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Official Dragonflight Death Knight Talent Tree Preview

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Blizzard previewed all the talents coming with the Death Knight talent tree in Dragonflight, for all 3 specs. 

Blizzard LogoDeath Knight Talents (Source)

    We’ve made some minor fixes to the blog post since it was first posted.

    • (Frost row 3) Killing Machine now correctly says, “Your auto attack critical strikes have a chance to make your next Obliterate critically strike.”
    • Might of Thassarian: Increases Strength chance by [2/4]%. Two Rank Talent.

    Death Knight Talents and Abilities

    As we move toward Dragonflight talents we are exploring ways for the Death Knight to express themselves based on their class talent choices. Each branch of the class tree is thematically tied to a specialization and the further you invest down a path the more you unlock talents that may have been previously unavailable to your spec such as Empower Rune Weapon, Will of the Necropolis, and Soul Reaper. Our goal is to create new and exciting options for you to explore and play around with allowing for a rich and engaging core tree that you can customize based on your own goals.

    Death Knight Talent Trees (click or tap to enlarge)

    Death Knight Ability and Talent Tooltips

    Below you'll find a list of all baseline abilities and Talents available for Death Knights, including class-shared and specialization-specific Talents.

    Baseline Death Knight Abilities

    All maximum level Death Knights will have access to these abilities. They are earned through leveling and do not require you to spend talent points to have them.

    Death Coil: Fires a blast of unholy energy at the target, causing Shadow damage to an enemy or healing an Undead ally for health.

    Death Grip: Harnesses the energy that surrounds and binds all matter, drawing the target toward you.

    Runeforging: Allows the Death Knight to emblazon their weapon with runes.

    Dark Command: Command the target to attack you.

    Death Gate: Opens a gate which you can use to return to Ebon Hold. Using a Death Gate while in Ebon Hold will return you back to near your departure point.

    On a Pale Horse: You are as hard to stop as death itself, increasing your mounted speed by 20%.

    Path of Frost: Activates a freezing aura for 10 min that creates ice beneath your feet, allowing party or raid members within 50 yards to walk on water. Usable while mounted, but being attacked or damaged will cancel the effect.

    Death and Decay: Corrupts the targeted ground, causing Shadow damage over 10 sec to targets within the area.

    Rune Strike: Strike the target for Physical damage. This attack cannot be dodged, blocked, or parried.

    Death Knight Class Talents. [NNF] denotes a talent that has a temporary, not yet final name.

    Row 1

    Chains of Ice: Shackles the target with frozen chains, reducing movement speed by 70% for 8 seconds.

    • Granted by default when selecting Frost Specialization.

    Death Strike: Focuses dark power into a strike that deals Physical damage and heals you for a percentage of all damage taken in the last 5 seconds.

    • Granted by default when selecting Blood Specialization.

    Raise Dead: Raises a ghoul to fight by your side. You can have a maximum of one ghoul at a time. Lasts 1 minute.

    • Granted by default when selecting Unholy Specialization.

    Row 2

    Mind Freeze: Smash the target's mind with cold, interrupting spellcasting and preventing any spell in that school from being cast for 3 seconds.

    Anti-Magic Shell: Surrounds you in an Anti-Magic Shell for 5 sec, absorbing a large amount of magic damage and preventing application of harmful magical effects. Damage absorbed generates Runic Power.

    Improved Death and Decay [NNF]:

    • Blood: Heart Strike hits 3 additional enemies while you remain in Death and Decay.
    • Frost: Obliterate hits 1 additional enemy while you remain in Death and Decay.
    • Unholy: Scourge Strike hits 5 additional enemies while you remain in Death and Decay.

    Row 3

    Icebound Fortitude: Your blood freezes, granting immunity to Stun effects and reducing all damage you take by 30% for 8 seconds.

    Blood Scent: Increases Leech by 3%.

    Veteran of the Third War:

    • Blood: Stamina increased by [10/20]%. Two Rank Talent
    • Frost & Unholy: Stamina increased by [5/10] % Rank Two Talent. Two Rank Talent

    Suppression: Increases Avoidance by 3%.

    Brittle: Your diseases have a chance to weaken your enemy causing your attacks against them to deal 6% increased damage for 5 seconds.

    Row 4

    Blinding Sleet: Targets in a cone in front of you are blinded, causing them to wander disoriented for 5 seconds. Damage may cancel the effect. When Blinding Sleet ends, enemies are slowed by 50% for 6 seconds.

    Permafrost: Your auto attack damage grants you an absorb shield equal to 40% of the damage dealt.

    Death Pact: Create a death pact that heals you for 50% of your maximum health, but absorbs incoming healing equal to 30% of your max health for 15 seconds.

    Wraith Walk: Embrace the power of the Shadowlands, removing all root effects and increasing your movement speed by 70% for 4 seconds. Taking any action cancels the effect. While active, your movement speed cannot be reduced below 170%.

    Sacrificial Pact: Sacrifice your ghoul to deal Shadow damage to all nearby enemies and heal for 25% of your maximum health. Deals reduced damage beyond 8 targets.

    Unholy Ground: Gain 5% Haste while you remain within your Death and Decay.

    Row 5

    Merciless Strikes: Increases Critical Strike chance by [2/4]%. Two Rank Talent.

    Anti-Magic Zone: Places an Anti-Magic Zone that reduces spell damage taken by party or raid members by 20%. The Anti-Magic Zone lasts for 8 sec or until it absorbs a large amount of damage.

