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Help my Warlocks....Please....

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Oh great warlocks Zagam, Locky, and others.  I a humble mage beg your assistance with helping my raiding locks improve.  My guild has gotten farther this tier than in previous ones but we only seem to progress once the DPS goes out faster than the mechanics. (Raid awareness and add managment seem to elude some of the raiders)


I have two warlocks in our 10 man and as raid logger/reviewer I've been able to help them some by guiding them to Zagam's fix your DPS guide.  They both swear they are following it but they continue to be out DPS'd by this lowly mage on most fights (Thanks to the posts by Akren, Oltier, and the other mage moderators)


Some basic things like immolation uptime I understand and continue to hound them on, and Chaos bolts are now their primary source of damage, but i'm not sure how else to help them and since I don't play a lock myself (mine is stuck at level 86 with no desire to play it) I don't understand all of the nuances involved.  They have similar ilvls so I would expect their output to be about the same but on some fights they are worlds apart.




Lock One Profile




Lock Two Profile




Logs from the past week


(H Malkorok wipes)





(H Shamans and Naz)





(H Noru thru Iron Jugg)



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I was writing some long reply, when the forum said there is a new reply...^^


Core info: pretty much what Locky said.



They need to use DS better and not waste embers. For IJ and Volatile there are atleast 6M damage wasted by bad play emberwise.


Vynastus should use another trinket instead of KTT or use Grimoire of Sacrifice.


OT: It is just their unproper gameplay or how does a nhc KTT get higher percentage  than a (my) hc wf one?

Edited by check0790

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  On 9/9/2014 at 7:03 PM, check0790 said:

OT: It is just their unproper gameplay or how does a nhc KTT get higher percentage  than a (my) hc wf one?




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Isn't it amazing when someone goes "I'm following the guide just like it says!  It's not my fault my DPS sucks" or "I'm doing x, y, and z just like you said, but my DPS still sucks, so you must suck!" 


Logs don't lie.  They're never doing what the guide tells them to do. 

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I'm going to do you one better and take a look at this log here, a 6:00 wipe on Malkorok (I didn't know the fight COULD last that long - props to your healers).


First off - it appears there is a HUGE DPS issue across the board when no one breaks 300k DPS over 6:00.  Our Discipline Priest comes close to beating both of your tanks which tells me they don't know how to play at all considering the wealth of Vengeance available in this fight.


Krylian - Frost Mage

1. Living Bomb uptime = 90%.  Meh, bring it up.

2. Invoker's Energy uptime = 90%.  Meh, bring it up.

3. This is my favorite thing to look at for Frost Mages - http://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/WFX2yxqVBGHmj8p1#type=casts&source=13&pins=0%24Separate%24%23244F4B%24auras-gained%240%240.0.0.Any%240.0.0.Any%24true%24123423795.0.0.Mage%24false%2444544&ability=30455 This shows his FoF charges along with his Ice Lance casts.  At least he didn't use it without FoF.  He got 34 FoF procs and used Ice Lance 33 times. 


I'm not even really sure where to help this guy - his gear must be lower because it looks like he's playing pretty optimally.  I'm no Mage expert, so I'm sure I'm missing some things, but yeah - gear this guy up and he'll be pretty good.


Vynastus - Destruction Warlock

1. Immolate uptime = 81%.  Garbage.

2. Using KTT with a pet.  GoSac or use BBoY with GoSup.

3. I'm not even sure how in the world he's doing sub 200k DPS at parts and why the gap between CB and Incinerate is so huge.  From Locky's graph, you can see he's pretty bad at snapshotting Chaos Bolts with procs.  Weak Auras for this dude pronto. 

4. Dude delayed his 2nd Dark Soul for over a minute and didn't use until 3:00.  What?  Why?!  Expanded Mind proc'd right at 2:30, so if he was delaying to match it up, he missed his train.  Then, because he delayed it the first time, he couldn't use it when PBI proc'd again, right at 4:30 - he had to wait until 5:00 to use Dark Soul.  HUGE DPS loss in two situations - good example of a mistake snowballing. 

5. Tell him to quit using RoF on Malkorok.  Waste of a global.  Dude used it 15 times. 

6. Good use on Havoc. 


Volatile - Destruction Warlock

1. Immolate uptime = 45%.  Can't make this shit up.  He's a Warlock - we are a DoT oriented class, even as Destruction.  This is inexcusable.

