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Almost 98% of Auction House Volume Are Commodities

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Crafting.gg published an interesting blog post on the impact of region-wide Auction House commodities in Patch 9.2.7 and calculated that almost 98% of Auction House volume are commodity items.

In Patch 9.2.7, all commodity items (herbs, flasks, gems, ores...) will be combined for the whole region.

Crafting.gg looked at the data and listed the average volume of items on the Auction House that are commodities and non-commodities over the past week. 

Before we dive into it, just a quick note that a stack of 200 herbs counts as 200 toward the total volume of items. Below is the full data for the Auction Houses in the US/EU regions.

US Auction Volume

Realms Commodity Items Non-Commodity Items Percent Commodities
Stormrage 7,402,902 106,340 98.58%
Area 52 6,954,299 118,743 98.32%
Illidan 5,684,668 98,798 98.29%
Tichondrius 4,988,166 84,334 98.34%
Dreadmaul, Frostmourne, Gundrak, Jubei’Thos, Thaurissan 4,576,454 72,848 98.43%
Zul’jin 4,306,229 69,220 98.42%
Sargeras 3,986,532 65,845 98.38%
Dalaran 3,973,732 62,687 98.45%
Mal’Ganis 3,763,697 59,531 98.44%
Bleeding Hollow 3,706,896 64,450 98.29%
Thrall 3,652,011 62,871 98.31%
Ragnaros 3,469,450 52,760 98.50%
Aegwynn, Bonechewer, Daggerspine, Garrosh, Gurubashi, Hakkar 3,392,983 62,971 98.18%
Proudmoore 3,117,710 71,359 97.76%
Moon Guard 3,082,506 84,492 97.33%
Quel’Thalas 2,590,227 49,752 98.12%
Ghostlands, Gnomeregan, Grizzly Hills, Kael’thas, Lothar, Malfurion, Moonrunner, Trollbane 2,428,490 46,293 98.13%
Emerald Dream 2,411,247 39,727 98.38%
Alleria, Exodar, Khadgar, Medivh 2,371,773 31,496 98.69%
Azralon 2,305,109 41,165 98.25%
Barthilas 2,279,580 39,320 98.30%
Caelestrasz, Nagrand, Saurfang 2,110,469 42,248 98.04%
Azgalor, Azshara, Blood Furnace, Destromath, Mannoroth, Nazjatar, Thunderlord 2,037,047 63,536 96.98%
Kel’Thuzad 2,023,420 39,713 98.08%
Akama, Antonidas, Dragonmaw, Eldre’Thalas, Korialstrasz, Mug’thol, Uldum 2,004,680 43,206 97.89%
Agamaggan, Archimonde, Blade’s Edge, Burning Legion, Jaedenar, Kargath, Norgannon, The Underbog, Thunderhorn 1,933,614 40,930 97.93%
Hyjal 1,878,956 34,614 98.19%
Burning Blade, Garona, Icecrown, Lightning’s Blade, Malygos, Onyxia 1,770,364 45,561 97.49%
Drak’Tharon, Firetree, Frostwolf, Malorne, Rivendare, Spirestone, Stormscale, Vashj 1,708,268 39,323 97.75%
Eredar, Gorefiend, Hellscream, Spinebreaker, Wildhammer, Zangarmarsh 1,691,806 34,857 97.98%
Borean Tundra, Drak’thul, Hydraxis, Mok’Nathal, Shadowsong, Silvermoon, Skywall, Terenas 1,669,230 53,012 96.92%
Azuremyst, Dawnbringer, Madoran, Staghelm 1,650,144 25,201 98.50%