    Might of Thassarian: Increases Strength chance by [2/4]%. Two Rank Talent.

    Row 6

    Proliferating Chill: Chains of Ice affects 1 additional nearby enemy.

    Choice Node:

    • Runic Empowerment: Each Runic Power you spend has a 2.0% chance to instantly grant you a Rune.
    • Runic Corruption: Each Runic Power you spend has a 1.6% chance to increase your Rune regeneration rate by 100% for 3 seconds.

    Anticipation: Successfully interrupting an enemy with Mind Freeze grants 10 Runic Power and reduces its cooldown by 3 seconds.

    Asphyxiate: Lifts the enemy target off the ground, crushing their throat with dark energy and stunning them for 5 seconds.

    Death's Advance:For 8 sec, your movement speed is increased by 30%, you cannot be slowed below 100% of normal speed, and you are immune to forced movement effects and knockbacks. Passive: You cannot be slowed below 70% of normal speed.

    Anti-Magic Barrier: Reduces the cooldown of Anti-Magic Shell by 20 sec and increases its duration and amount absorbed by 40%.

    Control Undead: Dominates the target undead creature up to level 61, forcing it to do your bidding for 5 minutes.

    Choice Node:

    • Death's Reach: Increases the range of Death Grip by 10 yds. Killing an enemy that yields experience or honor resets the cooldown of Death Grip.
    • Grip of the Dead: Death and Decay reduces the movement speed of enemies within its area by 90%, decaying by 10% every seconds.

    Enfeeble: Your ghoul’s attacks have a chance to apply Enfeeble, reducing the target’s movement speed by 30% and the damage they deal to you by 15% for 6 seconds.

    Row 7

    Acclimation: Icebound Fortitude's cooldown is reduced by 60 seconds.

    Assimilation: The amount absorbed by Anti-Magic Zone is increased by 10% and grants up to 100 Runic Power based on the amount absorbed.

    Lichborne: Draw upon unholy energy to become Undead for 10 sec, increasing Leech by 10%, and making you immune to Charm, Fear, and Sleep.

    Row 8

    Icy Talons: Your Runic Power spending abilities increase your melee attack speed by [2/4/6]% for 6 sec, stacking up to 3 times. Three Rank Talent.

    Horn of Winter: Blow the Horn of Winter, gaining 2 Runes and generating 25 Runic Power.

    Improved Death Strike [NNF]: Death Strike's cost is reduced by 10, and its healing is increased by [3/6/10]% for Blood specialization and [20/40/60]% for Frost and Unholy specialization. Three Rank Talent.

    Will of the Necropolis: Damage taken below 30% Health is reduced by 30%.

    Unholy Bond: Increases the effectiveness of your Runeforge effects by [10/20/30]%. Three Rank Talent.

    Row 9

    Runic Attenuation: Auto attacks have a chance to generate 5 Runic Power.

    Rune Mastery: Consuming a Rune has a chance to increase your Strength by 6% for 6 seconds.

    Blood Draw: When you fall below 30% health you drain health from nearby enemies. Can only occur every 3 minutes.

    Death's Echo: Death's Advance, Death and Decay, and Death Grip have 1 additional charge.

    Row 10

    Empower Rune Weapon: Empower your rune weapon, gaining 15% Haste and generating 1 Rune and 5 Runic Power instantly and every 5 sec for 20 seconds. If Empower Rune Weapon is not talented elsewhere on the tree, this grants 1 charge of Empower Rune Weapon.

    Abomination Limb: Sprout an additional limb, dealing Shadow damage over 12 sec to all nearby enemies. Deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets. Every 1 sec, an enemy is pulled to your location if they are further than 8 yds from you. The same enemy can only be pulled once every 4 seconds. Gain Runic Corruption instantly, and again every 6 seconds.

    Soul Reaper: Strike an enemy for Shadowfrost damage and afflict the enemy with Soul Reaper. After 5 sec, if the target is below 35% health this effect will explode dealing additional Shadowfrost damage to the target. If the enemy that yields experience or honor dies while afflicted by Soul Reaper, gain Runic Corruption.

    Blood Death Knight Talents. [NNF] denotes a talent that has a temporary, not yet final name.

    Blood Row 1

    Heart Strike: Instantly strike the target and 1 other nearby enemy, causing Physical damage, and reducing enemies' movement speed by 20% for 8 sec.

    Blood Row 2

    Marrowrend: Smash the target, dealing Physical damage and generating 3 charges of Bone Shield.

    Blood Boil: Deals Shadow damage and infects all enemies within 10 yds with Blood Plague.

    Blood Row 3

    Foul Bulwark: Each charge of Bone Shield increases your maximum health by 1%.

    Crimson Scourge: Your auto attacks on targets infected with your Blood Plague have a chance to make your next Death and Decay cost no runes and reset its cooldown.

    Improved Blood Boil [NNF]: Increases the maximum number of Blood Boil charges by 1.

    Blood Row 4

    Improved Boneshield [NNF]: Bone Shield increases your Haste by [5/10]%. Two Rank Talent.

    Improved Heart Strike: [NNF] Heart Strike damage increased by [10/20/30]%. Two Rank Talent.

    Blood Fortification: Stamina increased by [10/20/30]%. Damage taken reduced by [3/6/10]%. Three Rank Talent.

    Rune Tap: Reduces all damage taken by 20% for 4 sec.

