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By Jaym0
Role-playing fans can now grab the latest addition to the FFXIV TTRPG! Here is everything you need to know about the Scenario and Gamemaster Guide!
The Final Fantasy XIV Tabletop Role-playing Game (TTRPG) lets you join new adventures in the familiar world of FFXIV, but as a tabletop game. With this, you can reimagine and change the story to fit your own wishes, and the dice rolls will determine the road you have to take.
The starter set and Standard Rulebooks are already available on the Official FFXIV TTRPG Website.
Scenario & Gamemaster Guide Information
If you already own the base set, you can now pre-order the next addition to the TTRPG: a Scenario & Gamemaster Guide Book!
The Scenario & Gamemaster Guide will provide a lot of additional information and guidelines for the FFXIV TTRPG. You will get access to game data and lore for over 130 types of monsters, as well as special rules including interactions with allied societies, weather mechanics, and more!
It also provides helpful examples such as "cheat sheets" for gamemasters looking to develop their own intriguing adventures.
The Scenario & Gamemaster Guide also contains:
Three new scenarios that take place in Heavensward Eleven encounters based on in-game FATEs Battle data for creating challenging battle situations Release Schedule and Pre-orders
The Guide is set to release in February 2026, however, you can already pre-order it now on the Official Scenario & Gamemaster Guide Website.
You can pre-order the normal version, which only contains the guide, or the deluxe version, which comes with the following items:
One Guide Over 430 tokens to represent monsters and NPCs Eight illustrated battle maps that represent the various terrain included in the scenarios
By Jaym0
Patch 7.2 of Final Fantasy XIV is out now! Here is everything that was added or updated during this new version of the game.
The patch notes for Seekers of Eternity are live. The new update will follow the Warrior of Light's encounter with the returned Queen of Reason as Alexandria descends into unrest, and features the new trial, Recollection, along with the new raid dungeon, the Arcadion: Cruiserweight Division.
The patch also sees the reintroduction of the Borderland Ruins (Secure) for Frontline, updates to group pose depth of field effects, and a host of other additions and adjustments.
* Additional features will be implemented in future updates:
Cosmic Exploration and Tool Enhancement Quests - Cosmic Tools are scheduled to release in Patch 7.21.
Mamool Ja Allied Society Quests, the Occult Crescent, Weapon Enhancement Quests - Phantom Weapons, Inconceivably Further Hildibrand Adventures sidequests are scheduled to release in Patch 7.25.
* Updated on Tuesday, March 25, 2025 at 4:30 a.m. (GMT)
Playable Content Quests Treasure Hunt Grand and Free Companies Housing The Manderville Gold Saucer Miscellaneous Battle System PvP Crystalline Conflict Frontline Items System Graphical Update System Resolved Issues Known Issues Patch 7.2 contains content that can only be accessed by registering the expansion packs for FINAL FANTASY XIV to your service account. To distinguish between adjustments that are and are not affected by the registration of these expansions, the following notations will be used throughout the patch notes:
These additions and adjustments require the purchase and registration of FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn, FINAL FANTASY XIV: Heavensward, and FINAL FANTASY XIV: Stormblood. These additions and adjustments require the purchase and registration of FINAL FANTASY XIV: Shadowbringers. These additions and adjustments require the purchase and registration of FINAL FANTASY XIV: Endwalker. These additions and adjustments require the purchase and registration of FINAL FANTASY XIV: Dawntrail. These additions and adjustments contain elements that may require the purchase and registration of the expansion packs noted above.
New main scenario quests have been added.
A Glimmer of the Past
Disciple of War or Magic level 100 The Backroom (X:6.0 Y:6.4) Krile Players must first complete the main scenario quest "Crossroads." ???
Disciple of War or Magic level 100 ??? ??? Players must first complete the main scenario quest "A Glimmer of the Past." ???
Disciple of War or Magic level 100 ??? ??? Players must first complete the main scenario quest "???" ???
Disciple of War or Magic level 100 ??? ??? Players must first complete the main scenario quest "???" ???
Disciple of War or Magic level 100 ??? ??? Players must first complete the main scenario quest "???" ???
Disciple of War or Magic level 100 ??? ??? Players must first complete the main scenario quest "???" ???
Disciple of War or Magic level 100 ??? ??? Players must first complete the main scenario quest "???" ???
Disciple of War or Magic level 100 ??? ??? Players must first complete the main scenario quest "???" Chronicles of a New Era quests have been added.
The Arcadion
Souls under Siege
Disciple of War or Magic level 100 Solution Nine (X:22.2 Y:16.6) Yaana Players must first complete the Chronicles of a New Era quest "The Neoteric Witch." ???
Disciple of War or Magic level 100 ??? ??? Players must first complete the Chronicles of a New Era quest "Souls under Siege." ???
Disciple of War or Magic level 100 ??? ??? Players must first complete the Chronicles of a New Era quest "???" ???
Disciple of War or Magic level 100 ??? ??? Players must first complete the Chronicles of a New Era quest "???" ???
Disciple of War or Magic level 100 ??? ??? Players must first complete the Chronicles of a New Era quest "???" ???
Disciple of War or Magic level 100 ??? ??? Players must first complete the Chronicles of a New Era quest "???" A new sidequest has been added.
When Death Comes to Dinner
Disciple of War or Magic level 100 Tuliyollal (X:16.4 Y:12.8) The Cornservant Players must first complete the main scenario quest "Dawntrail" and the sidequest "Tasteful Memories." It will now be possible to perform repairs and access weather forecasts while playing in New Game+.
Treasure Hunt
Rewards for Loboskin Treasure Maps and Br'aaxskin Treasure Maps have been adjusted.
Rewards in Cenote Ja Ja Gural have been adjusted.
Grand and Free Companies
The following additions and adjustments have been made to subaquatic voyages:
New areas have been added. New items have been added. Maximum submersible rank has been increased from 125 to 130. Housing
SSAO can now be disabled for indoor furnishings.
This setting will be applied for all who enter the estate, not just the estate owner.
Adjust this setting via the Interior Settings window by opening the Housing menu while inside your estate hall, then checking or unchecking the "Disable SSAO for furnishings" option.
* In accordance with this addition, the Adjust Lighting interface has been renamed Interior Settings.
When changing this setting for a free company estate, you must have "Hall Remodeling" authority. For private estates, you must have "Adding/Removing/Dyeing Furnishings" authority.
A warning message will now display on the screen when entering the garden of an estate scheduled for auto-demolition.
The message will be displayed to private estate owners, and in the case of a free company estate, to all members of the free company.
Furnishings from the FFXIV Furnishing Design Contest have been added.
Learn more about the FFXIV Furnishing Design Contest 2022.
New furnishings inspired by entries that did not win have also been added.
New furnishings have been added.
New orchestrion rolls have been added.
New aquarium fish have been added.
A new seed for flowerpots has been added.
Paperflower Seeds
Paperflower Seeds can be purchased from the following vendors: Mist (X:11.0 Y:11.4) – Material Supplier The Lavender Beds (X:11.9 Y:8.3) – Material Supplier The Goblet (X:10.9 Y:8.9) – Material Supplier Shirogane (X:10.5 Y:12.1) - Material Supplier Empyreum (X:10.2 Y:12.2) - Material Supplier Apartments - Apartment Merchant New Gridania (X:11.0 Y:11.2) - Tanie The Manderville Gold Saucer
New prizes are available for purchase using MGP.
The following additions have been made to Triple Triad:
New cards have been added. New NPC opponents for Triple Triad have been added. Miscellaneous
A new category, Field Operations, has been added to the challenge log.
Following this change, challenges related to the Forbidden Land, Eureka have been moved from the Other category to the Field Operations category.
The following additions have been made to Duty Support:
A Realm Reborn
The Sunken Temple of Qarn Dawntrail
The Underkeep The following additions and adjustments have been made to Wondrous Tails:
Prizes available in exchange for Khloe's Gold Certificate of Commendation, Khloe's Silver Certificate of Commendation, and Khloe's Bronze Certificate of Commendation have been adjusted. The following duties have been added as objectives for Wondrous Tails: The Underkeep Jeuno: The First Walk The following duty roulette names have been adjusted. * No changes have been made to the duties available within each roulette. Before After Leveling Dungeons (Lv. 51-79) Leveling Dungeons (Lv. 51-59/61-69/71-79) Leveling Dungeons (Lv. 81-99) Leveling Dungeons (Lv. 81-89/91-99) High-level Dungeons (Lv. 50-60) High-level Dungeons (Lv. 50 & 60) High-level Dungeons (Lv. 70-80) High-level Dungeons (Lv. 70 & 80) The requirement for high-level duties to display has been adjusted. Before After Players must reach the current level cap with at least one Disciple of War or Magic. Players must complete all of the main scenario quests of the latest expansion. * For the Patch 7.x series, players must complete the Patch 7.0 main scenario quest "Dawntrail."
The following additions and adjustments have been made to Faux Hollows:
The available trial for Faux Hollows has been changed. Before After The Jade Stoa (Unreal) Hells' Kier (Unreal) * Players must first complete Hells' Kier before challenging Hells' Kier (Unreal).
* Different unreal trials will be available in each major patch.
New items are available in exchange for faux leaves. Duties that can be recorded via the Duty Recorder have been changed.
Before After Thaleia
Worqor Lar Dor
The Interphos
AAC Light-heavyweight M4 (Savage) Worqor Lar Dor
AAC Light-heavyweight M4 (Savage)
Jeuno: The First Walk New emotes have been added.
"Tomescroll" and "Study" have been added to the Special tab of the Emote window.
"Tomescroll" and "Study" are looping versions of the emotes "Tomestone" and "Read" respectively, and will be added to the emote list upon learning "Tomestone" and "Read."
Actions and traits have been adjusted as follows:
* Each action and trait is listed as it appears at level 100.
For further explanations of action changes and adjustments, please refer to the job guide.
Action Adjustment Total Eclipse Potency has been increased from 100 to 120. Prominence Combo potency has been increased from 170 to 220. Holy Circle Divine Might potency has been increased from 200 to 250.
Requiescat potency has been increased from 300 to 350. Confiteor Reduction in potency after the first target has been changed from 50% to 60%. Blade of Faith Reduction in potency after the first target has been changed from 50% to 60%. Blade of Truth Reduction in potency after the first target has been changed from 50% to 60%. Blade of Valor Reduction in potency after the first target has been changed from 50% to 60%. Imperator Reduction in potency after the first target has been changed from 50% to 60%. Blade of Honor Reduction in potency after the first target has been changed from 50% to 60%. Marauder / Warrior
Action Adjustment Heavy Swing The trait Melee Mastery II will now increase potency from 220 to 240. Storm's Path The trait Melee Mastery II will now increase potency from 200 to 220.
The trait Melee Mastery II will now increase combo potency from 480 to 500. Storm's Eye The trait Melee Mastery II will now increase potency from 200 to 220.
The trait Melee Mastery II will now increase combo potency from 480 to 500. Upheaval The trait Melee Mastery II will now increase potency from 400 to 420. Chaotic Cyclone Potency has been reduced from 300 to 200. Primal Rend Reduction in potency after the first target has been changed from 70% to 50%. Primal Wrath Reduction in potency after the first target has been changed from 70% to 50%. Primal Ruination Reduction in potency after the first target has been changed from 70% to 50%. Dark Knight
Action Adjustment Salt and Darkness Reduction in potency after the first target has been changed from 50% to 25%. Shadowbringer Reduction in potency after the first target has been changed from 50% to 25%. Impalement Potency has been reduced from 320 to 300. Disesteem Reduction in potency after the first target has been changed from 50% to 25%. Gunbreaker
Action Adjustment Reign of Beasts Potency has been increased from 800 to 1,000. Noble Blood Potency has been increased from 1,000 to 1,100. Monk
Action Adjustment Tornado Kick Reduction in potency after the first target has been changed from 50% to 40%. Elixir Field Reduction in potency after the first target has been changed from 70% to 40%. Flint Strike Reduction in potency after the first target has been changed from 70% to 40%. Enlightenment Potency has been reduced from 200 to 160. Rising Phoenix Reduction in potency after the first target has been changed from 70% to 40%. Phantom Rush Reduction in potency after the first target has been changed from 50% to 40%. Elixir Burst Reduction in potency after the first target has been changed from 70% to 40%. Wind's Reply Potency has been increased from 900 to 1,040.
Reduction in potency after the first target has been changed from 50% to 40%. Fire's Reply Potency has been increased from 1,200 to 1,400.
