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When Entering a CS phase better to have 2 or 1 stack of RB [FURY]

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As the title states, Is it better to save up my RB stacks outside the cs phase up to 2 or keep them at 1 and hope CS crits - 44.5% crit buffed

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1 is fine, because most CS phases will look like CS - SB - BT - RB - RB, which means there's a high chance of wasting RB charges.


At that high of a crit chance wasting RBs isn't as punishing as it is at low crit, though, so don't lose too much sleep over it.

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Ok thanks man

Not currently using SB due to lack of Galakras not being a bro, using BB for ease.

Should I use SB anyway?

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I would use it myself, especially if using 2-handers.  You will be using it on cooldown though, so it will only line up every other CS window which would look like:  CS(hs)-SB(hs)-BT(hs)-RB(hs)-RB(hs)


You can always SIM it, and try it on dummies (I would suggest the target dummies anyway, just to get used to the new rotation)

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SB should be better even without the CDR trinket if you'Re using 2 handers, if not, then BB until you get a CDR trinket.

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I juste have a look on Landsoul 's logs.


He is doing something like:


BT > CS > SB > RB > RB > (RB > BT: 2 last GCD are outside CS timeline)

         HS   HS     HS    HS     


So he do not used BT every time is up under CS timeline. He probably have enrage time of 6s for doing it.

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You have 4 GCDs to use during each CS. Assuming you don't use Berserker Rage (which won't be up every time anyway) you'd need 3 RB charges + SB to fill all 4 GCDs without using BT, which is not possible.

Either you use BT or Zerker Rage, but you can't use neither.

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