    Blood Row 5

    Blood Tap: Consume the essence around you to generate 1 Rune. Recharge time reduced by 2 sec whenever a Bone Shield charge is consumed.

    Reinforced Bones: Increases Armor gained from Bone Shield by 10%.

    Leeching Strike: Heart Strike heals you for 0.5% health for each enemy hit while affected by Blood Plague.

    Vampiric Blood: Embrace your undeath, increasing your maximum health by 30% and increasing all healing and absorbs received by 30% for 10 sec.

    Hasty Bargain: When Crimson Scourge activates, you gain [3/6]% Haste for 6 sec. Two Rank Talent.

    Death's Caress: Reach out with necrotic tendrils, dealing Shadow damage and applying Blood Plague to your target and generating 2 Bone Shield charges. 6 second cooldown.

    Blood Row 6

    Choice Node:

    • Blooddrinker: Drains health from the target over 3 sec. You can move, parry, dodge, and use defensive abilities while channeling this ability.
    • Consumption: Strikes all enemies in front of you with a hungering attack that deals Physical damage and heals you for 150% of that damage. Deals reduced damage beyond 8 targets.

    Choice Node:

    • Mark of Blood: Places a Mark of Blood on an enemy for 15 sec. The enemy's damaging auto attacks will also heal their victim for 3% of the victim's maximum health.
    • Tombstone: Consume up to 5 Bone Shield charges. For each charge consumed, you gain 6 Runic Power and absorb damage equal to 6% of your maximum health for 8 sec.

    Choice Node:

    • Voracious: Death Strike's healing is increased by 20% and grants you 15% Leech for 8 sec.
    • Bloodworms: Your auto attacks have a chance to summon a Bloodworm. Bloodworms deal minor damage to your target for 15 sec and then burst, healing you for 15% of your missing health. If you drop below 50% health, your Bloodworms will immediately burst and heal you.

    Relish in Blood: While Crimson Scourge is active, your next Death and Decay heals you for a small amount of health per Bone Shield charge and you immediately gain 10 Runic Power.

    Blood Row 7

    Ossuary: While you have at least 5 Bone Shield charges, the cost of Death Strike is reduced by 5 Runic Power. Additionally, your maximum Runic Power is increased by 10.

    Improved Vampiric Blood [NNF]: Increases all healing and absorbs by [5/10]% and duration by [2/4] sec. Two Rank Talent.

    Hemostasis: Each enemy hit by Blood Boil increases the damage and healing done by your next Death Strike by [4/8]%, stacking up to 5 times. Two Rank Talent.

    Heartbreaker: Heart Strike generates [1/2] additional Runic Power per target hit. Two Rank Talent.

    Blood Row 8

    Rapid Decomposition: Your Blood Plague and Death and Decay deal damage 15% more often. Additionally, your Blood Plague leeches 50% more Health.

    Dancing Rune Weapon: Summons a rune weapon for 8 sec that mirrors your melee attacks and bolsters your defenses. While active, you gain 40% parry chance.

    Gorefiend's Grasp: Shadowy tendrils coil around all enemies within 15 yards of a hostile or friendly target, pulling them to the target's location.

    Blood Row 9

    Shattering Bone: When Bone Shield is consumed it shatters dealing damage to nearby enemies. This damage is tripled to enemies affected by Death and Decay. Two Rank Talent.

    Heartrend: Heart Strike has a chance to reduce the Runic Power cost of your next Death Strike by 10 and deal an additional [20/40]% damage based on your missing health. Two Rank Talent.

    Crimson Rune Weapon: Dancing Rune Weapon generates 5 Bone Shield Charges and whenever a charge of Bone Shield is consumed, the cooldown Dancing Rune Weapon is reduced by 5 sec.

    Tightening Grasp: Enemies hit by Gorefiend's Grasp take [5/10]% increased damage from you for 15 sec. Additionally, reduces the cooldown on Gorefiend's Grasp by 30 sec. Two Rank Talent.

    Red Thirst: Reduces the cooldown on Vampiric Blood by [1/2] sec per 10 Runic Power spent. Two Rank Talent.

    Blood Row 10

    Bonestorm: A whirl of bone and gore batters all nearby enemies, dealing Shadow damage every 1 sec, and healing you for 3% of your maximum health every time it deals damage (up to 15%). Lasts 1 sec per 10 Runic Power spent. Deals reduced damage beyond 8 targets.

    Everlasting Bond: Summons 1 additional copy of Dancing Rune Weapon. Additionally, each rune spent increases its duration by 0.5 sec.

    Purgatory: An unholy pact that prevents fatal damage, instead absorbing incoming healing equal to the damage prevented, lasting 3 sec. If any healing absorption remains when this effect expires, you will die. This effect may only occur every 4 minutes.

    Unquenchable Thirst: While Vampiric Blood is active store a portion of of your Death Strike healing. When Vampiric Blood expires splatter nearby enemies dealing 100% of the stored healing as Shadow damage.



    Frost Death Knight Talents. [NNF] denotes a talent that has a temporary, not yet final name.

    Frost Row 1

    Frost Strike: Chill your weapons with icy power and quickly strike the enemy with both, dealing Frost damage.

    Frost Row 2

    Obliterate: A brutal attack with both weapons that deals Physical damage.

    Howling Blast: Blast the target with a frigid wind, dealing Frost damage to that foe, and reduced damage to all other enemies within 10 yards, infecting all targets with Frost Fever.

    Frost Row 3

    Killing Machine: Each charge of Bone Shield increases your maximum health by 1%.