Reduction in potency after the first target has been changed from 50% to 40%. Dragoon
Action Adjustment Drakesbane The trait Melee Mastery will now increase potency from 440 to 460. Stardiver The trait Melee Mastery will now increase potency from 820 to 840. Heavens' Thrust The trait Melee Mastery will now increase potency from 140 to 160.
The trait Melee Mastery will now increase combo potency from 440 to 460. Ninja
Action Adjustment Aeolian Edge The trait Melee Mastery III will now increase potency from 200 to 220.
The trait Melee Mastery III will now increase potency when executed from a target's rear from 260 to 280.
The trait Melee Mastery III will now increase combo potency from 380 to 400.
The trait Melee Mastery III will now increase combo potency when executed from a target's rear from 440 to 460. Hakke Mujinsatsu Combo potency has been reduced from 130 to 120. Armor Crush The trait Melee Mastery III will now increase potency from 220 to 240.
The trait Melee Mastery III will now increase potency when executed from a target's flank from 280 to 300.
The trait Melee Mastery III will now increase combo potency from 420 to 440.
The trait Melee Mastery III will now increase combo potency when executed from a target's flank from 480 to 500. Dokumori Potency is no longer reduced after the first enemy. Bhavacakra The trait Melee Mastery III will now increase potency from 380 to 400.
The trait Melee Mastery III will now increase potency while under the effect of Meisui from 530 to 550. Phantom Kamaitachi Reduction in potency after the first target has been changed from 50% to 25%. Kunai's Bane Reduction in potency after the first target has been changed from 50% to 25%. Deathfrog Medium Potency has been reduced from 300 to 260. Tenri Jindo Reduction in potency after the first target has been changed from 50% to 25%. Samurai
Action Adjustment Hissatsu: Kyuten Potency has been reduced from 120 to 100. Hissatsu: Guren Potency has been reduced from 500 to 400. Shoha Reduction in potency after the first target has been changed from 65% to 50%. Ogi Namikiri The trait Melee Mastery III will now increase potency from 900 to 1,000.
Reduction in potency after the first target has been changed from 75% to 50%. Kaeshi: Namikiri The trait Melee Mastery III will now increase potency from 900 to 1,000.
Reduction in potency after the first target has been changed from 75% to 50%. Zanshin Potency has been increased from 900 to 940.
Reduction in potency after the first target has been changed from 60% to 50%. Tendo Setsugekka Potency has been increased from 1,020 to 1,100. Tendo Kaeshi Setsugekka Potency has been increased from 1,020 to 1,100. Reaper
Action Adjustment Void Reaping The trait Melee Mastery III will now increase potency from 500 to 540. Cross Reaping The trait Melee Mastery III will now increase potency from 500 to 540. Harvest Moon Reduction in potency after the first target has been changed from 50% to 40%. Plentiful Harvest Reduction in potency after the first target has been changed from 60% to 40%. Communio Reduction in potency after the first target has been changed from 60% to 40%. Sacrificium Potency has been increased from 530 to 600.
Reduction in potency after the first target has been changed from 50% to 40%. Melee Mastery III No longer increases the potency of Spinning Scythe to 160.
No longer increases the potency of Nightmare Scythe to 140. Executioner's Guillotine Potency has been reduced from 300 to 260. Perfectio Reduction in potency after the first target has been changed from 60% to 40%. Viper
Action Adjustment First Legacy Potency has been increased from 280 to 320. Second Legacy Potency has been increased from 280 to 320. Third Legacy Potency has been increased from 280 to 320. Fourth Legacy Potency has been increased from 280 to 320. Bard
Action Adjustment Pitch Perfect Reduction in potency after the first target has been changed from 50% to 55%. Shadowbite Potency has been increased from 170 to 180.
Barrage potency has been increased from 270 to 280. Ladonsbite Potency has been increased from 130 to 140. Resonant Arrow Reduction in potency after the first target has been changed from 50% to 55%. Radiant Encore Reduction in potency after the first target has been changed from 50% to 55%. Machinist
Action Adjustment Spread Shot Potency has been reduced from 140 to 110. Ricochet Reduction in potency after the first target has been changed from 50% to 40%. Scattergun Potency has been reduced from 150 to 130. Chain Saw Reduction in potency after the first target has been changed from 65% to 50%. Double Check Reduction in potency after the first target has been changed from 50% to 40%. Checkmate Reduction in potency after the first target has been changed from 50% to 40%. Marksman's Mastery II No longer increases the potency of Scattergun to 160. Excavator Reduction in potency after the first target has been changed from 65% to 50%. Full Metal Field Reduction in potency after the first target has been changed from 50% to 40%. Dancer
Action Adjustment Windmill Potency has been increased from 100 to 120. Standard Finish Reduction in potency after the first target has been changed from 75% to 60%. Single Standard Finish Reduction in potency after the first target has been changed from 75% to 60%. Double Standard Finish Reduction in potency after the first target has been changed from 75% to 60%. Bladeshower Combo potency has been increased from 140 to 160. Rising Windmill Potency has been increased from 140 to 160. Bloodshower Potency has been increased from 180 to 200. Fan Dance III Reduction in potency after the first target has been changed from 50% to 60%. Technical Finish Reduction in potency after the first target has been changed from 75% to 60%. Single Technical Finish Reduction in potency after the first target has been changed from 75% to 60%. Double Technical Finish Reduction in potency after the first target has been changed from 75% to 60%. Triple Technical Finish Reduction in potency after the first target has been changed from 75% to 60%. Quadruple Technical Finish Reduction in potency after the first target has been changed from 75% to 60%. Saber Dance Reduction in potency after the first target has been changed from 50% to 60%. Tillana Reduction in potency after the first target has been changed from 50% to 60%. Fan Dance IV Reduction in potency after the first target has been changed from 50% to 60%. Last Dance Reduction in potency after the first target has been changed from 50% to 60%. Finishing Move Reduction in potency after the first target has been changed from 75% to 60%. Dance of the Dawn Reduction in potency after the first target has been changed from 50% to 60%. Thaumaturge / Black Mage
Action Adjustment Blizzard Cast time has been reduced from 2.5 to 2 seconds. Aspect Mastery The effect of Astral Fire and Umbral Ice no longer expires. Fire Cast time has been reduced from 2.5 to 2 seconds.
The effect of Firestarter no longer expires. Thunder The effect of Thunderhead no longer expires. Thunder II The effect of Thunderhead no longer expires. Fire III Potency has been increased from 280 to 290. Blizzard III Potency has been increased from 280 to 290. Umbral Soul "Halts the expiration of Umbral Ice" has been removed. Freeze Cast time has been reduced from 2.8 to 2 seconds. Thunder III The effect of Thunderhead no longer expires. Flare Cast time has been reduced from 3 to 2 seconds. Ley Lines Effect duration has been reduced from 30 to 20 seconds. Blizzard IV Cast time has been reduced from 2.5 to 2 seconds.
Potency has been reduced from 320 to 300. Fire IV Cast time has been reduced from 2.8 to 2 seconds.
Potency has been reduced from 320 to 300. Thunder IV The effect of Thunderhead no longer expires. Foul Cast time before learning Enhanced Foul has been reduced from 2.5 to 2 seconds.
Reduction in potency after the first target has been changed from 60% to 25%. Despair Cast time before learning Enhanced Astral Fire has been reduced from 3 to 2 seconds. Xenoglossy Potency has been increased from 880 to 890. Enhanced Enochian III Effect potency has been reduced from 25% to 22%. Paradox Potency has been increased from 520 to 540.
The effect of Firestarter no longer expires.
"Grants Astral Fire. Duration: 15s" has been removed.
"Grants Umbral Ice. Duration: 15s" has been removed. High Thunder The effect of Thunderhead no longer expires. High Thunder II The effect of Thunderhead no longer expires. Enhanced Enochian IV Effect potency has been reduced from 32% to 27%. Flare Star Cast time has been reduced from 3 to 2 seconds.
Potency has been increased from 400 to 500. Summoner
Action Adjustment Necrotize Potency has been increased from 440 to 460. Exodus Potency has been increased from 1,400 to 1,500. Red Mage
Action Adjustment Vice of Thorns Potency has been increased from 700 to 800. Prefulgence Potency has been increased from 900 to 1,000. Pictomancer
Action Adjustment Fire in Red Potency has been increased from 220 to 260.
The trait Pictomancy Mastery will now increase potency from 280 to 330.
The trait Pictomancy Mastery II will now increase potency from 340 to 400.
The trait Pictomancy Mastery III will now increase potency from 380 to 450.
The trait Pictomancy Mastery IV will now increase potency from 440 to 520. Aero in Green Potency has been increased from 260 to 300.
The trait Pictomancy Mastery will now increase potency from 320 to 370.
The trait Pictomancy Mastery II will now increase potency from 380 to 440.
The trait Pictomancy Mastery III will now increase potency from 420 to 490.
The trait Pictomancy Mastery IV will now increase potency from 480 to 560. Water in Blue Potency has been increased from 300 to 340.
The trait Pictomancy Mastery will now increase potency from 360 to 410.
The trait Pictomancy Mastery II will now increase potency from 420 to 480.
The trait Pictomancy Mastery III will now increase potency from 460 to 530.
The trait Pictomancy Mastery IV will now increase potency from 520 to 600. Fire II in Red Potency has been increased from 80 to 120.
The trait Pictomancy Mastery II will now increase potency from 100 to 150.
The trait Pictomancy Mastery IV will now increase potency from 120 to 180. Mog of the Ages Potency has been reduced from 700 to 500.
Potency increase from the trait Pictomancy Mastery has been changed from 1,100 to 800.
Potency increase from the trait Pictomancy Mastery III has been changed from 1,300 to 1,000.
Reduction in potency after the first target has been changed from 60% to 70%. Pom Muse Potency has been reduced from 600 to 400.
Potency increase from the trait Pictomancy Mastery has been changed from 1,000 to 700.
Potency increase from the trait Pictomancy Mastery III has been changed from 1,100 to 800.
Reduction in potency after the first target has been changed from 60% to 70%. Winged Muse Potency has been reduced from 600 to 400.
Potency increase from the trait Pictomancy Mastery has been changed from 1,000 to 700.
Potency increase from the trait Pictomancy Mastery III has been changed from 1,100 to 800.
Reduction in potency after the first target has been changed from 60% to 70%. Aero II in Green Potency has been increased from 100 to 140.
The trait Pictomancy Mastery II will now increase potency from 120 to 170.
The trait Pictomancy Mastery IV will now increase potency from 140 to 200. Water II in Blue Potency has been increased from 120 to 170.
The trait Pictomancy Mastery II will now increase potency from 140 to 190.
The trait Pictomancy Mastery IV will now increase potency from 160 to 220. Hammer Stamp Potency has been reduced from 300 to 260.
Potency increase from the trait Pictomancy Mastery has been changed from 380 to 350.
Potency increase from the trait Pictomancy Mastery II has been changed from 480 to 420.
Potency increase from the trait Pictomancy Mastery III has been changed from 520 to 460.
Potency increase from the trait Pictomancy Mastery IV has been changed from 560 to 480.
Reduction in potency after the first target has been changed from 60% to 70%. Blizzard in Cyan Potency has been increased from 520 to 590.
The trait Pictomancy Mastery II will now increase potency from 630 to 710.
The trait Pictomancy Mastery III will now increase potency from 700 to 790.
The trait Pictomancy Mastery IV will now increase potency from 800 to 900. Blizzard II in Cyan Potency has been increased from 180 to 270.
The trait Pictomancy Mastery II will now increase potency from 220 to 330.
The trait Pictomancy Mastery IV will now increase potency from 240 to 360. Stone in Yellow Potency has been increased from 560 to 630.
The trait Pictomancy Mastery II will now increase potency from 670 to 750.
The trait Pictomancy Mastery III will now increase potency from 740 to 830.
The trait Pictomancy Mastery IV will now increase potency from 840 to 940. Thunder in Magenta Potency has been increased from 600 to 670.
The trait Pictomancy Mastery II will now increase potency from 710 to 790.
The trait Pictomancy Mastery III will now increase potency from 780 to 870.
The trait Pictomancy Mastery IV will now increase potency from 880 to 980. Stone II in Yellow Potency has been increased from 200 to 290.
The trait Pictomancy Mastery II will now increase potency from 240 to 350.
The trait Pictomancy Mastery IV will now increase potency from 260 to 380. Thunder II in Magenta Potency has been increased from 220 to 310.
The trait Pictomancy Mastery II will now increase potency from 260 to 370.
