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Quick Enhancement Question

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Hello! happy.png


I've been using AS for a while now, but I've heard using EM with the Assurance of Consequence trinket is actually better overall. However, I only have the Flexible version, therefore it only lowers my Fire Elemental down to a 1.85 minute cooldown. If I am supposed to macro/save EM for my Fire Elemental, thus wasting .35 minute uptime on it, is it still worth using before I get a better AoC?


Thanks for any replies! :3

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Yes. EM all the way, and spec into PE as well.


I'm delaying till 2 minutes on the second round (with my hc trinket), and it's a dps gain. Enhancement is a lot about stacking CDs, so stacking potion+trinket+lifeblood+EM (sadly no zerking because it went to the first round) to pump up FireEle+Ascendance is worth it.

Rest of the rounds I use fire ele on cd. Delaying might be better, but at that point you're getting close to missing a fire ele which is probably a dps loss.

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With Primal Elementalist and a reasonable amount of Haste, your Fire Elemental will do a truly staggering amount of damage.  Glyph it, delay EM to stack with it, and enjoy the ludicrous burst damage.  If you're skeptical, give it a try and see for yourself!


Any AoC is sufficient for this, the better versions only shave you a few seconds each.  Mind you, that's still a major increase, but the biggest jump is from "not AoC" to "AoC".  I'd only suggest dropping the AoC if your other trinkets are considerably higher ilvl.  (Warforged vs flex, for example.)

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Yeah, I already use PE and those are the cooldowns with Glyph of FE, but I was just nervous about changing it up because I already deal significantly more DPS than anyone else in my raid group and I didn't want to fall behind, but it seems like you all recommend it so I'll give it go. Thanks for the help. Hopefully, I can get a Warforged AoC tonight. tongue.png

Edited by SkySheimi

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