    Rime: Obliterate has a 45% chance to cause your next Howling Blast to consume no runes and deal 150% additional damage.

    Frost Row 4

    Unleashed Frenzy: Frost Strike increases your strength by 1.0% for 6 seconds, stacks up to 3 times.

    Runic Command: Increases your maximum Runic Power by [5/10]. Two Rank Talent.

    Improved Frost Strike [NNF]: Increases Frost Strike damage by [10/20%]. Two Rank Talent.

    Remorseless Winter: Drain the warmth of life from all nearby enemies within 8 yards, dealing Frost damage over 8 sec and reducing their movement speed by 20%.

    Frost Row 5

    Improved Obliterate [NNF]: Increases Obliterate damage by [10/20%]. Two Rank Talent.

    Pillar of Frost: The power of frost increases your Strength by 20% for 12 seconds. Each Rune spent while active increases your Strength by an additional 1%.

    Improved Rime [NNF]: Increases Howling Blast damage done by an additional [75/100]%. Two Rank Talent.

    Frost Row 6

    Choice Node:

    • Frigid Executioner: Obliterate has a 10% chance to refund 2 runes.
    • Rage of the Frozen Champion: Obliterate has a 15% increased chance to trigger Rime and Howling Blast generates 8 Runic Power while Rime is active.

    Improved Killing Machine: Your next Obliterate also deals Frost damage.

    Choice Node:

    • Inexorable Assault: Gain Inexorable Assault every 8 sec, stacking up to 5 times. Obliterate consumes a stack to deal additional Frost damage.
    • Cold Heart: Every 2 sec, gain a stack of Cold Heart, causing your next Chains of Ice to deal Frost damage. Stacks up to 20 times.

    Choice Node:

    • Avalanche: Casting Howling Blast with Rime active causes jagged icicles to fall on enemies nearby your target, dealing Frost damage.
    • Frozen Pulse: While you have fewer than 3 full Runes, your auto attacks radiate intense cold, inflicting Frost damage on all nearby enemies.

    Biting Cold: Remorseless Winter damage is increased by 30%. The first time Remorseless Winter deals damage to 3 different enemies, you gain Rime.

    Chill Streak: Deals Frost damage to the target and reduces their movement speed by 70% for 4 seconds. Costs 40 Runic Power. Chill Streak bounces up to 9 times between closest targets within 6 yards.

    Frost Row 7

    Murderous Efficiency: Consuming the Killing Machine effect has a 50% chance to grant you 1 Rune.

    Might of the Frozen Wastes: Wielding a two-handed weapon increases Obliterate damage by 30%, and causes your auto attack critical strikes to grant Killing Machine.

    Enduring Strength: When Pillar of Frost expires, your Strength is increased by [5/10%] for 6 seconds. This effect lasts 2 sec longer for each Obliterate and Frostscythe critical strike during Pillar of Frost. Two Rank Talent.

    Frostwhelp's Aid: Pillar of Frost summons a Frostwhelp who breathes on all enemies within 40 yards in front of you for Frost damage. Each unique enemy hit increases your Mastery by [2/4%], up to [10/20%]. Two Rank Talent.

    Gathering Storm: Each Rune spent during Remorseless Winter increases its damage by 10%, and extends its duration by 0.5 seconds.

    Empower Rune Weapon: Empower Rune Weapon gains an additional charge. If Empower Rune Weapon is not talented elsewhere on the tree, this grants 1 charge of Empower Rune Weapon.

    Choice Node:

    • Piercing Chill: Enemies suffer 5% increased damage from Chill Streak each time they are struck by it.
    • Enduring Chill: Chill Streak's bounce range is increased by 2 yds and each time Chill Streak bounces it has a 20% chance to increase the maximum number of bounces by 1.

    Frost Row 8

    Glacial Advance: Summon glacial spikes from the ground that advance forward, each dealing Frost damage and applying Razorice to enemies near their eruption point.

    Bonegrinder: Consuming Killing Machine grants 1% critical strike chance for 6 seconds, stacking up to 5 times. At 5 stacks, your next Killing Machine consumes the stacks granting you [5/10%] increased Frost damage for 10 seconds. Two Rank Talent.

    Everfrost: Remorseless Winter deals [3/6]% increased damage to enemies it hits, stacking up to 10 tanks. Two Rank Talent.

    Frostscythe: A sweeping attack that strikes all enemies in front of you for Frost damage. This attack benefits from Killing Machine. Critical strikes with Frostscythe deal 4 times normal damage. Deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets.

    Frost Row 9

    Cold-Blooded Rage: Frost Strike critical strikes have a [5/10%] chance to grant Killing Machine. Two Rank Talent.

    Frostwyrm's Fury: Summons a frostwyrm who breathes on all enemies within 40 yd in front of you, dealing Frost damage and slowing movement speed by 50% for 10 seconds.

    Invigorating Freeze: Frost Fever critical strikes increase the chance to grant Runic Power by an additional [5/10%]. Two Rank Talent.

    Frost Row 10

    Choice Node:

    • Obliteration: While Pillar of Frost is active, Frost Strike and Howling Blast always grant Killing Machine and have a 30% chance to generate a Rune.
    • Icecap: Your Frost Strike, Obliterate & Frostscythe critical strikes reduce the remaining cooldown of Pillar of Frost by 4 seconds.

    Absolute Zero: Frostwyrm's Fury has 50% reduced cooldown and Freezes all enemies hit for 3 seconds.