The trait Pictomancy Mastery IV will now increase potency from 280 to 400. Starry Muse The ground effect will now have a simplified appearance when battle effects are set to Show Limited. Holy in White Potency has been increased from 420 to 480.
The trait Pictomancy Mastery III will now increase potency from 460 to 530.
The trait Pictomancy Mastery IV will now increase potency from 520 to 600.
Reduction in potency after the first target has been changed from 60% to 65%. Hammer Brush Potency has been reduced from 580 to 500.
Potency increase from the trait Pictomancy Mastery IV has been changed from 620 to 520.
Reduction in potency after the first target has been changed from 60% to 70%. Polishing Hammer Potency has been reduced from 640 to 540.
Potency increase from the trait Pictomancy Mastery IV has been changed from 680 to 560.
Reduction in potency after the first target has been changed from 60% to 70%. Comet in Black Potency has been increased from 780 to 870.
The trait Pictomancy Mastery IV will now increase potency from 880 to 980.
Reduction in potency after the first target has been changed from 60% to 65%. Clawed Muse Potency has been reduced from 1,100 to 800.
Reduction in potency after the first target has been changed from 60% to 70%. Fanged Muse Potency has been reduced from 1,100 to 800.
Reduction in potency after the first target has been changed from 60% to 70%. Retribution of the Madeen Potency has been reduced from 1,400 to 1,100.
Reduction in potency after the first target has been changed from 60% to 70%. Star Prism Potency has been reduced from 1,400 to 1,100.
Reduction in potency after the first target has been changed from 60% to 70%. White Mage
Action Adjustment Dia Potency has been increased from 75 to 80.
Damage over time potency has been increased from 75 to 80. Scholar
Action Adjustment Biolysis Damage over time potency has been increased from 75 to 80. Astrologian
Action Adjustment Gravity II The trait Magick Mastery will now increase potency from 130 to 140. Oracle Potency is now reduced by 50% after the first target. Sage
Action Adjustment Eukrasian Dosis III Potency has been increased from 75 to 80. The effect duration of Astral Fire and Umbral Ice is no longer displayed on black mage's Elemental Gauge.
In accordance with this change, the job gauge explanation for black mage has been updated.
The following actions can now be queued for execution:
Use (Meal) Use (Medicine) Sprint
A new dungeon, the Underkeep, has been added.
Players may enter with Trust or Duty Support NPCs to clear the duty or with explorer mode enabled.
Level Requirement Disciple of War or Magic level 100 Item Level Requirement Average item level 705 or above Party Size Four players Time Limit 90 minutes Requirements
Disciple of War or Magic level 100 ??? ??? Players must first complete the main scenario quest "???" Item level sync has been added to the following duties:
Duty Item Level Sync Tender Valley
The Strayborough Deadwalk
Yuweyawata Field Station 730 After beginning a boss encounter in any dungeon introduced prior to Patch 7.0, the shortcut warp will take players to the boss area's entrance.
A new trial has been added.
Level Requirement Disciple of War or Magic level 100 Item Level Requirement Average item level 715 or above Party Size Eight players Time Limit 60 minutes Requirements
Disciple of War or Magic level 100 ??? ??? Players must first complete the main scenario quest "???" Recollection (Extreme)
Recollection (Extreme) can only be accessed via the Raid Finder.
* Item level restrictions and role requirements do not apply when registering as a full party.
Level Requirement Disciple of War or Magic level 100 Item Level Requirement Average item level 730 or above Party Size Eight players Time Limit 60 minutes Requirements
After completing the main scenario quest "???," speak with the Wandering Minstrel in Tuliyollal (X:11.1 Y:14.6) as a level 100 Disciple of War or Magic.
Item Exchange
The items obtained upon completion can be exchanged for gear by speaking with Uah'shepya in Solution Nine (X:8.7 Y:13.5).
Hells' Kier (Unreal)
Hells' Kier (Unreal) can only be accessed via the Raid Finder.
* Item level restrictions and role requirements do not apply when registering as a full party.
Following the release of Hells' Kier (Unreal), the Jade Stoa (Unreal) is no longer accessible.
* Different unreal trials will be available in each major patch.
Level Requirement Disciple of War or Magic level 100 Item Level Requirement Average item level 690 or above Item Level Requirement 695 Party Size Eight players Time Limit 60 minutes Requirements
Fantastic Mr. Faux
Disciple of War or Magic level 80 Idyllshire (X:7.0 Y:5.9) Painfully Ishgardian Man Players must first complete the main scenario quest "Shadowbringers" and the quest "Keeping Up with the Aliapohs." * This trial will be unlocked automatically for players who have already completed the quest "Fantastic Mr. Faux."
The drop rate for the Wings of Ruin and Wings of Resolve has been increased.
They can also be purchased in exchange for totems from Uah'shepya in Solution Nine (X:8.7 Y:13.5).
Item Obtained Item Required Wings of Ruin Skyruin Totem x99 Wings of Resolve Resilient Totem x99
The new raid dungeon AAC Cruiserweight Tier has been added.
Level Requirement Disciple of War or Magic level 100 Item Level Requirement Average item level 715 or above Party Size Eight players Time Limit 90 minutes * Players can queue solo via the Duty Finder after unlocking the raid.
Disciple of War or Magic level 100 ??? ??? Players must first complete the Chronicles of a New Era quest "Souls under Siege." Rewards
Treasure coffers that appear upon completing AAC Cruiserweight Tier will not yield gear, but instead yield tokens that can be traded for gear of your choosing. You can only receive one token per match of AAC Cruiserweight Tier each week. In the event you are awarded a token from the loot list, you relinquish your right to vie for all remaining tokens regardless of whether you selected Need or Greed.
Also note that there is no weekly restriction on entering AAC Cruiserweight Tier.
* Reward eligibility is reset every Tuesday at 1:00 a.m. PDT (8:00 GMT / 19:00 AEDT)
Item Exchange
The items obtained from treasure coffers can be exchanged for gear by speaking with Hhihwi in Solution Nine (X:8.7 Y:13.4).
Item Type Required Token / Number of Tokens Head Cruiser Holohelm x2 Body Cruiser Holosurcoat x4 Hands Cruiser Hologauntlets x2 Legs Cruiser Holotrousers x4 Feet Cruiser Holosabatons x2 Accessories Cruiser Holobrooch x1 Completion Reward
Upon completing AAC Cruiserweight M4, players can also earn a Cruiser Holosaber once per week. This reward can be exchanged with Hhihwi in Solution Nine (X:8.7 Y:13.4) for universal tomestones 2.0, which can in turn be exchanged for weapons.
* Reward eligibility is reset every Tuesday at 1:00 a.m. PDT (8:00 GMT / 19:00 AEDT)
The new raid dungeon AAC Cruiserweight Tier (Savage) has been added.
* Please be advised that AAC Cruiserweight Tier (Savage) will not be accessible until Tuesday, April 1 at 3:00 a.m. PDT (10:00 GMT / 21:00 AEDT). The unlock quest, item exchange, and Stone, Sky, Sea will be unavailable until that time.
AAC Cruiserweight Tier (Savage) can only be accessed via the Raid Finder.
* Item level restrictions and role requirements do not apply when registering as a full party.
Level Requirement Disciple of War or Magic level 100 (Two or more of the same job is not permitted) Item Level Requirement AAC Cruiserweight M1: Average Item Level 730 or above
AAC Cruiserweight M2: Average Item Level 735 or above
AAC Cruiserweight M3: Average Item Level 740 or above
AAC Cruiserweight M4: Average Item Level 740 or above Party Size Eight players Time Limit AAC Cruiserweight M1: 90 minutes
AAC Cruiserweight M2: 90 minutes
AAC Cruiserweight M3: 90 minutes
AAC Cruiserweight M4: 120 minutes Requirements
After completing the Chronicles of a New Era quest "???", speak to Gabbro in Solution Nine (X:22.3 Y:17.1) as a level 100 Disciple of War or Magic.
Upon completing AAC Cruiserweight Tier (Savage) duties, treasure coffers will appear containing Babyface Champion's Coffers. When used, these items transform into gear corresponding to the user's current job. In addition, the coffers that appear upon completing AAC Cruiserweight M4 (Savage) yield weapons.
Coffer Type Equipment Reward Babyface Champion's Weapon Coffer (IL 765) Weapons Babyface Champion's Head Gear Coffer (IL 760) Head Babyface Champion's Chest Gear Coffer (IL 760) Body Babyface Champion's Hand Gear Coffer (IL 760) Hands Babyface Champion's Leg Gear Coffer (IL 760) Legs Babyface Champion's Foot Gear Coffer (IL 760) Feet Babyface Champion's Earring Coffer (IL 760) Earrings Babyface Champion's Necklace Coffer (IL 760) Necklace Babyface Champion's Bracelet Coffer (IL 760) Bracelets Babyface Champion's Ring Coffer (IL 760) Ring
Regardless of whether your party contains a player replaying a duty prior to the weekly reset or not, one treasure coffer will appear.
* If there are one to four players in your party replaying a duty, the number of treasure coffers appearing upon completion will decrease. Players will be ineligible for rewards from treasure coffers as well as AAC Illustrated: CW Edition when replaying a duty prior to the weekly reset. If there are five to seven players in your party replaying a duty, no treasure coffers will appear.
* Reward eligibility is reset every Tuesday at 1:00 a.m. PDT (8:00 GMT / 19:00 AEDT)
By selecting "Duty Completion," players will not be matched with those who have already completed the duty.
Item Exchange
In addition to gear, players will receive an AAC Illustrated: CW Edition from each area, which can be exchanged for gear of your choosing.
* Players will only receive one copy of AAC Illustrated per area each week upon completing said area for the first time.
By speaking with Hhihwi in Solution Nine (X:8.7 Y:13.4), players can exchange copies of AAC Illustrated: CW Edition obtained from AAC Cruiserweight Tier (Savage) for rewards.
Item Type Required Token / Number of Tokens Weapons AAC Illustrated: CW Edition IV x8 Head AAC Illustrated: CW Edition II x4 Body AAC Illustrated: CW Edition III x6 Hands AAC Illustrated: CW Edition II x4 Legs AAC Illustrated: CW Edition III x6 Feet AAC Illustrated: CW Edition II x4 Accessories AAC Illustrated: CW Edition I x3 Evercharged Ester AAC Illustrated: CW Edition III x4 Evercharged Twine AAC Illustrated: CW Edition III x4 Evercharged Glaze AAC Illustrated: CW Edition II x3 AAC Illustrated: CW Edition I AAC Illustrated: CW Edition IV x1 AAC Illustrated: CW Edition II AAC Illustrated: CW Edition IV x1 AAC Illustrated: CW Edition III AAC Illustrated: CW Edition IV x1 The following duties have been added to the Raid Finder:
Recollection (Extreme) Hells' Kier (Unreal) AAC Cruiserweight M1 (Savage) AAC Cruiserweight M2 (Savage) AAC Cruiserweight M3 (Savage) AAC Cruiserweight M4 (Savage) When registering to undertake these duties, parties will be matched with one pure healer and one barrier healer.
The following duties have been moved to the Duty Finder:
The Minstrel's Ballad: Sphene's Burden AAC Light-heavyweight M1 (Savage) AAC Light-heavyweight M2 (Savage) AAC Light-heavyweight M3 (Savage) AAC Light-heavyweight M4 (Savage) Players will now receive the power of the Echo in the event all party members are incapacitated during the following trials:
The Minstrel's Ballad: Sphene's Burden
Each time players restart the aforementioned trial, they will be granted a 5% Echo effect boost, which increases each restart up to a maximum of 25%. If a player restarts after battling for less than three minutes, they will not be granted this effect.
The following adjustments have been made to Jeuno: The First Walk:
The weekly restriction on rewards obtained from coffers has been removed. The weekly restriction on obtaining Ordelle Coins has been removed. Tattered Sheet Music found in the additional treasure coffer that appears at the end of the alliance raid can now be found in the final treasure coffer designated to each party. Tattered Sheet Music can now also be found in each party's treasure coffer that appears after each boss. Bonus experience points received upon completing the following duties in Duty Roulette: Alliance Raids has been increased:
The Labyrinth of the Ancients The Void Ark The Weeping City of Mhach Dun Scaith The Royal City of Rabanastre The Ridorana Lighthouse The Orbonne Monastery The Copied Factory The Puppets' Bunker The Tower at Paradigm's Breach Aglaia Euphrosyne Thaleia Experience points earned upon defeating bosses in the following alliance raids, as well as the experience points earned upon the completion of these duties, has been decreased:
As a result of this adjustment, the experience points earned from these duties should now be more in line with other alliance raids.
