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Curse of Naxxramas Plague Quarter

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This thread is for comments about our boss guides for the Plague Quarter of the Curse of Naxxramas.

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Guest TerraNova

Can y'all possibly design heroic boss decks that don't require multiple very specific legendaries?


Not all of us have been playing for half a year or have endless money to spend on digital cards.

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Can y'all possibly design heroic boss decks that don't require multiple very specific legendaries?


Not all of us have been playing for half a year or have endless money to spend on digital cards.

You have a point. We'll look into presenting more varied decks, in terms of budget. In the meantime, you can just replace the legendaries you don't have with... anything that fits the deck theme. These decks are not built around the legendaries. In fact, it's the commons and rares that give the deck the theme that allows it to defeat the heroic boss.

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KT can make up for some of the legendaries ng druid. Using KT with Bulderfirst with taunt and Ironbark protector can win the game.

I got to use 2 wild growths on turns 2 and 3. I had a taunt minion and used druid of the claw with charge. KT allows me to attack his minions and resurrect mine at the end of the turn (unlike other abilities, KT works even if you kill your own minions!). The best part was that Noth wouldn't attack my taunters because of KTs ability

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Guest Mark

The mage deck to beat Noth the Plaguebringer has many legendaries in, and even revolves around them, all the commens are just to get you to the end game. I beat Noth with a pretty basic deck. Took a couple of turn but I fucked up a couple of times when i was close. You need to be lucky with carddraw ofc, but the absolute trick is to keep hold of the Frostnova's and Flamestrike to at least turn 7/8. Don't play ANY minions until after your first flamestrike, and preferrably no taunters. Make sure your minions will stay on 2 health after attacking (he'll turn them into skeletons otherwise). i.e. Minions with at least 7 health (or divine shield) are preferred. He'll go face exclusively, thats why you can sometimes play a minion 1 turn before you'll do a flamestrike, for example. Make smart use of the deathrattle damage that his own minions do to his other minions. I actually won by fatiguing him. 7 damage card draws ftw! Good luck!


Arcane missiles

Ice Lance

Arcane explosion - 2x


Frostbolt - 2x

Arcane intellect - 2x

Duplicate - 2x 

Frost nova - 2x

Ice Barrier 

fireball - 2x

polymorph - 2x

Water elemental

Booty Bay Bodyguard


Lord of the Arena - 2x

Maexxna (could do without)

Priestes of Elune

flamestrike - 2x

War Golem

Force-tank max


Could do without duplicate, if your minions die to anything else than plague, you're doing it wrong.

Ice barrier, i have only 1 but 2 would be awesome.

Water elemental is only useful to kill his smaller minions.

Loatheb can serve as a prevention of turn 6/7 plague. But as long as you have only 1 minion on the board you're pretty safe anyway.

Priestes of Elune seems a bit off, but she's useful when he's running out of cards and you're low on health and used your flamestrikes.



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These are the cheapest decks I beat the Heroic Plague Quarter with.Shieldmasta to kill Worshippers.

Heroic Noth the Plaguebringer

Noth's Hero Power is comparable to Anub'Rekhan's as it is capable of producing an army of strong minions, here even for no mana. However, your minions have to die for this army to grow. So reduce your minion losses to an absolute minimum to avoid creating 5/5 Skeletons.
Playing taunts is not advised, because of The Black Knight. In combination with Noth's Hero Power the tempo loss would be irreparable.
Noth plays Duplicate, Counterspell and Ice Block. Try to trigger Duplicate by killing Undertaker, Unstable Ghoul and Mad Scientist, avoid Skeletal Smith, Abomination, Necroknight and Spectral Knight. Put cheap and less impactful spells into your deck to trigger Counterspell. Secrets played in the early turns from Noth's hand have a high propability of being Duplicate.
Exploit Necroknight's deathrattle to kill two adjacent minions, ideally Spectral Knight and Skeletal Smith. Exploit Abomination's and Unstable Ghoul's deathrattle to kill 2-3-health minions.
Noth's only removal spell is Mortal Coil. So never have minions with 1 HP on the board.
The biggest problem in this fight is Plague, which Noth even will play against a single minion, if it becomes a big enough threat (e. g. If buffed). Try to play around it by having only one big minion on the board and killing his minions using removal spells. Once Noth played one or both Plagues, you can play all minions you want and hope, it is not to late.

