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By Idzuna
I use Icy-Veins a lot when learning a new class and I am super lazy so I made a rotation helper profile for each class in TellMeWhen using the guides provided here.
They can tell when you are in an AoE situation (melee and ranged) and will also not suggest abilities you have not yet unlocked.
I have also tried to keep them as minimal as possible so you can modify them as you wish by adding/removing components
Let me know what you think
By Archimage
In case you haven't seen, there is an addon called AzeritePowerWeights that shows you which azerite traits are best.
Bloodmallet, a website containing DPS simulations for azerite traits, has also added a button to export the weights for the addon.
By Pain
Hello guys i would like to share my weakauras for each healing class, hope you like it ?
Any feedback is appreciated
New to Weakauras ?
You can download it here :
Click the link of the weakaura you want which you can find down below (Import string) On the webpage links you can find a copy string button on the right, colored red.
Like this : When ingame type /wa to open the control panel of weakaura. Select "import" Paste the string from the wago webpage into this. A screen will pop-up and select the import button on it. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Update Log
17-06-18 : Pre-pared all healing tools for patch 8.0 will upload them when patch releases!
20-06-18 : Uploaded the 8.0 release (still in beta will finalize them when patch is live)
23-07-18 : Shaman healing tool had some small tweaks and improvements
Summary :
Shaman Druid Paladin Priest Monk ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Resto Shaman - Healing Tool
Import string : ←
What's making sound :
Riptide - off cooldown
Healing rain - off cooldown
Resto Shaman - Usable cooldowns
Import string : ←
Druid - Healing Tool
Import string : ←
What's making sound :
Life-Bloom - when its about to expire from target
Paladin - Healing tool
Import string : ←
What's making sound :
Holyshock - off cooldown
Paladin - Usable cooldowns
Import string : ←
Paladin - Light of Dawn info *additional*
Import string : ←
Holy Priest - Healing Tool
Import string : ←
Holy Priest - Trail of light Talent Tracker *Additional*
Import string : ←
Disc Priest - Healing Tool
Import string : ←
Mistweaver Monk - Healing Tool
Import string : ←
What's making sound :
Renewing Mist - off cooldown
By knight85
Title says it all.
i saw a user on youtube using an addon a while back. the addon seemed to show the locations of rare enemies on the world map with a skull icon.
has anybody heard of it? or any sort of addon that shows rare locations on the map?
By Dathcha
Hey everyone - I'm coming back to WOW after a 3 year break and I'm leveling a mage (fire lvl 33) - something I wanted to do before leaving. I have read the articles on the addon but is that it? I'm curious what addons do you use for leveling, mobs, dungeons, etc...