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    • By Madshot789
      Children - Zul'jin - Horde - 3 nights/week (9 hours) - Hardcore
      Vault of the Incarnates - M 8/8 (Cutting Edge)
      Sepulcher of the First Ones - M 11/11 (Cutting Edge)
      Apply here!

      Raid Schedule:
      Tuesday - 8:00 PM EST - 11:00 PM EST
      Wednesday - 8:00 PM EST - 11:00 PM EST
      Thursday - 8:00 PM EST - 11:00 PM EST
      We add a Monday raid to the first week of each raid tier.
      Holidays will be rescheduled.
      Current Recruitment Needs:
      High Priority:
      • Enhancement Shaman
      • DPS Death Knight
      Medium Priority:
      • Rogue
      Low Priority:
      • Healers
      All classes will be considered even if not listed in this post.
      Server Information:
      Chicago Datacenter
      Eastern Realm Time
      Battle.net: Madness (Madness#12309) / Discord: Madness (Madness#5716)
      About Us:
      Children is a guild founded at the start of Shadowlands, we accomplished CE in all three raid tiers during the expansion, also obtaining CE in Vault. We are looking to continue this pattern for the rest of Dragonflight, and are looking to pick up new members to join us. We look forward to hearing from you.
    • By VeeImperium
      Stormrage [A] - 3/7 Mythic - 7/7 Heroic - FRI & MON - 9pm-12am EST
      Imperium, a progressive and well-respected raiding guild. Seeking like-minded individuals to join our team.  We provide good guild culture, consistent loot distribution, laid-back leadership, like-minded, courteous, kind, and polite people.
      Our team has been playing together for 8 years. We have always maintained a strong progressive raid team in 10 and 25 mans with a very minimal raid schedule. When considering new members, we seek individuals who have excellent communication skills, a high level of maturity, and a manner of adult professionalism.

      Raid Info
      Friday & Monday 9:00pm - 12:00am EST
      Emerald Nightmare - 3/7 Mythic - 7/7 Heroic
      What to expect from us...
      - Raids that start and end on time.
      - A community of in-game support and socializing, Veteran players, 980+ Characters, 580+ Active Accounts, 650+ Level 100s.
      - Opportunity to be part of our weekly raid sales group
      - Fair and consistent leadership that only accepts quality players, and understands mistakes can happen.
      - A friendly and competitive dps environment, with frequent 95%+ parses
      - An opportunity to see all the content WoW has to offer.
      - Raid Consumables, and Enchantments provided.
      - Adult atmosphere, average age 25.
      - We DO NOT recruit for bench positions.

      What we expect from you...
      - Desire to be part of a team. This includes being on Mumble and taking an interest in the guilds objectives, upholding its principles and helping to secure its longevity.
      - Great verbal communication during raid.
      - Good attitude and mutual respect towards fellow guild and raid team members.
      - High to perfect raid attendance.
      - Perseverance. Wiping is part of the game, and staying motivated and positive is a must.
      - Know your class and all of its abilities. Have a viable off spec for the team.
      - Be active and contribute to the guild forums.

      Currently Recruiting:
      1 Ranged DPS: Hunter, Warlock or Shadow Priest
      1 Healer: Holy Priest, Holy Paladin or Resto Shaman
      Exceptional players are always considered.

      Visit ImperiumGuild.ca to apply or to learn more about us.
    • By Hurriquake
      Hello I understand many people need help with this class I am the person you can ask questions to. I can give pve and pvp guides depending on what type of person you are. I can also help with recommended gear and can even have conversations in game and give you lessons and pointers on how to improve your performance as an enhancement shaman. Feel free to contact me and will respond in the next 12 hours my btag is Bambikill101#1822.
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