2. Dark Soul must be a cooldown both Warlocks hate.  This guy delayed his Dark Soul by a minute, too, which screwed up double CDs twice - a huge opportunity blown.  Is this guy dualboxing with the other Warlock?

3. 1 use of Havoc...nope, not dualboxing.  This guy needs to Havoc. 

4. http://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/WFX2yxqVBGHmj8p1#type=resources&pins=0%24Separate%24%23244F4B%24auras-gained%240%240.0.0.Any%240.0.0.Any%24true%24123423795.0.0.Mage%24false%2444544&source=14&spell=114 this one shows this dude was holding onto some Burning Embers like they were going out of style.  From 2:15 until 3:00, he was capped.  This was also the window where he sat on Dark Soul, for whatever reason. 


Scinistra - Beast Mastery Hunter

1. Serpent Sting uptime = 32%.  I have nothing more to say about this guild's ability to keep DoTs up.  Ya'll need some training dummy work.

2. http://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/WFX2yxqVBGHmj8p1#type=resources&source=1&spell=102 way, way too much Focus capping.  I count 14 caps with some caps actually lasting periods of time, like from 1:40 until 1:55. 

3. Kill Command has a 6 second CD.  In a 6:00 minute fight, that means there was 360 seconds, or an availability of 60 Kill Commands, give or take a few for GCD reasons.  This guy used 16.  It's his hardest hitting ability, critting up to 615k, and he's utilizing it at almost 30% capacity. 

4. Rapid Fire - used 3 times in really weird places, like not at the start?  Then not at all from 3:45 until the end of the fight.  Cooldown use in this group is sporadic at best.

5. Beast Mastery Hunters have this ability called Focus Fire which is a big buff for them to maintain as much as possible.  This guy used it ZERO TIMES.  Z-E-R-O.  Frenzy, the pet buff that fuels the buff, was up constantly from 0:15 until the Hunter died. 


I can't go on.  There are COUNTLESS critical gameplay issues here.  Everyone in your raid group owes your healers a great deal of gratitude.  Fights should not be lasting that long.  You could actually KILL Malkorok around 4:00 with your group's gear if they started actually playing like Heroic raiders.  Some of the mistakes are inexcusable, even for normal mode raiders, such as DoT uptimes and not using CDs.  It's hard to advise a Warlock to focus on using Chaos Bolt with buffs properly when he can't keep Immolate up or even use Dark Soul on time.


I'm being harsh to overplay the point, but the problem doesn't lie with your Warlocks - it's a raid wide issue.  I didn't even dive into the melee or tanks, but I can promise you I'd find similar issues.

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Thank you for your honesty in reviews.  I joined this raid group last year but most of them have been raiding for several tiers now together.  Like I said, i can catch the basics like DoT no staying up, or self buffs dropping off, but it goes farther and I'm still learning how to use Warcraftlogs beyond the basics.  One of these days I might understand the graphing functions and capabilities.


Alot of the dps burst at the beginning for 600 - 900k but after the opening burst it seems like it just drops.  I know better dps would mean overall higher numbers because of the shorter fight, but I also knew it was more than just DoTs.


As the mage, Krylian, Thanks for the personal review I think.  :-)  I know the issues I have to work on but as the overall top DPS, i'm less concerned about getting my uptime to 95%+ versus getting everyone else up.  Once I start ranking 4th or 5th on the charts consistently I'll refocus on myself and pray that KTT drops.  We haven't seen it yet, but all the agility DPS have their Heroic trinkets off Shamans.


Specific to Malkorok is there anyway to see who is closest to the puddle that doesn't get soaked?  I tried advanced logging but it doesn't show the puddle spawns.  I was trying to figure out who was missing the puddle soaks that kept blowing up the group and my dps started dropping trying to watch the whole room.  I also layed into the dps about not switching to the add and overall the dps started dropping for everyone from then on.  Not my finest or most tactful moment as an officer.


As for everything else pointed out...wow.  I knew there were issues like the serpent sting and immolate, but I didn't know about some of the other things like not using RoF on Malk.  I thought it was ok to use it when it could be on a stationary target so I haven't dug into the usage there.  Like I said, I don't have the time to learn all the nuances or personally practice on different roles to know them all that's why I came to the experts.


Thank you for confirming what I've long suspected....

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I think you should quit and find a better guild, the issues here are ones which if they don't even UNDERSTAND, they will likely never fully improve on.


Cut your losses and do yourself a favour in the long run; find yourself a decent guild in the time we have before WoD and don't look back, these people will never be decent Mythic raiders if they have had these issues for over a couple of years.

