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New Holy Pally Healer LF Advice

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I am new to The holy paladin, and I was wondering if someone could help me with the stat weights. 


Here is my Armory Link:http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/feathermoon/Astanovidatu/simple



According to Mrrobot,


There's a Mastery Build where it's Spirit>Mastery>Haste>Crit.

A  Burst healing  build : Spirit>Haste>Mastery>Crit

and then a "Highest Output" build, Spirit>Crit>Mastery> Haste


But none of them seem to work for me, If I go Mastery or highest output my heals take forever to go off and heal and I am always healer 5 or 6 on the list in 25 man Lfr, unless people are stacked constantly  and I get off a large number of Light of Dawn hits. 


If I go for the burst healing, my hps is a litlte bit higher, but my healing goes down. 

I had thought that the mastery build was a "compromise of both other builds" like it says, but my heals are still really slow and not large enough to justify giving up the haste, but the haste build leaves me with small and fast enough heals that they are inadequate, I feel like I am just throwing out a priests renew and nothing else with little "ping" heals. 



I know a bit of the problem is that my gear needs a lot of upgrades, I have a few 496 pcs still, no set bonuses and my trinkets are horrenduous for doing Siege of Org raiding so there is that. But, I have tried each of the mr robot builds and the results are underwhelming, I have also tried swapping a couple spirit gems for haste gems  or mastery reforges for crit or haste  etc, and nothing is giving the desired results. 


While I would love to be the top healer since my spells aren't all channeled or very long cast like certain shaman or mistweaver skills, I am realistic enough to know that isn't possible at least for some time. However I would like to maybe be healer #2 or 3 instead of 5-7, 


Currently the only time I get healer #2 spot or above is when (as mentioned) I get a lot of Light of Dawn casts off or something (like in the Sha fight)


I have tried different talent points, depending on the fight, 


Alternating between Hammer of Light or Holy Prism, and while I noticed that a lot of people on here mention Holy prism being superior during fights such as spoils or protectors since people are too scattered and too much moving around etc, 


But it really hasn't been a Boon to me at all.  Neither one of them really makes my Healing go up, but Holy prism does seem to make my heals go down more often than not. 


So is there a thread here for H-Pallies  like the one for Mistweavers where someone breaks down what stat weights to change and to what values? https://www.icy-veins.com/forums/topic/2768-how-to-ask-for-help-with-your-mistweaver-monk/


This was extremely helpful for my Monk, and while I still have issues with certain fights, it isn't every single fight, every single attempt. I have had a marked improvement where I was struggling to get 30-40k hps, and now I can pull 70-140k or more . 


I can get a log from the 2 remaining wings of SoO I need to complete for a more in depth look , but I am interested to know if someone can offer a more helpful stat weight break down or other suggestions



As far as my rotation (other than the swap between Hammer of light and Holy prism)


I Beacon a tank, I position myself as much as possible behind or in the middle of groups of people for the Light of Dawn, I generate all my charges more or less through Holy Radiance, and then depending on where the dmg is going in the raid I direct my Holy Shock to either a ranged player in need or a Melee player in need of healing  for the Daybreak bonus to the heals, and I fill in for low damage with Holy Light, and during large incoming damage I use Divine Light or Flash of light when things go bad, I also try (and don't always remember yet) to use Sacrifice with the glyph to help a tank or player who stands in fire...


Thank you in Advance, 



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Are you precasting to meet damage as soon as it goes out? In SoO at least, a large part of healing is not reactionary. It seems as lot of healers struggling with cast times aren't doing that.

Edited by AMonkeyCourier

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Hey! I'd like to first start this discussion with an understanding of how healing as a Holy Paladin works. Hopefully this will help with the understanding of the class play, answer some questions and also spark dialogue.


First off there are 3 'basic builds' you can go with. Mastery, Haste or Intellect. (There are arguably more, I understand that)

  • Mastery: This is our bubble healing. It's the absorbs we put on our teammates to help minimize/absorb/prevent damage from being put out. Mastery is applied as a % of the healing taken by your teammate of a spell such as Holy Light, Divine Light, Holy Radiance and Light of Dawn to name a few. 
  • Haste: This is how fast we can cast our spells and how many times our Eternal Flame talent will tick for. This is more of a reactive style of play. After damage is taken and your teammates are below 100%, you can use the passive haste to cast your desired spell quicker and shortens the global cooldown of your abilities. 
  • Intellect: This is increases our spell power enabling our heals to do more. That said, it also increases the amount of mastery done as well. This is more of a hybrid build and Intellect is 'usually' our #1 stat priority because of this.