Aman’Thul, Dath’Remar, Khaz’goroth 1,624,561 42,302 97.46%
Wyrmrest Accord 1,559,962 58,576 96.38%
Kil’jaeden 1,487,868 27,540 98.18%
Andorhal, Black Dragonflight, Eonar, Gul’dan, Scilla, Skullcrusher, Ursin, Velen, Zuluhed 1,442,521 33,768 97.71%
Anub’arak, Arathor, Chromaggus, Crushridge, Drenden, Garithos, Nathrezim, Smolderthorn 1,434,681 27,389 98.13%
Cairne, Cenarius, Frostmane, Korgath, Ner’zhul, Perenolde, Tortheldrin 1,430,104 36,971 97.48%
Lightbringer 1,425,922 29,793 97.95%
Darrowmere, Draka, Suramar, Windrunner 1,390,666 28,549 97.99%
Alterac Mountains, Anvilmar, Balnazzar, Gorgonnash, The Forgotten Coast, Undermine, Warsong 1,295,578 23,724 98.20%
Dentarg, Whisperwind 1,255,970 28,782 97.76%
Aggramar, Fizzcrank 1,236,438 26,588 97.89%
Durotan, Ysera 1,224,369 18,391 98.52%
Azjol-Nerub, Blackrock, Khaz Modan, Muradin, Nordrassil 1,191,537 33,545 97.26%
Bloodscalp, Boulderfist, Dunemaul, Maiev, Quel’dorei, Sen’jin, Stonemaul 1,117,298 31,002 97.30%
Auchindoun, Cho’gall, Elune, Gilneas, Laughing Skull 1,096,902 26,990 97.60%
Blackwing Lair, Dethecus, Detheroc, Haomarush, Lethon, Shadowmoon 904,491 10,965 98.80%
Aerie Peak 870,409 25,897 97.11%
Blackwater Raiders, Cenarion Circle, Shadow Council, Sisters of Elune 852,060 26,312 97.00%
Lightninghoof, Maelstrom, Ravenholdt, The Venture Co, Twisting Nether 843,714 16,186 98.12%
Ravencrest, Uldaman 791,581 18,064 97.77%
Drakkari 789,732 14,758 98.17%
Greymane, Tanaris 768,245 14,587 98.14%
Baelgun, Doomhammer 762,522 15,925 97.95%
Bloodhoof, Duskwood 721,589 19,024 97.43%
Kilrogg, Winterhoof 708,295 13,560 98.12%
Nemesis, Tol Barad 701,632 8,926 98.74%
Arthas 698,114 14,066 98.02%
Bladefist, Kul Tiras 695,070 14,407 97.97%
Altar of Storms, Anetheron, Magtheridon, Ysondre 694,309 12,502 98.23%
Draenor, Echo Isles 681,868 12,633 98.18%
Blackhand, Galakrond 669,496 15,293 97.77%
Farstriders, Silver Hand, Thorium Brotherhood 632,679 16,103 97.52%
Eitrigg, Shu’halo 626,198 11,212 98.24%
Nazgrel, Nesingwary, Vek’nilash 614,941 17,270 97.27%
Argent Dawn, The Scryers 602,326 20,588 96.69%
Turalyon 579,887 16,185 97.28%
Bronzebeard, Shandris 568,446 15,081 97.42%
Alexstrasza, Terokkar 554,400 15,841 97.22%
Deathwing, Executus, Kalecgos, Shattered Halls 548,301 11,161 98.01%
Dragonblight, Fenris 532,048 11,870 97.82%
Darkspear 520,681 12,613 97.63%
Earthen Ring 513,562 9,805 98.13%
Runetotem, Uther 504,587 11,995 97.68%
Stormreaver 499,501 6,080 98.80%
Misha, Rexxar 482,783 14,570 97.07%
Coilfang, Dalvengyr, Dark Iron, Demon Soul, Shattered Hand 478,186 12,405 97.47%
Arygos, Llane 456,807 10,830 97.68%
Feathermoon, Scarlet Crusade 402,325 14,548 96.51%
Kirin Tor, Sentinels, Steamwheedle Cartel 355,475 12,233 96.67%
Goldrinn 343,773 5,851 98.33%
Gallywix 301,282 5,369 98.25%

