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19 hours ago, Teufel said:

"Hey mister Restoration Druid, I respectfully disagree with you condesendingly talking sh*t to me and giving Cpt. Obvious-worthy 'advice', born out of your IO being a whooping 400 better than my 5th alt, but I politely suggest you learn that you have a Soothe button and you use it to not make the first boss in ToP run around chasing people and cleaving them in half before venturing into a +20, as well as press your Moonfire, Sunfire and Adaptive Swarm buttons to provide minimal damage impact instead of doing 500 DPS." 

...think it'll do any good to those kind of morons? 

the thing is you start your whole asumption with that he is a moron that will curse you out and act like a *filtered*. but your first aproach should be like i said give him constructive critik if he then acts like the big boss and starts cursing well open the gates and give him a piece of mind wich you could by the way do without just throwing slurs around but when he starts with it i really dont think blizz would do anything and i highly doubt someone that answers critk with slurs will go tell on you 

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If you want to play the game you have to adopt all the problems of the American society.


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On 5/15/2022 at 12:53 AM, Teufel said:

"Hey mister Restoration Druid, I respectfully disagree with you condesendingly talking sh*t to me and giving Cpt. Obvious-worthy 'advice', born out of your IO being a whooping 400 better than my 5th alt, but I politely suggest you learn that you have a Soothe button and you use it to not make the first boss in ToP run around chasing people and cleaving them in half before venturing into a +20, as well as press your Moonfire, Sunfire and Adaptive Swarm buttons to provide minimal damage impact instead of doing 500 DPS." 

...think it'll do any good to those kind of morons? 

It would be treated like you committed genocide.....oh and you will be called a bigot, cause you somehow said all that cause they are not white, not a dude, not straight or something......in the end, these rules are not needed, it allows people to see who you should block and who you should hang with.

That is how my generation learned who to be friends with and who to avoid based on their actions alone, but now-a-days, all the hand-holding, it is rather pathetic and an indication of them being as you said 'morons' to need these rules put in place to feel safe in a video game which can't hurt you in the slightest.

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3 hours ago, Razekiel said:

If you want to play the game you have to adopt all the problems of the American society.


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I would suggest something like this:


If you want to play the game, you have to learn that everyone is different and people should have the right to be an asshole to anyone they like, it would quickly teach who to block and who to add to friends based on their actions alone and we as a company with a history of being toxic ourselves do not have the moral standing to lecture others about being toxic.


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Is this any better?

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16 hours ago, N3ilo said:

the thing is you start your whole asumption with that he is a moron that will curse you out and act like a *filtered*. but your first aproach should be like i said give him constructive critik if he then acts like the big boss and starts cursing well open the gates and give him a piece of mind wich you could by the way do without just throwing slurs around but when he starts with it i really dont think blizz would do anything and i highly doubt someone that answers critk with slurs will go tell on you 

"Asumption"? If a 2800+ guy in +20 is unaware of the existence of the core utility button of their class, let alone the huge impact it has on the boss (and given it is ToP, also severely reducing the damage output of a trash mob right in front of this boss. Sounds like something a healer would be aware of), I can hardly call it one, right after he says we'll cage the leftmost mob out of the first three, so at least he is aware of something going on.

The point was: with these guys, and the 'toxicity' are mainly pointed either on them, or by them, you can give all the criticism you want, but so long you do so 'nicely', it'll fall on deaf ears most of the time, no matter how objectively right you are.

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1 hour ago, Teufel said:

"Asumption"? If a 2800+ guy in +20 is unaware of the existence of the core utility button of their class, let alone the huge impact it has on the boss (and given it is ToP, also severely reducing the damage output of a trash mob right in front of this boss. Sounds like something a healer would be aware of), I can hardly call it one, right after he says we'll cage the leftmost mob out of the first three, so at least he is aware of something going on.

The point was: with these guys, and the 'toxicity' are mainly pointed either on them, or by them, you can give all the criticism you want, but so long you do so 'nicely', it'll fall on deaf ears most of the time, no matter how objectively right you are.

^this. There is a very VERY competitive part of the game and Blizzard is promoting this part like there is no tomorrow. In a competitive environment there is no medal for participation.

1 hour ago, Lithari said:

I would suggest something like this:


If you want to play the game, you have to learn that everyone is different and people should have the right to be an asshole to anyone they like, it would quickly teach who to block and who to add to friends based on their actions alone and we as a company with a history of being toxic ourselves do not have the moral standing to lecture others about being toxic.


