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FFXIV PLL #74 Recap - 6.3 Live Letter Part 1

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FFXIV PLL #74 Recap - 6.3 Live Letter Part 1

Hello everyone! Welcome to the recap of Patch 6.3 live letter part 1.

This is our first time trying out a recap, so feel free to give us some feedback on ways we can improve, etc.

Video recap can be viewed here: 

Live translations of the next PLL can be viewed on HurricaneChiela's twitch channel.

On Friday November 12th, part one of the 6.3 live letter was held, revealing new information about what’s in store for us.

This is the 74th live letter, and also the 10 year anniversary of the 1.0 servers shutting down. For part 1, they mentioned they will introduce a lot of content and then go into greater detail in part 2. From the following, Yoshi P will be involved in approving and finalizing a lot of content for 6.3, so much more is in store for us in part 2.

Patch 6.3’s name is “Gods Revel, Lands Tremble” and will be released in early January 2023.


Content to come in 6.3
New Main Scenario Quests
From the screenshots, Zero will be heavily involved in the next patch. Alphinaud and Alisaie will come back after a long break.



Tataru’s Grand Endeavor 
It’s been awhile since we’ve seen Hancock and Tataru together, Yoshi P was wondering aloud where the story will take us.


Tales of Newfound Adventure
Yoshi P mentioned there are probably some players who haven’t done this, and if you haven’t tried it yet you should check it out because the story is very good.


Somehow further Hildibrand 
Continues in 6.35 with a new cute friend. The dev team spent a long time making sure to get the balance right between the head and eyes.


Manderville Weapons 
Also continuing in 6.35. They teased this screenshot and again were wondering aloud what this has to do with the relic quest.


New Tribal Quests 6.35 - The Loporrits for Crafters
Yoshi P tried to get viewers to guess what might be the next tribal quest, and many successfully guessed Loporrits. There’s going to be a lot of fun stuff that happens with them, so definitely go and check it out.

New Dungeon - Lapis Manalis as part of the MSQ
Yoshi P mentioned that there’s a lot of depth to this place from a lore standpoint, but they don’t want to say too much about it. The Japanese name includes “snow mountain” in it, which fits with the screenshots being shown.



There’s a lot that’s going to happen with the 13th, and they’re teasing that the story will continue forward there. “I don’t want to spoil it, so I’m not going to say anything!”

New trials - Normal and Extreme
It was mentioned in previous patches, but one thing they love is the sense of surprise they can give Warriors of Light when seeing new content for the first time, and so they want to preserve that surprise even if the MSQ hints at the direction it might take. As such, they are keeping the next trial’s content a secret for now.

New Unreal Trial - Containment Bay P1T6 (Unreal), Sophia
There are quite a few mechanics in Sophia, and they wanted to clean it up for this and make sure it fits the modern day of gameplay while preserving the original experience of the fight.

New Alliance Raid - Myths of the Realm 2 - “Euphrosyne”
Yoshi P mentioned that it’s also hard for him to pronounce the name of the new alliance raid. And again they’re trying to tease us about which gods will come around this time, they don’t want to reveal it yet.

They showed a couple of screenshots, one with Graha and a strange device on his back. Some chat members joked that it looks like a slot machine. 



Yoshi P mentioned that they will start working on adjustments for the alliance raid from next week.

For the second screenshot, many jokes were made that it looks like the Windows XP default background.

Ultimate Duty #5
Releasing 2 weeks after 6.3 - end of January
Currently they’re keeping all details a secret, with more to come in part 2, and if it’s okay for him to zone into the fight he will.


Players were trying to figure out when the next ultimate would happen, and Yoshi P mentioned that there were rumors about it releasing in 6.5, but they’re on schedule for it to release 6.3. It’s a tight schedule of course and they felt it would be tough for them but they made their deadline.


New Deep Dungeon 3. Eureka Orthos - Coming in 6.35


The dev team released Palace of the Dead in Heavensward and Heaven on High in Stormblood, and then decided to skip over making a new one for Shadowbringers. However, they didn’t realize just how much the community loved deep dungeon as much as they do, so they decided to add a new one.

They also mentioned that they’re aware of just how many players are challenging deep dungeon solo, and that there’s many who have soloed both deep dungeons on all jobs! Lovely shoutout to the deep dungeon community.

