeditions more enticing by updating rewards and drop-rates, bringing them in-line with other end-game activities:

    • Drop rates for “Named Enemies” in expeditions have been significantly increased.

    • T5 gear have been added to Dynasty Shipyard loot-tables when playing in the mutated expedition.

  • We’ve adjusted certain enemies counts:

    • Lazarus Instrumentality: Reduced the number of enemies when sealing the Ancient Azoth Portals in the Ostium.

  • Expedition Tuning Orbs

    • Expedition Tuning Orbs for Amrine Excavation, Starstone Barrows, The Depths, and Dynasty Shipyard can be purchased from the Faction Shop once a day. Expedition Tuning Orbs for Garden of Genesis and Lazarus Instrumentality can be purchased once a week.

    • To increase access to crafting Expedition Tuning Orbs we made the following materials able to be tradable which were previously bound to players:

      • Blight Seeds

      • Corrupted Lodestones, Crystals, Fragments, Shards, and Slivers

      • Chisels

  • We’ve made significant reductions to crafting costs for Expedition Keys. Global Key Crafting Changes:

    • Reduced Starmetal Chisel coin cost to 150 down from 200.

    • Reduced Orichalcum Chisel coin cost to 200 down from 400.

    • Reduced Asmodeum Chisel coin cost to 250 down from 500.

    • Eternal Heart: Reduced all elemental mote costs to craft. Now costs 10 of each mote down from 30.

    • Elemental Heart: Reduced all elemental mote costs to craft. Now costs 10 of each mote down from 30.

    • Undying Heart: Reduced all elemental quintessence costs to craft. Now costs 2 of each quintessence down from 6.

    • Dynasty Tuning Orb: Reduced the amount of Corrupted Crystal required to craft. Now costs 1 down from 2.

    • Dynasty Tuning Orb: Reduced the amount of Obsidian Voidstone required to craft. Now costs 8 down from 10.

    • Lazarus Tuning Orb: Reduced the amount of Corrupted Lodestone required to craft. Now costs 1 down from 3.

    • Genesis Tuning Orb: Reduced the amount of Corrupted Lodestone required to craft. Now costs 1 down from 2.

  • Mutated Tuning Orb changes from PTR:

    • Reduced the amount of Runestone required to craft. Now costs 5 down from 10.

    • Reduced the amount of Powerful Gemstone Dust required to craft. Now costs 5 down from 10.

    • Reduced the amount of Chisels required to 1 down from 2.

Fast Travel Costs
  • We’ve heard your frustrations with the cost of Fast Travel, and this release includes an update that dramatically reduces the distance factor in the amount of Azoth required for each trip. Accordingly, the Faction Control Point bonus associated with Fast Travel now reduces the distance factor to zero.

  • New Fast Travel shrines have been unearthed!

    • Excavated Shrine added at the Amrine Excavation

    • Starstone Shrine added to the North East wall of the Shattered Obelisk Complex

    • Shiresad Shrine added just outside the entrance to The Depths.

    • Genesis Shrine added in front of the Garden of Genesis entrance

    • Melpomene's Shrine added below the Siren's Amphitheatre

    • Lazarus Shrine added next to the entrance to the Lazarus Instrumentality

Open World

  • Fixed an issue with the following Elite Strongholds not consistently applying the appropriate affliction to players that enter visually afflicted areas:

    • Mangled Heights

    • Ambusti Inferior/Superior

    • Mykgard

    • Malevolence

  • Siren's Stand: Revised chest placements of several Elite Chests to be closer to their associated named enemy.

  • Mangled Heights: Slightly moved one Elite Chest at Mangled Pox Gate.

Notable Fixes
  • Fixed inconsistent spelling for the player facing name of Eridanus.

  • Fixed an issue with Windsward Patrol Faction Missions displaying incorrect values.

  • Added a fix to prevent duplicate objectives from being given to players.

  • Yetis converted from Elite Boss to Elites after the Winter Convergence event.

  • Added enemies to an abandoned camp site in Restless Shore.

  • Increased spawn times to level 35+ POIs to account for longer time to kill enemies.

  • Fixed an issue found in PTR where a tree flies into sky after being chopped down.

  • Fixed an issue where the Disciple of Disorder only spawned once in Myrkgard.

  • Decreased some load times.

