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Vuhdo HoT Icon issue.

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First off, I'd like to set a disclaimer saying that I do understand that Vuhdo is no longer being actively developed. If this is a bug/problem that was intended to be fixed but the developer never got around to it... well, I suppose I'm just gonna have to adjust. I'd also like to say that I'm only even posting this because I couldn't for the life of me find anyone with a similar problem.


Anyways, I've noticed a rather annoying problem with my HoT icons - they're only showing on certain panels. Usually for the first group or so, the icons show up just fine. I can see the remaining duration, the stacks, et cetera perfectly. However, when I start throwing up my hots and whatnot on people farther down the healing frame... well, they just don't show up. The icons just flat out don't appear.


Does anyone have any insight on this? It's actually not terribly problematic, I'm just trying to be a little more mana efficient in my healing, and a big step in the right direction would be not refreshing rejuvs that I cast 5 seconds ago. Any ideas at all would be appreciated, and thank you for your time. ^^

Edited by MashTactics

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What HoT icons are you using? I use Vuhdo and track my Eternal Flame HoT's with a dog on the upper right hand corner. It always shows up when I use it on any of my 5x5 (25 man) raid frames.


I also track my Mastery bubbles with a bar that shows up on the top (adjacent to the mana bar on everyone's raid frame) and it too shows up every time.


If you can give the exact setting, we can test this and help come up with a solution.

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Currently I use HoT Icons for Rejuvenation, Wild Growth, and Lifebloom. I use the original icons setting. I use the default arrangement (1 on the far left, 3 on the far right, 2 and 6 on top from left to right, 5 and 4 on bottom from left to right.) ANd have Lifebloom on 1, Wildgrowth on 3, and Rejuvenation on 6.


If there's a particular screenshot I could take of a certain options panel within Vuhdo, I'd be happy to post one to make this a little easier on everyone.

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This is actually strange. It seems to be doing it less frequently now. I DID just start using Vuhdo again on my druid, so there's a pretty real chance that it just needed time to adjust to my UI or something.


In any case, it seems to be getting better for now, but I'll bump the thread if it becomes a problem again later. Thanks for the help anyways!

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