    Breath of Sindragosa: Continuously deal Frost damage every 1 sec to enemies in a cone in front of you, until your Runic Power is exhausted. Deals reduced damage to secondary targets. Generates 2 Runes at the start and end.



    Unholy Death Knight Talents. [NNF] denotes a talent that has a temporary, not yet final name.

    Unholy Row 1

    Festering Strike: Strikes for Physical damage and infects the target with 2-3 Festering Wounds.

    Unholy Row 2

    Scourge Strike: An unholy strike that deals Physical damage and Shadow damage, and causes 1 Festering Wound to burst.

    Improved Raise Dead [NNF]: Your Raise Dead ghoul becomes permanent.

    Unholy Row 3

    Sudden Doom: Your auto attacks have a chance to make your next Death Coil cost no Runic Power.

    Outbreak: Deals Shadow damage to the target and infects all nearby enemies with Virulent Plague.

    Unholy Row 4

    Replenishing Wounds: When Festering Wound pops it generates an additional 3 Runic Power.

    Improved Festering Strike [NNF]: Festering Strike damage increased by [10/20/30]%. Three Rank Talent.

    Infectious Wound: Festering Strike has a 20% increased chance of applying [1/2/3] additional Festering Wounds. Three Rank Talent.

    Epidemic: Causes each of your Virulent Plagues to flare up, dealing Shadow damage to the infected enemy, and an additional Shadow damage to all other enemies near them.

    Unholy Row 5

    Improved Scourge Strike [NNF]: Scourge Strike damage increased by [10/20]%. Two Rank Talent.

    Harbinger of Doom: Sudden Doom triggers 15% more often and can accumulate up to 2 charges.

    Dark Transformation: Your ghoul deals Shadow damage to 5 nearby enemies and transforms into a powerful undead monstrosity for 15 seconds. The ghoul's abilities are empowered and take on new functions while the transformation is active.

    Deadly Coil: Reduces the Runic Power cost of Death Coil by [5/10]. Two Rank Talent.

    Unholy Row 6

    Clawing Shadows (Replaces Scourge Strike): Deals Shadow damage and causes 1 Festering Wound to burst.

    Pestilence: Death and Decay damage has a 10% chance to apply a Festering Wound to the enemy.

    Choice Node:

    • Unholy Pact: Dark Transformation creates an unholy pact between you and your pet, igniting flaming chains that deal Shadow damage over 15 sec to enemies between you and your pet. While active, your strength is increased by 3%.
    • Defile: Defile the targeted ground, dealing Shadow damage to all enemies over 10 seconds. While you remain within your Defile, your Scourge Strike will hit 4 enemies near the target. If any enemies are standing in the Defile, it grows in size and deals increasing damage every seconds.

    Choice Node:

    • Bursting Sores: Bursting a Festering Wound deals 25% more damage, and deals Shadow damage to all nearby enemies. Deals reduced damage beyond 8 targets.
    • Ebon Fever: Virulent Plague deals 15% more damage over time in half the duration.

    Infected Claws: Your ghoul's Claw attack has a 30% chance to cause a Festering Wound on the target.

    All Will Serve: Your Raise Dead spell summons an additional skeletal minion.

    Unholy Row 7

    Pestilent Pustules: Bursting a Festering Wound has a 10% chance to grant you Runic Corruption.

    Unholy Command: Damage Dealt by Death Coil reduces the cooldown of Dark Transformation by [0.5/1] seconds. Two Rank Talent.

    Army of the Dead: Summons a legion of ghouls who swarms your enemies, fighting anything they can for 30 seconds.

    Improved Death Coil: Death Coil deals [20/40]% additional damage and seeks out 1 additional nearby enemy.

    Reaping: Your Soul Reaper, Scourge Strike, Festering Strike, and Death Coil deal 20% additional damage to enemies below 35% health.

    Unholy Row 8

    Death Rot: Sudden Doom causes your Death Coil to burst up to 2 additional Festering Wounds and increases the Shadow damage the target takes from you by 4% per wound popped for 6 seconds.

    Apocalypse: Bring doom upon the enemy, dealing Shadow damage and bursting up to 4 Festering Wounds on the target. Summons an Army of the Dead ghoul for 15 sec for each burst Festering Wound.

    Unholy Blight: Surrounds yourself with a vile swarm of insects for 6 sec, stinging all nearby enemies and infecting them with Virulent Plague and an unholy disease that deals damage over 14 sec, stacking up to 4 times.

    Unholy Row 9

    Festermight: Popping a Festering Wound increases your Strength by [1/2]% for 20 sec, stacking. Does not refresh duration. Two Rank Talent.

    Frenzied Monstrosity: Dark Transformation also increases the attack speed and damage of you and your Monstrosity by [4/8]%. Two Rank Talent.

    Morbidity: Diseased enemies take [3/6]% increased damage per disease they are affected by. Two Rank Talent.

    Unholy Aura: All enemies within 8 yards take [10/20]% increased damage from your minions. Two Rank Talent.

    Unholy Row 10

    Unholy Assault: Strike your target dealing Shadow damage, infecting the target with 4 Festering Wounds and sending you into an Unholy Frenzy increasing haste by 20% for 12 seconds.

    Army of the Damned: Death Coil reduces the cooldown of Apocalypse by 1 sec and Army of the Dead by 5 seconds. Apocalypse and Army of the Dead also summon a Magus of the Dead who hurls Frostbolts and Shadow Bolts at your foes.