  • Fixed an issue where a fence was not rendering for all players in Weaver’s Fen.

  • Removed a small patch of invisible water in Everfall, North of Orion, that can slow player movement or cause the player to drown.

  • Fixed an issue with an elite chest clipping through an Orchicalcum vein making it difficult to loot in Myrkgard.

  • Various fixes to gatherables and vegetation below or inside world collision.

  • Various fixes to holes in world collision.

Combat & AI


General AI

  • Bears

    • Increased the hit volumes for Bipedal bears so that players can more consistently damage them.

  • Skeletons

    • Reduced the amount of health that Skeletons will revive with from 70% to 40%.

  • Villagers

    • Reduced the amount of healing that is granted from Villager potions from 35% to 20%.

    • Increased the cooldown on the Potions.

  • Varangian Knights

    • The Varangian Knights celebrated the Winter Convergence by laying down their weapons and painting them to match the color of their armor.

  • Tendrils (Corrupted and Angry Earth)

    • Reduced damage of Sweep attack by 40%, reduced frequency of this attack, but increased reaction to a knockdown.

    • Reduced damage of Stab attack by 50% and removed stagger reaction.

    • Reduced damage of Thrash attack by 40%.

    • Reduced damage of Projectile attack by 50% and removed stagger reaction.

  • Swamp Beast Arena Boss

    • Fixed an issue preventing the Swamp Beast from properly consuming minions.

Expedition AI

  • Garden of Genesis

    • Fixed an issue preventing enemies from despawning after failing to defend the sapling.

    • Alluvium Marl - Removed the unintended ability for minions to apply a debuff against Alluvium Marl on their death.

    • Blighted Greenskeeper - Reworked the VFX on the Blighted Greenskeeper to be more visible.



Mutator Perks added

  • Weapon Perks

    • Flame Attunement - Attacks deal an additional 15% weapon damage as Fire. (Cooldown 2s)

    • Frost Attunement - Attacks deal an additional 15% weapon damage as Ice. (Cooldown 2s)

    • Arboreal Attunement - Attacks deal an additional 15% weapon damage as Nature. (Cooldown 2s)

    • Abyssal Attunement - Attacks deal an additional 15% weapon damage as Void. (Cooldown 2s)

  • Armor Perks

    • Flame Conditioning - After being hit with Fire damage, gain 4% Fire absorption for 5 seconds. Each piece of armor with this perk increases the potency of the effect.

    • Frost Conditioning - After being hit with Ice damage, gain 4% Ice absorption for 5 seconds. Each piece of armor with this perk increases the potency of the effect.

    • Arboreal Conditioning - After being hit with Nature damage, gain 4% Nature absorption for 5 seconds. Each piece of armor with this perk increases the potency of the effect.

    • Abyssal Conditioning - After being hit with Void damage, gain 4% Void absorption for 5 seconds. Each piece of armor with this perk increases the potency of the effect.

PvP damage formula update

  • We adjusted the way armor mitigation is calculated to use enemies gear score value instead of your average gear score.

  • To adjust for the difference in armor mitigation, we increased the damage low level players do to higher level players and reduced the damage the higher level players due to lower level players.

Outpost Rush

  • Increased the Azoth cost of Brute tokens from 500 Azoth to 750 Azoth.

  • Summoning Stones are now dropped on death.

  • Summoning Stones now have a rarity associated with them. Epic for Bear and Wraith Tokens, and Legendary for Brute Tokens. This should make it clear to players when they are dropped by other players.

  • Outpost Rush Alpha Wolf will no longer summon minions.

  • Outpost Rush gatherables no longer have weight.

  • Baroness Hain’s Ice Mines now slow the player by 30% for 3s instead of staggering the player.

  • Water can no longer be gathered in Outpost Rush.

  • Added two additional gate points on the sides of each team’s spawn.

  • Increased the cooldown on the Outpost Rush Brute’s Corrupted Ball.

  • Outpost Rush Brutes will now be much less likely to use their Corrupted Ball spell when players are inside of the fort.

Notable Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that allowed Musket and Bow light attacks to be activated underwater.

  • Fixed an issue that blocked Bow from entering aim down sights if swapping to Bow while in Musket Sniper Zoom.

  • Updated the Rapier Tondo Ability and the Bow Barbed Arrows Rain of Arrows upgrade tooltips to state the damage per second instead of overall damage for the damage over time effects.