F2P Mage (0 Dust)
Difficulty: medium (may take up to 10 tries, but the fights will last quite long)

2x Arcane Missiles
2x Mirror Image
2x Arcane Explosion
2x Frostbolt
2x Arcane Intellect
2x Frost Nova
2x Fireball
2x Polymorph
2x Darkscale Healer
2x Gurubashi Berserker
1x Loatheb
2x Archmage
2x Boulderfist Ogre
2x Flamestrike
2x Stormwind Champion
1x Kel'Thuzad

Because of the similarity of Noth and Anub'Rekhan you can use a similar deck.
Mulligan for Archmage and Flamestrike. Your first turns will be quite passive anyway.
Turns 1-5: Control the board only using spells and Hero Power. Use Missiles, Explosion and Intellect to test Noth's secrets for Counterspell.
Turn 6: Play a minion, preferably Archmage.
Turn 7: Flamestrike. Noth then will likely play Plague, if he has it in his hand. Lure at least one, before you play more minions.
If both Plagues are played, you can safely play Kel'Thuzad+Mirror Image to secure the win.


Heroic Heigan the Unclean

Heigan's Hero Power is easy to deal with: Put a minion with at least 4 HP to the left and suck up the regular damage.
Heigan does only have some 1-4 damage spells and he mostly ignores your minions except he can kill them easily.
Once Heigan's hand is empty and you have a durable minion on the left side of your board you have basically won.

F2P Priest (0 Dust)
Difficulty: easy (may take up to 5 tries)
Inspiration: http://www.hearthhead.com/deck=62013/0-dust-heroic-heigan-killer

2x Holy Smite
2x Northshire Cleric
2x Power Word Shield
2x Divine Spirit
2x Nerubian Egg
2x Shadow Word: Pain
2x Dalaran Mage
2x Shadow Word: Death
2x Shattered Sun Cleric
2x Oasis Snapjaw
2x Sen'jin Shieldmasta
2x Darkscale Healer
2x Gurubashi Berserker
2x Holy Nova
2x Boulderfist Ogre

Mulligan for Holy Smite, Shadow Word: Pain and Shadow Word: Death.
Kill Voidcaller on turn 2 and have a Shadow Word: Death ready or hope for a weak demon.
Put Nerubian Egg to the left and be safe from Heigan's Hero Power for three turns.
Put Sen'jin Shieldmasta to the right of your board to avoid the regular damage and instead suck up damage from Heigan's minions.

F2P Warlock (0 Dust)
Difficulty: easy (may take up to 5 tries)

2x Sacrificial Pact
2x Mortal Coil
2x Soulfire
2x Kobold Geomancer
2x Murloc Tidehunter
2x Nerubian Egg
2x Drain Life
2x Shadowbolt
2x Shattered Sun Cleric
2x Dragonling Mechanic
2x Sen'jin Shieldmasta
2x Darkscale Healer
2x Gurubashi Berserker
2x Boulderfist Ogre
2x Stormwind Champion

Mulligan for Soulfire, kill Voidcaller on turn 1 and hope for a weak demon.
Put Nerubian Egg to the left and be safe from Heigan's Hero Power for three turns.
Put Sen'jin Shieldmasta to the right of your board to avoid the regular damage and instead suck up damage from Heigan's minions.


Heroic Loatheb

Loatheb's Hero Power will regularly damage your hero and requires you to play very cheap minions to make this fight as short as possible.
There is a Spore and a Fen Creeper on the board, which must die as soon as possible to reduce the damage to your hero.
Destroy Spores with spells, charge or battlecries to buff your minions, when your board has at least 3-4 minions still able to attack.
Loatheb has 4 1-damage board clears and 4 4-damage removals. That is why it is better to buff several minions with at least 2 HP.

F2P Priest (0 Dust)
Difficulty: medium (may take up to 10 tries)

2x Elven Archer
2x Goldshire Footman
2x Holy Smite
2x Northshire Cleric
2x Power Word: Shield
2x Stonetusk Boar
2x Acidic Swamp Ooze
2x Bloodfen Raptor
2x Bluegill Warrior
2x Haunted Creeper
2x River Crocolisk
2x Shadow Word: Pain
2x Razorfen Hunter
2x Ironforge Rifleman
2x Holy Nova

Mulligan for Elven Archer, Stonetusk Boar, Northshire Cleric, Holy Smite and Shadow Word: Pain.