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  On 9/9/2014 at 8:42 PM, Krylian said:
As the mage, Krylian, Thanks for the personal review I think.  :-)  I know the issues I have to work on but as the overall top DPS, i'm less concerned about getting my uptime to 95%+ versus getting everyone else up.  Once I start ranking 4th or 5th on the charts consistently I'll refocus on myself and pray that KTT drops. 

Personally, I think this is the wrong mentality.  You should be striving to improve every week - not waiting til others improve to focus on improving yourself.

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@ lockybalboa - Could part of your first analysis may have to do with our Iron Jugg strategy.  We're opting for the knockback and just stay alive during seige phase strategy.  So we sit there for a minute doing not a whole lot besides heal and run to avoid lasers.  We've adopted a number of "unique" strategies for downing bosses to play to the team strengths  and I think that's why alot of these bad habits have been allowed to flourish.


@liquidsteel - I understand where you're coming from but I don't think it calls for quitting.  The guild isn't looking for realm firsts or anything like that, but would like to finish content while it's current.  One of the raider leaders was in a top raiding guild but didn't want the stress of being bleeding edge so came over for the more relaxed guild atmosphere.  I just think things have been too relaxed with the turnover that has occurred due to core raiders leaving for real life issues.  I've only been raiding since Seige, before that I was a solo player since Vanilla (with a few breaks here and there.)  I've also only been an officer for a few months so I need to put time in to try and help improve the guild not just throw up my hands and walk away.


@zagam - I understand where you're coming from as well.  I re-read it and realized I didn't phrase things properly.  I'm needing to be more vocal during raids (calling out to switch to adds, pre and re-pot, interrupt rotations, etc.) so I'm willing to take some small dps loss while I adjust to having to multitask rather than just focus on my keys/screen during raid in the short term.  Once I can balance the two comfortably I will be working on fixing my addons etc to better keep track of uptimes.  If I were to dip down to where I was 4th or 5th regularly, I'd drop the talking and go back to focusing my personal performance over the group performance.


I posed this page for the officers to read and it's given us a lot to think and talk about.

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Off Topic here, but refer your hunter to Azor's guide at MMO-C. I can do as much dps as he did at 565 with either BM or MM. He's 583. Granted, my logs are for normals, but that really shouldn't make a difference for Malkorok.

After that, Zagam hit the biggest nail on the head about not using Kill Command on cd. Keeping SS up is important (as it is free dps) but it's not as big as this next issue: Bestial Wrath usage.

With a 582 AoC, the cd for BW is 39.6 seconds, meaning he would've been able to use it 9 times (as he died before the cd would have been up for the 10th). He used BW 4 times. This is horrendous. His KC usage inside BW is ok, with the first one only having 1 KC inside of it.

Next: his opener. Why the hell did he use revive pet in his opener???? WTF IS HE THINKING???? There is no reason to have a dead pet during your opener. He uses 3 abilities inside of the first BW, and then nothing. NOTHING. This isn't even an opener.

Go have him read the guide here at IV and Azor's guide at MMO-C. The dude had 31.6 CPM. This is acceptable for classes that have a lot of abilities that have longer cast times and not as many instants, ie. healers. Oh wait, your healers beat him here too.

I know you came here for warlock help, but as stated earlier, your entire raid group needs help. I just came by to say what I can about your hunter.

Edit: I'm not even looking at focus fire usage, because I can't. He's missing out on a pretty much on demand bloodlust. Ofc there are quite a few complexities about using focus fire, but I won't explain those here (mainly because I'm not the person to do so, and also it is answered in the hunter section and in Azor's guide).

Edited by Orthios
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@ Orthios - Thank you.  I posted on the locks first because there were a two-for-one deal, but I'll accept help on anyone.  I haven't heard of that guide before so i'll check it out and refer it on.

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Alright, I'm going to take a look at a these, but mostly posting because I want to reply to a couple of things on this thread.

First off, ignoring Jugg is a common strategy. It's not really cheesey. This gap, which is clear enough from the chaos bolt casts, only accounted for one missed KTT. The blaring issue is really that (unless it's showing up wrong on my tablet, which is possible) he cast 7 buffed Chaos bolts the whole fight..... 7..... That's.... A feat, honestly.

