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Devastation Evoker PvE

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The only thing that confuses me is the recommendation to always use level 1 empowered Fire Breath, since the only reason given is for Burnout procs. There's a box you can tick to indicate you have Burnout talented, but that reasoning still shows even when Burnout isn't ticked, which doesn't make sense.

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The reason for this is the Catalyze talent. This increases the tick rate of your Fire Breath DoT, so by using Rank 1 Fire Breath you gain more total damage over a Rank 3/4 Fire Breath.

I'll look at making this interaction a bit clearer on the guide pages. Thanks for the feedback!


 - Panthea

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I'm having a little trouble with the Rescue Macro and understanding how it works. Here is the macro listed currently

/cast [@mouseover, help, nodead] [] Rescue

The order of events when you cast rescue are 1) button press; 2) Select location target; 3) Select player target; 4) execute. From what I see, this macro doesn't account for selecting a location. If this macro works, my thought is that it will work as a sudo intervene. Can someone elaborate on this?  

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Guest Arkron

So I've been curious about something in this guide. The guide, at the beginning, says that it's of utmost important that our abilities' cooldowns don't get desynced. However, the usage of 'Feed the Flames' causes exactly that, as it makes Fire Breath's CD be reduced by a total of 3 seconds but Eternity Surge for only 1 second (because of Eternity's Span talent) which causes the two empower abilities' CDs to de-sync with each other.

Is that intended, or am I missing something here?

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Guest Scorpion

So this is written by a tank that no longer tanks and doesnt intend to main an evoker even for one season. Man Icy Veins has really gone down hill since I last checked this place.

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  On 11/19/2022 at 2:37 PM, DizzyHarris said:

Can someone elaborate on this?  



The spell conditions are:
1) Get the Player
2) Set Target Location
3) Execute the spell

Therefore the macro works in this order. Mouseover picks the player; then you set the location, and then you fly there.

Also verified this behaviour in the game.

- Panthea

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  On 11/22/2022 at 12:33 AM, Guest Arkron said:

So I've been curious about something in this guide. The guide, at the beginning, says that it's of utmost important that our abilities' cooldowns don't get desynced. However, the usage of 'Feed the Flames' causes exactly that, as it makes Fire Breath's CD be reduced by a total of 3 seconds but Eternity Surge for only 1 second (because of Eternity's Span talent) which causes the two empower abilities' CDs to de-sync with each other.

Is that intended, or am I missing something here?



It's a bit counter-intuitive concept is true. You want to use your empowered abilities as often as possible, but you must have them both available (or coming off cooldown when you use them in Dragonrage, Fire Breath as first global and Eternity Surge as second or third) for your Dragonrage windows to extend the duration with Animosity. This is more true when you have Feed the Flames, as this can extend the duration twice in a single Dragonrage cast.

Outside of that, them being desynced doesn't matter all that much, but as soon as you see Dragonrage has less than 30 seconds remaining on its cooldown you want to be more mindful of your empowered spell usage.

Hope that makes sense. I'll look at making this wording clearer in the future. Thanks for the feedback!

- Panthea

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Guest Guest Goat

Hey, thanks for the nice guide. Just something I wanted to point out that may be useful at Level 70 when we have more points to spend: Ancient Flame can be a DPS increase, albeit inconsistently, if one of your extra Living Flames from Leaping Flames happens to heal yourself.

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M+ talent tree shows a build without Oppressing Roar and Terror of the Skies. Source of Magic and Regenerative Magic picked instead. Just wanted to make sure this is intended. Does not look right to me to be honest. 

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If you try to use the talent trees by level, it doesn't work out. The points cannot be spent in the order suggested.
The very first Talent in the Evoker tree requires that you spend at least 20 talent points to unlock it.


** That goes for both builds.

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  On 11/26/2022 at 8:07 PM, Guest Guest Goat said:

Hey, thanks for the nice guide. Just something I wanted to point out that may be useful at Level 70 when we have more points to spend: Ancient Flame can be a DPS increase, albeit inconsistently, if one of your extra Living Flames from Leaping Flames happens to heal yourself.



In most combat scenarios you won't really be getting the value from leaping flames as a heal on yourself outside of a pack almost dying.

To illustrate a few examples:
Boss fight - Fire breath r1 (for the longest dot duration to gain more value from Catalyze & Burnout)
M+ - Depending on the trash pack size it will be either level 2 or 3, but as there are multiple enemy targets those Living Flames will hit the enemies instead.