Now that we have gotten this out of the way, it's really up to your playstyle to see where you want to go. Also note that spirit will take a huge factor in deciding which route to take. Are you one to always spam spells? Maybe Mastery/Spirit is your best option since you'll be constantly building bubbles on everyone and the spirit will help with mana regen. Are you more reactive and wait until damage is taken? Then maybe a Intellect/Haste option would better suite your needs. This way you can react quicker and give a nice burst of healing back to your teammates.


After you decide which feels comfortable, we can exchange ideas on what spells and talents to use! 


I hope this helps!

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First thing, decide if you want to be a Selfless Healer or Eternal Flame Paladin. Your current spec is Eternal Flame, so I'll start there.

Drop Divine Purpose for Holy Avenger. With Holy Avenger you can have 3HP EF on 6-10 people every few minutes. DP is a waste because you can get 4 procs during downtime and none during high damage phases.

As EF I suggest hitting either 3506 or 7170 haste rating and then stacking mastery as high as you can. Reforge out of crit and reforge your haste down to your desired break point. Keep all the spirit you have until you break 16k then you can start looking at dropping some.

If you are in EF spec don't cast Light of Dawn. You can hit max targets and a 3HP EF will still average more throughput in general.

Pop your cooldowns! You have them to use them, so don't sit on them. In most groups at your ilvl you can pop at the beginning and get your hots rolling and still have CDs up for the next big damage phase. He big exception here is Juggernaut because it is on a short timer.

Use your CDs All at once, or use HA solo and hen AW+DF+GoAK. Don't stagger them.

Use Divine Plea when you have less than 80% mana and then on CD after. You should never let yourself sit on full manager, cast spells.

If you go Selfless Healer, your rotation is Judgment, Radiance, Shock, Light of Dawn, repeat.

In Selfless Healer you absolutely take Holy Avenger, and while it is up your rotation is Judgment, LOD, Shock, LOD, Judgment, LOD, Shock, LOD, etc. You can use your radiance also at 2 or 3 stacks during this time.

For Selfless Healer spec, the spirit sweet spot is about 9-11k depending on your gear level. Put EVERYTHING in mastery, including 320 mastery gems. Reforge every piece you have to mastery and just hit the 3506 breakpoint for haste if you can.

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I'd actually argue against a few of your comments but the biggest one is stacking CD's. This is poor advice for any player especially someone just starting to play their Holy Paladin. Stacking CD's will cause so much overhealing, then you'll have no CD's for a full 2 min (and that's just the short CD's) screwing yourself over for potential spike damage in which case you'll burn your mana and shooting yourself in the foot again.


I'd also argue against your Selfless Healer rotation during Holy Avenger. While it is a solid rotation to conserve mana, it doesn't give the highest throughput. You should also try to avoid the word 'rotation' as a healer. I will say it at times but have a disclaimer stating that healing is very dynamic and constantly needing to adjust to different situations.

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Why would anyone ever pop all their CD's at once when you're actually learning to heal....  Thats one way to get kicked out for horrible healing.


Sure you're gonna burst hard at the start, but you're gonna taper behind SO HARD and not be able to heal anything until they come back up 3m later.  


Never pop all your CD's all at once unless the content you're doing does not matter and your raid can handle the encounters with you healing less.


Our holy paladin pops all of his at the start of Malkorok, and thats the only fight I know he does that on and its only to try to push higher rankings.  Otherwise, if our raid wasnt good enough to not need the extra healing and it lasted longer than 3.5m, we would never kill the encounter

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For malkorok you pop at the beginning to build shields, and then your CDs are back up when the miasma comes out the second time to build them up again.

HA is a 2 minute CD that lasts 18s and your EF ticks for 30. By the time your EFs wear down, and you should be able to refresh/add a couple more in that period, its CD is down around a minute. If you pop everything at once the above still applies, AND you increase the mastery shields that you're putting on everyone and Radiance/Daybreak can keep those refreshed for full effect. So yes, pop your CDs. Pop them together.