As for the fact that you're calling out pre and re pots.... You shouldn't have to. lol. Add priority is probably helpful, if things aren't being switched to instantly (which before even looking at the logs I'm gonna say it's not....), but shouldn't be required in general. Being a raider means being responsible for your priorities during a boss, as well as doing it correctly. You shouldn't have to hive-mind for people.

I will edit this post as I muddle through the logs.



EDIT: Sorry, been a busy day for me. I'm going to try and show my though process going through these as well.


Starting on Nazgrim for Volatile:


 -   29% damage done by chaos bolt is really low this fight. For comparison, I pulled 42% yesterday, in a similar length fight

  •  Average chaos bolt is 1.3M . That's 200k less than me, with 7 ilvl advantage... But damn... what is this guy doing with embers? He cast shadowburn 4 more times than me, and that's reflected in damage distribution, but he cast basically half as many bolts as I did. Checking ember capping. It's also 25M, which is harder to SB snipe on from my experience.
  • Nope.... not ember capping....
  • Found it- 26 FnB casts altogether.... why?? It's 10m, so I'm guessing you're not tanking Naz by add spawns?  This is really inefficient on this fight. Small cleave via havoc is much more valuable, and he's missing out on massive amounts of damage in chaos bolts and shadowburns. 
  • It looks like he's timing his chaos bolts really poorly. I count like less than 10 buffed Chaos bolts total. Also, he's havocing CBs rather than SBs. It depends, ofc, but I can't imagine these adds being killed that fast... SB is much more efficient use of havoc, when possible.

Average immo uptime of 42%... I almost don't need to say any more, but I will: On nazgrim, its uptime is sub 30%.... Like... I don't even know how you forget to apply dots as a dot class that hard... Make this guy install affdots, or reroll off a warlock... The shame he's bringing is real right now.  (His RoF uptime is almost as high....)


Next fight in a few.

Edited by Astynax

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  On 9/9/2014 at 8:56 PM, Liquidsteel said:

I think you should quit and find a better guild, the issues here are ones which if they don't even UNDERSTAND, they will likely never fully improve on.


Cut your losses and do yourself a favour in the long run; find yourself a decent guild in the time we have before WoD and don't look back, these people will never be decent Mythic raiders if they have had these issues for over a couple of years.

Although it seems harsh, on the long run I think Liquid has a reason. You or to be precisely your raid will hit a wall if everything continues this way, where your progress will halt and if your group is not bound enough, will experience some drama. Of course there are people who are satisfied with where there are, but by searching for help here you´re clearly separate from them.

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Just to expand upon my reasoning a bit...


I was in a similar position to you. I came back to WoW a couple months before MoP hit and levelled my DK (old main) and Warlock to 85, and did LFR/Normal on my DK.


I joined a guild in MoP who did normals on a 2 day per week basis. We had some TERRIBLE players. On my first ever raid on my Warlock, I was top or near to top DPS with a 10-15 ilvl difference. I stuck it out because I liked the people and we had a blast, plus I was focusing on my studies at the time. We had a mage who only used scorch instead of fireball as fire, and refused to learn arcane scorch weaving even when I explained it to him and linked him videos; we had a tank playing on a 6" screen notebook who died to every single attenuation, and a healer who didn't want to learn to keybind, so each heal required target selection followed by clicking the spell. You get the picture. There were only 3 good players. I don't think half the raid even read up on their classes.


After a few months I realised I wanted more. Clearing normals and a heroic or two just didn't cut it. I tried to help them, I really did, but it was all for naught because they were just incapable or simply didn't care enough. I should have left earlier, but I didn't. I missed out on a lot of T14 heroic because of it.


Similar story in T15, I joined a better guild (eventually clearing 12/13H the day before T16 came out), but it was a similar case. More good players, but always 2 or 3 who were just dead weight. You try and help. You know you could (and have offers to) join guilds that have cleared the content already, but you stick at it because you like the people. But you aren't happy. You log off after every miserable raid thinking why the fuck do I bother, but you stick at it because you feel like you owe them something.


You don't. You don't owe them anything. You pay to play this game and it's your time they're wasting if they're holding you back. If you were truly happy with this situation, then I don't believe you would be here asking for help.


I guarantee that either now, or 3 months or 6 months down the line, you will eventually leave once you just can't take it anymore, and I'm positive you will have wished you did it sooner.

Edited by Liquidsteel

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  On 9/10/2014 at 3:20 PM, Liquidsteel said:

Just to expand upon my reasoning a bit...


I was in a similar position to you. I came back to WoW a couple months before MoP hit and levelled my DK (old main) and Warlock to 85, and did LFR/Normal on my DK.