Aglaia Euphrosyne Thaleia When speaking with Uah'shepya in Solution Nine (X:8.7 Y:13.5), the position of Clouddark Demimateria II in the list of items sold under Sublime Curiosities has been changed.
This adjustment was made to align Cloud of Darkness (Chaotic) exchange items.
The following adjustments have been made to Futures Rewritten (Ultimate):
The weekly restriction on obtaining Oracle Totems has been removed. Item level sync has been set to IL 735. This adjustment was implemented to preserve the difficulty of the encounter, as well as the rarity of the achievement rewarded for its completion. Allagan tomestones of mathematics have been added.
Players can only obtain 450 Allagan tomestones of mathematics per week, and carry a maximum of 2,000. Moreover, players can only receive Allagan tomestones of mathematics after reaching level 100 with at least one Disciple of War or Magic.
* Speak with Zircon in Solution Nine (X:8.6 Y:13.5) to exchange Allagan tomestones of mathematics for gear.
* Speak with Theone in Solution Nine (X:8.5 Y:13.6) to enhance gear received in exchange for Allagan tomestones of mathematics.
The following additions and adjustments have been made to Allagan tomestones:
Allagan Tomestone of Heliometry
The weekly limitation on Allagan tomestones of heliometry has been removed. All trials and duties where Allagan tomestones of heliometry could be obtained will now offer Allagan tomestones of mathematics instead.
* The maximum store of 2,000 tomestones has not been changed.
Allagan Tomestone of Aesthetics
Allagan tomestones of aesthetics are no longer obtainable. All trials and duties where Allagan tomestones of aesthetics could be obtained will now offer Allagan tomestones of heliometry instead.
Any Allagan tomestones of aesthetics obtained prior to Patch 7.2 will not be lost. The NPC Auriana in Mor Dhona (X:22.7 Y:6.7) will now give players the option to exchange Allagan tomestones of aesthetics for Allagan tomestones of heliometry.
Allagan Tomestone of Causality/Allagan Tomestone of Comedy
Allagan tomestones of causality and comedy have been removed from the game.
Allagan Tomestones of Poetics
Allagan tomestones of poetics may still be obtained from duties up to level 90, as well as certain Duty Roulettes.
The duties listed within Duty Roulette: Expert have been changed as follows:
Duties changed: Before After Alexandria
Tender Valley
The Strayborough Deadwalk
Yuweyawata Field Station Yuweyawata Field Station
The Underkeep The required average item level to register for Duty Roulette: Expert has been increased from 690 to 705. The Duty Roulette: Level Cap Dungeons category has been added to the Duty Finder, containing the following duties:
Alexandria Tender Valley The Strayborough Deadwalk
* Duty Roulette: Level Cap Dungeons will become available upon completing all associated duties. Bonus Rewards
Allagan Tomestone of Heliometry x100 Allagan Tomestone of Mathematics x15 Recollection has been added to Duty Roulette: Trials.
Jeuno: The First Walk has been added to Duty Roulette: Alliance Raids.
The following duties have been added to Duty Roulette: Normal Raids:
AAC Cruiserweight M1 AAC Cruiserweight M2 AAC Cruiserweight M3 AAC Cruiserweight M4 The following additions and adjustments have been made to Duty Roulette: Mentor:
New duties have been added. The Underkeep Recollection AAC Cruiserweight M1 AAC Cruiserweight M2 AAC Cruiserweight M3 AAC Cruiserweight M4 The required average item level to register for Duty Roulette: Mentor has been increased from 695 to 715. The number and types of Allagan tomestones received from Duty Roulette have been adjusted.
Duty Roulette: Expert
Before After 60 Allagan tomestones of aesthetics
40 Allagan tomestones of heliometry 60 Allagan tomestones of heliometry
40 Allagan tomestone of mathematics Duty Roulette: High-level Dungeons
Before After 100 Allagan tomestones of poetics
120 Allagan tomestones of aesthetics 100 Allagan tomestones of poetics
120 Allagan tomestones of heliometry Duty Roulette: Leveling
Before After 100 Allagan tomestones of aesthetics
20 Allagan tomestones of heliometry 100 Allagan tomestones of heliometry
20 Allagan tomestone of mathematics Duty Roulette: Trials
Before After 60 Allagan tomestones of aesthetics
15 Allagan tomestones of heliometry 60 Allagan tomestones of heliometry
15 Allagan tomestone of mathematics Duty Roulette: Main Scenario
Before After 350 Allagan tomestones of poetics
100 Allagan tomestones of aesthetics
50 Allagan tomestones of heliometry 350 Allagan tomestones of poetics
100 Allagan tomestones of heliometry
50 Allagan tomestone of mathematics Duty Roulette: Alliance Raid
Before After 120 Allagan tomestones of poetics
120 Allagan tomestones of aesthetics
50 Allagan tomestones of heliometry 120 Allagan tomestones of poetics
120 Allagan tomestones of heliometry
50 Allagan tomestone of mathematics Duty Roulette: Normal Raids
Before After 80 Allagan tomestones of poetics
60 Allagan tomestones of aesthetics
20 Allagan tomestones of heliometry 80 Allagan tomestones of poetics
60 Allagan tomestones of heliometry
20 Allagan tomestone of mathematics Duty Roulette: Mentor
Before After 30 Allagan tomestones of aesthetics
10 Allagan tomestones of heliometry 30 Allagan tomestones of heliometry
10 Allagan tomestone of mathematics Daily Challenge: Frontline
Before After 50 Allagan tomestones of aesthetics
20 Allagan tomestones of heliometry 50 Allagan tomestones of heliometry
20 Allagan tomestone of mathematics The types of Allagan tomestones received from PvP duties have been adjusted.
Crystalline Conflict
Before After 20 Allagan tomestones of poetics
20 Allagan tomestones of aesthetics
10 Allagan tomestones of heliometry 20 Allagan tomestones of poetics
20 Allagan tomestones of heliometry
10 Allagan tomestone of mathematics Frontline
Before After 50 Allagan tomestones of poetics
50 Allagan tomestones of aesthetics
20 Allagan tomestones of heliometry 50 Allagan tomestones of poetics
50 Allagan tomestones of heliometry
20 Allagan tomestone of mathematics Rival Wings
Before After 50 Allagan tomestones of poetics
50 Allagan tomestones of aesthetics
20 Allagan tomestones of heliometry 50 Allagan tomestones of poetics
50 Allagan tomestones of heliometry
20 Allagan tomestone of mathematics The number and types of Allagan tomestones awarded for defeating elite marks have been adjusted.
2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, and 6.0 Areas
A Rank
Before After 30 Allagan tomestones of poetics
10 Allagan tomestones of aesthetics 30 Allagan tomestones of poetics
10 Allagan tomestones of heliometry S Rank
Before After 100 Allagan tomestones of poetics
30 Allagan tomestones of aesthetics 100 Allagan tomestones of poetics
30 Allagan tomestones of heliometry 5.0, and 6.0 Areas
Extraordinarily Powerful Elite Marks
Before After 200 Allagan tomestones of poetics
50 Allagan tomestones of aesthetics 200 Allagan tomestones of poetics
50 Allagan tomestones of heliometry 7.0 Areas
A Rank
Before After 30 Allagan tomestones of poetics
20 Allagan tomestones of aesthetics
10 Allagan tomestones of heliometry 30 Allagan tomestones of poetics
20 Allagan tomestones of heliometry
10 Allagan tomestone of mathematics S Rank
Before After 100 Allagan tomestones of poetics
80 Allagan tomestones of aesthetics
30 Allagan tomestones of heliometry 100 Allagan tomestones of poetics
80 Allagan tomestones of heliometry
30 Allagan tomestone of mathematics Extraordinarily Powerful Elite Marks
Before After 200 Allagan tomestones of poetics
100 Allagan tomestones of aesthetics
50 Allagan tomestones of heliometry 200 Allagan tomestones of poetics
100 Allagan tomestones of heliometry
50 Allagan tomestone of mathematics The types of Allagan tomestones received from deep dungeons have been adjusted.
Before After Allagan Tomestone of Aesthetics
Allagan Tomestone of Heliometry Allagan Tomestone of Heliometry
Allagan Tomestone of Mathematics The type of Allagan tomestones received from Timeworn Loboskin Maps and Timeworn Br'aaxskin Maps has been adjusted.
Before After Allagan Tomestone of Aesthetics Allagan Tomestone of Heliometry The type of Allagan tomestones obtained from Cenote Ja Ja Gural has been changed.
Before After Allagan Tomestone of Heliometry Allagan Tomestone of Mathematics The following trials have been added to Stone, Sky, Sea:
Recollection (Extreme) AAC Cruiserweight AAC Cruiserweight M1 (Savage) AAC Cruiserweight M2 (Savage) AAC Cruiserweight M3 (Savage) AAC Cruiserweight M4 (Savage) The following adjustments have been made to the Sunken Temple of Qarn:
The Teratotaur boss battle has been adjusted. The Temple Guardian boss battle has been adjusted. The Adjudicator boss battle has been adjusted. PvP
The following adjustments have been made to PvP actions:
Further explanations of PvP action changes and adjustments can be found in the job guide.
View the job guide.
Action Adjustment Holy Sheltron Area of effect has been increased from 5 to 6 yalms. Marauder / Warrior
Action Adjustment Chaotic Cyclone Area of effect has been increased from 5 to 6 yalms. Orogeny Area of effect has been increased from 5 to 6 yalms. Dark Knight
Action Adjustment Impalement Area of effect has been increased from 5 to 6 yalms. Gunbreaker
Action Adjustment Fated Circle Area of effect has been increased from 5 to 6 yalms. Fated Brand Area of effect has been increased from 5 to 6 yalms. Relentless Rush Area of effect has been increased from 5 to 6 yalms. Terminal Trigger Area of effect has been increased from 5 to 6 yalms. Monk
Action Adjustment Earth's Reply Area of effect has been increased from 5 to 6 yalms. Thunderclap Alliance members and other players are now selectable as targets. Rising Phoenix Area of effect has been increased from 5 to 6 yalms. Samurai
Action Adjustment Hyosetsu Area of effect has been increased from 5 to 6 yalms. Mangetsu Area of effect has been increased from 5 to 6 yalms. Oka Area of effect has been increased from 5 to 6 yalms. Viper
Action Adjustment Slither Alliance members and other players are now selectable as targets. Backlash Recast time has been increased from 1 to 2 seconds.
Area of effect has been increased from 5 to 6 yalms.
Area of effect of the doubled potency granted while under the effect of Snake's Bane has been increased from 5 to 6 yalms. Machinist
Action Adjustment Marksman's Spite Potency has been increased from 36,000 to 40,000. Dancer
Action Adjustment Honing Dance Area of effect has been increased from 5 to 6 yalms. Honing Ovation Area of effect of doubled potency and barrier potency has been increased from 5 to 6 yalms. Black Mage
Action Adjustment Burst Area of effect has been increased from 5 to 6 yalms. Aetherial Manipulation Alliance members and other players are now selectable as targets. Summoner
Action Adjustment Summon Bahamut Attack delay of Demi-Bahamut has been decreased. Summon Phoenix Attack delay of Demi-Phoenix has been decreased. Scholar
Action Adjustment Seraphism The additional effect of this action has been revamped. It now functions as follows:
Removes one status affliction from self and nearby party members that can be removed by Purify. If a status affliction cannot be removed, creates a barrier that will nullify the next status affliction that can be removed by Purify.
Duration: 20s Astrologian
Action Adjustment Epicycle Recast time has been increased from 20 to 24 seconds. Sage
Action Adjustment Icarus Recast time has been reduced from 12 to 10 seconds.
Alliance members and other players are now selectable as targets. Phlegma Recast time has been reduced from 16 to 15 seconds. Toxikon Recast time has been reduced from 16 to 15 seconds. Large-scale PvP duty-specific role actions have been added.
PvP role actions are available in Frontline, Rival Wings, and Wolves' Den Pier.
Each role has three actions, and one may be selected for use.
You can select and assign role actions to the hotbar via "PvP Profile" under "Character" in the main menu.
* During Frontline or Rival Wings campaigns, you may only adjust these actions in the starting area.
Action Description Rampage Delivers an attack with a potency of 8,000 to all nearby enemies.
Additional Effect: Increases target's damage taken by 25%
Duration: 10s Rampart Reduces damage taken by 50% while increasing HP recovered by healing actions by 25%.