Selfless Healer very much IS a rotation. Judgment makes Radiance cost less, cast faster, and heal for more. Radiance makes Holy Shock splash AOE. More throughput by casting more Radiance or using FoL on the beacon can't be sustained at his gear level but will be more appropriate later.

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Okay so the problem you have is that you see healing as "AMG NUMBERS IM THE BEST AT THIS GAME" which is just about the worst way to heal if you're not doing Thok or Malk.


Firstly, the difference between your method of spamming literally everything and using them spread out is very minimal. You gain 3M over the course of a fight and thus you're gaining 5k HPS by doing it your way. However, you're also unable to do anything important for a huge portion of the fight. Congrats on padding the meters IF all your healing is not overhealing, but most of it will be, and thus your method is flawed.


You're wasting your CDs for a large burst of healing that is almost never going to be needed, and you're putting yourself in a position that makes you useless if something bad happens. This is not the way a healer should play, you're better off going DPS and pushing out your numbers there. Healing isn't a numbers game, its a keep everyone alive by being there when they need you game.

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If anything this is the opposite of what you're saying, further proving you wrong.


The first link you mentioned was specifically talking about Thok with SH and HA.  So in this case he is not even considering the other buffs whatsoever.  On top of that, we're talking about Thok.  Your CD's are going to be used relatively close together on that fight becuase there is CONSTANT damage.  Again, there is no mention to pop all your CD's at once and if you did that on heroic Thok you would not be able to do any healing at all at the end of phase 1 when it really matters.



The second link, shows what the different combinations of buffs do and how much healing they can do.  There is NOTHING in that post that says that you should use all of your CD's all at once.


To quote something very important that he stated

But total HPS is not why we have CD’s.  We have CD’s to deal with emergencies or scripted parts of a boss fight.  So what makes this helpful is you can look and see how the buffs complement each other and how much of an output each provides.


If you want to increase your total HPS in a small time frame, yea popping more CD's will do that for you.  Especially on a fight like Malkorok where the healing doesn't count as overhealing.  Yet the problem still is, its empty healing that doesn't mean anything.


The next thing I get from this post is that pairing CD's 2 at a time is probably the most optimal.  Takeing the Thok example from the last post, it makes the most sense to pair DF with HA because it reduces the cast time of your HoPo gen spells (HR/FoL) for more HoPo.  Using these two CD's together as a single cooldown makes sense to deal with some constant burst damage.


Again, Popping ALL of your CD's together at the same time at the start of the fight may seem to be the right way because of how much HPS you will be doing, but you are not helping your raid out by doing it.



The best way to use your CD's is in pairs or spaced apart (even if they overlap the ends of each other.  Use the CD's to the damage going out.  


Lastly, if your on farm.  this discussion is really moot and you're going to be healing completely differently to try to rank (which could involve popping every single CD at once)

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@Fouton, while I can agree healing isn't a numbers game, but healers still compete with each other on fights to keep it interesting.  The problem arises when you're sacrificing your raids health because you dont have proper management.  On top of, if you're spamming CDs on progression, you're not even gonna be able to keep up regardless because you wont have the CD's for the high damage phases.



So even when you're trying to get big numbers to compete with the other healers, you still need to be smart at when you should use your CD's and try to maximize their use and effective healing.  Its extremely fun to be able to beat someone on a first kill when every single other attempt they were miles ahead.

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Oh yeah, I definitely agree that if its farm you can pretty much do what you want so long as your ready to heal the other people who are doing the same silly stuff, but on progression it's almost suicide

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It really depends how competitive and comfortable you are with your healing team the be able to do it on progression.  Knowing how they heal helps the raid as a whole and helps your numbers. =P

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Selfless Healer very much IS a rotation. Judgment makes Radiance cost less, cast faster, and heal for more. Radiance makes Holy Shock splash AOE. More throughput by casting more Radiance or using FoL on the beacon can't be sustained at his gear level but will be more appropriate later.

I understand very well how Selfless Healer works and the procs that arise from using certain spells. I really wanted to make a point that using the term 'rotation' in healing is very misleading since healing is the opposite of dps'ing. As a DPS you are trying to take the boss from 100% HP to 0% HP. There is no such thing as 'overdps'ing' (yes, this can be argued on rare occasions). Damage against the raid is like a wave on an ocean, it comes and it goes. It can be calm one moment and spike the next. People can avoid the fire, or they can stand in it. All of this needs to be taken into account when managing your CD's.