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Is this any better?

It can go on the US servers, sure. In Europe we were killing each other in the last 2000 years for being different so we can safely assume people have a good understanding of the topic.

Edited by Razekiel

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On 5/14/2022 at 12:54 PM, Lithari said:

I find this whole thing totally stupid.

People should have the right to be dicks, assholes, pricks, morons and so on, this is what the IGNORE feature is for....use it, instead of crying to the GMs.


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On 5/16/2022 at 2:00 PM, Razekiel said:

^this. There is a very VERY competitive part of the game and Blizzard is promoting this part like there is no tomorrow. In a competitive environment there is no medal for participation.

It can go on the US servers, sure. In Europe we were killing each other in the last 2000 years for being different so we can safely assume people have a good understanding of the topic.

I think this is more about controlling speech, than toxicity, if they keep this up, the whole company will die, lets hope the saying is true, "When we hit our lowest point, we are open to the greatest change".


If not, the company will die and something else will take its place, look what is happening to Netflix and Disney+, their woke crap is killing their company like crazy.....ultimately, go woke, go broke.

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On 5/14/2022 at 8:50 PM, SpilledStars said:

Every single time I see the news of a text-change it goes something like this 

Let's illustrate how it actually is, instead of the gaslighting-filled self-abetting narrative that you're peddling:

2011 - Israeli social justice protests

2014 - IDF starts massacring Gazans. Azov and Russia starts massacring innocent people in Ukraine.

2015 - Controversy over Feminist Frequency is in full swing. Zionists and leftists are on full damage control over police brutality during the Obama administration and brutality in Gaza and in Biden's pet project in Ukraine.

2015 - Gamergate is gaslit as a "toxic harassment campaign" for calling out corrupt journalists who were literally sleeping with games developers and then shilling for them, and seedy things like NICHOLAS NYBERG being caught bragging about molesting a younger female relative of his - hence why I'm "toxicly" (far from transphobically - in defense of all transsexuals from this child predating clown you love so much) deadnaming and misgendering HIM to this day - that's what you actually call "toxic" you projecting, sick psychopath - and another individual with the last name Lifschitz or something profiteering off of his father's arming of the IDF that led to the aforementioned massacre being involved in the corruption. And of course, questions on this political (including seminars on inserting cultural marxism into games) and personal corruption in gaming is what you still loudly and smugly and self-righteously call a "toxic harassment campaign" and fake news because you simply censored and deplatformed and covertly psychologically tortured and gaslit and crazy made and libeled and cancelled literally everyone who called you out that didn't give in and become a Drumpf supporter as per your delusional strawman.

2016 - Anita becomes Twitter Czar, for the same reasons you stated - "to stop toxicity".

2016 - Assange emails and Seth Rice reveal an underground child abuse ring known as "Pizzagate", which is immediately decried with the mantra of "fake news", strictly defined to make it easier to "debunk" (no black market - more properly defined as red market in this case - organization is going to host their criminal activity at their frontend no matter how arrogant and well-connected they are - that's what Besta and the Pegasus Museum are for). Immediately - and especially because Trump supporters temporarily latch onto it despite Trump's own involvement in the ring since the focus was put on Hillary and taken off of Trump's connections with Epstein that he shares with the Clintons - the focus is put on a different scandal - Russiagate - that ended up being disproven and actually debunked and yet is still widely believed in today, including by you, who probably think I'm a q anon-tard because I "believe" that Seth Rice and Assange weren't Trump supporters like your either willfully-ignorant or complicit projecting "toxic" *filtered* would have us all believe.

2016 - Silence feature goes into effect in World of Warcraft. I quit the game in favor of GW2 in 2016.

2017 - Censorship in full swing. Your fellow triablists triumphantly ban me from GW2 after over a year of constant, ACTUAL harassment and stalking against me in WvW that your fellow ideologues enforced their ToS with extreme bias against me in favor of the stalkers over.

2018 - I go back to World of Warcraft due to not having another MMO with my character established in it. I stick to playing solo for the most part to avoid further conflict with you pink wojak totalitarian troglodytes.

2018 - BfA pre-patch release. After shoving Gaza, Ukraine, Shireen, and King's Landing - a fuckton of burning children - in my face and the faces of countless others in IRL and fiction, you then proceed to shove more with the Burning of Teldrassil, and then you insist on abetting the perpetrator and lecturing about a "cycle of hatred" over and over. Also, my character - a WoD twink due to avoiding the DK legion order hall quests for obvious moral reasons - is rendered unable to casually kill-vent in Tanaan Jungle anymore by the stat squish, which, in another still-repeated lie that types like you tell to this day, is said to "not affect characters' power in-game".