    Summon Gargoyle: Summon a Gargoyle into the area to bombard the target for 30 seconds. The Gargoyle gains 1% increased damage for every 2 Runic Power you spend.

    Thank you for reading, and we look forward to hearing your impressions of what we have so far.

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    They really, REALLY need to redesign the Death Strike ability, having it heal for the damage done to you in the last 5 seconds...is...bad, VERY bad, why not heal a % of total health, like the Warrior's healing ability? It could do shadow damage and as it strikes, it drains health from the target, healing the user by 20% or 40% and then give it a cooldown that resets when a target that gives xp or would if not at max level dies.

    Even Victory Rush (Warrior's Healing Ability) has a flaw....needing the killing blow is bad while in groups, maybe it should be 'when your target dies and you have hit it in the last 5 seconds or something.

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    1 hour ago, Lithari said:

    They really, REALLY need to redesign the Death Strike ability, having it heal for the damage done to you in the last 5 seconds...is...bad, VERY bad, why not heal a % of total health, like the Warrior's healing ability? It could do shadow damage and as it strikes, it drains health from the target, healing the user by 20% or 40% and then give it a cooldown that resets when a target that gives xp or would if not at max level dies.

    Because it rewards you for using it properly, I imagine, not mindlessly slamming it the moment you miss hp.

    "BAD, VERY BAD" -(c)

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    1 hour ago, Teufel said:

    Because it rewards you for using it properly, I imagine, not mindlessly slamming it the moment you miss hp.

    "BAD, VERY BAD" -(c)

    Actually, i only use that type of ability when i get down to 40-50% health, whenever i have tried to use this Death Strike ability, it never seems to heal me much at all, hence my opinion on the matter.

    Using it properly.......hmmm, when my health gets low is the wrong way? okay, so do i use it when i die? oh right, i am dead....respawn is required.....so when is the right time?

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    9 hours ago, Lithari said:

    Actually, i only use that type of ability when i get down to 40-50% health, whenever i have tried to use this Death Strike ability, it never seems to heal me much at all, hence my opinion on the matter.

    Using it properly.......hmmm, when my health gets low is the wrong way? okay, so do i use it when i die? oh right, i am dead....respawn is required.....so when is the right time?

    Sounds like a story from the conent that doesn't do damage at all. Here's something more realistic.

    The Jalier, say Heroic. He just finished casting his nice little circle you ran away from and he comes towards you for a good 20 seconds of hitting you in the face for roughly 75k per swing, so it takes him exactly 2 swings to kill you if you have no external aid or press anything.

    You sit and realize as he appoaches you that he hasn't melee'd you in the last 5 seconds, so DS healing would be whimsical, and pressing it right after he hits you would just waste 40RP - and god forbid 40 is all you have atm.

    So, you press Rune Tap (basically any defensive will do, VB does essentially the same by increasing your max hp for the purposes of his first strike) to soften his first strike and let the hots and whatever healers have on you help you out abit. And by the second strike, which may be his next one or one after, depending on your parry luck. you're in position to answer his swings with DStrikes that will heal for 40+% your HP for each 40RP.


    Edited by Teufel

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    I think an even better example for DS healing is Rygelon. Compared to Jailer i think Rygelon is the real boy to make your healers cry, because most of the time you compete with them there.



    My personal best log for Rygelon heroic was 18,7k. Sure thats not the top, but at least still 96% log.

    In case of Jailer i had the feeling, that he was easier to manage for me.

    Edited by Baharok

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    21 hours ago, Lithari said:

    They really, REALLY need to redesign the Death Strike ability, having it heal for the damage done to you in the last 5 seconds...is...bad, VERY bad, why not heal a % of total health, like the Warrior's healing ability? It could do shadow damage and as it strikes, it drains health from the target, healing the user by 20% or 40% and then give it a cooldown that resets when a target that gives xp or would if not at max level dies.

    Even Victory Rush (Warrior's Healing Ability) has a flaw....needing the killing blow is bad while in groups, maybe it should be 'when your target dies and you have hit it in the last 5 seconds or something.

    Death strike is op. Blood DKs almost don’t need healing in mythic raiding because it’s so good. In mythic+ I don’t need much healing. You’re using it wrong for sure. I’m not saying you’re dumb or anything because DK is the hardest tank spec along side brewmaster. You may want to watch or read a guide on how to play it because I outbreak most healers in all content I do. 

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    5 hours ago, Baharok said:

    I think an even better example for DS healing is Rygelon. Compared to Jailer i think Rygelon is the real boy to make your healers cry, because most of the time you compete with them there.



    My personal best log for Rygelon heroic was 18,7k. Sure thats not the top, but at least still 96% log.

    In case of Jailer i had the feeling, that he was easier to manage for me.

    Yeah, jailer is easier to manage but he also slaps the hardest and shows off how op DS is. Because he takes blood DKs down to like 10% hp easily but the DK is totally safe AND doesn’t need external healing.

    which I’ll just say now is a good thing because blood is a vamp tank not a mitigation tank

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    17 hours ago, Baharok said:

    I think an even better example for DS healing is Rygelon. Compared to Jailer i think Rygelon is the real boy to make your healers cry, because most of the time you compete with them there.



    My personal best log for Rygelon heroic was 18,7k. Sure thats not the top, but at least still 96% log.

    In case of Jailer i had the feeling, that he was easier to manage for me.