But this is besides the point, let me go back to Selfless Healer. I only stated that I believe your rotation during Holy Avenger is wrong. Rotating Judgment and Holy Shock between LOD's will leave a 2 second window of doing nothing. Judgment and Holy Shock are both on a 6 second CD. With your above rotation, what do you plan on using to fill the 2 seconds in your rotation? 


The point I really want to illustrate is this cookie cutter style of play you are trying to teach. Maybe on paper your method can be great and give high HPS, but healing isn't about that. When helping players understand the fundamentals, they need to look at what needs to be done to accomplish their goal as a healer, to keep people alive.

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For malkorok you pop at the beginning to build shields, and then your CDs are back up when the miasma comes out the second time to build them up again.

HA is a 2 minute CD that lasts 18s and your EF ticks for 30. By the time your EFs wear down, and you should be able to refresh/add a couple more in that period, its CD is down around a minute. If you pop everything at once the above still applies, AND you increase the mastery shields that you're putting on everyone and Radiance/Daybreak can keep those refreshed for full effect. So yes, pop your CDs. Pop them together.

Selfless Healer very much IS a rotation. Judgment makes Radiance cost less, cast faster, and heal for more. Radiance makes Holy Shock splash AOE. More throughput by casting more Radiance or using FoL on the beacon can't be sustained at his gear level but will be more appropriate later.

I didn't even read this...

First of all, don't be saying malkorok specifically. Because as I stated before the only reason you're gonna pop them all together is to try to pad meters and rank.

Second, even if you did this, IT'S USELESS HEALING. youre just as easily going to get the shields up over the course of the fight before the first puddles. Plus, a revival, tranq, healing tide totem will top shields off more efficiently than you can.

Plain and simple, if you pop all your CDs together at the same time at the start, you're effectively gimping your raid during progression.

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This link may be helpful: https://www.icy-veins.com/forums/topic/6164-holy-pally-preparing-for-heroics-needs-help/.  Geoda gives me some great advice on how to manage cooldowns and become a better pally healer.


I'm newer to be a holy pally and raider, but I'll share some things that have helped me.


1.  I would pick SH build and prioritize mastery>haste>crit>spirit.  This is the Tony Gwynn of pally healing.  It's not flashy, not novel, and won't top the HPS charts.  However, it offers consistent reliable throughput that is mana efficient and smooths damage spikes with absorbs.  I can spam this build from opening to kill and be very close to 0 mana on most fights


2.  You want to end each fight at 0 mana.  This one concept has revolutionized my gearing and play style.  This freed me from fear of running oom.  For a training exercise, try to run oom by healing as long and hard as you can (use some common sense; don't just spam flash of light).  I found that my mana lasted much longer than i thought.  If you are having trouble with your throughput, this is all the more reason to change spirit.  I did some rough math, and going reducing spirit by 3k reduced my combat regen by 1.6k per 5 seconds.  This results in enough mana for only one Holy Light per minute!


3.  Regem and/or reforge.  This is an expansion of point 2.  I would recommend reforging some gear then testing it.  If you like the results you can take the more costly route of regemming.  If it doesn't work, you can always go back.  Also, I would not recommend reforging mastery/haste into mastery/haste.  This may come from the high prioritization of spirt.  I would reforge out of spirit and into mastery, haste to 1st breakpoint, and then crit.  The reason I don't mind crit as much is i still have people standing in fire, and I think I can more life saving potential from a big crit than a small decrease in my gcd.  I know Geoda prioritizes haste b/c his crit results in overheal.  If you're in lfr, you don't have to worry about overhealing.


4.  You can't out heal dps doing dumb things.  For another experiment, have a tank friend stand in void zones on Immerseus and see how long you can keep him up.  Not long.  I actually found flex easier to heal than lfr when I made that transition.  Dps can make or break you be either minimizing or maximizing avoidable damage.


5.  Being gear capped and skill capped are different.  Compare my raw healing in these 2 logs: http://www.worldoflogs.com/reports/rt-rq93qsfrulcn5n4d/sum/healingDone/ and http://www.worldoflogs.com/reports/rt-y9647uuhboo64295/sum/healingDone/.  In 2 months I gained about 15 ilvls.  I did learn how to use my cooldowns and other small techniques, but I was 85%-90% same skill.  Year gear can only get so far.  A bad ilvl 550 will still outheal you if he can remain conscious.  By all means strive to improve, but realize your gear may be capping you.