2020 - Shadowlands pre-patch. Further nerfs to my twinks. I go to grind for BfA pathfinder like I did with Legion pathfinder during BfA, and end up getting to the Brennadam questline on the Alliance side, and you totally-not-toxic not-rude innocent doves of peace and love fighting misogyny shove yet another burning woman in my face, and my water bucket is unable to put them out despite pouring it on them. I start my boycott of Retail at this point. It is around this time that a raiding guild on Classic gets a "hot mic" moment on me in Discord where I was reacting to unwanted thoughts from my OCD that are an amalgamation of your actions and projection and of course they got to give me precisely what Nyberg played victim for getting, making your unhinged power trip on me since I was a child, deferring all the consequences of your actions to me, complete, as I was already having to deal with me being forced by untreated gastrointestinal issues likely a result of your "mental help" "medications" I was forcibly penetrated with with intent to dominate from 9 to 24 to sodomize myself to defecate, which led to me also getting stuck with the plumbing bill that occurred from how much toilet paper I had to use to clean up after each bathroom visit. I still have to deal with that, but I cut down on my usage and also intermittently flush whenever I feel I'm close to clogging the toilet.

2021 - I get evicted over the state of my apartment which was due to the extreme depression and despair I felt at the time. I still feel it, but you've made it clear you won't let me die until you've made me go through the "hokey pokey" your police state put Daniel Shaver through until you're adequately satisfied, which considering you're the one who's "just like Homelander", I doubt you'll quit for some time.

2021 - 2nd 2014 in Gaza. Types like you go hog wild massacring hundreds of children and calling them human shields like you just got an erection off of handing me a 15 day eviction notice. 

2021 - I deal with maggots in my feet while homeless due to how much I had to walk.

2021-early 2022 - I'm stuck renting from a religious Biden voter as its the only room I could find at the time. 

Early 2022 - Neonazi elements in Ukraine have concentrated in Azov. The Neonazi that is Putin invades Ukraine under the false pretense of eradicating them, which actually gives them political leverage they enjoy to this day as you continue deny that they exist and asininely call me a supporter of that son of a word-I'm-toxic-according-to-you-for-calling-Sylvanas for recognizing that both Azov and Putin are neonazis. No, I don't think Zelenskyy is one - I think he's a president during wartime that has been strong-armed into tolerating the neonazis of Azov due to the situation they and Putin and your favorite neonazi Biden put him in.

Early 2022 - I finally get away from someone on the other side of the political horseshoe but still supports the same candidate as you and I get out of the county entirely. Sadly not out of this "free" country aka the USSA, but hey, its a step in the right direction, for once.

And here we are, with Shadowlands finally close to behind us, a new expansion, with a feature I wish I was allowed to enjoy more in GW2 that tempted me to actually give you money for an expansion for the first time since Warlords of Draenor, and now you want to have me, an anarcho-capitalist atheist, sign a "social contract", which you know I'd refuse to, just because of the name you chose.

So yea, to sum it up, you are a hyper-political predatory narcissistic psychopath who is pushing your own totalitarian agenda and knowingly or unknowingly abetting or at least enabling mass child abuse both foreign and domestic, and have been propagandizing a mass murderer of children aka Sylvanas for years, and you want to call me toxic.

Go straight to *filtered* hell, along with Putin, Azov, Hillary, Trump, Pence, Biden, Kamala, Obama, Netanyahu, Ion Hazzikostas, Afrasiabi, Jesse Mccree, J Allen Brack, Chris + Kat Metzen, Bobby Kotick, Xi Jinping, Nicholas Nyberg, Anita Sarkeesian, Tucker Carlson, and Steve Danuser. I hope you get maggots shoved in your feet and are locked inside of an Ecuadorian Embassy until your hair turns grey and you scream like madman, then you get evicted for it to a concrete slum where you're first shot then have white phosphorus dumped on you, all while whatever entity you deem to be the most malevolent demon is sung as "not dead" and "good" and "love" and "life" and "peace" whenever you try to sit and eat in the midst of coping with the fresh hell you righteously think was okay to force on me and countless homeless people and small children.

