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We had a nice wipefest on this boss, as it has quite fun mechanics to deal with. But one thing was pretty fishy - we did boss on normal with 18 (later on - 17) people. The boss itself had 15M hp, but when it split - there were two boses 16M hp each. As far as I've read and watched guides, every single one stated that splited bosses have less hp than before. Is it a bug or guides lie?

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Guest Ophrik

He's been getting the Crystalline Barrage debuff, which looks to be doing 40k damage per second when he stands in it. I don't know if this is a bug or if it's how you're supposed to clear the smaller adds.

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Thank you. I'll update the guide now!


Aaaaand now it's 10 minutes, per tonight's hotfixes:



Tectus' Berserk timer is now 10 minutes on Normal and Heroic difficulty.

Edited by smcn

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We had a nice wipefest on this boss, as it has quite fun mechanics to deal with. But one thing was pretty fishy - we did boss on normal with 18 (later on - 17) people. The boss itself had 15M hp, but when it split - there were two boses 16M hp each. As far as I've read and watched guides, every single one stated that splited bosses have less hp than before. Is it a bug or guides lie?


Shards (the first split) each have as much HP as Tectus, Motes have less. The 8 min enrage timer was very tight for us and basically required not letting any Tectonic Upheavals through. Should be much less DPS sensitive now with the aforementioned hotfix, though. I feel like it's pretty well tuned.

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So basically, how many Accretion stacks does the second shard usually have on him as the other shard dies? Yesterday, I was tanking the second shard of Tectus and he had like 20+ stacks of Acretion on him the moment the other shard died. He was dealing huge damage, and we still had to deal with the motes...

We considered assigning some ranged damage dealers on the second shard, in order to destack Accretion on him. Is it a good idea?

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So basically, how many Accretion stacks does the second shard usually have on him as the other shard dies? Yesterday, I was tanking the second shard of Tectus and he had like 20+ stacks of Acretion on him the moment the other shard died. He was dealing huge damage, and we still had to deal with the motes...

We considered assigning some ranged damage dealers on the second shard, in order to destack Accretion on him. Is it a good idea?


Multi-dotting from one or two people should be enough. Our raid had a boomie (me), an afflock and an ele sham dotting up the second shard and he only got up to 13, and that was while we were focusing on burning the motes. Relevant logs:

- Damage done to off-shard while killing main

- Buffs gained by off-shard

Edited by smcn

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Guest JTP

The only guide that I've seen mention this is Icy-Veins. Where does it state that the shards/motes gain energy faster and do more damage when they're closer together? I don't see an ability or anything mentioning this in other guides. The only mention of keeping them apart is this line in the dungeon journal: On Mythic difficulty, if any other Shards or Motes of Tectus are within 10 yds. of Tectus when he gains Accretion, they will also gain Accretion.

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There's an error in this guide (and many others I've seen): Accretion only spreads to nearby Shards and Motes on Mythic difficulty. Heroic and below may stack the bosses without fear of a more difficult fight.


Further, it should be noted that, on Mythic, the minimum distance needed to prevent spread is only 1 yard. I'm not sure how big their hit boxes are, however.


From DJ:

On Mythic difficulty, if any other Shards of Motes of Tectus are within 1 yds. of Tectus when he gains Accretion, they will also gain Accretion.


(I think this may be a slight typo. It should say "...withing 1 yds of Shards of Tectus...".  Certainly, the Motes can be stacked together, right?)


This was an important realization for my guild because:

  • it gave us more mobility: by compressing the space where the bosses were in the center, you had more space to run with Crystalline Barrage or to avoid Fractures/Earthen Pillars or to situate your player camera.
  • it allowed our healers to stay in range of the tanks more easily.
Edited by timdotcom

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Guest Painagain

I haven't seen an answer on Accretion and Energy gain of shards and it is still in the guide. No where in the journel or online does it state that having shards closer causes a faster increase in energy (Section 7.1 in the guide). We have not found this to be the case. Is that left over from beta and not in the final release or is that only in Mythic or was it never the case? Also unanswered, the 1 yd distance the shards must be apart, is that shard seperation or their hit boxes? This makes a big difference. Thanks.

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Guest joblo

Please add under tanking concerns not to tank on the dirt piles.  The dirt piles completely cover up the Fracture indicators, which can make it hell for melee.

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