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[Archived] Brewmaster Monk 5.4

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Guest Yamq

I tried to make my self more comfortable using your guide ( using the glyphs you suggested and the talents) altrought i could not get over the fact that i have a different play style. The most important abilities i use are : clash, guard, keg smash and fire breath (And jab of course). So i was wondering to ask, is it ok if i take glyphs of fire breath and clash instead of the ones used for healing spheres?

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So I've read Sunnier's blog and understand where she's coming from with Mastery being the best stat for damage smoothing, but from what I can tell using Simcraft, until a fairly high ilvl (mine being 540, definitely above that), STA + Haste is much better for smoothing than Mastery or STA + Mastery if you weight by the TMI (http://www.sacredduty.net/2014/03/13/crowdsourcing-tmi/).

Actually got the following Pawn string: ( Pawn: v1: "Ruìnà": Agility=0.15, Stamina=0.28, ExpertiseRating=0.04, HitRating=0.04, CritRating=0.10, HasteRating=0.20, MasteryRating=0.12, Armor=0.16 )

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I would not recommend stam at all unless you are SEVERELY undergeared for the content you are doing.


Haste scales better with ascension as your ilvl gets higher making haste a good choice.


It comes down to what you value more in terms of your contributions to the boss fight.


You could stack mastery and stam and have a very smooth damage intake with a massive health pool and a massive effective health pool but, your damage output would be less, raid guards would be less and you may be chunky in heavy magic or non dodged/parried attacks but because of the mastery you would not be 1 shot.

Or you could just get enough mastery that it acts as a small buffer after stagger and then dump the rest into crit and haste. This will give more raid guards, more dps, more EB and provide more for the raid as a team.


So as for simcraft and Brewmasters yes damage reduction wise mastery is probably the "safer" option but damage reduction/mitigation is not the only role of a tank in its current state.

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