    He most certainly is, but I felt a hard-meleeing slow-swinging Boss like the Jailer or the Guardian of the First Ones just makes for an easier to understand example.
    I mean, you can even go and solotank Dausegne Heroic, and see similar HPS numbers (my biggest was 19k) when she starts demolishing you at 20+ stacks.

    Edited by Teufel

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    14 hours ago, Entegs said:

    Yeah, jailer is easier to manage but he also slaps the hardest and shows off how op DS is. Because he takes blood DKs down to like 10% hp easily but the DK is totally safe AND doesn’t need external healing.

    which I’ll just say now is a good thing because blood is a vamp tank not a mitigation tank

    Yep exactly.


    2 hours ago, Teufel said:

    He most certainly is, but I felt a hard-meleeing slow-swinging Boss like the Jailer or the Guardian of the First Ones just makes for an easier to understand example.
    I mean, you can even go and solotank Dausegne Heroic, and see similar HPS numbers (my biggest was 19k) when she starts demolishing you at 20+ stacks.

    Yes i would like to do that, but my guild skipping to Jailer latest, since noone want to do the rest anymore and in case of Rygelon i allways have to beg for letting me take more stacks. 😄

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    35 minutes ago, Baharok said:

    Yes i would like to do that, but my guild skipping to Jailer latest, since noone want to do the rest anymore and in case of Rygelon i allways have to beg for letting me take more stacks. 😄

    Usually only doing that if there's extra damage to be had from this, like with Dausegne/Lihuvim/Pantheon. Though, I don't think it's that worth the risk on Rygelon 😄

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    1 hour ago, Teufel said:

    Usually only doing that if there's extra damage to be had from this, like with Dausegne/Lihuvim/Pantheon. Though, I don't think it's that worth the risk on Rygelon 😄

    Just can speak for me, but i'm a "painaddict" 😄

    -> The more damage i get and handle, the more it is a pleassure for me. But really - the So'Azmi trinket has its fair use there.

    In case of M+ people allready know me for being a nerd in damageincome, we are joking in Discord with comments like "Oh yes hit me hard! I want more!" If you can handle Blood DK it is fun and good time not just for yourself. 😄

    I allways have a big grin on my face, when healer's or other people ask me, how it is possible to get so much dmg constantly and still not die or having more than 40k HPS sometimes. 😄

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    12 minutes ago, Baharok said:

    Just can speak for me, but i'm a "painaddict" 😄

    -> The more damage i get and handle, the more it is a pleassure for me. But really - the So'Azmi trinket has its fair use there.

    In case of M+ people allready know me for being a nerd in damageincome, we are joking in Discord with comments like "Oh yes hit me hard! I want more!" If you can handle Blood DK it is fun and good time not just for yourself. 😄

    I allways have a big grin on my face, when healer's or other people ask me, how it is possible to get so much dmg constantly and still not die or having more than 40k HPS sometimes. 😄

    Tried the trinket, but I imagine you need way more stacks to be THAT good, usually just sticking to Elegy.

    And even when I do need such a trinket, there's still Mythic Defense Matrix. The effect might be a taf weaker, but I'm having another hundred STR, so, worth.

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    3 hours ago, Teufel said:

    Tried the trinket, but I imagine you need way more stacks to be THAT good, usually just sticking to Elegy.

    And even when I do need such a trinket, there's still Mythic Defense Matrix. The effect might be a taf weaker, but I'm having another hundred STR, so, worth.

    I think that an average of 1,3k DPS just from the trinket is not bad considering the normal 2 stack variant swap. At the end sure it depends what stuff you have.



    Do not forget that it hits and absorbs, also the time you cant be directly at the boss, just for having him as target. (which has to be in mind in M+ as well, since you can add trash if you are not careful in the moment you have active dots / debuff) - Also the tooltip might be irritating, but it only absorbs the small amount, but hits for the 10% of the incoming damage, many people just read the small absorbamount and think its the reflected damage, which is not the case. (which is why the trinket gets alot better in higher keys as well, since the incoming damage is alot higher)

    Edited by Baharok

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    On 6/3/2022 at 6:53 PM, Lithari said:

    They really, REALLY need to redesign the Death Strike ability, having it heal for the damage done to you in the last 5 seconds...is...bad, VERY bad, why not heal a % of total health, like the Warrior's healing ability? It could do shadow damage and as it strikes, it drains health from the target, healing the user by 20% or 40% and then give it a cooldown that resets when a target that gives xp or would if not at max level dies.

    Even Victory Rush (Warrior's Healing Ability) has a flaw....needing the killing blow is bad while in groups, maybe it should be 'when your target dies and you have hit it in the last 5 seconds or something.

    The only thing that should be done about Death Strike to flatten the curve in skill a bit is make it so it heals fro the damage that SHOULD have been done to you. Allowing newer players not to fall too far behind if they panic press some mitigations especially rune tap. I feel it counter intuitive to punish mitigation by making the healing less

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    5 minutes ago, Shadehallow said:

    make it so it heals fro the damage that SHOULD have been done to you.

    Imho this would include to many options to consider. You can have defensive proc's the moment before the hit comes, you could get external and not to forget - What you mean is giving you an absorb, because it doesnt heal you prior to damage, it would be a preventive shield. I think Death Strike is nice as it is. If they want to change something, then it should be something in the UI, to show you the amount you would heal from the damage you got the last 5 seconds WITHOUT using Weakauras / any Addon for it to show you. This is the real struggle for newcomers of the spec in my opinion. You need to create a feeling for the income and outcome.