Duration: 15s Full Swing Delivers an attack with a potency of 8,000.
Additional Effect: 30-yalm knockback
Removes Guard from enemies under its effect. Melee DPS
Action Description Bloodbath Converts 100% of physical damage dealt into HP.
Duration: 10s Swift Increases movement speed by 100% and grants immunity to Stun, Heavy, Bind, Silence, Half-asleep, Sleep, Deep Freeze, and knockback and draw-in effects.
Duration: 4s
Effect ends when riding a mount. Smite Delivers an attack with a potency of 6,000.
Potency increases up to 18,000 as the target's HP decreases, reaching its maximum value when the target has 25% HP or less.
Recast time resets upon earning a kill or an assist. Physical Ranged DPS
Action Description Dervish Reduces cast time and recast time of spells and weaponskills by 10%, and increases movement speed by 25% for self and nearby party members.
Duration: 12s Bravery Increases damage dealt by 25%, and reduces damage taken by 25%.
Duration: 10s Eagle Eye Shot Delivers an attack with a potency of 12,000.
Ignores the effects of Guard when dealing damage. Magical Ranged DPS
Action Description Comet Deals magic damage to enemies at the designated area with a potency of 20,000.
You cannot move while casting, nor can you cancel the spell once cast. Phantom Dart Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 4,000.
Additional Effect: Increases target's damage taken by 25%
Duration: 5s Rust Reduces damage dealt and healing potency of nearby enemies by 25%.
Duration: 10s Healer
Action Description Haelan Restores target's HP.
Cure Potency: 12,000 Stoneskin II Creates a barrier around self and all nearby party members.
Absorbs damage equivalent to a heal of 10,000 potency.
Duration: 10s Diabrosis Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 8,000 to target and all enemies nearby it.
Additional Effect: Reduces target's HP recovered by healing actions by 25%
Duration: 10s The time between action execution and effect activation has been shortened for the following PvP actions:
Fast Blade Riot Blade Royal Authority Blade of Valor Atonement Holy Spirit Confiteor Supplication Sepulchre Imperator Warrior
Heavy Swing Maim Storm's Path Inner Chaos Fell Cleave Primal Ruination Dark Knight
Hard Slash Syphon Strike Souleater Plunge Eventide Scarlet Delirium Comeuppance Torcleaver Disesteem Shadowbringer Gunbreaker
Keen Edge Brutal Shell Solid Barrel Gnashing Fang Savage Claw Wicked Talon Jugular Rip Abdomen Tear Eye Gouge Rough Divide Blasting Zone Monk
Twin Snakes Rising Raptor Pouncing Coeurl Flint's Reply Dragoon
Geirskogul Nastrond Raiden Thrust Fang and Claw Wheeling Thrust Chaotic Spring High Jump Horrid Roar Starcross Drakesbane Ninja
Hyosho Ranryu Zesho Meppo Spinning Edge Gust Slash Aeolian Edge Assassinate Fuma Shuriken Samurai
Hissatsu: Soten Zanshin Yukikaze Gekko Kasha Reaper
Plentiful Harvest Grim Swathe Executioner's Guillotine Fate Sealed Slice Waxing Slice Infernal Slice Void Reaping Cross Reaping Harvest Moon Death Warrant Viper
Uncoiled Fury Ouroboros Uncoiled Twinfang Uncoiled Twinblood World-swallower Steel Fangs Piercing Fangs Hunter's Sting Swiftskin's Sting Barbarous Bite Ravenous Bite Sanguine Feast Death Rattle Twinblood Bite Bard
Blast Arrow Encore of Light Machinist
Scattergun Bioblaster Drill Chain Saw Dancer
Dance of the Dawn Cascade Fountainfall Saber Dance Starfall Dance Fan Dance Curing Waltz Black Mage
Fire Fire IV Blizzard Blizzard IV Paradox Fire III Blizzard III High Fire II High Blizzard II Flare Freeze Xenoglossy Lethargy Summoner
Fountain of Fire Slipstream Necrotize Crimson Cyclone Crimson Strike Ruin IV Deathflare Brand of Purgatory Red Mage
Resolution Scorch Corps-a-corps Displacement Grand Impact Enchanted Riposte Enchanted Zwerchhau Enchanted Redoublement Pictomancer
Holy in White Comet in Black Winged Muse Fanged Muse Advent of Chocobastion Star Prism White Mage
Cure III Glare III Seraph Strike Glare IV Scholar
Biolysis Chain Stratagem Accession Seraphism Seraphic Halo Astrologian
Fall Malefic Sage
Eukrasian Dosis III Toxikon Toxikon II The effects and/or motions of the following PvP actions have been adjusted:
Hyosho Ranryu Dancer
Dance of the Dawn Red Mage
Resolution New items are available in exchange for Trophy Crystals.
A number of previous PvP Series rewards have been made available for exchange.
Series 7 will end and Series 8 will begin.
Series 8 will be held from Patch 7.2 to the release of Patch 7.3, during which time you can earn Series EXP and increase your Series level by participating in any PvP duty. Increasing your Series level will unlock various Series rewards.
* Rewards from Series 7 can only be claimed until the end of Series 8. To claim rewards, select Series Malmstones from the PvP Profile window, then select Previous Series.
Crystalline Conflict
Season Thirteen will end and Season Fourteen will begin.
When the season ends, the top 300 ranking players from the North American, European, and Japanese data centers, and the top 100 ranking players from the Oceanian data center will receive vouchers via the moogle delivery service.
Players finishing in the Bronze tier or higher can claim rewards by speaking with the Seasonal Quartermaster at the Wolves' Den Pier (X:4.9 Y:5.7).
Learn more about rewards.
* Tier rewards for Season Thirteen must be claimed before the end of Season Fourteen.
Players will begin Season Fourteen five risers lower than the rank at which they finished Season Thirteen. Rising Stars will be reset to zero.
Season Fourteen will be held in the following data centers:
Physical Data Center Logical Data Center Japan Meteor North America Crystal Europe Chaos Oceania Materia The tactical crystal's movement speed is no longer increased if it is within a distance from the centerpoint that is less than the opposing team's progress record.
* The tactical crystal's movement speed will still increase as usual if you move it within your team's progress record.
The losing team's clear progress speed is no longer increased at checkpoints.
The following keybindings have been added, allowing the direct targeting of opposing players:
Target Enemy Party, Member 1 Target Enemy Party, Member 2 Target Enemy Party, Member 3 Target Enemy Party, Member 4 Target Enemy Party, Member 5 Frontline
The following adjustments have been made to job damage output, damage taken, and limit gauge fill rates:
Action Adjustment Damage Taken Reduced from -50% to -55%. Dark Knight
Action Adjustment Damage Dealt Increased from -20% to -15%. Dragoon
Action Adjustment Damage Dealt Increased from -20% to -15%. Limit Gauge Fill Rate Reduced from +45 seconds to +15 seconds. Ninja
Action Adjustment Damage Taken Increased from -50% to -45%. Limit Gauge Fill Rate Increased to +15 seconds. Viper
Action Adjustment Damage Taken Reduced from -50% to -60%. Black Mage
Action Adjustment Damage Dealt Reduced to -5%. Red Mage
Action Adjustment Damage Taken Reduced from -35% to -38%. White Mage
Action Adjustment Damage Taken Increased from -30% to -25%. Astrologian
Action Adjustment Damage Dealt Reduced from -10% to -15%. Damage Taken Increased from -30% to -25%. Limit Gauge Fill Rate Increased to +15 seconds. Sage
Action Adjustment Damage Taken Reduced from -30% to -35%. The following adjustments have been made to battle high rating gained upon KOing or assisting:
Action Rating KO Reduced from 10 to 8. Assist Increased from 2 to 4. The Borderland Ruins (Secure) campaign has returned.
For further explanation of the rules, please refer to the play guide.
The following additions and adjustments have been made to the Borderland Ruins (Secure):
The terrain of the arena has been adjusted. The distribution of key locations has been adjusted. Personnel displacement panels have been added to teleport players to the Heliodrome when weaponry is deployed. The amount of tactical points awarded has been adjusted in accordance with the number of key locations occupied. Players standing near the flag of key locations will be buffed with the status Sheer Will, greatly increasing damage dealt. Interceptor commander systems will now be deployed. This new enemy will use Perimeter Cannon, and by absorbing this attack players may increase their rating and gain tactical points for their team. The pattern of enemy appearances has been adjusted. The actions executed by interceptor drones and interceptor nodes have been adjusted. After defeating interceptor drones, the party that contributed the most damage will gain battle high rating for all its members. When interceptor drones are deployed, an interceptor drone α may appear. Defeating these rare enemies will reward players with more tactical points than regular interceptor drones. When the interceptor node's HP is reduced to zero, it will regain all its HP up to five times. Each time its HP is reduced to zero, teams will be awarded tactical points according to their contribution of damage dealt. Visual and/or audio effects have been added to moments when tactical points are awarded for defeating monsters or successfully navigating their attacks. The Frontline Campaign Info window has been added. * The PvP HUD layout can be adjusted in the Borderland Ruins (Secure) in Frontline, or on Wolves' Den Pier.
New items have been added.
Items added in Patch 7.2 will be listed at a later date.
New recipes have been added.
Recipes added in patch 7.2 will be listed at a later date.
New master recipes have been added.
* Updated on Tuesday, March 25, 2025 at 4:30 a.m. (GMT)
The Dyeing interface has been adjusted.
* This adjustment is to accommodate the additional dyes due for implementation in Patch 7.21.