Whilst yes you could pre-cast it on yourself before a pull, you're pre-casting Living Flame as your opening cast anyway so the value is immediately lost. So then the value here is on the off chance you use Living Flame as a heal on yourself mid-pull which should be a rarity as your primary goal is to do damage and that's what healers are for, right?

Hope that all makes sense!

 - Panthea

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  On 12/2/2022 at 1:35 AM, FeelsandNeeds said:

M+ talent tree shows a build without Oppressing Roar and Terror of the Skies. Source of Magic and Regenerative Magic picked instead. Just wanted to make sure this is intended. Does not look right to me to be honest. 



I've just pushed some new trees to the site which should be live shortly. Thanks for the feedback. The initial trees were focused on damage optimisation through a lot of sim iterations but I agree the utility is important too.

I've also made changes to the trees in the talent page instead of ST/AoE to be Raiding/Mythic+ with a text explainer on what swaps you'd make and why for certain scenarios as I can see this being more valuable for what people are wanting to know.

  On 12/5/2022 at 6:00 PM, RealHendo72 said:

If you try to use the talent trees by level, it doesn't work out. The points cannot be spent in the order suggested.
The very first Talent in the Evoker tree requires that you spend at least 20 talent points to unlock it.


** That goes for both builds.


I've pushed a fix for these which should be live on the site shortly. Thanks for letting me know 🙂

 - Panthea

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The Stat Priority page incorrectly states that Critical Strike helps you get Essence Burst procs through Eye of Infinity and Scintillation.

That hasn't been correct since Beta, because Eye of Infinity doesn't grant Essence Burst procs anymore. It only grants Essence.

What effect this has on the actual value of Critical Strike relative to other stats is unclear.

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  On 12/19/2022 at 10:45 PM, Soulglaive said:

The Stat Priority page incorrectly states that Critical Strike helps you get Essence Burst procs through Eye of Infinity and Scintillation.

That hasn't been correct since Beta, because Eye of Infinity doesn't grant Essence Burst procs anymore. It only grants Essence.

What effect this has on the actual value of Critical Strike relative to other stats is unclear.




Thanks for highlighting this. It looks as though this didn't get updated on the page. An update has been sent for this.

With regards to Crit interaction with Eye of Infinity, this just gives you more essence which is only valuable on encounter types where add spawns are 30s apart. Examples include: Eranog and Sennarth. This is more to do with Causaility having less value rather than Eye of Infinity having more.

 - Panthea

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  On 1/3/2023 at 1:19 AM, Guest Kek said:

That pyre cheat sheet seems a bit off, can someone fix it or explain it? 




It looks as though the headers and rows got messed up a bit in the last edit! Fixing now.

Thanks for letting me know.


 - Panthea

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Guest Crorella

Any idea how to sim evokers? the page says it is not supported, but from the article and the comments here seems it is possible to sim them. Thanks

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  On 2/4/2023 at 7:16 PM, Guest Mai said:

(Just a heads up, you have Avenging Shield linked where you discuss Unravel.)



Not sure how that happened but it's been fixed now. Thanks for letting me know.

 - Panthea`

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Guest blizzy

the easy mode for single is doesnt work seeing the talents cant be reached can someone please check this and fix it

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Hi, I'm confused about one moment in Single-Target Dragonrage Rotation for Devastation Evoker:
At point 5 it says: 

5. Activate Tip the Scales Icon Tip the Scales and cast Eternity Surge Icon Eternity Surge.

Why is that so? Eternity Surge only scales number of targets with empowering if I got it right, and it's a single target rotation, sooo... the only gain from TTS is instant cast, does it worth it?

I think it missed it's way in some other rotations sections, since the end of a guide states using it in AoE scenarios, and that have never been done in rotations disclosure 🤨

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  On 5/30/2023 at 1:50 PM, Mihael said:

Why is that so? Eternity Surge only scales number of targets with empowering if I got it right, and it's a single target rotation, sooo... the only gain from TTS is instant cast, does it worth it?



The gain here is that you can activate Tip the Scales in your previous cast (as it doesn't have a GCD cost) and make the Eternity Surge instant saving a fraction of a GCD. Otherwise you would never use Tip the Scales are Fire Breath needs to be done at a low rank for the DoT maintenance and Eternity Surge like you mentioned has no impact as to what rank it is cast at.


 - Panthea

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