I hope this is a good start for you.

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I want to thank ppl for all their replies, and to give a little follow up. 


From the few weeks I have been testing different gems and reforge combinations I have noticed a couple of things,  I don't go OOM... like ever, I have never seen my mana bar go below 75% even come to think of it except for once.


The mana isn't a concern for me.  It's really my spellpower, haste and strength of abilities. 

I do use some reactionary healing, like if someone gets caught in a cleave or pounded by Rook I throw out a few heals on them to get their health back up sure, but normally I am in a state of constant healing even when people are full health, I do that so that my heals are constantly cycling across players to keep that shield up on them. I understand that the more I heal people the more of a shield I give them or refresh on them, kind of like a blood DK's Shields. So even when people are full health I am still throwing out Holy Radiance on them or something just to keep heals going. 


The reason I use Light of Dawn is because it is a fairly reliable, instant cast direct heal  and a lot of fights seem to be people stacking up (at least in theory) so like during protectors fight, when everyone is gathered up during Dark Meditation I throw out the Hammer of light and Light of dawn to keep everyone healed. 


I don't have a lot of AoE heals like other classes might, So I try to use Light of Dawn whenever it will actually hit more than 2 or 3 people. 


I really like Eternal Flame personally so I am happy with that skill, and I always try to use it at 3 Holy power, (though I do screw up and occasionally fire it off with 1 holy power,)  I try to keep Eternal Flame up on as many targets as possible as well, if I have 3 holy power and am not using another heal I HoT someone up with it, and whenever my proc comes up that I can Light of Dawn or Eternal flame  something for free with a 3HP strength, I do that too.  I mean I am literally casting something every 1-2 seconds, I don't have a lot of things like statues or totems or Mushrooms to do a larger chunk of my healing so I am constantly doing it all myself. 



I want enough mastery that my heals don't feel like a trickle of water, but I want enough haste and crit so that it doesn't take me so long to heal someone that they die before I am half way through. 


While I do realize that recount/skada charts are largely unimportant if everyone is actually surviving, because living means you are doing your job as a healer, but seeing your name consistently on the bottom of a chart is disheartening and since other people only go by #'s instead of what actually matters, you get a lot of people shouting to kick the player with the lowest number. I hate being in a situation where that's me more often than not. 


So I need More haste, and more crit  so my heals stop taking forever and when they do hit, they hit really hard. But counterbalanced with Mastery enough that I can feel like a disc priest. 


None of the Mr robot builds are working for me, and I have tried a variety of reforges via Mr robot and things like reforge lite, and none of them are giving me strong enough heals to justify slow casting, or fast enough heals to justify them being weaker. 


Does anyone have any other ideas on stat weights? I am going to try the 7k mark I think, when I did the 10k mark everything it told me to gem was quick suns radiance and that puts me at all haste and no spellpower almost which is totally unacceptable. 

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Let's first try to get some logs on your fights. Looking at the parse will help us really narrow down what may giving you the sense of weak healing.


I'd also like to make a point that stood out earlier that I ignored, but was mentioned again and now is kind of bugging me. :X You say that you use Light of Dawn when people are grouped up. Be mindful that this isn't a spell where people need to be stacked. It has a 30 yd radius! You can literally run around like a chicken with your head cut off and cast Light of Dawn and have a great chance of hitting the max of 6 people. 


I'd also like you to realize that your AoE healing will heal a lot less than your single target heals. The reason why they give higher HPS is because it's hitting multiple people. So if you think your heals are weak.. well, they might actually be since they heal for like 60% less than single target heals.

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I'm going to focus on the stats.


You said you don't go below 75% mana or ever run oom.  That's bad.  Seriously.  All that spirit could be moved to another stat.  I found my reason for not wanting to oom was the getting blamed for a wipe by the raid.  That fear kept me from reprioritizing, and that held back my capacity.  When you end a fight with 50% mana, that is unused potential.