  • Fixed issue where player movement speed was sometimes increased while placing a camp.

  • Fixed tooltip for the fine corrupted sigil incorrectly stating lightning damage instead of strike damage.

  • Removed text that flies out when triggering Quick Shower.

  • Fixed exploit where players could combine multiple ammo return benefits and refund ammo using attacks that hit multiple times per use. Added a cooldown to ammo refunds so that it can not trigger more than once every 2 seconds per ability/perk/attribute bonus.

  • Fixed issue where if shift was being held while aiming down sights with a bow or musket, or if a player used any navigation action, the animations would stutter.

  • Fixed issues with player becoming stuck after interacting with NPCs.

  • Fixed issue that would cause you to cancel out of Poison Shot or Penetrating shot if you were holding RMB while activating the ability.

  • Fixed issue where various status effect removals were resulting in the buff applying indefinitely.

  • Fixed issue where the Bow Concussion ultimate was applying to all attacks and not just headshots.

  • Fixed issue where Mending Protection wasn’t functioning properly. To fix the issue the following changes were made:

    • Updated Mending Protection be able to be re-applied by any Orb Of Protection heal, even the recovery form Protector's Blessing.

    • To compensate for that the duration has been shortened and the effect of it has been reduced. Previously it was 5%-40% for 5s that only applied as the ability was initially used, now it is 5%-25% for 3s. That duration can be refreshed with each tick of recovery and additional applications of Orb of protection.

  • Fixed issue where the great axe Reap ability was not dealing damage when both The Collector Modifier and the Gravity Passive were unlocked.

  • Fixed issue that was prevalent in the PTR where the void gauntlet’s cooldown reduction was being triggered by DoT ticks.

  • Fixed bug that did not allow Ancient Bear Paw to be used in crafting.

  • Fixed an issue causing desyncs when using shield bash while moving.

  • Fixed a desync issue that would occur when homing through Ice Shower ability.

  • Fixed an issue causing desyncs on Reap when fully upgraded with the Blood Lust Passive.

  • Fixed an issue where the damage ticks from bleeding sweep on the Spear were triggering cooldown reduction.

  • Fixed an issue with the Void Gauntlet that caused Baleful Tether's status effect to be nullified by crouching or going prone.

Economy, Progression, & Loot

Housing Tax

As a make good for the players impacted by the server clock issues experienced last year, we reduced housing tax costs for all players by 90% based on the tax % set by companies that owned the territories. We communicated alongside that change we would revert those taxes back in a future update. In the time the tax break has been active, it has brought to light an imbalance in wealth disparity which was punishing for home owners, and we have decided to tighten the housing tax band. We will continue to examine player reception and data around this issue. We are adjusting them to be more fair for home owners and companies. We are focused on evaluating and continually tuning the overall wealth distribution and impact of the territory tax system. In this patch we have:

  • Reverted the make good 90% housing tax reduction.

  • Updated housing tax minimum band to 2.5% down from 5%.

  • Updated housing tax maximum band to 10% down from 20%.

  • Updating default housing tax to 5% down from 10%.

Aptitude Rewards

With the introduction of trade skill aptitude we imbalanced the gain of Azoth Vials which made them too plentiful, and the excess of these items for some players was causing damage to the overall value of Azoth Vials as a reward. Since these can be traded we want to make sure they stay rare and special. We will continue to watch player sentiment and data here to see if further adjustments are needed.

  • Removed Azoth Vials from T1 Aptitude gathering chests.

  • Reduced Azoth Vials from T2 Aptitude gathering chests to 1-2 down from 2-3.

  • Reduced Azoth Vials from T3 Aptitude gathering chests to 1-3 down from 3-5.

  • Reduced Azoth Vials from T1 Aptitude crafting & refining chests to 0-1 down from 2-3.

  • Reduced Azoth Vials from T2 Aptitude crafting & refining chests to 1-2 down from 2-3.

  • Reduced Azoth Vials from T3 Aptitude crafting & refining chests to 2-3 down from 3-5.


  • Fixed a bug where players under level 60 were able to get gypsum from darkness events. Players must be level 60 now to start earning gypsum from those events.

  • The Surgeon, Pit Lord Daehi, Baines, and Mordici The Mortician previously did not drop battle trophy materials. This has been fixed!


