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Is my DPS really bad ?

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Hi there,


I've lvled and geared my DK some time ago, but i feel I am really underperforming in terms of DPS. There is Malkorok log :



And there is my character (our realm armory is not working so I just uploaded stats from robot )



I don't really know what's wrong (ye, I dont use prepot cause we just zerg this boss but.. ), but friend of mine ench shammy with silminar gear (and legendary) is doing around 300k dps there.


Also last week at siegecrafter we played together - he (shammy) did around 310k and I just around 265k.


Is this bossible when I get metagem and cloack my dps will be better ?. 

I also have concerns about my howling blast dmg - is this typical ?



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To be honest you are doing alright. In terms of dps Frost is middle to low of the pack, with dual one hand being higher. You need to keep a higher uptime on your diseases, you really want 100% uptime on them, beyond that it seems your rotation is sound and your gems are appropriate.


What you are seeing is simply the effect of gear. Around 522 frost is the highest dps but further on we drop very far, BIS enhance shammy is one of the top dps in the game, so at around 550 ish ilvl its not shocking that your buddy is doing higher dps than you. 


So, tl;dr, your dps is pretty good, i see no major flaws or issues. Some classes are just "higher dps" (i refuse to say better) than others. 

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To be honest you are doing alright. In terms of dps Frost is middle to low of the pack, with dual one hand being higher. You need to keep a higher uptime on your diseases, you really want 100% uptime on them, beyond that it seems your rotation is sound and your gems are appropriate.


What you are seeing is simply the effect of gear. Around 522 frost is the highest dps but further on we drop very far, BIS enhance shammy is one of the top dps in the game, so at around 550 ish ilvl its not shocking that your buddy is doing higher dps than you. 


So, tl;dr, your dps is pretty good, i see no major flaws or issues. Some classes are just "higher dps" (i refuse to say better) than others. 

 Enhance shammies top dps?!!! I disagree with you sir Mages are OP!

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The legendary meta gem and the legendary cloak WILL add to your dps, and as demonardvark said, Frost just isn't currently one of the top dps in most cases. And Berlinia, I say mages fall before the warlock :P

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Just a quick glance at your gear and I see no issues. EU armory is still having issues, but from your screenshot you have the correct gems and enchants. So there isn't an issue with the gear.


Not to be rude to Demonardvark, but using simcraft results should be taken with a grain of salt. Even your own personal sims won't be completely accurate to player results since it's obviously a computer performing those results. 


Onto the log itself. There are a couple things I would like to say about your logs. Your Pillar usage was good. 5 uses in the 3:24 fight length. You should be using AMS off cooldown on a fight like Malk since there is constant magic damage going out in the form of Ancient Miasma. You could have used one more overall, but I'm assuming that one is just you not using it during Blood Rage. That's fine since there isn't any magic damage during that phase. I don't see you using a Potion at all, pre-pot or in fight. Any specific reason you aren't potting? That's definitely a dps loss. 


I'm breaking the next two things off from the previous paragraph because some people might disagree. I think that at your buffed mastery, 80%, you shouldn't be using Obliterate or Soul Reaper. I say this because the damage of a single Howling Blast is better than Obliterate. So if you toss in a Death and Decay or Plague Strike to get rid of the Unholy Rune instead of Obliterate, you'll get more damage out of it, which obviously is a DPS increase. Looking at your logs, your average HB non-crit was 163k. Your Oblit average MH and OH non-crit combined was 99k. As you can see, that's a huge loss. Even the crit average hit is higher for HB than Oblit. Throw in the average 23k hit from your Plague Strike, and you'll see that you're definitely going to be getting more damage out of dropping Obliterate completely out of your rotation. There is arguably a "perfect" moment to use Oblit in DW frost, however, we aren't computers, so the chance of use hitting that "perfect" Oblit is very unlikely. Even if you look at top logs, Obliterate is dropped completely. Onto Soul Reaper. This should have been dropped from your rotation around 520-530. SR's damage as DW frost would be the equivalent of throwing marshmallows at the boss. The initial hit is extremely weak, and the actual tick just isn't worth the cost of a Death Rune. 


Overall I'd say you're doing well for your gear, but I truly would recommend dropping Obliterate and SR unless someone can give me some results that say otherwise. 

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I don't use prepot because I replaced one person in group and don't have any pot in my bag (ye... ;c) .

So i should use now only HB FS and PS?. I didn't notice that  diffrence earlier - thanks for advice. I'll give it try.

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People still quote simcraft outputs as accurate pictures of DPS?



A well written SimC APL can create a good picture of how classes are performing on single target damage. It's just that you also need to account for AoE and then split it between bosses and none ever bothers to write that into the code.

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A well written SimC APL can create a good picture of how classes are performing on single target damage. It's just that you also need to account for AoE and then split it between bosses and none ever bothers to write that into the code.


Unless they're all written to the same standard, they're useless for comparing different specs to each other. Their most valid use right now is comparing builds within a spec.

Edited by AMonkeyCourier

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To be fair I don't know how the APL's for all the other specs are written but at least the mage one is well maintained.

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The DK ones are also quite frequently updated. The problem with DK sims is that the profiles are often very bad at calculating proper AMS soaking. This often leads to it favoring haste, and playing our class a little bit differently than it would be with AMS soaking. With that being such an important part of our dps right now, it's hard to actually calculate what your dps should be. I haven't checked my sims in a while, but I think it's around 420-430k. This conflicts with my actual damage on a single target fight like Iron Juggernaut, which is around 460-480k. There are a lot of things you can change in the profile to make it a little better, such as changing the AMS line from 100k to 400k, or removing Oblit and SR and adding in DnD/PS once you're at a high mastery. Overall there really isn't too much you can do outside of look at your logs and see what your soaking looks like on a fight to fight basis. 

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I have ilvl 570 and Im sad to say that Im performing bad dps also. At pull its usually 350 000 - 600 000 with BL and CD's. But then it lowers to sometimes as low as 200 000 depending on boss which is kind of embarrasing. Ive been playing Frost Death Knight for a very long time and I know the class by heart and I have optimized gemming and everything. So yeah, DKs arent performing very well atm in terms of dps, which sucks because farming soo for gear isnt the most fun of things after 100000 times :)))



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Not trying to be rude, but if you're only bursting 350-600k with BL and CDs on pull, then you're probably doing something wrong. I often burst over 1mil single target. I'm 587, but even at 570 I was more towards 600-800k.

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