It certainly does take a *filtered* to know a *filtered* - in my case, I know a *filtered* when I see one because of your microscopic one being rammed in my face since I was a "saucy pizza" and forced to live with it stuck there while you project on me as a schitzophrenic (my diagnosis, that parents as good as you project on me as likely being abused me via the mental health system and the state with, is Asperger's, by the way - not that that will stop you from showing everyone that your claims that I'm picking on autistics is further psychological projection) and bleat "god is good" as you do what your god did in Sodom and Gomorrah to every last man, woman, and small child over and over again, forcing me to watch until I break and either become your psyslave or lash out at you violently, allowing you to play the victim you project on me as playing to the fullest. You want a mass shooting and to be a martyr. You are the one with a christ complex. I will not give it to you. I will call you out here, as I have for years, and hope someone else is stupid enough to send you to hell and get you your "he/she was a fine man/woman"'s on Twitter like McCain got instead.

You are the one who is toxic - a misanthropic, Malthusian, *filtered*-negative, anti-science, authoritarian poison to the entire human race that seeks to enthrall us to gods beyond this life or within "for the greater good". And that is what this feature is - brainwashing and grooming, like your idol Nyberg did to his own family, like you're proud of my biological "parents" and state school "teachers" for doing to me for the vast majority of my childhood and young adulthood.

If you want to rid the game of toxicity, ban yourself and the other side of the horseshoe and leave the game for those who actually value human life and liberty. You don't. You hate it. You despite humanity as much as fundamentalist religious types do. And humanity should despise you as much as you want it to despise me. You don't want to rid the world of hate or rudeness any more than I do - you just want to direct it at the people who called you out when you let your Patrick Bateman-esque mask slip during "the great meme war".

I want hate to be directed wherever the truth rationally leads it to be directed, as emotions can be felt for good reason, and should always be subservient to reason regardless. You're the one who wants to control what truth is and isn't - and that's what this feature is for. Its entirely political, because you are. And I know from personal experience that everything is political to you, including the lives of children, as you projected on libertarians like myself as thinking for being "pro-gun" and against the massacre of children in Gaza by Israel - "UnSoLiCiTeD OpInIoNs oN IsRaEl" as aGGros like yourself called them. And no, I'm not anti-semitic - actually Israel is, and so are you, because the children you butchered are actually semites. So unfortunately for you, I'm not the one breaking Godwin's Law here, as comparing your side to the nazis is, contrary to what he would think, a legitimate comparison. Proven further by your little gestapo "social contract" pinning stars to the shirts of libertarians like myself in-game here. And yes, that is what it is functionally in-game, as its only a matter of time after until you put me on the train in-game and gas me in-game as well, even if you have to angrily type my name in who chat and make up some libel in a report there and spam it until Blizzard goes "yo fam" and helps you "ban the incel". 

"Libertarian anarcho-capitalists must support Trump and be racist because your strawman says so, therefore libertarians are toxic. Libertarians are against the concept of the social contract. Libertarians are against gun control. Libertarians tolerate trans people but largely think there are only two genders. Libertarians think police brutality is a result of statism instead of merely racism. Libertarians support third parties or don't vote which got Trump elected." That's how you think. You proudly salute yourself as Obi-Wan when you act like what you projected on me as being - Anakin Skywalker - since I was his age in The Phantom Menace. You have rammed your psychology down my throat since I was a child like Buffalo Bill in Silence of the Lambs rammed his billy goat "*filtered*" in the camera. I know you a lot better than you know me. You are literally everything you have ever called me. 

And no, it isn't all directed at me. This isn't personal - I'm just another living Rorschach test, of which there are many for someone as devoid of self-awareness as you project on me as being. I'm just a face in a crowd you're systemically and continually shooting up, and unlike mass shooters, you're too pernicious to do so lethally with a gun right away. Confirmed by what the racist in Buffalo and his inspiration in Christchurch decried the most in their manifestos along with "race mixing" - individualism. They were self-titled socialists and liberals, just like you, as TIK pointed out to you.

That's all this is about. You want your way and you'll shake your systemic rattle and project on others as being toxic meanies until you get it. And of course you'll claim I'm strawmanning and that you actually hold different views and you may even claim to be a teenager, too. Its impossible to know everything, but I've certainly heard it all from this planet of tribalist zealots when it comes to bullshit, and I'm sure you'll do your Carl from Llamas with Hats-best to force me to hear something "new".

Want some advice since you're so quick to give so much of your own? Do what you've told me to do - get a life.