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    1 hour ago, Shadehallow said:

    I'm so glad they're bringing rune strike back. Though odd it's baseline for all specs

    Runestrike exists even now, it just gets replaced by the spec-specific single-rune ability once you pick a spec (Heart Strike, Howling Blast, Scourge Strike). Probably it'll be there in the same capacity.

    A shame, actually. I'd like to have an option to spend RP on damage when I don't need to heal, and the only option atm is Coil, which does way less damage per RP than Deathstrike. If they'd buff Coil damage for Blood or made Runestrike a Blood-specific damage RP spender I'd enjoy it more.


    1 hour ago, Baharok said:

    I think that an average of 1,3k DPS just from the trinket is not bad considering the normal 2 stack variant swap. At the end sure it depends what stuff you have.

    Pretty sure "normal" swap is a single stack. The best way to tell these days is the boss having no Taunt DR, such as Rygelon or Halondrus. Did some Mythic Rygelon pulls an hour ago, though, the trinket does look better.

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    38 minutes ago, Teufel said:

    Runestrike exists even now, it just gets replaced by the spec-specific single-rune ability once you pick a spec (Heart Strike, Howling Blast, Scourge Strike). Probably it'll be there in the same capacity.

    A shame, actually. I'd like to have an option to spend RP on damage when I don't need to heal, and the only option atm is Coil, which does way less damage per RP than Deathstrike. If they'd buff Coil damage for Blood or made Runestrike a Blood-specific damage RP spender I'd enjoy it more.

    Was not aware that was the case havent had a dk that low in years. That's unfortunate. Hopefully they choose to make it another RP dump especially for blood like you said bring back some of the Cata style gameplay. All we'd need is a disease leggo and blood caked blade back lol.

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    11 hours ago, Teufel said:

    Runestrike exists even now, it just gets replaced by the spec-specific single-rune ability once you pick a spec (Heart Strike, Howling Blast, Scourge Strike). Probably it'll be there in the same capacity.

    A shame, actually. I'd like to have an option to spend RP on damage when I don't need to heal, and the only option atm is Coil, which does way less damage per RP than Deathstrike. If they'd buff Coil damage for Blood or made Runestrike a Blood-specific damage RP spender I'd enjoy it more.


    Pretty sure "normal" swap is a single stack. The best way to tell these days is the boss having no Taunt DR, such as Rygelon or Halondrus. Did some Mythic Rygelon pulls an hour ago, though, the trinket does look better.

    Hey there.

    I just read about some undocumented changes i was not aware of with 9.2.5. Taking this in mind and the fact i did not raid since release of the patch, the trinket got alot worse, sad but thats it. So lets quit it here and dont think anymore about it. haha 😄

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    56 minutes ago, Baharok said:

    Hey there.

    I just read about some undocumented changes i was not aware of with 9.2.5. Taking this in mind and the fact i did not raid since release of the patch, the trinket got alot worse, sad but thats it. So lets quit it here and dont think anymore about it. haha 😄

    It's funny, actually.
    Said 'some pulling Mythic Rygelon' yesterday had it still being useful enough, despite being 'nerfed'. Unless the nerf was implemented right after we finished, or I'm missing something in regards to it.

    Longest pull:

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    Riposte damage was nearly 500k for me prior to the patch on Rygelon heroic (i dont have mythic guild). But ofc yes it has its values on Rygelon and if we do him again i will keep using it on this boss for sure, passive damage isnt that bad.

    I was checking another try from this boss heroic from prior patch:

    about 9k DPS, 13,31% from Reposte - 401,5k damage, and especially: 390 hits. 1.198,5 DPS.

    Edited by Baharok

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    50 minutes ago, Baharok said:

    Riposte damage was nearly 500k for me prior to the patch on Rygelon heroic (i dont have mythic guild). But ofc yes it has its values on Rygelon and if we do him again i will keep using it on this boss for sure, passive damage isnt that bad.

    I was checking another try from this boss heroic from prior patch:

    about 9k DPS, 13,31% from Reposte - 401,5k damage, and especially: 390 hits. 1.198,5 DPS.

    You talk about kills. 
    That above is a 3-min try. That said, I'm a huge fan of Red Thirst, so my numbers with it might be bigger if you play with either of the other two.

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    1 hour ago, Teufel said:

    You talk about kills. 
    That above is a 3-min try. That said, I'm a huge fan of Red Thirst, so my numbers with it might be bigger if you play with either of the other two.

    I'm not interested to fight over this. The core point (and off topic as well) was that this trinket had a huge advantage in niche situations with high income and which got nerfed a bit. It is not bottom tier at all now, but also not a "hunt for every price" thing.  I guess you agree there?


    About the topic:

    I'm not really sure how i should see the talent tree they want to bring. I'm more of a practical kind of being. Hopefully i can test it in Beta later. 🙂

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    33 minutes ago, Baharok said:

    I'm not interested to fight over this. The core point (and off topic as well) was that this trinket had a huge advantage in niche situations with high income and which got nerfed a bit. It is not bottom tier at all now, but also not a "hunt for every price" thing.  I guess you agree there?


    About the topic:

    I'm not really sure how i should see the talent tree they want to bring. I'm more of a practical kind of being. Hopefully i can test it in Beta later. 🙂

    Who's fighting?
    Wondering if the Matrix would be remade in the same manner. Though... I guess it already is, aside from absorbing Stagger for Monks. 
    Still wanting an RP damage spender. Bonestorm kinda is, but... bonestorm.

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