The following items now have two dye channels:
Honorbound Tenacity Skullrender Woeborn Crownsblade Samsara Dreizack Honeshirazu Hoshikiri Brilliance Lawman Enchufla Soulscourge Espiritus Talekeeper Ingrimm Akademos Solstice Augmented Honorbound Augmented Tenacity Augmented Skullrender Augmented Woeborn Augmented Crownsblade Augmented Samsara Augmented Dreizack Augmented Honeshirazu Augmented Hoshikiri Augmented Brilliance Augmented Lawman Augmented Enchufla Augmented Soulscourge Augmented Espiritus Augmented Talekeeper Augmented Ingrimm Augmented Akademos Augmented Solstice Honorbound Recollection Tenacity Recollection Skullrender Recollection Woeborn Recollection Crownsblade Recollection Samsara Recollection Dreizack Recollection Honeshirazu Recollection Hoshikiri Recollection Brilliance Recollection Lawman Recollection Enchufla Recollection Soulscourge Recollection Espiritus Recollection Talekeeper Recollection Ingrimm Recollection Akademos Recollection Solstice Recollection Law's Order Bastard Sword Law's Order Kite Shield Law's Order Labrys Law's Order Zweihander Law's Order Manatrigger Law's Order Knuckles Law's Order Spear Law's Order Knives Law's Order Samurai Blade Law's Order Composite Bow Law's Order Revolver Law's Order Chakrams Law's Order Rod Law's Order Index Law's Order Rapier Law's Order Cane Law's Order Codex Law's Order Astrometer Augmented Law's Order Bastard Sword Augmented Law's Order Kite Shield Augmented Law's Order Labrys Augmented Law's Order Zweihander Augmented Law's Order Manatrigger Augmented Law's Order Knuckles Augmented Law's Order Spear Augmented Law's Order Knives Augmented Law's Order Samurai Blade Augmented Law's Order Composite Bow Augmented Law's Order Revolver Augmented Law's Order Chakrams Augmented Law's Order Rod Augmented Law's Order Index Augmented Law's Order Rapier Augmented Law's Order Cane Augmented Law's Order Codex Augmented Law's Order Astrometer Blade's Honor Blade's Fortitude Blade's Valor Blade's Justice Blade's Resolve Blade's Serenity Blade's Glory Blade's Subtlety Blade's Fealty Blade's Muse Blade's Ingenuity Blade's Euphoria Blade's Fury Blade's Acumen Blade's Temperance Blade's Mercy Blade's Wisdom Blade's Providence Honorbound Replica Tenacity Replica Skullrender Replica Woeborn Replica Crownsblade Replica Replica Samsara Dreizack Replica Replica Honeshirazu Hoshikiri Replica Brilliance Replica Lawman Replica Replica Enchufla Soulscourge Replica Replica of Espiritus Talekeeper Replica Ingrimm Replica Replica of Akademos Solstice Replica Replica Honorbound Recollection Replica Tenacity Recollection Replica Skullrender Recollection Replica Woeborn Recollection Replica Crownsblade Recollection Replica Samsara Recollection Replica Dreizack Recollection Replica Honeshirazu Recollection Replica Hoshikiri Recollection Replica Brilliance Recollection Replica Lawman Recollection Replica Enchufla Recollection Replica Soulscourge Recollection Replica Espiritus Recollection Replica Talekeeper Recollection Replica Ingrimm Recollection Replica Akademos Recollection Replica Solstice Recollection Replica Law's Order Bastard Sword Replica Law's Order Kite Shield Replica Law's Order Labrys Replica Law's Order Zweihander Replica Law's Order Manatrigger Replica Law's Order Knuckles Replica Law's Order Spear Replica Law's Order Knives Replica Law's Order Samurai Blade Replica Law's Order Composite Bow Replica Law's Order Revolver Replica Law's Order Chakrams Replica Law's Order Rod Replica Law's Order Index Replica Law's Order Rapier Replica Law's Order Cane Replica Law's Order Codex Replica Law's Order Astrometer Replica Augmented Law's Order Bastard Sword Replica Augmented Law's Order Kite Shield Replica Augmented Law's Order Labrys Replica Augmented Law's Order Zweihander Replica Augmented Law's Order Manatrigger Replica Augmented Law's Order Knuckles Replica Augmented Law's Order Spear Replica Augmented Law's Order Knives Replica Augmented Law's Order Samurai Blade Replica Augmented Law's Order Composite Bow Replica Augmented Law's Order Revolver Replica Augmented Law's Order Chakrams Replica Augmented Law's Order Rod Replica Augmented Law's Order Index Replica Augmented Law's Order Rapier Replica Augmented Law's Order Cane Replica Augmented Law's Order Codex Replica Augmented Law's Order Astrometer Replica Blade's Honor Replica Blade's Fortitude Replica Blade's Valor Replica Blade's Justice Replica Blade's Resolve Replica Blade's Serenity Replica Blade's Glory Replica Blade's Subtlety Replica Blade's Fealty Replica Blade's Muse Replica Blade's Ingenuity Replica Blade's Euphoria Replica Blade's Fury Replica Blade's Acumen Replica Blade's Temperance Replica Blade's Mercy Replica Blade's Wisdom Replica Blade's Providence Matte Replica Blade's Honor Matte Replica Blade's Fortitude Matte Replica Blade's Valor Matte Replica Blade's Justice Matte Replica Blade's Resolve Matte Replica Blade's Serenity Matte Replica Blade's Glory Matte Replica Blade's Subtlety Matte Replica Blade's Fealty Matte Replica Blade's Muse Matte Replica Blade's Ingenuity Matte Replica Blade's Euphoria Matte Replica Blade's Fury Matte Replica Blade's Acumen Matte Replica Blade's Temperance Matte Replica Blade's Mercy Matte Replica Blade's Wisdom Matte Replica Blade's Providence Augmented Temple Gaskins Augmented Healer's Robe Augmented Healer's Culottes Augmented Healer's Boots Cloche Light Steel Galerus Light Steel Subligar Taffeta Shawl Taffeta Loincloth Plain Long Skirt The Best Gown Ever Company Hat Company Tabard Flat Cap White Beret Coeurl Mask Expeditioner's Cap Expeditioner's Flyers Uraeus Body Armor Uraeus Breeches Gryphonskin Breastguard Gryphonskin Pantalettes Dragon Monocle Cait Sith Ears Astral Silk Robe Taoist's Cap Taoist's Shirt Taoist's Gloves Taoist's Slops Taoist's Shoes Tamamo Headband Ribbon Island Leaf Headdress Minmisle Top Hat Gold Roselle Capeline Pearl Roselle Capeline South Seas Talisman Blue Summer Maro Coeurl Talisman Coeurl Beach Maro Coeurl Beach Briefs Sea Breeze Summer Halter Sea Breeze Summer Pareo Coeurl Beach Halter Coeurl Beach Pareo Coeurl Beach Tanga Starlight Sugarloaf Hat Starlight Tunic Starlight Tights Starlight Boots Southern Seas Vest Southern Seas Trunks Striped Southern Seas Vest Endless Summer Glasses Endless Summer Top Endless Summer Bottom Lyse's Leadership Attire Scion Striker's Visor Scion Striker's Attire Scion Liberator's Sabatons Scion Liberator's Jacket Scion Liberator's Fingerless Gloves Scion Liberator's Pantalettes Lord Commander's Coat Lord Commander's Gloves The following items can now be equipped regardless of gender:
Black-feathered Flat Hat Red-feathered Flat Hat The following additions have been made to the glamour dresser:
When creating an outfit glamour, the location in which each individual gear piece was previously stored is now displayed in the log window. The following marks can now display on stored item icons: A mark indicating an item can be used as part of an outfit glamour.
A mark indicating an item is part of an outfit glamour and has been saved as an outfit.
The Outfit Glamour category has been added to Filter Settings. Neo Kingdom gear can now be purchased in exchange for Sacks of Nuts.
Gear Exchange
Ryubool Ja, Tuliyollal (X:13.9 Y:13.4) Certain items can now be sold, desynthesized, and submitted as expert deliveries, or used in materia extraction.
Secondary attributes have been adjusted for the following items:
Exquisite Zwill Crossblades
Before After Critical Hit +306 / Direct Hit Rate +214 Critical Hit +306 / Determination +214 Exquisite Renaissance Brush
Before After Critical Hit +214 / Direct Hit Rate +306 Critical Hit +306 / Direct Hit Rate +214 The description of certain pugilist's arms has been updated to indicate that weapon appearance may take precedence over the display of hand gear.
New miner and botanist gathering points have been added.
New items have been added to gathering points.
The location of certain gathering points in Yak T'el has been adjusted.
An effect now displays when the Collector's Standard and Collector's High Standard statuses are active.
New fish have been added.
The following fish can now be caught using Golden Stonefly Nymph bait:
Mudfish Yak T'el Catfish A feature to batch select required materials by quality has been added to the Crafting Log.
If you lack the sufficient quantity of required materials, only the amount in your possession will be selected.
Level requirements for master crafting recipes have been removed.
The level cap for desynthesis has been increased from 720 to 740.
New mounts have been added.
Mounts can now be summoned while moving.
New chocobo barding has been added.
New minions have been added.
New facewear has been added.
Graphical Update
Graphical adjustments have been made to player character models based on feedback from the community.
Read more about our response to feedback on player character models.
In conjunction with these adjustments, players can obtain a phial of Fantasia from the wandering moogle in Old Gridania (X:10.7 Y:6.4) for a limited period of time.
* This reward will be obtainable until the release of Patch 7.3.
Shadow quality has been adjusted.
Multiple light sources are now factored when casting shadows, leading to improved shadow quality for characters and mounts, in group pose, and in certain cutscenes.
The following adjustments have been made to certain NPCs:
Model quality, texture resolution, and material qualities of faces have been improved. Texture resolution and material qualities of gear have been improved. Graphical details for the following gear have been improved:
Curtana Holy Shield Bravura Sphairai Gae Bolg Yoshimitsu Artemis Bow Stardust Rod The Veil of Wiyu Thyrus Omnilex Curtana Zenith Holy Shield Zenith Bravura Zenith Sphairai Zenith Gae Bolg Zenith Yoshimitsu Zenith Artemis Bow Zenith Stardust Rod Zenith The Veil of Wiyu Zenith Thyrus Zenith Omnilex Zenith Curtana Atma Holy Shield Atma Bravura Atma Sphairai Atma Gae Bolg Atma Yoshimitsu Atma Artemis Bow Atma Stardust Rod Atma The Veil of Wiyu Atma Thyrus Atma Omnilex Atma Curtana Animus Holy Shield Animus Bravura Animus Sphairai Animus Gae Bolg Animus Yoshimitsu Animus Artemis Bow Animus Stardust Rod Animus The Veil of Wiyu Animus Thyrus Animus Omnilex Animus Curtana Novus Holy Shield Novus Bravura Novus Sphairai Novus Gae Bolg Novus Yoshimitsu Novus Artemis Bow Novus Stardust Rod Novus The Veil of Wiyu Novus Thyrus Novus Omnilex Novus Curtana Nexus Holy Shield Nexus Bravura Nexus Sphairai Nexus Gae Bolg Nexus Yoshimitsu Nexus Artemis Bow Nexus Stardust Rod Nexus The Veil of Wiyu Nexus Thyrus Nexus Omnilex Nexus Curtana Replica Holy Shield Replica Bravura Replica Replica Sphairai Gae Bolg Replica Replica Yoshimitsu Artemis Bow Replica Stardust Rod Replica The Veil of Wiyu Replica Thyrus Replica Replica of the Omnilex Curtana Zenith Replica Holy Shield Zenith Replica Bravura Zenith Replica Replica Sphairai Zenith Gae Bolg Zenith Replica Replica Yoshimitsu Zenith Artemis Bow Zenith Replica Stardust Rod Zenith Replica The Veil of Wiyu Zenith Replica Thyrus Zenith Replica Replica of the Omnilex Zenith Curtana Atma Replica Holy Shield Atma Replica Bravura Atma Replica Replica Sphairai Atma Gae Bolg Atma Replica Replica Yoshimitsu Atma Artemis Bow Atma Replica Stardust Rod Atma Replica The Veil of Wiyu Atma Replica Thyrus Atma Replica Replica of the Omnilex Atma Curtana Animus Replica Holy Shield Animus Replica Bravura Animus Replica Replica Sphairai Animus Gae Bolg Animus Replica Replica Yoshimitsu Animus Artemis Bow Animus Replica Stardust Rod Animus Replica The Veil of Wiyu Animus Replica Thyrus Animus Replica Replica of the Omnilex Animus Curtana Novus Replica Holy Shield Novus Replica Bravura Novus Replica Replica Sphairai Novus Gae Bolg Novus Replica Replica Yoshimitsu Novus Artemis Bow Novus Replica Stardust Rod Novus Replica The Veil of Wiyu Novus Replica Thyrus Novus Replica Replica of the Omnilex Novus Curtana Nexus Replica Holy Shield Nexus Replica Bravura Nexus Replica Replica Sphairai Nexus Gae Bolg Nexus Replica Replica Yoshimitsu Nexus Artemis Bow Nexus Replica Stardust Rod Nexus Replica The Veil of Wiyu Nexus Replica Thyrus Nexus Replica Replica of the Omnilex Nexus Gallant Coronet Gallant Surcoat Gallant Cuisses Gallant Gauntlets Gallant Sollerets Fighter's Burgeonet Fighter's Cuirass Fighter's Breeches Fighter's Gauntlets Fighter's Jackboots Temple Circlet Temple Cyclas Temple Gaskins Temple Gloves Temple Boots Drachen Armet Drachen Mail Drachen Breeches Drachen Gauntlets Drachen Greaves Ninja Hatsuburi Ninja Chainmail Ninja Hakama Ninja Tekko Ninja Kyahan Choral Chapeau Choral Shirt Choral Tights Choral Ringbands Choral Sandals Wizard's Petasos Wizard's Coat Wizard's Tonban Wizard's Gloves Wizard's Crakows Evoker's Horn Evoker's Doublet Evoker's Waistclout Evoker's Ringbands Evoker's Thighboots Healer's Circlet Healer's Robe Healer's Culottes Healer's Gloves Healer's Boots Scholar's Mortarboard Scholar's Gown Scholar's Culottes Scholar's Gloves Scholar's Boots Augmented Gallant Coronet Augmented Gallant Surcoat Augmented Gallant Gauntlets Augmented Gallant Cuisses Augmented Gallant Sollerets Augmented Fighter's Burgeonet Augmented Fighter's Cuirass Augmented Fighter's Gauntlets Augmented Fighter's Breeches Augmented Fighter's Jackboots Augmented Temple Circlet Augmented Temple Cyclas Augmented Temple Gloves Augmented Temple Gaskins Augmented Temple Boots Augmented Drachen Armet Augmented Drachen Mail Augmented Drachen Gauntlets Augmented Drachen Breeches Augmented Drachen Greaves Augmented Ninja Hatsuburi Augmented Ninja Chainmail Augmented Ninja Hakama Augmented Ninja Tekko Augmented Ninja Kyahan Augmented Choral Chapeau Augmented Choral Shirt Augmented Choral Ringbands Augmented Choral Tights Augmented Choral Sandals Augmented Wizard's Petasos Augmented Wizard's Coat Augmented Wizard's Gloves Augmented Wizard's Tonban Augmented Wizard's Crakows Augmented Evoker's Horn Augmented Evoker's Doublet Augmented Evoker's Ringbands Augmented Evoker's Waistclout Augmented Evoker's Thighboots Augmented Healer's Circlet Augmented Healer's Robe Augmented Healer's Gloves Augmented Healer's Culottes Augmented Healer's Boots Augmented Scholar's Mortarboard Augmented Scholar's Gown Augmented Scholar's Gloves Augmented Scholar's Culottes Augmented Scholar's Boots Valor Coronet Valor Surcoat Valor Gauntlets Valor Cuisses Valor Sollerets Warrior's Burgeonet Warrior's Cuirass Warrior's Gauntlets Warrior's Breeches Warrior's Jackboots Melee Circlet Melee Cyclas Melee Gloves Melee Gaskins Melee Boots Wyrm's Armet Wyrm's Mail Wyrm's Gauntlets Wyrm's Breeches Wyrm's Greaves Koga Hatsuburi Koga Chainmail Koga Hakama Koga Tekko Koga Kyahan Bard's Chapeau Bard's Shirt Bard's Ringbands Bard's Tights Bard's Sandals Sorcerer's Petasos Sorcerer's Coat Sorcerer's Gloves Sorcerer's Tonban Sorcerer's Crakows Summoner's Horn Summoner's Doublet Summoner's Ringbands Summoner's Waistclout Summoner's Thighboots Cleric's Circlet Cleric's Robe Cleric's Gloves Cleric's Culottes Cleric's Boots Argute Mortarboard Argute Gown Argute Gloves Argute Culottes Argute Boots Housemaid's Brim Housemaid's Apron Dress Housemaid's Wristdresses Housemaid's Bloomers Housemaid's Pumps Loyal Housemaid's Brim Loyal Housemaid's Apron Dress Loyal Housemaid's Wristdresses Loyal Housemaid's Bloomers Loyal Housemaid's Pumps Summer Sunset Bandana Summer Sunset Beach Cover-up Summer Sunset Wrist Torques Summer Sunset Bottoms Summer Sunset Sandals Street Cap Street Top Street Handwear Street Cargo Trousers Street High-top Shoes Street Jacket Magitek Ear Guards Magitek Jacket Magitek Fingerstalls Magitek Bottoms Magitek Shoes Woodland Warden's Top Woodland Warden's Fingerstalls Woodland Warden's Breeches Woodland Warden's Longboots Woodland Warden's Skirt Scion Striker's Visor Scion Striker's Attire Scion Liberator's Jacket Scion Liberator's Fingerless Gloves Scion Liberator's Pantalettes Scion Liberator's Sabatons Lyse's Leadership Attire Lord Commander's Coat Lord Commander's Gloves Vegetation in the following areas will now be rendered in high resolution:
3.x-6.x Areas
Public Areas
Cities Fields Instanced Events The Diadem Duties
Instanced Dungeons Raids Eureka Expedition Areas Save the Queen Areas The following adjustments have been made to objects in fields and cities:
The number of objects has been increased. Polygon count has been increased. Texture resolution has been increased. 3.x-6.x Areas
Public Areas
Cities Fields * No changes have been made to the Coerthas Western Highlands, the Rak'tika Greatwood, the Tempest, or Ultima Thule.
