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New Resto Shaman looking for some advice !

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Well first of all let me introduce myself, i've been playing wow for 2 1/2 months now and my only char is a resto shaman, i got help from my cousin at the beginning to tell me the basics  about the game  and now i really want to start playing at a higher level .I know i need to improve a lot, i've been reading guides and the forum but there are some things that maybe i am missing while raiding that i hope you guys can help me improve :)


Since i just downloaded and im trying to figure out how the warcraft log works :P i'm gonna start by asking you some gear advice, i know maybe my spirit its too high , i dont know about the crit and i'm using the 33,29% haste cap.




as soon as i figure out how to use the warcraft log i will be updating this with some fights because i know im missing a lot of stuff 


thanks in advance and sorry if it's hard to read english is not my mother language


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Hi Rhaenya

Given your newbie status let me start with the most basic comment on mana. If you aren't running out you have enough regen!

When you expand on this basic truth is where it gets more interesting. No all fights are equal, some require more regen than others depending on the profile of incoming damage and level of dispels required. The right amount of regen for one fight is not necessarily correct for another. For example I run different gear for H Protectors (constant dispels) than H Immerses (gaps in healing).

Resto shaman get a lot of regeneration from Crit so the question of do I have enough regen from spirit can only be answered by looking at regen from crit.

We also get a lot of regen from water shield (WS), make sure it is always up.

Resto shaman have mana tide totem (MTT) a powerful regen tool which should be used on cooldown AND are you are under 80% mana.

so how does this apply to you ....

You have a crit build (for your iLevel which is what I used at that level too) and is what I would recommended.

If you are running Out Of Manna (oom)make sure you are using MTT and WS as per above. If you still OoM sometimes, you should reforge some of the haste you have to additional crit (rather than spirit -> crit) to boost your regen.

If you still having issues you might want to look at what spells you are using (avoid Healing surge and use Greater Healing wave unless your target is going to die in next 2 seconds)

At lower iLevels,if all else fails, you can consider using a flask of falling leaves to boost your spirit (normally you would use a flask of warm sun to boost int)

To get a definite answer you would need to look mana across the fights. The best way is via http://www.warcraftlogs.com/ with ADVANCED combat logging enabled in the Game Menu -> Network -> Advanced Comat Logging option ticked. When you do this it will show your mana across the fight in the logs when you upload them.

To create a log is easy...

1. Enable advanced logging as above

2. at the command prompt in wow type /combatlog

3. Fight bosses

4. Log out

5. Create an account at http://www.warcraftlogs.com/

6. Download client from http://www.warcraftlogs.com/

7. Run client

8. Upload log file from your computer. It will be in the logs directory under the folder where wow is intstalled.

9. View logs in web browers (or you can paste the link for others to look at)

Edited by grautod
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Thanks for the fast reply, currently im not running out of mana except in 1 or 2 fights so mana is not an issue,i am using the int flask for now and i'm using also the mana totem, but i was using it when i had like 40% mana so it's good to know i have to use it earlier. I'm currently looking for my spirit comfort zone so im always touching that number.


I also read that it is better to get the 2 tier bonus instead of the 4 one and get another items with more crit, if this is true which tier parts should i keep and which ones i need to change?


And yes i already downloaded the client and tested it, tomorrow im gonna upload some logs for you to have a good view of what i'm doing in the fights :)


Thanks again and i will be posting the logs tomorrow 

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2 set bonus is worth about 4% buff to my heals and because it is linked to Earth shield it's very easy to get max benefit from that bonus, so it worth it IMHO

I don't use the four set myself and can't offer personal experience on it. The pack wisdom is it is not worth giving up gear upgrades to keep the four set

Edited by grautod

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About 4T16 bonus: I'm using it for a very long time now. Normally it's one of my 'minor' CDs, when only one or two persons are taking heavy damage or in case that our raid has to run around while taking some AoE damage (Norushen with beam, Iron Jugger, etc.).

The bonus is nice, but its overall output is about 0.5-1% from all my healing, so I'm going to drop it now and change my chest and gloves to non-set ones, so I could get rid of 2K of spirit and get a good boost to the crit (I'm healing with 50% haste).

What I want to say: use it (4T16) if you have it, but don't sacrifice anything to get it - it's not that valuable.

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here are the logs of todays raid, i forgot to enable combat log on the protectors and norushen kill tongue.png




I would suggest more proactive usage of your raid CDs - HTT, Ascendance - you can use them at least twice in every fight. Your Riptide uptime is still low (mine is about 98-99% vs your 79-80%). Your Earth Shield uptime is low (57% vs my 95%). 

Any reason not to use Stormlash totem? I see 1 cast only. Same with the Stone Bulwark / Astral Shift - very low usage.


My logs for the same fights: http://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/zWFB9NHMZj14JYpk#type=casts&boss=-2&source=3


I would suggest to use WeakAuras tracking at least for STT and SBT, so you could cast them immediately whey they are not on CD. 

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well first of all thanks for the help! i am having some trouble to keep track on the totems cd i will try use weakauras to cast totems when they are up.


about the ascendance and htt use, i think im always holding to that cds a bit i dont want to "waste" them so i wait for the "best" time i think..going to use them more often now


again thanks for the help i really appreciate all the recommendations and im going to put them in practice asap

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You welcome :)

If you going to use WeakAuras, look in this thread, it's awesome: https://www.icy-veins.com/forums/topic/5560-shaman-weakauras/

And you can always ask here for any specific tracking that you didn't find - I have like a hundred of them.

About raid CD usage: no reason to hold them really. All the fights have their pattern of damage, so you can plan your cooldowns in advance and not being reactive and waiting.

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Well, looks like I came to this thread a bit too late to be of much help. I'm glad you've managed to get some good advice! :)


Another good resource for WeakAuras is a page which I wrote, which includes some advanced auras for legendary procs and things. Shop around a bit and look at what seems best for you   =]

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