You can't have all 3 secondary stats at max level.  You only have so much reforging and gemming.  You can' have high crit, haste, and mastery.  Mastery is usually chosen b/c it increases healing by placing more absorbs on targets.  This proactive style helps keep people at higher health levels.  Crit is inconsistent, so trying to rely on it to proc when someone is dying can leave you high and dry.  I would suggest being liberal with flash of light.  It's only drawback is mana cost, but it sounds like you don't have mana issues.  Haste is a good stat, but at your gear level, it's mainly there to get you to a breakpoint for EF. Haste is nice, but it's not gong to take your global cooldown from 1.5 to 1 sec. To me, mastery gives me a passive boost to proactive healing, haste isn't that important after breakpoints, and crit is better than spirit.  That's why I focus on mastery, haste to breakpoint, then crit.


I've never used mr. robot.  Krazy has a great article on it.  I use the stat priority and just manually do it.  This is my opinion, but don't let the stat weights blind you to a good solid build.  If your build and mine is less than 5% between stats, I doubt there would be big throughput difference.  I know Krazy and Geoda are huge min-max'ers.  I do my best, but I'm not worried about about being over hit cap by 100 (on my ret set) or not having everything perfect.  Then again, I only have one heroic boss down.

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Let's first try to get some logs on your fights. Looking at the parse will help us really narrow down what may giving you the sense of weak healing.


I'd also like to make a point that stood out earlier that I ignored, but was mentioned again and now is kind of bugging me. :X You say that you use Light of Dawn when people are grouped up. Be mindful that this isn't a spell where people need to be stacked. It has a 30 yd radius! You can literally run around like a chicken with your head cut off and cast Light of Dawn and have a great chance of hitting the max of 6 people. 


I'd also like you to realize that your AoE healing will heal a lot less than your single target heals. The reason why they give higher HPS is because it's hitting multiple people. So if you think your heals are weak.. well, they might actually be since they heal for like 60% less than single target heals.


Thank you Geo,  I hadn't really thought about that with Light of Dawn, I know it said 30 yards, but  I think out of habit I wanted to make sure I was grouped up with people as much as possible when using it, I was thinking of it in terms of a lot of other aoe where if people aren't essentially standing on your toes, you don't heal them. 


I think I am just struggling to find my balance between overall heals, and Hps, because even if ppl live through the encounters, I get really discouraged by being bottom of the healing lists all the time. So I was hoping if I could throw in some more haste or something I could find a better balance, I don't want to water my heals down but I don't want them to take 2+ sec for every cast of anything other than flash of light. 


Is there an Ideal point for my mastery? I think mine is only at about 16%, maybe thats why my heals are really off too. 

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If you're at 16% Mastery, I'm going to tell you now that's too low. I'm upwards of 60% buffed. I'd take Khror's recommendation and try to start going oom on encounters. Any mana you're left with at the end of a fight is wasted and could have been used on some sort of healing whether it's overhealing or not, at least you're using it up. 


Think of your mana like a tank of gas during a NASCAR race. There's no need to refuel with 2 laps to go and finish the race with a full tank. Likewise, you don't want to run out of fuel before the race is over. You want to try to get as close to empty as possible.


I believe once you take this approach, you'll realize what spells you really start liking (and understanding) and then you can gear your stats towards that direction. 


Again, try to get some logs so we can start digging deeper into what your style looks like right now.

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Not that this is the best, but I wrote an article to help some healers on my team who felt the same way about meters: http://perfectstorm.enjin.com/forum/m/1102518/viewthread/13914343-healing-team.  Don't let meters be your guide.  Check some of Geoda's logs and see if your spell selection and frequency is similar.  Also, would recommed reforging most of your spirit into mastery if possible.  Run a raid and see if it helps.  But again, don't lose sight that healing is a team effort.  We are the offensive line of WoW.  You have to be a team player.  I know it can frustrating when DPS post logs and you feel on the short end.  But remember, the point of logs for healer is much different than DPS.  I hope this helps.

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Use your CDs All at once, or use HA solo and hen AW+DF+GoAK. Don't stagger them.


No, sir!




Edit: Just realized that Nubstep already linked this ... but hey, it's worth to be linked more than once wink.png


Edit#2: Here's the interesting part of the blog post:


But total HPS is not why we have CD’s.  We have CD’s to deal with emergencies or scripted parts of a boss fight.

Edited by LobbyBoy
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Oh boy, what's the matter with me ...

Krazyito quoted the very same part of the blog and i didn't realize that as well mellow.png

Sorry for the doublings - seems that my brain is still on vacation.

Edited by LobbyBoy

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