The number of shadows cast in rooms in the following areas has been increased:
2.x-6.x Areas
Public Areas
Twin Adder Barracks Maelstrom Barracks The Battlehall Eulmore, The Canopy Certain Instanced Events System
The general action Sprint now grants the Jog status once the effect expires.
Jog affords a more modest speed increase but has an unlimited duration. The effect can be manually deactivated, and expires when enmity is generated.
The following additions and adjustments have been made to the Actions & Traits window:
A display option to list actions by function has been added for Disciples of the Hand and Land. * The display can be toggled using the buttons at the bottom right of the window. New actions corresponding to targets marked with different Signs have been added to the General tab. When multiple targets are marked, using relevant actions will cycle through targets numbered from lowest to highest. Please continue to use macros for targeting specific numbered Signs. The Duties category has been added. This category includes the following actions: Duty Action I Duty Action II In order to prevent server congestion, we will be implementing multiple field instances for Solution Nine, Heritage Found, and the areas newly added in Patch 7.2.
* We will monitor server activity and remove this feature when congestion is determined to no longer be an issue.
The following additions and adjustments have been made to achievements:
New achievements and titles have been added. Certain duties and trials will now count toward the completion of achievements. Following the release of Patch 7.2, the Jade Stoa (Unreal) will no longer be counted. Achievement Duty A Tankless Job I (Paladin)
A Tankless Job II (Paladin)
But Somebody's Gotta Do It (Paladin)
A Tankless Job I (Warrior)
A Tankless Job II (Warrior)
But Somebody's Gotta Do It (Warrior)
A Tankless Job I (Dark Knight)
A Tankless Job II (Dark Knight)
But Somebody's Gotta Do It (Dark Knight) AAC Cruiserweight Tier
AAC Cruiserweight Tier (Savage)
Hells' Kier (Unreal)
Recollection (Extreme) Tank You, Paladin I
Tank You, Paladin II
Tank You, Paladin III
Tank You, Paladin IV
Tank You, Paladin V
Tank You, Warrior I
Tank You, Warrior II
Tank You, Warrior III
Tank You, Warrior IV
Tank You, Warrior V
Tank You, Dark Knight I
Tank You, Dark Knight II
Tank You, Dark Knight III
Tank You, Dark Knight IV
Tank You, Dark Knight V
Tank You, Gunbreaker I
Tank You, Gunbreaker II
Tank You, Gunbreaker III
Tank You, Gunbreaker IV
Tank You, Gunbreaker V The Underkeep
AAC Cruiserweight Tier
AAC Cruiserweight Tier (Savage)
Hells' Kier (Unreal)
Recollection (Extreme) The following additions and adjustments have been made to retainers:
Item drop rates have been adjusted for the following retainer ventures: Field Exploration XXXI Highland Exploration XXXI Woodland Exploration XXXI Waterside Exploration XXXI New items can now be obtained from quick exploration ventures. The gil currency symbol now appears next to the amount of gil entrusted shown in the Retainer window. With the exception of gear, trade items are now displayed in the log window.
The following online statuses will now also display when "Display class or job icons with nameplate" is selected:
Recruiting Party Members Looking for Party Party Member Party Leader Party Leader (Cross-world) Party Leader (Cross-world) Away from Keyboard Viewing Cutscene Camera Mode The following additions and adjustments have been made to portraits:
New accents have been added. New poses have been added. The "PvP" category filter accessible via the Edit Portrait window has been split into "PvP Series" and "PvP Seasons." New portrait accents for adventurer plates have been added.
The following additions and adjustments have been made to group pose:
The depth of field effect has been adjusted. This adjustment will apply to a variety of visual effects. Values (f/) of 0.5, 0.56, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1, 1.1, and 1.2 have been added to the depth of field slider. The default value has been changed from f/5.6 to f/2.5. The range of focal length parameters for manual focus has been increased from 0-100 to 0-400. New stickers have been added. The Patch Logo frame has been updated with a Patch 7.2 logo. The following adjustments have been made to the Blacklist:
In accordance with measures introduced in Patch 7.2 to help prevent the identification of account IDs that are not displayed in-game, relevant saved client data has been reset.
We apologize for any inconvenience caused and ask for your understanding as we introduce these measures.
Although information registered on the Blacklist has been preserved, characters blacklisted prior to Patch 7.2 will be displayed as "(Character name could not be retrieved.)" and any saved comments will be deleted. * As a result, players will no longer be able to distinguish between characters blacklisted prior to Patch 7.2.
To have blacklisted character names display once more, please consider removing relevant characters from the Blacklist and registering them again. We apologize for the inconvenience. All information registered on the Mute List has been deleted. Players will be unable to blacklist characters that were registered as contacts prior to Patch 7.2 via their Contact List. The following text commands have been added:
Command Description /tomescroll USAGE:
/tomescroll [subcommand]
→Lovingly tap your tomestone in search of succor.
motion Perform motion only.
Both text and motion will be displayed when no subcommand is specified. /study USAGE:
/study [subcommand]
→Study intently.
motion Perform motion only.
Both text and motion will be displayed when no subcommand is specified. /dazed USAGE:
/dazed [subcommand]
→See stars as you stumble in a stupor.
motion Perform motion only.
Both text and motion will be displayed when no subcommand is specified. The following adjustments have been made to the Data Center Travel system:
Destination Worlds are now listed in a random order. This adjustment is designed to alleviate system stress caused by players tending to select destination Worlds from the top of the list. On the Data Center Travel confirmation screen, the cursor is now positioned above the "Proceed" button by default. Additions have been made to the auto-translation dictionary.
Additions have been made to the PlayStation®5, PlayStation®4, and Xbox Series X|S auto-complete dictionaries.
New trophies have been added. (PlayStation®5)
New achievements have been added. (Xbox Series X|S)
New music, sound effects, and voices have been added.
The "Now Loading" text displayed while logging in has been removed.
This adjustment is to reduce discrepancies between different platforms and languages.
The following additions and adjustments have been made to the launcher:
A portion of the design has been altered. The name of the "The Lodestone" tab in the menu at the top of the launcher has been changed to "Community." Selecting the tab will open the Community menu, from which players can access the Lodestone, Event & Party Recruitment, Community Finder, and Blogs. New backgrounds have been added. Alphinaud Alisaie Y'shtola Urianger Thancred Estinien
The following issues have been addressed. An issue during a cutscene in the main scenario quest "Under His Wing" wherein the player's weapon did not display correctly under certain conditions. An issue wherein the paladin job quest "Keeping the Oath" could not be progressed under certain conditions. An issue when undertaking the Cloud of Darkness (Chaotic) wherein summoner and scholar pets were erroneously afflicted with the status effect Cloying Condensation when resummoned. An issue at the start of battle wherein use of certain actions to engage enemies caused them to behave incorrectly when they initiated combat. An issue wherein the icon for the PvE and PvP status effect Atonement Ready was incorrect. An issue when using the gunbreaker PvE action Superbolide wherein players could survive damage with 1 HP even when missing the timing to activate Superbolide's invulnerability effect. An issue wherein the healing effect of the gunbreaker PvE action Heart of Corundum and scholar PvE action Excogitation, which triggers when HP falls below 50%, would heal gunbreakers who reduce their HP to 50% using Superbolide. An issue wherein the execution requirements listed for the scholar PvE action Seraphism were incorrect.
* This was a text-only issue. The action itself remains unchanged. An issue wherein the recast timer of the following pictomancer actions could be triggered outside of combat under certain conditions:
Pom Motif, Wing Motif, Claw Motif, Maw Motif, Hammer Motif, Starry Sky Motif An issue when playing as pictomancer wherein players could enter Stone, Sky, Sea while under the effect of Subtractive Palette. An issue when viewing PvP action descriptions in non-PvP areas wherein the recast times listed were incorrect.
