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    • By Merovingian6953
      Hey there, adventurers!

      Are you looking for a new guild to call home? B Team is a freshly-formed guild born from a group of dedicated players who came together in SoD. We're on the lookout for a few more amazing individuals to round out our 10+ person raiding team as we dive into TWW content.

      But we’re not just about raiding! We’re also building a fantastic social community for all kinds of content. Whether you're a seasoned veteran or a brand-new player, if you’re seeking a chill, friendly group to tackle dungeons, PvP, or just hang out and chat, B Team is the place for you.

      Join us as we embark on epic adventures and forge new friendships. Come be a part of B Team – where great gameplay and great people come together!

      Interested? Reach out to me or drop a message in-game to one of our officers. Let’s make some memories together! See you in Azeroth! — B Team   Guild Officers
      Toâstpoints/Merovïngian - Merovingian#1428 - Recruiting Officer
      Furyhippo - nick#14976 - Recruiting Officer

      Guilds of WoW   Discord   Armory

      Feel free to join our discord, message us in game or send us a message on Battle.net    
    • By Terravibe
      About us: We were founded back in Mists of Pandaria with a primary goal to Raid and have fun within a pleasant atmosphere.
      Currently we are rebuilding the guild, due to the big step back of the current state of the game. Our progress at the moment is 3/10 HC and want to go all the way to Sylvanas.
      Raid days: Tuesday & Sunday, 20:00-23:00 ST
      People that we need:
      ·         Easy-going people whose main goal is to achieve AOTC in upcoming raids while having fun without much pressure.
      ·         Regular and systematic players, we do not require attendancy, but we aim to create solid and regular raid team that will improve together over time.
      ·         People who want to improve, learn and get better at the game in friendly and stable environment.
      Roles that we need:
      ·         DPS
      ·         Tank
      Future plans:
      We are aiming to fully clear Heroic.
      Do the Raid achievements.
      Create Social groups for M+ , achievement runs and help alts or mains
      Re-clear the Raid with our alt as well.
      Contact: Discord: TotalTunt#3017, Terravibe#2242
      Website: https://guildsofwow.com/burningembers
    • By Aryianna
      Are you looking to join the best PvE guild to push content with? A guild with the most competent hardcore raiders, pushing to be the fastest to down bosses? Well, we are not that guild… Sometimes you want something more from a guild than pushing content, regimental raids and being disposable based on your meta or dps.

      We’ve seen it happen: An expansion comes out, and you’re excited about the new great new guild you’ve found. Then a few months later the content goes stale and the guild disperses along with all the new friends you made along the way. But, it really doesn’t have to be that way!

      Meloria is a [H] guild on Defias Brotherhood, which is also linked with Ravenholdt, Scarshield Legion, Sporeggar, The Venture Co realms, The Darkmoon Faire and Earthen Ring. It’s also a long-term gaming home, and if you’re a certain type of person, it’s the only one you’ll ever need.

      The back of the box says we are a group of adults of all genders ranging from 30s to 50s (with exceptions on either side). We’re mostly from Ireland/UK/Europe all with lives, kids etc. Of course we care more about your personality than your character’s iLevel and of course we’re not interested in massive egos, drama queens or toxicity. We joke, have the banter, swear, go off-colour, help each other, slate each other and carry on like any functional group of adults who enjoy each other’s company.

      We’re exactly as serious as we need to be to enjoy harder content while not ruining anyone’s lives. We’re going to enjoy pushing the next patch hard, but we don’t do mandatory fun. If you’re burnt out, losing interest, or feeling we’re moving too quickly or too slowly, we’re okay with that too. We won’t abandon you if you want to switch gears or level alts or do something else altogether. If you want to run with another guild for a while we won’t throw you out, and if you just want to play some other game we’ll probably end up playing it with you.

      So if you’re wondering why you can’t find that decent group of chilled adults to have a bit of banter and fun with, it’s because you haven’t talked to us yet! Fortunately, there’s an easy fix, reach out and get in contact with us:
      Reply to this post On battlenet: lauralye#2383, muttley97#2412 or shadowstorm#234855 Guilds of WOW: https://guildsofwow.com/meloria-defiasbrotherhood
    • By JusticeGlory
      Hey. I'm Justice, GM of <Indomitus> on Horde Draenor EU. <Indomitus> is a recently made guild born from the ambition and devotion of progression focused players. We have a strong core of players with Mythic backgrounds and we are eager to try for Cutting Edge in Shadowlands and so we formed <Indomitus> to have that Mythic progression focus. We're currently 10/10 HC and 6/10M and looking for more people to join us in Mythic Castle Nathria. Our current goal is to clear as many Mythic encounters as possible this tier whilst building a strong and stable roster for the next and future tiers so we can push progression early.
      We’ve also recently begun a Friday evening Heroic/alt run and are happy to accept players looking for a more relaxed Heroic experience.
      Additionally, we're also looking for fun players who focus on Mythic+ or even just socialising. As we're a relatively new guild now is the perfect time to join to help shape the future of the guild and become an integral part of it.
      [Raiding Schedule]:
      Mythic: Tuesday & Thursday 8pm - 11pm realm time
      Heroic/Alt Run: Friday 8pm - 11pm realm time
      • Brewmaster Monk
      • Unholy DK
      • Warlock
      • We have a set of guild rules on our discord that cover the usual things you'd expect to see, e.g. no toxicity, hate speech or harassment, being a good team player and things like that.
      • We have a set of raiding rules on our discord that cover things like researching encounters, knowing your class and being proactive in improving, being reliable and punctual and having a microphone.
      If you are interested in joining and would like to chat to get more information please contact me or one of our officers with the below details:
      JusticeGlory#1448 (Discord)
      Justice#2530 (Bnet)
      Cera#9800 (Discord)
      Cyphron#2949 (Bnet)
    • By jobale
      Guild & Server: Vetus Stulti :Alliance:  EU Quel'thalas (Linked with Azjol-Nerub & Molten Core)
      Raid Times/Days: Wednesdays & Sundays 20:00 - 22:00 Server Time
      Recruitment Contact: Guildmaster Bnet: RebelJo#2687   Discord: jobale#9626
      Raider.io: https://raider.io/guilds/eu/quelthalas/Vetus%20Stulti
      Requirements: Adult only guild. 
      Vetus Stulti is a guild of friendly, mature, experienced players who are looking for social members for M+ groups & fun events as well as dps for progress.
      Progress raid is Sunday evening, social on Wednesday We are now 9/10 HC & all our progress raiders cleared heroic Ny'alotha & BoD in their previous guild, most having curved.
      We regularly run social raids, mythic runs & casual events for transmogs. Mature social players looking to learn dungeon tactics or just chat are very welcome to apply.
      Contact the GM - Tankyjo - Quel'thalas in game or on Discord - jobale3#9626 for a chat if you'd like to join us or fill in the Google form: https://forms.gle/Lw9hrxPwqNrZ489HA
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