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    • By Frostjin
      <Currently Online> US - Illidan - Horde - Is recruiting raiders for all difficulties, and social/casual players of all levels!
      About Us:
      <Currently Online> Founded 2014 by a core group that has been playing World of Warcraft since Vanilla. Currently Online has since evolved to far more than a guild; we are a full scale gaming community with our roots in World of Warcraft. 
      What We Offer: 
      The largest and most active World of Warcraft community in the world, with over 9,000 members across 9 guilds (6 Alliance, 3 Horde), we offer a huge slate of activities to our players, both in WoW and out...
      9/9 H ToS Progression 2 Raid Teams - ranging from Casual to Mythic Progression See the teams and their needs on our website: http://currentlyonline.gg/raiding
      1 RBG Teams Countless members always looking for BGs and arenas! Learn more about our PvP offerings on our website: http://currentlyonline.gg/rbgs
      For Socials:
      Always active guild chat - 3 guilds linked with the add-on Greenwall. In-game activities and competitions: XMog Contests, PvP Events, Mythic+ Spams, Achievement Runs, Alt Raids, Yolo BGs, and more! Bi-Weekly In-Game Lottery! New Member Orientations! Come make some new friends! Room for advancement as an officer. Out of WoW:
      Private Gaming Servers such as Minecraft & 7DaysToDie Destiny 2 Clan Steam Group FFXIV Company Rust Clan Always active Discord w/ thousands of users Drinking Nights Monthly Giveaways _______________________________________________________________________________________________
      To Join:
      If you find yourself on Illidan Horde, simply "/who Currently Online" and ask for an invite! If you're not on one of our realms yet, let us know on our website and we'll keep your seat warm!
      Contact Us: 
      You can contact us by Btag, or email as listed below.
      Add one of the following officers to your Btag:
      Email us at:
      [email protected]
      [email protected]
      We hope to see everyone in game!

    • By Drathon
      Hello folks,
      Long time lurker here and I would like your help with something. I am posting this in order to ask you if you can help me with a research I am doing for MMORPGs for my master thesis. I would like in your spare time, and if you enjoy playing MMORPGs, to complete the following questionnaire:
      Link: https://goo.gl/forms/n08H7ZcwFsyCKwnh2
      The questions focus on your experiences with you favourite MMORPG. Of course the research is anonymous and you can find more information in the first page of the questionnaire.
      Thank you for your time.
      Happy gaming \m/
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