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[Fire] Help Improve DPS on Heroic Garrosh

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Hello, my guild is currently progressing on Heroic Garrosh 10man and I am always at the bottom of the DPS metre. If anyone could give me any advice as to when I should use my cooldowns to optimize my DPS or anything with my gear or rotation I would really appreciate it. My armory link is http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/dreadmaul/Azayzel/simple

I will give you a link below with one of our longest attempts where i am doing much less DPS than our other range DPS. If you want to see more logs you can view the others, they are all public.


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Hey, Warlog contacted me on Reddit, so I'm here to offer some advice. 


First, I'm not a super skilled Mage like I am a Warlock, but I know enough to analyze things.  Take my advice with a grain of salt.


I'm using this log as an analysis: http://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/jpb1D7GNzJBkfaYQ#fight=13&type=damage-done&source=1


1. Living Bomb uptime = 53%.  This is abysmal as you should always strive to have a VERY high uptime with your bomb. 

2. Your Combustion ticks look very low.  Are you using some sort of tracker to calculate the damage of Ignite?

3. Invoker's Energy uptime is good.

4. Transition 1 add damage is atrocious - no DPS should be below 5M in damage.  I'm not sure what Fire would do here, but you need to do better. 


I can't read into a lot of other Fire stuff - I'm mainly oriented towards Frost and Arcane.  It just looks like your damage is low.  My suggestion is to look into some logs of what other Fire Mages are doing and mimic their behavior.  You had a 75% crit rate with Fireball, so I would imagine your DPS would be significantly higher than 220k.

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Hey, thank you for taking your time to help me out.

Regarding living bomb i'm not sure why I never checked my uptime on heroic garrosh it has been an issue in the past and I made sure to improve the uptime. I improved my WeakAuras to display living bomb so I should be doing better now especially since i'll be making sure to keep it up, thanks for pointing that out.

I am using myBigIgnite to track my ignite damage, sometimes at the start of the fight I don't get procs or I lag spike during my AT burst. Looking at the logs I linked I had my trinket procs up but only managed to get 3 Pyroblasts out before I used combustion which is awful, usually I get 4-6 unless i get a massive ignite before then. A possible reason it's bad on pull is because i have to move to the other side of the room to drop weapon while doing my opener, we could possibly try doing it next to the throne instead but phase 1 burst isn't a big deal compared to the rest of the fight. I just need to make sure the rest of my combustion ticks are not as low as they are now.

I have a feeling i'm not using my CDs at the optimal times other than that i'm not too sure what else I could improve to get more DPS out other than play the spec better or hoping I get good procs when I burst.

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I haven't played Fire in some time, but Combustion damage is definitely low, and I would try to time Inferno Blast with the adds reaching Garrosh in phase 1 for maximum multidotting with the Pyroblast DoT, and Flamestrike is worth it with that many adds.

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Bomb uptime is SUUUPER important for fire because it provides the pyromaniac debuff. Letting this drop off is a nightmare because it leads to lower Pyro damage which translates to smaller ignites which translates to smaller combustions. It's like a Domino effect that snowballs into low DPS.

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Make sure you have HU/HS and PoM before you AT. cast fireball and. after the cast finishes At spam pyros, reset AT spam.pyros combust.

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