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[US - Stormrage] <Metro> 13/14HM - 25 Player Raiding Guild

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Metro is a 25 Player Alliance Guild on Stormrage established July, 2013 with the goal of serious progression, with a casual raid time requirement. We currently raid two nights a week, 3 hours per night.


About Metro;

1) Raid times are Wednesday & Thursday, 9pm server until 12am server (EST) [invites go out at 8:45 server]

2) We use EPGP for our raids.

3) We provide food, flask, potions as well as repair gold for our raiders.

4) We are continuing this group in WoD and it will be a Mythic raid.


What we are looking for;


Players who come prepared before raid starts so we can get rolling through content when raid starts. We are looking for those individuals who can commit to the following;


1) Come with knowledge of their class & spec.

2) Have researched & understand the mechanics of the encounters we plan to engage.

3) Have an excellent attitude and willingness to be part of the team atmosphere.

4) Arrive on time for invites & stay until raid is over.

5) Be above 575 Ilvl and have heroic experience in SoO.


Our current recruitment needs;

Tank - Warrior - Monk or Paladin

Ranged - Warlock - Mage - Shaman

Melee - Rogue & Fury Warrior

Hybrid - Any class that has a dual spec (DPS/Healer) (DPS/Tank) or (Tank/Healer) - These players should be skilled enough to play both specs.


It goes without saying; We are always interested in exceptional players, and if your class isn't listed here and you're looking for a drama free environment, please check us out.


We also run a 2nd 25 player team on Sunday/Monday from 8 to 10 server. This group is currently 9/14 heroic. We have openings for multiple positions for this group.


Check out our guild website at metro.guildlaunch.com and fill out an application.


Edited by Michh

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