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In-Game Preview of the Dungeon Finder in Wrath Classic

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Check out our preview of the Group Finder feature coming in Wrath of the Lich King Classic!

You can bring up the Group Finder by pressing "I". The Group Finder has two tabs. The first tab's called "My Interests". It allows you to select from various types of content and list yourself with a role.


The second tab is the "Group Browser", which lets you browse and apply for groups based on various criteria. These include Dungeons, Heroic Dungeons, Raids, Quests & Zones, PvP, and Custom.

group finder.jpg

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      Tame (Source)
      We’re aware of this issue and working on a fix for it.
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      Thank you for your reports!
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      SoD Phase 4 Notes (Source)
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      You must earn at least 15 Honorable Kills in PvP to rank up starting July 15 in Season of Discovery, as Bloodstained Commendations alone will no longer suffice for progression beyond Rank 7!
      As we prepare to release WoW Classic patch 1.15.3 tomorrow and open Phase 4 on Thursday, we want to remind you that any players who gained Honor via Bloodstained Commendations will need to make sure to gain at least 15 Honorable Kills against players of the opposing faction in normal PvP (i.e. Battlegrounds or World PvP, not in the Blood Moon event) during the week, in order to be eligible rank up the week that begins on July 15.
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      Thank you!
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      Shield is used instead of Spell Power. Developer’s Notes: Many paladins have pointed out that they would like to see the
      additional benefit from defense when using Holy Shield to increase attack power rather than spell power and while we aren’t going in that direction for now, as a compromise, we are allowing Malleable Protection rune to essentially grant the same desired effect in addition to the baseline spell power benefit that Holy Shield grants from defense. This should make this rune more attractive to tanking paladins who it is designed for and still allow paladins using holy shield to gain a chunk of the Spellpower they would lose when not using Sheathe of Light. Rogue
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      damage reduced by 20%. Developer’s Notes: Similar to Mages we are becoming concerned about the overall damage output of rogues in relation to other classes going into Phase 4. Mutilate has dominated the last few phases and while its still likely to slightly edge out other choices such as Saber Slash, this should help tone Rogues ouput down slightly while also helping to bring mutilate more in line with other Rogue options.
      Way of Earth now reduces to the range of Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning, Lava Burst,
      Healing Wave, and Chain Heal by 20 yards. Developer’s Notes: Shaman has become quite opporessive in PvP and the usage of
      Way of Earth by Restoration and Elemental shamans contributes heavily to this. This
      change should not lower the overall output potential of shamans in PvP who are using this rune, but it should make applying that damage significantly less flexible and more dangerous for the Shaman themselves. We will continue to monitor shaman performance in PvP and make additional adjustments as needed. Molten Blast now gains additional damage equal to 14.3% of Fire Spell
      Power. Please note that this extra damage is not reflected in the tooltip at this time. Warlock
      Shadowflame has seen several adjustments: Shadowflame is no longer mutually exclusive with Unstable Affliction. Shadowflame now triggers improved shadowbolt. Shadowflame also increases the number of Improved Shadowbolt charges to 10. The Demonic Pact effect now applies to the raid group rather than just the party. The amount of bonus spell damage provided by Demonic Knowledge is now 3% (down
      from 10%) The damage and stamina of the Felguard have been increased by approximately 20% Grimoire of Synergy has been adjusted and now has a 10% chance to proc and grants a 10% damage bonus. The damage penalty of Shadow Bolt Volley has been reduced to 5% (was previously 20%) A New ability has been added to the game via a spell book: Fel Armor Surrounds the caster with fel energy, increasing spell damage and healing by 60 plus additional spell damage and healing equal to 50% of your Spirit. In addition, you regain 2% of your maximum health every 5 sec. Only one type of Armor spell can be active on the Warlock at any time. Lasts 30 minutes. The Mark of Chaos rune has been moved to the feet slot and now activates when any
      Curse except Curse of the Elements or Curse of Shadow is used. The Soul Siphon rune has been moved to the back slot. Immolation Aura has been redesigned: Immolation Aura now triggers from being attacked rather than as a periodic effect. This cannot occur more than once per second, and does not require the attack to hit. Immolation Aura now also increases fire damage by 10%. The Incinerate Rune has been moved to the wrist slot. Developer’s Notes: After our previous round of adjustments to Warlock, many players correctly pointed out that Shadowflame was still mutually exclusive with Unstable Affliction which was an unintended oversight. We’ve fixed that and additionally added an interaction with Improved Shadow Bolt to allow Shadowflame crits to also proc the increased damage effect. Improved Shadow Bolt wasn’t utilized heavily prior to this change as the amount of free time for Shadow Bolt filler was relatively low. Lastly, the low number of charges on Improved Shadow Bolt didn’t make it very usable, so we are increasing the number of charges gained from 4 to 10 with Shadowflame which should increase the overall usefulness of the talent in group settings. We also hope to see this create some synergy that Shadow Priests in particular can see benefit from as well.
      Thunder Clap now gains additional damage equal to 5% of Attack Power. Please note that this extra damage is not reflected in the tooltip at this time.
    • By Staff
      Here's the final round of class changes in this week's SoD P4 build, as Druids and Shamans get some attention.
      Druid, Shaman (Source)
      We have one last round of changes before the weekend that will go out after the realms finish restarting this afternoon:
      Survival Instincts: Now also increases healing done by your spells by 20% while active. Developer’s Notes: Pure healing druids have correctly pointed out that they are without a compelling rune option for the Boots slot. Allowing Survival Instincts to act as an on-demand healing cooldown helps fill this gap and provide Druids with another powerful healing tool. Shaman
      Earth Shield is no longer exclusive with Lightning Shield. Developer’s Notes: Earth Shield has seen its value increase with Shamanistic Rage becoming a baseline ability. While this is a great improvement, tank shamans now often feel like they at a disadvantage when playing with a Restoration Shaman and vice versa, because of how a Tank wants their Lightning Shield active for their wrist rune, which makes them ineligible Earth Shield targets. We’re reducing the friction here by allowing Earth Shield to be active at the same time as Lightning Shield. Riptide healing can now trigger the Power Surge rune when used. Developer’s Notes: In the Waist slot, Restoration has typically been taking Power Surge, standing within 20 yards of the boss to Flame Shock, and then look for procs to cast an instant Chain Heal. We think reimagining power surge as a more generalist rune and enabling its usage for Restoration shamans to use using their normal toolkit while also playing at a standard healer range of 30+ yards away is a great way to increase quality of life for healing Shamans that select this rune. The chance for Static Shock to trigger when using a two-handed weapon is now 12% and the chance to trigger with one-handed weapons remains 6%. The Shield Mastery additional benefit from Defense now triggers off an any shock spell and not just Flame Shock. The Shield Mastery Defense benefit changed from Attack Power to Spell Power: Developer’s Note Even with Mental Dexterity in the mix, Spell Power over Attack Power feels like a more thematic conversion for Tank Shamans. Most of a Shaman’s threat is also not in things that benefit from Attack Power directly, so this change helps the shaman tanking kit operate more synergistically. The additional threat caused by Way of Earth has been increased to 65% (up from 50%).
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