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Scarlet Monastery

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Guest Fletch

Not trying to be a noob, but will people levleing up still be able to complete all sections of the SM now - or with this change can they only do half as this change makes these two sections 90?

I'm just coming back to WoW after 5 years and all the changes I've incountered with Cataclysm make the game seem a bit different.

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Yeah, you can still level in SM but its totally different now. It's just the two halves, but I ran them both on a Monk I'm leveling yesterday.

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Guest xstansa

In the old SM you needed to clear the room for the Whitemane fight because once you aggroed Mograin all the little guys swamped you. With the revamp, they don't do it anymore in the low level version. I have yet to convince a party to skip some of the groups since we're max level, it's not like they give experience anymore, I'm also tired of wasting time killing pointless groups.

Has anyone been able to find out if they do indeed still aggro on heroic while they don't on the low level?

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In the old SM you needed to clear the room for the Whitemane fight because once you aggroed Mograin all the little guys swamped you. With the revamp, they don't do it anymore in the low level version. I have yet to convince a party to skip some of the groups since we're max level, it's not like they give experience anymore, I'm also tired of wasting time killing pointless groups.

Has anyone been able to find out if they do indeed still aggro on heroic while they don't on the low level?

Well, the tooltip of achievement_guildperk_massresurrection.jMass Resurrection clearly says that "Resurrects all fallen Scarlet Judicators within 100 yards". So I guess that in Heroic mode, at least, you really need to kill these adds.

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In the old SM you needed to clear the room for the Whitemane fight because once you aggroed Mograin all the little guys swamped you. With the revamp, they don't do it anymore in the low level version. I have yet to convince a party to skip some of the groups since we're max level, it's not like they give experience anymore, I'm also tired of wasting time killing pointless groups.

Has anyone been able to find out if they do indeed still aggro on heroic while they don't on the low level?

They do not. While i have not skipped all the main trash that leads up to the boss, we do occasionally skip the pack of adds on both ends of the room directly to the right and left of the boss, and they never aggro.

Not sure if they remain passive if you allow the boss to cast resurrection.

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Actually it is possible to skip more than half the trash in the cathedral. We did it yesterday cleaning only the left part of the church (except the far end group directly to the left of the boss). Except from the patrolling guy your tank has to pick up regularly there is no problem.

We did not however tried letting Mograine cast a mass resurrection to check it does or does not aggro all the trash that we left alive.

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