  • EO is unlocked by completing MSQ “Endwalker” and floor 50 of Palace of the Dead
  • Players with a job at level 81 or higher can enter.
  • Start from level 81 in the dungeon.
  • Rules and functionality are generally identical to prior DD’s but some new features will be included.

Duty support for level 60 Heavensward MSQ dungeons

  • This includes a redesign for The Aetherochemical Research Facility.
  • Adding in more and more duty support, with plans to add it for all dungeons in HW.

Job Adjustments (PvE/PvP)
Paladin rotation will be completely changed in 6.3, but otherwise not much in the way of large PvE changes. They asked for a bit more time before revealing what exactly those changes will look like as they’re still adjusting them. Expect more updates in the part 2 live letter.

PvP Adjustments
There will be some job adjustments in PvP, and changes for content like Rival Wings, so look forward to more information in the part 2 live letter.

  • Series 3 will begin
  • Season 5 begins
  • New CC arena



There was a lot of feedback from players that the Cloud map was the least popular and highly disliked by players. As such, they’ve decided to put it in the map rotation less frequently, but the exact rotation hasn’t been decided yet.

Crafting and Gathering Updates
Tool Enhancement Quests
Coming in 6.35. There’s going to be an interesting story involved with this one, so definitely don’t miss it.


New Custom Deliveries
Not much information on this one but they’re sure no one can guess who will involved in this questline.


Misc. crafting and gathering updates

  • Collectability values will be displayed when gathering collectables
  • Additions to the fish guide
  • New spearfishing area will be added to Upper La Noscea, the first to allow diving from the ARR regions



Island Sanctuary Updates

  • New sanctuary ranks and visions
  • New item rewards
  • New materials crops animals and handicrafts
  • New structures
  • Improvements to the workshop interface
  • Option to collect yields/leavings at once
  • Animals under care will be eligible for release when a new animal is captured
  • Save orchestrion settings
  • Visitors will now hear the islekeep’s orchestrion
  • Notifications when visitors arrive at your island





They’re also planning to add further updates in 6.4, such as placing outdoor furniture. Yoshi P asked for a bit more time for them to work on that before implementing it.

New Treasure Hunt Dungeon
The Shifting Gymnasion Agonon 
Accessible via a new Elpis-centric treasure map, which can only be accessed in the Elpis zone.

Gold Saucer Update
New course added for leap of faith. Yoshi P expressed a bit of uncertainty how this will work with the game’s updated collision system, so they may need to make some changes before implementing it.


  • Additional wards for all residential areas
  • 6 new wards and subdivisions
  • 1800 new plots per world
  • Planned for sale by lottery

UI Updates

  • Icons for damage type in the battle log and flying text
  • Buff/Debuff timers in party list


Misc Updates

  • A new UI theme which they can’t show today but will preview later.
  • Portraits will now display when using DF
  • 24 person content will only show your party member portraits
  • Expansion of actions available while using fashion accessories
  • Cast glamours and dye retainer equipment while using fashion accessories
  • Ability to cast glamours on your own equipment directly from retainers inventory
  • Ability to filter newly added items at sundry splendors vendors


We hope this info was helpful to you, and we will continue recapping the live letter in the future!
Check out the next PLL translation live on HurricaneChiela's twitch channel.

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      Exciting In-Game Events
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      Prizes and Giveaways
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      If you have connections with brands or partnerships that would like to contribute, please reach out to the event organizer on the Event Discord bellow! (Note: Sponsorships cannot be food or beverage-related but can include peripherals, PC hardware, Displate, etc.)
      How to Join the Event
      Join the WoW vs. FF Event Discord: Join Here Register for Your Team: Final Fantasy Team Registration World of Warcraft Team Registration Access Fundraising Resources: Overlays, social media assets, and more are available in the AHA Official Discord What is Expected from Streamers
      Participants are encouraged to help promote heart health awareness by:
      Sharing facts about heart disease and stroke prevention, and the role of AHA in their research around the world Discussing personal stories related to heart health Encouraging donations with chat commands and chatbot timers Example Donation Message:
      "Heart disease is the No.1 killer worldwide, and stroke ranks second globally. We need your help to create a world free of cardiovascular diseases and stroke. Our Mission - To be a relentless force for a world of longer, healthier lives. Join us and you can help save lives! (link to the campaign)".

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