And by that I don't mean fail upwards to a nuclear family with a picket fence like you have in common with conservatives. I mean stand for something instead of nothing like you do currently. You don't stand for anything currently - the lives you shill for are the assholes you call everyone else( and no, it isn't "trans people", its Brianna Wu and Nyberg and Jenner, stop bullshitting) and the principles you stand for aren't principles they're just totalitarian control agendas you either don't fully understand or think won't be enforced on you as well, and the ideas you stand for have all been tried and repeated as much as you think free market capitalism and human liberty and self-ownership have been. "There will always be men like you", to quote the Avengers, and quite frankly, if you were threatening me with death instead of torture-and-brainwashing-by-homelessness or torture--and-brainwashing-by-"mental help" or gatekeeping access to an effigy of the love of my life whom I hope exists in another multiverse perceived via fiction, I'd happily refuse to kneel - or in this case, refuse to keep standing for a whipping by you projecting Antebellum South fetishizers.  So again, instead of shielding yourself from criticism as you continue to enslave and abuse and censor all dissent, get a life.

After all, over two decades of doing the same thing  - being a coy hateful Cersei-LARPing asshole - has to get tiresome eventually.

I mean, if its that much more fun than actually playing the MMOs you hijacked and turned into your personal safe spaces for the perpetrators of crimes against humanity that you love so much for you to giggle to yourself about how woke you are as you delude yourself that everyone who doesn't support Hillary Clinton is projecting on her with Pizzagate and Frazzled.rip, then perhaps nobody should be playing your stupid games anyway in the first place, as you won't hesitate to go "WiN StOoPiD PrIzEs" to them - words that desperately need to be said about you some day. >.>

tl;dr: You want to know why Afrasiabi stayed at Blizzard for so long? Because of types like you always getting their way at the expense of types like me.

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Uncommon Patron

Fare well, on your absence from the game whose life-escapism you despise so much you needed to say all that.

Your presumptive-description of me is so inaccurate they made another planet next to alternate-Draenor for you.   Your troubles on the Earth we're actually stuck with are bad, 

they're not my fault
nor even my flaw

and much as internal-Blizz is full of an archaeological digsite worth of wrong, evil unless they fired enough evils, right, stoopid, prizes, AND everything in between

your personal problems
are not their fault either.

"safe" spaces don't exist, I think you seem to be saying.

You're right, you know, but that's why LFG sucked badly enough I stopped using it even before LFR got added to it.  Not because "i'm woke" but because I don't have time like you do for timelines of purgatory to walk.

Will the "EULA exists wasn't good enough, now you have to click it!  and it has to exist for real, because when it was invisible it didn't count" burn a hole in your spirit with actual fire?   How would I know, I'm not you.  Were you ever somehow evil enough that its Invisible Status was held against you anyway?   If you were then NOTHING HAS CHANGED.   If you weren't then... nothing applies to you?  It didn't change.

The legal-blurb was all about mechanics, is the company permitted to bump players.
The new entry-blurb is all about "we welcome this and we don't welcome that".

Now you feel unwelcome - but - are you actually?  
Were you ever the person that needs any of the Actions it would require?

Would I report you for calling someone inside the game "a hateful Cersei LARPing asshole" (I don't even know why you said coy there.  Cersei was about as blunt as a brick most of the time), maybe.   Would I report you for saying "i'm homeless and somehow I still manage to game, please don't make my life suck worse" no.  Is there some idiot out there who would report a lot of people for saying something sucks? Probably, because it's a big planet and stupid angry people exist everywhere, and I hope their grammar police problem lands them on GM island.

Should I report you on IcyVeins for pouring your life story into that long rant?  
I think no.  
Maybe you'd think yes.
Or that the "new EULA" would require someone to.

For pouring your fury into it?

Look, nobody's pointing bullets at your keyboard, or mine, telling you what to write.  All I can say is it doesn't feel like ANY of that has to do with some game planet that began its life as two continents and now has Two Per Boxed Expansion, give or take some extras for point-patches that add raidlands.

Thank you for your "TED talk" on how your version of polite or awsum is the only one permitted because as far as you can tell your world sucks worse than the next guy and you deserve the speech-ownership trophy.

It's just, um, I'm not into your style of censorship any more than you're into "woke", so, 


see you in game.

Your call.