F2P Shaman (0 Dust)
Difficulty: medium (may take up to 10 tries)
Inspiration: http://www.hearthhead.com/deck=62046/0-dust-heroic-loatheb-killer

2x Elven Archer
2x Frost Shock
2x Rockbiter Weapon
2x Stonetusk Boar
2x Bloodfen Raptor
2x Bluegill Warrior
2x Flametongue Totem
2x Frostwolf Grunt
2x Haunted Creeper
2x Windfury
2x Hex
2x Ironforge Rifleman
2x Ironfur Grizzly
2x Wolfrider
2x Windspeaker

Mulligan for Elven Archer, Stonetusk Boar and Frost Shock.




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Druid vs Heroic Noth The Plaguebringer


I'm fairly new to Hearthstone, and I'm trying to get by without spending any real dollars on it... The video posted by Icy Veins and the few comments left by others were helpful for creating a gameplan, but I had to make do with the free "basic" cards plus the rewards for defeating the first two wings of Naxx on normal. For those of you in my shoes, here is the free/cheap deck that I used to defeat Noth.


Druid specific cards

2x Innervate

2x Moonfire

2x Claw

2x Mark of the Wild

2x Wild Growth

1x Healing Touch

2x Poison Seeds (reward from Naxx- class challenge)

2x Swipe

2x Starfire

2x Ironbark Protector


Neutral cards

2x Darkscale Healer

1x Loatheb (reward from Naxx- Plague Quarter)

2x Archmage

2x Boulderfist Ogre

1x Maexxna (reward from Naxx- Arachnid Quarter)

2x Stormwind Champion

1x War Golem


First off, I'd replace any card in my starting hand that was not an Innervate or Wild Growth. It's good to have these at the start to get a powerful minion out as early as possible. Whenever Noth played a secret, I'd either fish for the counter with Claw, Innervate, or Moonfire, or I'd fish for Duplicate by killing off a smaller/trivial minion. Either one of these actions would let me know which secret Noth was holding, and I could play accordingly. From what I've seen Noth's one Ice Block seems to always come later in the game. I'd also avoid having more than two minions on the board, unless it was absolutely necessary to summon another for my survival. I didn't want to be hit by a Plague and be left with no creatures, so it's a good idea to keep a big guy in hand. I also planned damage distribution in minion combat around the two Mortal Coils in Noth's deck. It's not a huge deal, but if possible, don't leave one of your minions on the board with one health.


Using this deck took me seven attempts to pull off the win, with 27 health +5 armor remaining on my hero. There was an amount of luck involved though. Noth didn't get to play The Black Knight, which would have destroyed my Ironbark Protector, leaving me royally screwed, since he was both the bulk of my defense and my damage dealing. Still, I won. smile.png I just wanted to make this post so that all you budget hearthstoners can know that victory through perseverance is possible.

Edited by CaptLando

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Noth was driving me slowly crazy. Finally opened a Lightwell to go with my Priest deck and on my second game Lightwell + Inner Fire + Divine Spirit in my opening hand = Eeaaassy Win! It doesn't even occur to the AI that it needs to deal with the Lightwell when it's getting a 10 attack smack to the face every turn.


I would not want to have to do this again though.


(Edit because I didn't realise this page wasn't just for Noth's guide)

Edited by Chacal

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Guest Pissedgamer

Would be nice to be able to beat the last boss with out spend $400 bucks to build a deck

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Guest Guest

Just did Loatheb on heroic. It's after a lot of changes, but for whatever reason he never used his hero power. So it was a pretty easy win.


Not sure if glitch or because of the changes.

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Guest Jakway

I beat this one pretty easily using this Freeze Yogg Mage build

2x Arcane Blast

2x Arcane Missles

1x Arcane Explosion

2x Frostbolt

2x Arcane Intellect

2x Forgotten Torch

2x Frost Nova

2x Ice Barrier

1x Volcanic Potion

1x Cone of Cold

2x Fireball

2x Polymorph

2x Ethereal Conjurer

2x Blizzard

2x Firelands Portal

2x Flamestrike

1x Yogg Saron, Hope's End

The idea is that you have barely any minions, and thus his hero power has a total of 5 chances to go off in one match (ridiculous Yogg rolls not withstanding) . Keep his minions off the board, and use Frost Nova to bait out even more minions to finish off with Flamestrike or Blizzard. Arcane Explosion, Cone of Cold, and Volcanic Potion are all fairly interchangeable (I just made this deck with what I had lying around). Spectral Knight is your worst enemy, so saving AoEs to deal with it works incredibly well.

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Well, obviously the old bosses are way more easy to beat now - with tons of new (very strong) cards.

Half of your suggested cards didn't exist when this was released. Meaning with the available cards it was hard to beat the bosses.


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