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[US-Sargeras] [A] <Praetorian Guards> is Recruiting! 11/14 HC - Day0 Guild looking for Raiders/Socials

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Hello from Praetorian Guards!


We are a semi-hardcore progression oriented Guild (Alliance) on the server Sargeras. We’re looking to round out our roster for Warlords as well as bring in some exceptional social members. If you’re looking for a place to call home for the rest of the days you play WoW, look no further.  Below is a little about us.


Raid Times: Central / Server Time

Tuesday - 8 pm. to 11:00 p.m.

Thursday - 8 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.

Sunday - 8 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.


This is us:


We're old. The guild was formed prior to the release of WoW (during open beta) and has always been a consistent presence in progression. We value individuals looking for an environment in which they deem comfortable to play in, and make every attempt engage all members in that environment. This is our home, and has always been.


We're organized. This means that the guild is organized around a constitution and offices, not personalities. We distribute power between multiple offices--the GM is far from omnipotent.


We care about progression, despite the fact we only raid 9 hours a week. To make the most of this time, we expect full dedication during the raid and up to date knowledge, gems, enchants, and flasks. Performance is monitored and poor performance leads to removal from the raid team.

Interested applicants should message one of our officers in game or add Epsi to Battle.net friends. You can also visit us on our website @ www.praetorian-guards.com


Battle.net ID: Epsi#1342 

Battle.net ID: Therosian#1875


Officers: Epsi, Therosian


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