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Heroic Dark Shaman 10man - resto druid help
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By Treylawny
<Trust> may be what you're looking for if you enjoy killing internet dragons with a group of like minded players! Currently we are 8/9 Heroic, soon to be stepping into Mythic ToS. We are recruiting to finish rounding out our raid team. <Trust> is located on the [US] Doomhammer/Baelgun pve servers, alliance side! Check us out!
About Us:
<Trust> is a recently formed guild, founded by a group of long time players that have been raiding together for a couple of years now. Founded out of a desire to continue raiding in a casual-progression manner, we work towards defeating mythic bosses. <Trust> is a raiding guild, first and foremost.
Our Raids:
<Trust> maintains a progression-oriented 2-day semi-casual raiding team. That's 'semi' as in we expect our team members to always prioritize life first; but not 'casual' as in we take downing bosses less seriously. We strive to maintain a balance of taking our progression raids seriously while having plenty of laughs along the way.
Raid Schedule:
Tuesday & Thursday: 5p – 8p server (8p – 11p eastern)
Friday(optional): 5p – 8p server (8p – 11p eastern)
<Trust> is looking for full time Resto Druid, Mages, Hunters, and Warlocks for our raid team. We are also open for good people to join as casual players, pvpers, with the option to join farm content or alt raids.
More Info:
Feel free to reach out to us:
Recruitment Officer:
In game - Treylawny
Battletag - Treylawny#1813
Guild Lead:
In game – Oleic
Battletag - Jarg#1591
Website and Application: <Trust> (US)Doomhammer/Baelgun
(The app is quick and painless as its used primarily to get your name to us quickly!)
Discord is our way of communicating during raid; also used for casual chatting!
By Jayblo
I have been a Resto druid since WOLK. I love healing on a druid and I am happy with the changes in Legion.
I have a few questions... First I use AskMrRobot for help with gearing but I do not agree with their stat weights, so I have made changes and have used multiple sites to check. I just feel there is a wide discrepancy between what theory people think. I know for Mythic+ Mastery is valued much more than Haste. But in Raids Haste and Crit are valued. I am trying to find a base stat weight so I do not have to constantly change based on Mythics vs Raids as I do both. I am no longer Hard Core Progression Raider but i do like to make sure I am playing my toon to the best of my ability.
The stat weights I use currently are from Noxxic Int (9.06), Haste (7.56), Crit (6.06), Mastery (4.56), Vers (3.06)
I also saw these Stat weights from Sometimes a Tree Int (1.0), Haste (.625), Mastery (.61), Crit (.592), Vers (.518) This was told as more of a Mythic+ setup, but not sure if it is a good overall stat weight.
AskMrRobot Stat weights put way too much emphasis on Mastery in my opinion. I have always been part of the stacking Haste Philosophy. But want to know what the community thinks and f someone found a good balance of the stats for both Raiding and Mythic +
My other question is about performance and mana issues, we are running normal and gonna start doing heroics and I want to be successful so any help would be appreciated from the community.
My Armory at the moment is this, but I have alot of gear saved depending on stat weights it changes.
My most recent logs that I have are here
Thanks again to the community!!
Looking for some constructive advice!!
By Stardreamer
I am after some help on resto druid BIS trinket. I have been looking at AskMrRobot and Icy Veins with noxxic for stat weightings.
AskMrRobot recommends Bottled Hurricane so highly. which contradicts icy veins and even when I try changing the stats as they had different stat priorities on noxxic and that still recommended the same trinket. I am guessing it is the haste that is ranking so high, would this trinket also be affected by mastery?
They also say AskMrRobot trinkets is a work in progress so I also wonder on the accuracy.
I could not find much info around trinkets, if anyone knows good sites to check I would appreciate that too.
I should note my focus is raid heals.
I also wonder if i am mis-understanding the stat ratings on AskMrRobot - i thought it was the order you prioritized stats and then a weighting for each. is this correct and if so what is the best way to determine weighting?
By Kaelani
We are 11/13M experienced healers who are looking for a Legion Mythic raiding guild. Our previous guild took a break late May/early June while working on Mythic Manny and went downhill from there. We prefer 2-3 nights a week with late-night EST/evening PST hours.
Available on Mon-Sunday; prefer after 11pm EST, but absolutely no earlier than 9pm EST. 11/13M experience Not interested in DPSing Our well-geared toons are on alliance; but we do have lesser geared Horde toons. LF established, organized, efficient raiding with a friendly and humorous environment Resto Druid: ; Also willing to play mistweaver monk for the right group Holy Pally: Leave a message here, e-mail me at [email protected], or add me to battletag (Kaelani#1390)
By sarpolcay
Hello guys! In Legion im planning to play Resto Druid and now im looking for some useful addons in PvE. I found an addon which I liked very much but i dont know the name of it. I uploaded the screenshot of this addon. What im asking is, does someone know what is the name of this addon.? Thanks for your attention