EU Auction Volume

Realms Commodity Items Non-Commodity Items Percent Commodities
Draenor 7,437,477 108,406 98.56%
Dentarg, Tarren Mill 6,968,095 118,712 98.32%
Kazzak 6,492,538 97,247 98.52%
Blackhand, Echsenkessel, Mal’Ganis, Taerar 5,933,967 74,819 98.75%
Silvermoon 5,465,274 109,866 98.03%
Twisting Nether 5,440,436 84,268 98.47%
Ravencrest 4,719,598 96,741 97.99%
Gordunni 4,541,024 52,106 98.87%
Hyjal 4,165,150 50,136 98.81%
Howling Fjord 4,066,267 50,867 98.76%
Blackmoore, Lordaeron, Tichondrius 3,829,594 66,724 98.29%
Soulflayer 3,711,254 32,908 99.12%
Doomhammer, Turalyon 3,542,708 56,730 98.42%
Ambossar, Kargath, Thrall 3,458,804 54,179 98.46%
Antonidas 3,413,949 70,693 97.97%
Ragnaros 3,402,665 61,177 98.23%
Blackrock 3,355,444 50,340 98.52%
Argent Dawn 3,014,235 102,977 96.70%
Archimonde 2,855,680 29,579 98.97%
Stormscale 2,785,226 61,127 97.85%
Eredar 2,724,585 39,434 98.57%
Sanguino, Shen’dralar, Uldum, Zul’jin 2,410,710 41,872 98.29%
Burning Blade, Drak’thul 2,406,397 43,641 98.22%
Al’Akir, Burning Legion, Skullcrusher, Xavius 2,401,230 45,718 98.13%
Cho’gall, Dalaran, Eldre’Thalas, Marécage de Zangar, Sinstralis 2,304,774 33,207 98.58%
Arathor, Hellfire, Kilrogg, Nagrand, Runetotem 2,122,343 36,792 98.30%
Garrosh, Nozdormu, Perenolde, Shattrath, Teldrassil 2,060,767 28,192 98.65%
Darkmoon Faire, Defias Brotherhood, Earthen Ring, Ravenholdt, Scarshield Legion, Sporeggar, The Venture Co 1,895,226 53,756 97.24%
Confrérie du Thorium, Conseil des Ombres, Culte de la Rive noire, Kirin Tor, La Croisade écarlate, Les Clairvoyants, Les Sentinelles 1,832,346 35,078 98.12%
Auchindoun, Dunemaul, Jaedenar, Sylvanas 1,823,999 45,384 97.57%
Outland 1,813,475 43,031 97.68%
Blackscar, Booty Bay, Borean Tundra, Deathweaver, Grom, Thermaplugg 1,765,363 22,326 98.75%
Ysondre 1,746,859 22,261 98.74%
Frostwolf 1,720,488 25,460 98.54%
Dun Morogh, Norgannon 1,554,193 31,593 98.01%
Azjol-Nerub, Quel’Thalas 1,523,603 32,884 97.89%
C’Thun, Dun Modr 1,483,782 29,708 98.04%
Der Mithrilorden, Der Rat von Dalaran, Die Nachtwache, Forscherliga, Todeswache, Zirkel des Cenarius 1,390,954 32,986 97.68%
Das Konsortium, Das Syndikat, Der abyssische Rat, Die Arguswacht, Die ewige Wacht, Die Silberne Hand, Die Todeskrallen, Kult der Verdammten 1,367,224 23,442 98.31%
Aggra (Português), Frostmane, Grim Batol 1,255,447 39,158 96.98%
Aegwynn 1,225,208 19,812 98.41%
Bloodfeather, Burning Steppes, Darkspear, Executus, Kor’gall, Saurfang, Shattered Hand, Terokkar 1,217,655 20,796 98.32%
Eversong 1,210,926 17,530 98.57%
Azshara, Baelgun, Krag’jin, Lothar 1,202,533 20,237 98.34%
Aman’Thul, Anub’arak, Dalvengyr, Frostmourne, Nazjatar, Zuluhed 1,195,951 22,732 98.13%
Arygos, Khaz’goroth 1,178,481 13,553 98.86%
Destromath, Gilneas, Gorgonnash, Mannoroth, Nefarian, Nera’thor, Ulduar 1,170,165 20,845 98.25%
Aerie Peak, Blade’s Edge, Bronzebeard, Eonar, Vek’nilash 1,163,090 26,625 97.76%
Alleria, Rexxar 1,136,117 25,180 97.83%
Area 52, Sen’jin, Un’Goro 1,114,703 10,249 99.09%
Drek’Thar, Eitrigg, Krasus, Uldaman 1,107,188 13,164 98.83%
Elune, Varimathras 1,104,203 12,149 98.91%
Colinas Pardas, Los Errantes, Tyrande 1,081,862 16,528 98.50%