  • Fixed an issue where Timeless Shards were not being consumed while crafting.

  • Fixed an issue causing the Maker's Mark Hatchet to incorrectly display as legendary with an extra perk in the crafting menu.

  • Updated art for Energizing Light Ration and Energizing Travel Ration to better represent the ingredients used to create them.

  • Fixed "Blackened Mandje Mandje with Corn Succotash" recipe that requires a Lava Barb. The recipe title now references the correct fish.

  • Fixed a bug that was preventing players from crafting GS 600 arcana items using Winter Patterns.

  • Fixed an issue that prevented the use of Onyx when crafting earrings using Timeless Shard.

Gear and Loot

  • To stimulate the post-holiday economy, we’ve added a limited-time rare drop called “Bag of Juniper Berries” which gives players coin and Juniper berries. It has the potential to reward between 50-150 coin per acquisition and you can only find 3 per day.

  • Fixed an issue where Rothoard Alligators were dropping an excessive amount of rawhide.

  • Fixed an issue where certain 600 gear score named items were increasing your Expertise.

  • Fixed an issue where the Lazarus Bow had less dexterity than other bows at its tier and gear score. It now has an equivalent amount of dexterity.

  • Fixed an issue where the earring "Pedal" could not be repaired.

  • Fixed an issue causing Egwene’s Cloak to stretch with certain animations.

  • Fixed an issue causing the Dynasty Shipyard Mutator ring to display an incorrect name and description. It now displays the proper name and description.

  • Fixed an issue preventing players from socketing gems into Mutator Accessories.

  • Fixed an issue preventing players from socketing gems into Old Ring, Old Earring, and Old Amulet.


  • Sped up leveling for the mid game levels of 23 - 45 by 20%. We saw that mid game leveling was taking a bit long and did not match pacing of the content we had.

Expedition Tuning Orbs:

  • Materials used to craft Expedition Keys: Chisels, and Corrupted Fragments, Shards, Crystals, and Lodestones are now tradeable.

  • Expedition Mutator Tuning Orbs can be crafted once per week and also have been added to the Faction Shops and can be purchased there once per week.

  • To keep parity with Expedition Mutator Tuning Orbs, normal Expedition Tuning Orbs for Dynasty Shipyard, Garden of Genesis, and the Lazarus Instrumentality have been added to Faction Shops and can each be purchased once per week.

  • To reduce the cost of all items in inventory taking durability damage on death, we made a change so that only Bound items take durability damage on death.

  • We fixed an issue that was causing players to lose progress when switching back to a Faction they previously had been a part of. Now, when players switch back to a Faction they will retain their Faction Rank Reputation as well as the balance of their Faction Tokens. Unfortunately, we can not restore players to their previous state for players who switched back to a Faction they were are a part of prior to this update.

UX, UI, & Social

  • Game Entry Navigation Assistance added to the game.

    • This system will help visually impaired players enter the world of Aeternum, through voice narration of some of critical steps needed to create a character and get to the starting beach

  • Removed ability to give gold to individuals outside of the player-to-player trading system.

  • Added a new loading screen tooltip to help explain how the strong against / weak against mechanics work.

  • Players must now play the game for a minimum of 2 hours and have owned the game for a minimum of 72 hours before they can use chat. This should help eliminate some more of those pesky gold sellers.

In-Game Store

  • Décor Packs now display number of furniture items included in pack.

  • Store items can now simultaneously display that they are on sale and that they are available for a limited time.

  • Currency symbols now correctly display in all regions.

Trading Post

  • Fixed an issue that caused the Trading Post’s “Sort by Time” function to function incorrectly.

  • Inventory should no longer scroll back to the top after closing the sell window (whether you sell or cancel) on the Trading Post.

Notable Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where group chat could break after exiting a house.

  • Fixed an issue where companies who own more than one territory were not getting merge reimbursements. Companies are now compensated depending on the number of territories they own (rather than a flat amount).

  • Fixed an issue where Outpost Rush reward screen would only showed one reward even if multiple were awarded.

  • Fixed an issue that sometimes caused Corrupted Breach icons to not appear on the map.

  • Fixed a bug that caused the Territory Standing Upgrade UI to stay on screen if a player starts a trade while its visible.

  • Fixed an issue that sometimes caused items to not appear repaired after a player repairs all.

  • Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the incorrect items to trade when trading from a split stack.

  • Adjusted Void Gauntlet icons to match the gauntlets model color.

  • Fixed a number text overlapping issues in the UI.

  • Fixed an issue with sorting by time on the Trading Post.

  • Fixed an issue causing some Timeless Shard icons to display the incorrect weight.

  • Fixed a bug where Eternal Pool Arena boss music could be heard right outside of the Eternal Pool Arena.

  • Fixed a bug where sounds were not always playing at Navarro’s Kitchen.

  • Adjusted the way mission tooltips dock (they now dock to the side of the tiles), to make it easier to read detailed info on missions.

  • Added a sound for when players capture points during an Outpost Rush.

  • Fixed a bug where players could not always hear Snap the Wolf when accepting the Snap’s Blessing quest.

  • Fixed server crash that likely stemmed from territories abandoned by their governors.

  • Fixed a discrepancy between server, client, and system clock timing in war declaration screen.

  • Fixed an issue where the map was reporting that there was an Upcoming Invasion when there was actually an Upcoming War.


Thanks for your support! We'll see you in Aeternum.

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      New World: Aeternum receives a list of MAJOR patch notes being introduced with Season 7.
      Just 24 hours before the launch of Season 7, the New World: Aeternum community were surprised to see a long list of changes coming to the game, including eight new artifacts, major combat changes, bug fixes, new seasonal events, updated rewards for mutated expeditions, and much, much more.
      These changes will be live with the launch of Season 7 on January 21, 2025.
      Some of the most drastic updates coming to New World: Aeternum can be found below.
      Updates to Outpost Rush:
      Matchmaking now updates your MMR based on personal score instead of just wins/losses Updated OPR shop offerings: Added a new buildable wall for adding cover, the Bulwark Added Regen potion Added Cleansing Elixer Added a 25% scoring bonus for fighting near capture points in Outpost Rush. Updates to Economy & Progression:
      Schematics from the Hive of Gorgon's Raid have had their drop chance increased and more schematics are available. By player request, we have changed the Gorgonite Inductor Raid Crafting Recipes (the recipes using Gorgon Essence) to no longer give equipment with Magnify. Now, the items crafted using these recipes will have a randomly assigned Attribute Perk.  Based on feedback, the way Artifacts are available on the PvP Reward track has been changed. Artifacts are more likely to show up at all levels, and Artifacts are significantly more likely to roll on every level after PvP Track level 50. Added Artifacts from Season 6 Battle pass to the PvP reward track. Some new resources have been added to Raids and Mutated Expeditions to add improved access to max GS gear. By combining Damaged Gorgon's Eyes (a daily limited drop from The Hive of Gorgons and Sandwurm), Mutated Dust (a drop from Mutated Expeditions), and an Azerit Focus (a new crafting material) players can craft an inventory cache for themselves that will grant a few items that can roll up to 725 Gear Score. Health and Regen potions are now more powerful, however they have a shared cooldown and the cooldown has been adjusted to compensate. Spectral Chests in Cutlass Keys now give 45-55 doubloons, up from 14 doubloons. They are also now a source of Goldcursed Coconuts. Fixed an issue causing some Mount Attachments and Charms to not drop as intended. Increased the maximum stack size of Goldcursed Coconuts and Cursed Keys to 10,000 (was 1.). Standardized duration of Winter Convergence item buffs to 40 minutes from 30 minutes. Combat Balancing:
      Self Healing - Increased the self-healing reduction in PvP from 10% to 30%. (does not apply to potions). Combat Sprint Delay - Slightly reduced the duration of the sprint delay when hit from a melee attack for light equip loads (1s to 0.85s), and medium equip loads (0.75s to 0.65s). Adjusted the fuel upgrade for Flourish and Finish. Will now only proc once per tick of rapier's bleed and not increase by stacks or number of targets it is on. But value has been increased from 3.5% to 9%. Added GRIT to light attack start ups when using the 300 CON attribute threshold bonus. Updates to Blunderbuss:
      Increased the spread (inaccuracy) of the Blunderbuss when target locked onto an enemy player. Updates to Bow:
      Fixed an issue where a bow could be fired faster than intended when timing attacks and the Rain of Arrows ability. Fixed an issue where using smartcast with certain bow abilities could cause stuttering. Updates to Fire Staff:
      Fixed an issue where the runes of helios ultimate could trigger without meteor shower being cast. Fixed an issue that caused Meteor Shower duration to be 4 seconds rather than the intended 6 seconds. Reduced the disease of Immolation to 10% incoming and 5% outgoing from 20% and 10% respectfully. Reduced the max stacks of that DoT from 5 to 4, so a max of 20% weapon damage instead of 25%. Updates to Hatchet:
      Increased the cooldown of Defy Death from 60s to 70s. Slightly Reduced homing max move distance from 4 to 3.75. Updates to Life Staff:
      Group or Raid members are now correctly highlighted Red in Group/Raid HUD when out of healing range and Life Staff is equipped. Fixed an issue that let you use certain cancels to increase your light attack rate of fire. Added the ability to remap self targeting on gamepad. When aiming throwable Items while Life Staff is equipped, target locking will now lock onto enemies only, not allies. Updates to Rapier:
      Addressed issue where Rapier had a bit more cooldown reduction than intended. Changed up the Red Curtain Passive to have a brief cooldown after each trigger, and fixed some issues where DoTs could trigger activations of cooldown reduction. Updates to Sword & Shield:
      Modified the sword Final Blow passive functionality to only increase the threat generation while in heavy equip load. Reduced base threat generation of the sword basic attacks but increased the taunt increase that the heavy attacks provide. Updates to Void Gauntlet:
      Updated functionality of Refreshing Precision to have a cooldown per activation instead of doing target limit. For a full list of the season 7 patch notes, click here.
    • By Savvvo
      Take a deep-dive into all the details of the new "always on" PvP server coming to New World: Aeternum.
      The all-new, always-on PvP seasonal world is coming to New World: Aeternum on January 21, 2025 - will you be participating? The team just released additional details of what you can expect to see in these unique seasonal worlds, including some all-new weapons and armor pieces that will have a drastic impact on overall combat.
      During the Season of Conquerors (Season 7), the introduction of new seasonal worlds will be introduced, with the first being PvP-oriented servers. Within these servers, once a player reaches level 15 or selects a faction, they will then be permanently flagged for PvP, allowing any and every other player in their surroundings to attack. 
      The overall thought process behind this first seasonal world is to help encourage an engaging risk vs reward gameplay loop, allowing players to not only craft all-new, extremely powerful weapons and armor, but also allowing them to lose it if they get defeated by another player!
      From character creation, players will be able to craft powerful Ethereal and Conqueror versions of weapons, armor, jewelry, and tools. These items have curated PvP-focused perks, high gear score, low level requirements, and have special perks that allow players to generate Wrathstones from specific activities. Ethereal gear is incredibly cheap to craft but comes with the risk that they are dropped-on-death and will eventually break with enough play.
      Examples of some of the new weapons (and their new perks) being introduced to this seasonal world includes the greatsword and warhammer below:
      Crescent's Wave (Greatsword)
      Crescent Wave - while above 50% health, heavy attacks consume 20 mana to cast a wave projectile forward dealing 150% weapon damage. Refreshing Move - Light and Heavy attacks reduce your active cooldowns by 2.5% (0.2s cooldown). Leeching Crosscut - Heal for 72% of the damage dealt by the final strike of crosscut. Trenchant Strikes - Heavy Melee attacks deal +23% Damage. Yeeterson's Hammer (War Hammer)
      Yeet - +400% push distance, and +30% base damage to all War Hammer knockbacks. Clear out will ignite the first target hit, turning them into a projectile causing 150% weapon damage to all enemies they pass through. Sundering Clear Out - Inflicts 24% Rend for 7s on targets hit with clear out Plagued Strikes - Heavy attacks inflict disease for 8s, decreasing incoming healing by 27%, and outgoing healing by 14%. Refreshing Move - Light and Heavy attacks reduce your active cooldowns by 2.5% (0.2s cooldown)
      In order to support overall progression of characters on this seasonal world, the following changes will be implemented:
      All player XP, weapon mastery, and tradeskill XP gain is increased by 25% on this world. We have created a new resource called Ethereal Dust. This resource can be obtained by refining core resources or by salvaging Ethereal gear. The higher value the resource or item is, the more dust you get. This resource is also the primary way you discover and unlock new Conquerors gear crafting recipes by crafting Ethereal Animus. All Ethereal gear has a level 15 requirement and Conquerors gear has a level 20 requirement to use. That means if you manage to kill and take someone’s gear or you have powerful friends, you can be competitive even at lower levels with the right gear. Ethereal gear is considerably cheap to craft and has a high gearscore at every tier. The crafting cost for ethereal items is half the material cost of the same tier item equivalent. T2 Ethereal items are gearscore 350, T3 are 600, T4 are 700, and T5 are 725. Mount Skill is unlocked automatically at level 15 without having to do the quest. Craft your first mount and special Ethereal mount food at any camp to get riding ASAP. You can also obtain high end mount straps and horseshoes from Ethereal Animus. The Heartrune equip slot is unlocked by default on this server without having to do the quest. You have a chance to earn top tier heartrunes from consuming Ethereal Animus, though you will still need to be level 65 to equip these. When the season ends, players won’t lose their progress. Instead, they can transfer their characters to a pre-existing server of their choice, ensuring the effort invested on Seasonal Worlds carries over.
      The all-new weapons and gear gathered by their characters will be converted to competitive item replacements with perks focused on PvP and gearscore that will have an impact at the tier level of gear. As an example, Conquerors gear will be converted to GS 715 items, while T5 Ethereal gear will convert to 705 GS.
      To learn more about all of these changes, view the video below.
    • By Savvvo
      Season 7 of New World: Aeternum is coming on January 21, which includes their first take on a seasonal world that forces players to be flagged for PvP at all times.
      Prepare yourselves for New World: Aeternum's Season 7, the Season of Conquerors, launching on January 21, 2025. This new season brings the game a handful of updates, new artifacts, a preview of the long-awaited new Outpost Rush match, and most importantly, the first seasonal world - which forces players to be flagged for PvP at all times once they reach level 15.
      Additional information on what's expected to come on January 21 can be found below:
      Seasonal Worlds - A Fresh Start:
      Players flag for PvP starting at Level 15. Discover new resources and gear with powerful perks—but beware, these items drop upon death. At the end of the season, Seasonal Worlds will close, and players can transfer their characters to a permanent world of their choice. New Outpost Rush Map “Coral Divide” Preview Weekend:
      Get a sneak peek at the brand new Outpost Rush map “Coral Divide” during a special preview weekend. A central trench divides the battlefield and houses NPCs. Build bridges to create new pathways, opening up strategic opportunities for your team. M3 Expedition Upgrades:
      Unified Mutations: Use one gear loadout across all M3 mutated expeditions. Activity Finder Integration: Matchmake for M3 Expeditions seamlessly. Upgraded Rewards: Conquer challenges and collect better loot than ever before. Bug fixes for Expeditions include:
      Resolved AI movement issues (e.g., Wind Chill interaction with Nereid). Fixed targeting issues for the Void Destroyer in Tempest Heart. Improved mechanics and enemy interactions across all expeditions.
      Artifacts: Collect Powerful New Weapons and Gear
      Void Gauntlet: Fracture - Heal 100% more health and deal 50% more damage with Essence Rupture. Unlock by defeating Tribunal Ice Mammoth, Ipomoea, and 20 Frozen Varangians in the Glacial Tarn. Life Staff: Heceta - Grant -30% damage absorption with Light Touch after casting a Life Staff ability. Complete the Heceta Canyon Questline to unlock. Ice Gauntlet: Otzi - Inflict Frostburn by breaking Entomb, slowing enemies and dealing damage over time. Found in Icewood Caverns by defeating Frostbound Howler. Fire Staff: Burnatator - Sacrifice damage for increased burn effects (15% over 5 seconds). Collect Ember Flames in Scorched Dunes. Bow: Aconite - Deal 15% more damage to poisoned enemies. Unlock via the Venom Questline in Jungle Wilds. Rapier: Dorgort’s Blade - Apply stacking burn effects with heavy melee attacks. Defeat Dorgort in the Volcanic Lair to earn Lava Tip. Earring: Justice - Automatically recharge healing potions after 20 hits (90-second cooldown). Complete the Alchemist Trials in the Forbidden Labs. Musket: Shrapnel - Cause enemies to bleed on headshots. Earn by defeating the War Machine Captain in Ashen Barracks. To learn more about all the other upcoming changes coming to Season 7 of New World: Aeternum, visit their official news page here.
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