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I have done the achievment of the last boss and it's simple you yust wati until 5ppl are banished to the rooms and you kite your adds around due they will come to you as soon as you enter the room

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  On 10/30/2012 at 3:44 PM, 'Damien said:

Can you exit your room without killing the adds?

Yes, but it becomes a bit more difficult to not kill them especially when the boss starts casting risen and spawns a bunch of adds not required for the achievement.

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  On 10/30/2012 at 3:55 PM, 'Sneakyferret said:

Yes, but it becomes a bit more difficult to not kill them especially when the boss starts casting risen and spawns a bunch of adds not required for the achievement.

Thanks, then let's just stick to the strategy I advised in the guide :P

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  On 10/30/2012 at 5:37 PM, 'Damien said:

Thanks, then let's just stick to the strategy I advised in the guide Posted Image

well if person A get's banished (most likely your tank first) and he kites his adds in his room; as soon as person B (dps or healer) get banished the door of the room where Person A is goes open, and that keeps going on. The adds of his Rising ability you can yust simple nuke them down the first time the 2nd time your tank will have to kite them around. there are 3possible places to stand for killing the adds for the achie. Top of the stairs, bottom of the stairs or in the room where the last person has been banished in.

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If you're fighting Jandice Barov on Challenge Mode, or for the [Attention to Detail] achievement, it greatly helps to have the BarovHelper addon from Curse. It places large obvious models on your screen for the boss and your targeted clone, helping you save precious seconds and avoid unnecessary damage from killing the wrong one.

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  On 1/28/2013 at 12:16 PM, 'oscarucb said:

If you're fighting Jandice Barov on Challenge Mode, or for the [Attention to Detail] achievement, it greatly helps to have the BarovHelper addon from Curse. It places large obvious models on your screen for the boss and your targeted clone, helping you save precious seconds and avoid unnecessary damage from killing the wrong one.

Thank you! This has been added to the guide.

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