* This was a text-only issue. The actions themselves remain unchanged. An issue wherein damage dealt by the warrior PvP action Orogeny was less than intended when striking multiple targets under certain conditions. An issue wherein the warrior PvP action Orogeny did not consume 10% of HP when missing a target. An issue wherein the dark knight PvP action Salted Earth did not note the radius of the draw-in effect or the salted earth created on the ground. An issue wherein the samurai PvP action Kasha Combo could not strike a sprinting target under certain conditions. An issue wherein players under the effect of the ninja PvP status effect Fleeting Raiju Ready could not execute Fleeting Raiju if they first executed Three Mudra. An issue when playing dragoon in PvP wherein being targeted by certain attacks immediately before executing Sky High would result in being struck midair. An issue wherein knocking out a target using the reaper PvP action Plentiful Harvest granted and immediately consumed the status effect Immortal Sacrifice. An issue wherein the description of the machinist PvP status effect Overheated was incorrect. An issue wherein multiple dancers in PvP selecting a single player as their dance partner would not receive the status effect Solo Step when said dance partner knocked out an enemy. An issue when playing as dancer in PvP wherein the additional effects of Fan Dance and Saber Dance granted to your party members immediately expire when selecting a new dance partner. An issue wherein players under the effect of the dancer PvP status effect Seduced were still able to move freely. An issue wherein the lowered damage effect of the black mage PvP action Lethargy did not affect pets. An issue after using the scholar PvP action Biolysis wherein the status effect Recitation granted by Expedient and Seraphism did not behave as intended. An issue when playing in the Crystalline Conflict arena the Volcanic Heart wherein players could get caught on the corner of the stairs. An issue when playing in the Crystalline Conflict arena the Clockwork Castletown wherein players who triggered trick floors became unable to move under certain conditions. An issue wherein graphics of the gear Educand's Jacket displayed incorrectly. An issue wherein the class to repair Bow Eternal and Staff Eternal was erroneously designated as carpenter. An issue wherein the hairstyle granted by Modern Aesthetics - Scion Special Issue IV did not display correctly for certain races. An issue wherein the hairstyle granted by Modern Aesthetics - Scion Special Issue IV did not display correctly when wearing a Loose Fit Cap as a Lalafell. An issue wherein the hairstyle granted by Modern Aesthetics - Liberating Locks caused clipping issues when wearing a Faerie Tale Princess's Tiara as a non-Viera female character. An issue wherein the Great White Tsuchinoko minion had the wrong behavior type. An issue when dyeing certain gear wherein using shale brown dye would erroneously dye the item gobbiebag brown. An issue when riding certain mounts wherein player emotes would not be interrupted by the use of mount actions. An issue wherein rank B elite marks would continuously respawn at certain locations. An issue wherein using the fisher action Rest before entering group pose mode caused zoom settings to persist after exiting group pose mode. An issue wherein the reward from the final Nitowikwe custom delivery quest could not be purchased from the Calamity Salvager. An issue wherein casting glamours on custom delivery NPCs without unlocking dyes allowed players to do so without consuming glamour prisms. An issue with the glamour dresser wherein the search function was erroneously case-sensitive. An issue in the Hall of the Novice wherein Esuna cast by NPCs had a cast time. An issue when casting glamours on custom delivery NPCs wherein dyes did not correctly change colors under certain conditions. An issue in housing wherein light would erroneously appear on basement walls at certain times. An issue in housing wherein the refracted light from water surfaces did not display correctly on nearby furnishings. An issue when sharing an estate with two different estate owners wherein the characters listed as main and secondary rightsholder were swapped between estates under certain conditions.
* For players who previously encountered this issue, this fix will cause the characters to be listed correctly. An issue wherein players appeared to be moving while using certain emotes from the perspective of other players. An issue wherein certain emotes did not display correctly when used in a specific order. An issue when using the Drink Tea emote wherein using another emote during the drinking animation resulted in a steam effect persisting on the player's hands. An issue wherein the Toast and Break Fast emotes did not display correctly under certain conditions. An issue when using group pose while under the effect of the PvP status Guard wherein players not under this effect would not look at the camera, nor would their motions and effects be looped. An issue wherein the log text color setting for emotes, as well as tab preferences in the Teleport Settings menu, could not be backed up using the server backup function. An issue wherein button calibrations were erroneously changed when certain controllers were connected in a specific way.
* The addressing of this issue may change your button calibration when the game launches after the release of Patch 7.2. If this is the case, we ask that you reconfigure and recalibrate your active controller. An issue wherein certain graphics did not display properly. An issue wherein certain text was incorrect. Other various issues have also been addressed.
An issue wherein certain main scenario quests in Patch 7.2 cannot be progressed despite a green completion icon appearing in the duty list. An issue during the second boss battle in the instanced dungeon the Underkeep wherein attack indicators for certain boss attacks cannot be seen. An issue when playing as sage wherein an action that cannot be executed or set to the hobar appears in the Actions & Traits window. An issue wherein the effect of the healer PvP role action Stoneskin II doesn't display on nearby party members.
* This is only a graphical issue. The effect is still applied to party members. An issue wherein the elemental clusters required to craft the newly implemented Cronopio Leather and Diatryma Felt are reversed.
* Cronopio Leather should require earth clusters, and Diatryma Felt should require lightning clusters. An issue during subaquatic voyages wherein newly discovered sectors are not recorded in the voyager log. An issue when using group pose wherein motions for the machinist PvE action Flamethrower do not display correctly. An issue when using group pose wherein enabling depth of field and setting manual focus to certain values results in subjects appearing to have a border around them. An issue when using group pose wherein enabling depth of field causes certain light effects to appear rectangular. An issue during certain quest cutscenes wherein objects erroneously obstruct the view of the player and NPCs. -
By Jaym0
In case you missed it, there are a few free Fantasias you can grab in-game. But one of them is limited-time only and will soon be gone. Here is how you can still get it!
If you have not claimed your free Fantasia in Final Fantasy XIV yet, time is running out! The one that was added with Patch 7.1, will no longer be available once Patch 7.2 launches on March 25, 2025.
For those looking to change their character's appearance without purchasing from the online store, now is the perfect timing!
Where to Claim Your Free Fantasia?
Since the launch of Patch 7.1, a Wandering Moogle in Old Gridania, near Jonathas, the NPC handling achievement rewards, is holding one Free Fantasia for you. To find it easily, head to Apkallu Falls (X:10.7, Y:6.4), not far from the Lancers' Guild.
Once there, simply speak to the Wandering Moogle. He should be near the Waterfall.
The Moogle will just be surprised that you can see him and reward you with a Free Fantasia bottle.
The Fantasia is an item that allows you to customize your character's appearance from scratch, including race and gender. Usually those can only be purchased in the Mog Station, getting one for free is a rare opportunity.
As mentioned before, this one will disappear with the release of Patch 7.2 on March 25, 2025! So make sure to grab it in the next few days!
By Jaym0
Yoshi-P discusses Patch 7.2 updates, including the new 48-man raid, and major changes for the future of the game. Find out what is next for FFXIV!
With Patch 7.2 on the horizon, Naoki Yoshida (Yoshi-P) sat down with Famitsu for a detailed interview. While this happened before the latest Letter from the Producer Live, there is still some information that was discussed during the Famitsu interview, but not detailed during the PLL.
This interview covered a lot of the upcoming content, including new gameplay systems, adjustments to existing mechanics, and the introduction of Occult Crescent and Cosmic Exploration.
Here is a breakdown of the key information from the interview that were not shared during PLL:
Shift in Game Design Philosophy
During the 6.x series, the development team focused on always making the solo experience in Final Fantasy XIV better. However, moving forward with Dawntrail and beyond, Yoshi P wants the core philosophy to return to its MMORPG roots, saying that: "It's more fun when you play with others!"
Combat Adjustments and PvE Content
The second tier of Savage content in 7.2 is expected to be more challenging than the first. Job balance changes are coming, including adjustments to Pictomancer and other jobs. A grace period will continue to be added before the release of the Savage raid tier, allowing you to progress through the Main Scenario Quest (MSQ) and craft new gear before the Savage tier begins. A new Deep Dungeon is in development for Patch 7.3. The long-teased in-game whiteboard/raid-planning feature is also coming for 7.3. Quality-of-Life Enhancements
Sprinting in safe zones (such as cities) will now trigger a new buff called "Jog" when it expires. Jog slightly boosts movement speed but does not expire while in safe areas. You can still use Sprint while under the effect of Jog. Players will finally be able to mount while moving, reducing the delay in mounting up. The rollout of new content will follow a structured timeline: Patch 7.2 will have normal patch content. Four weeks later, Cosmic Exploration will be added. Another four weeks later, Occult Crescent will start. Occult Crescent - The New Field Operation
Occult Crescent is the next large-scale instanced content, following in the footsteps of Eureka and Bozja:
The zone's size will be comparable to Bozja. It will launch with 12 Support Jobs (also called Phantom Jobs in English), with more coming in future updates. A 48-man raid will be introduced, and you will have to use the Support Jobs. Similar to Bozja, a second exploration zone will be added in the future. Support Jobs work different from standard combat jobs and can be swapped without class restrictions. You will start with three Support Jobs and unlock more through progression. You have to level up your Knowledge Level, Support Jobs, and gear to progress in OC. No map story progress restrictions, allowing you to explore and unlock aetherytes early on. With occult Crescent, the development team wanted to take the best aspects of both Eureka and Bozja and make something new and better. Additionally, you will need to progress through this zone to get your Phatom Relic weapons, but Yoshi P stated that the process to get those will be more accessible this time.
Cosmic Exploration - A New Gathering & Crafting Experience
Cosmic Exploration is a new large-scale map inspired by the Ishgardian Restoration:
Each major patch will introduce a new planet to develop and explore. The first location is the Moon, where you will settle a base for future space operations. Loporrits will be your little assistants. The UI will be similar to the Island Sanctuary, with nice menus for easier navigation. Unique Gameplay Elements are present such as random unexpected events, some of which will be multi-player. You will have a lottery system for a chance to get rare rewards. More details were revealed in the Letter from the Producer Live. We did a breakdown of everything in the following news, so do not hesitate to check it out if you missed it: FFXIV Letter from the Producer LIVE Breakdown.
By Jaym0
Patch 7.2 is almost here, and we go over all the content you can expect for the new version of the game! Get a full breakdown of the latest Live Letter!
The latest Letter from the Producer Live just ended, and if you missed it, here is everything you need to know about Patch 7.2: Seekers of Eternity, releasing on Tuesday, March 25, 2025!
You can have a look at the first trailer for Seekers of Eternity here:
You Can Expect the Following Content for Patch 7.2:
New Main Scenario Quests New Dungeon - The Underkeep New Trial - Recollection (Normal and Extreme) The Arcadion: Cruiserweight Tier (Normal first and Savage one week after the release of 7.2)
Frontline (Secure) returns with various improvements Basic Rules: up to 72 players will be divided into three tams of 24. Increase your team's tactical rating and be the first team to attain the designated score Tactical rating can be increased in the following ways Occupying any of the 9 key locations Battling against Allagan weaponry Defeating enemy players New key Location Buff "Sheer Will": grants a damage buff to ALL players in their vicinity regardless of occupying team New Teleporters: after a certain amount of time, three teleporters on the outskirts will be accessible to immediately teleport to the center of the map New Unreal Trial - Hell's Kier (Unreal) New Cornservant Side Quest New Disciple of War and Disciple of Magic crafted gear will be available with 7.2 Allagan tomestones of mathematics Cosmic Exploration will be added during 7.21: How to start: Unlocked by completing the main scenario quest "Endwalker" Can be accessed by Disciples of the Hand and Land level 10 and above A separate inventory is available for Cosmic Exploration You can earn two types of currencies Cosmocredit: exchanged for rewards Lunar Credits: Use for the Cosmic Fortune Lottery and Mecha Ops You can control Mech Ops who are large-scale operations with mech pilots and ground support Participate in Critical Missions The Development of a star progresses separately by World Exploration and survey of a star can only be done on your home server Each patch will add a new Star to explore Star Contributor Award: Scanningway will tally each player's level of contribution to the Cosmic Exploration Initiative every other day, earth time. Completing Cosmic Exploration activities within the tally period increases your level of contribution, irrespective of the class used. The players who contributed the most within a 24-hour tally period will be awarded with the status of Star Contributor immediately following the tally period You can review your level any time by speaking to Scanningway For 14 days, Star Contributors will: Have a hologram of them displayed in base camp Have their name also displayed on the bulletin board in base camp A visual effect will be applied to them when exploring the stars Star Contributors will be unable to receive the Award again for 14 days after
New Tool Enhancement Quests - Cosmic Tools can be earned immediately after starting the Cosmic Exploration Occult Crescent - South Horn will be added during 7.25: Needed for the Dawntrail Relic Weapon How to start: Unlocked by completing the main scenario quest "Dawntrail" To enter, players must have a Disciple of War or Magic at level 100 Entry: Speak with a designated NPC, no Duty Finder, so similar to how Bozja worked The Occult Crescent is split up into instances, with up to 72 players able to join in a single instance When in a party, the whole party will join the same instance Knowledge Level: A separate levelling system used within the Occult Crescent only. The difference between your level and that of enemies will influence damage dealt and taken. Upon being incapacitated at knowledge level 5 or above, you will lose experience points if another player does not revive you. If you lose too much, you lose your level. You can pick between various new Support Jobs that can be used only in Occult Crescent The support jobs include things like: Phantom Freelancer, Time Mage, Phantom Bard, and many more Each of the jobs have specific skills you can use during your exploration of Occult Crescent
New Allied Society Quests - Mamool ja Inconceivably Further Hildibrand Adventures Some Currently Available Content Will Also Be Adjusted With the Upcoming Patch:
Duty Support: The Sunken Temple of Qarn Various bug fixes Pve and PvP Job adjustments PvP Updates: New role actions exclusive to large-scale PvP will be added Players may select 1 of 3 actions available for each role The selected action can be changed at the starting area, even after the match begins Examples of new Job Actions for PvP:
You can visit the Official Square Enix page for Seekers of Eternity for more details on the patch and what's to come! Stay tuned for more information soon as well!