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    • By Stan
      Due to a bug introduced with the War Within pre-patch, some players are receiving item level 250 gear from the weekly cache.
      We've seen numerous reports on Reddit and the official forums that the Last Hurrah weekly quest on live servers drop low-level gear for some players. Apparently, the bug was first introduced with the War Within pre-patch two weeks ago and still hasn't been fixed.
      Here's an example of a low item level drop from the Cache of Awakened Treasures by Omnifox.

    • By Starym
      Week 2 brings quite a few changes, as Hunters in particular rise up, while Shadow has a really bad time. The top 3 remains the same and very consistent, so let's jump in and see what's going on.
      Warcraft Logs Points
      The below logs are based on POINTS, and not actual damage or healing, meaning they log the timed completion for the specs, with higher keys getting more points, obviously. The time in which the dungeon is completed is also a factor, but a much, much smaller one, as it grants very few points if you do it significantly faster than just any in-time completion. We're also using the Normalized Aggregate Scores numbers, for clarity, meaning the top spec is marked as 100 and then the rest are ranked in relation to that peak point.
      All Keys
      95th percentile DPS
      The top 3 remains quite stable with the Evoker-Paladin-Warrior trio reigning supreme. We see the first change of the week right after that though, as Frost DK continues its upward march in dungeons as well as in raids, taking 4th from Elemental. Both DKs are on the rise, as Unholy also moves a spot up, taking advantage of Shadow's precipitous 5-spot fall to the bottom of the top 10. Arms remains stable as two Hunters burst in, Beast Mastery taking 8th and Marksmanship 9th, as Frost Mage disappears down towards the bottom. Speaking of the bottom, Devastation gets some new roommates there, as Outlaw and Destruction fall and give Enhancement and Feral a break.

      Mythic+ All Keys 95th Percentile Data by Warcraft Logs.
      All Percentiles
      As with the top percentiles, the top 3 remains solid, but 4th is immediately changed, thanks to Shadow's massive drop in performance this week. The Priest loses even more ground here, falling 9 spots into 13th, opening 4th up for Arms. Beast Mastery moves even higher here, grabbing 5th and moving in front of Elemental and Frost DK, as Marksmanship brings up the rear and completes the Hunter sandwich in 8th. Affliction breaks into the top 10, just ahead of Unholy which dropped to the final spot.

      Mythic+ All Keys All Percentile Data by Warcraft Logs.
      Raw DPS U.GG DPS Rankings
      U.gg's rankings are based on actual DPS taken from Warcraft Logs data, focusing on the top players and span the past two weeks.
      Frost DK finds itself on top in the raw DPS rankings, as Augmentation isn't calculated properly here. Fury and Arms grab the next two spots, moving ahead of Ret, and the Fyr'alath wins continue in 5th, where Unholy finished the legendary axe streak. Even Survival joins the Hunter good times in 8th, where all three specs gather, just ahead of Balance who closes out the top 10.
      Mythic+ All Keystone DPS rankings by u.gg.
      For even more in-depth data for each individual key head on over to Warcraft Logs. And if you're interested in more info on the specs themselves you can always check out our class guides (updated for the pre-patch), as well as our Mythic+ guides and Mythic+ tier list.
    • By Stan
      For the next two weeks, the Archaeology quest for Spirit of Eche'ro is available on live servers, so don't forget to get the rare mount before it's gone for 6 months!
      How to Get the Spirit of Eche'ro Mount
      1. Download MapCoords or some other add-os that displays coordinates in the game.
      2. Teleport to Azsuna from the Stormwind/Orgrimmar Portal Room or use your Dalaran Hearthstone to reach Dalaran (Legion) if you have one in your inventory.
      3. Seek out Archaeology Trainer Dariness the Learned in Dalaran at 41,26 and learn Archaeology if you already haven't.
      4. Accept The Right Path quest from the Archaeology Trainer and make your way to Thunder Totem in Highmountain.
      5. Talk to Lessah Moonwater to accept Laying to Rest. For the quest, you must collect 600 Bone Fragments of Eche'ro by rotating between four digsites in Highmountain. The exact locations with coords are outlined below.
      Digsite 1: Darkfeather Valley (50, 44) Digsite 2: Dragon's Falls (58, 72) Digsite 3: Path of Huin (44, 72) Digsite 4: Whitewater Wash (39, 65) it takes roughly around 2 hours to get the mount.
      Spirit of Eche'ro
      "The spirit of Huln Highmountain's pet moose."

      Hurry up! You only have until August 21, 2024, to get the mount!
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