Arthas, Blutkessel, Durotan, Kel’Thuzad, Tirion, Vek’lor, Wrathbringer 1,069,494 20,018 98.16%
Deathwing, Dragonblight, Ghostlands, Karazhan, Lightning’s Blade, The Maelstrom 1,066,644 33,068 96.99%
Pozzo dell’Eternità 1,022,192 15,992 98.46%
Magtheridon 1,020,598 29,404 97.20%
Ahn’Qiraj, Balnazzar, Boulderfist, Chromaggus, Daggerspine, Laughing Skull, Shattered Halls, Sunstrider, Talnivarr, Trollbane 1,017,806 18,433 98.22%
Thunderhorn, Wildhammer 1,017,774 15,271 98.52%
Chamber of Aspects 1,014,297 16,227 98.43%
Malfurion, Malygos 985,327 28,803 97.16%
Die Aldor 982,664 24,426 97.57%
Alexstrasza, Madmortem, Nethersturm, Proudmoore 928,321 20,680 97.82%
Khaz Modan 923,038 18,553 98.03%
Nemesis 922,195 15,700 98.33%
Deepholm, Galakrond, Razuvious 880,746 16,467 98.16%
Dragonmaw, Haomarush, Spinebreaker, Stormreaver, Vashj 863,632 18,941 97.85%
Dethecus, Mug’thol, Onyxia, Terrordar, Theradras 851,807 11,130 98.71%
Bladefist, Darksorrow, Frostwhisper, Genjuros, Neptulon, Zenedar 835,299 16,653 98.05%
Goldrinn, Greymane, Lich King 797,375 16,882 97.93%
Bronze Dragonflight, Nordrassil 762,996 13,286 98.29%
Alonsus, Anachronos, Kul Tiras 728,772 19,646 97.37%
Aggramar, Hellscream 711,368 11,062 98.47%
Aszune, Shadowsong 634,530 17,008 97.39%
Emerald Dream, Terenas 604,325 11,641 98.11%
Chants éternels, Vol’jin 595,605 5,559 99.08%
Anetheron, Festung der Stürme, Gul’dan, Kil’jaeden, Nathrezim, Rajaxx 578,867 14,631 97.53%
Moonglade, Steamwheedle Cartel, The Sha’tar 558,759 16,367 97.15%
Azuremyst, Stormrage 548,921 12,698 97.74%
Bloodhoof, Khadgar 538,827 13,787 97.51%
Arak-arahm, Kael’thas, Rashgarroth, Throk’Feroth 534,465 7,803 98.56%
Garona, Ner’zhul, Sargeras 512,971 9,027 98.27%
Malorne, Ysera 501,900 9,813 98.08%
Fordragon 454,411 9,871 97.87%
Lightbringer, Mazrigos 443,221 16,631 96.38%
Exodar, Minahonda 405,473 15,968 96.21%
Azuregos 397,684 6,497 98.39%
Ashenvale 390,542 6,559 98.35%
Agamaggan, Bloodscalp, Crushridge, Emeriss, Hakkar, Twilight’s Hammer 385,758 11,233 97.17%
Arathi, Illidan, Naxxramas, Temple noir 279,538 7,941 97.24%
Medivh, Suramar 270,018 5,247 98.09%
Deathguard 204,747 4,587 97.81%

Region-wide commodities will result in price drops for realms with a lower population.

Source: Crafting.gg

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4 hours ago, Logarithm said:

I'm really afraid of what this might do to my small server's economy

On low population servers the prices of commodities will normalize across the region, so if you're currently making a lot of gold on your server I've got some bad news for you 😞.

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At first glance this seems really jarring, but then reading that a single herb counts the same as a piece of gear or other item for the comparison, it seems less so. Two other items to every 100 stack of herbs or ore seems completely reasonable. I feel like it would be more useful data if they compared total number of commodity *auctions* to other ones, but I don't know if that's possible with the API.

Edited by Liquidsoul7

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