I joined a guild in MoP who did normals on a 2 day per week basis. We had some TERRIBLE players. On my first ever raid on my Warlock, I was top or near to top DPS with a 10-15 ilvl difference. I stuck it out because I liked the people and we had a blast, plus I was focusing on my studies at the time. We had a mage who only used scorch instead of fireball as fire, and refused to learn arcane scorch weaving even when I explained it to him and linked him videos; we had a tank playing on a 6" screen notebook who died to every single attenuation, and a healer who didn't want to learn to keybind, so each heal required target selection followed by clicking the spell. You get the picture. There were only 3 good players. I don't think half the raid even read up on their classes.


After a few months I realised I wanted more. Clearing normals and a heroic or two just didn't cut it. I tried to help them, I really did, but it was all for naught because they were just incapable or simply didn't care enough. I should have left earlier, but I didn't. I missed out on a lot of T14 heroic because of it.


Similar story in T15, I joined a better guild (eventually clearing 12/13H the day before T16 came out), but it was a similar case. More good players, but always 2 or 3 who were just dead weight. You try and help. You know you could (and have offers to) join guilds that have cleared the content already, but you stick at it because you like the people. But you aren't happy. You log off after every miserable raid thinking why the fuck do I bother, but you stick at it because you feel like you owe them something.


You don't. You don't owe them anything. You pay to play this game and it's your time they're wasting if they're holding you back. If you were truly happy with this situation, then I don't believe you would be here asking for help.


I guarantee that either now, or 3 months or 6 months down the line, you will eventually leave once you just can't take it anymore, and I'm positive you will have wished you did it sooner.



^^ Similar tale, although I went through this process almost entirely in t16 alone. It's the reason I'm still guild hopping to this day, along with my wish to get 14/14H before 6.0. 



That said, if you prefer atmosphere to progression, it may take a while, or it may happen that you never leave. The point being, if you care about progression, those players are a lot of dead weight. If you care about chillaxing and killing some big shit, stay, and reassess your priorities occasionally. As liquid said, Play for you, and keep your options open. If Zagam can't find glaring errors in your logs, you're doing something right, I don't care if you are a mage.

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Just to expand on the audit.


I'll go over your fury warrior's log, and attempt my best at your rogue.


1. Blood thirst usage. Over 360 seconds he could have used BT 80 times (taking off a few for globals or 2 RBs going into a CS window). He used BT 46 times. That's half of what he could. BT procs RB stacks, as well as in mastery. His mastery doesn't work without enrage, and BT helps enrage uptime.

2. Could have used Colossus Smash 18 times, he used it 15. He has zero reason to delay CS.

3. Of his 15 CS hits, he only used SB 13 times. His rotation around CS should look like this: BT(for mastery)>CS>SB>RB>RB>BT with heroic strike all in the middle. 

4. He wasted 321 rage on capping. 

5. His enrage uptime is at 67%. Pretty poor for 581 ilvl. My 560 warrior pulls better uptime. That goes back to using bloodthirst more.

6. Looking at his rotation, it looks like he's literally just hitting buttons. Opening, he charges, Storm bolts, waits 2 seconds, then hits CS, then for over a second he doesn't hit anything. HE should be spamming heroic strike RIGHT AWAY it isn't on the same GCD. His next CS is at 26.1 seconds. He doesn't hit any ability until 29 second mark. It's 100% clear this guy doesn't know his rotation at all. To put it simply, he should be using as little rage as possible and pooling RB procs (without capping) and using BT on CD outside of CS debuff windows. When he hits CS the light goes green and hit SB, unload all the RB procs you have, keep hitting BT!

7. used skull banner once over 6 minutes

8. he's not cancelling bladestorm 4 seconds in like he should. The reasoning behind not letting it run it's full duration during single target is that you need to keep enrage up for your mastery. Hit BT, hit blade storm. At 4 second mark (after BT's CD) cancel BS, hit BT. Keep enrage up



Honestly your warrior is not showing an good signs in his rotation whatsoever




1. Cast Evis 5 times..5 times.

2. Cast rupture...ONE TIME. ONCE

3. A crimson tempest cast on malkorok?

4. Slice and Dice only has 59% uptime

5. 54% uptime on revealing strike


This literally blows my mind. What is he actually doing with his combo points?  Our rogue used evis 32 times in a 3:30 kill. With a 99% uptime on SnD. 


Your rogue has literally no idea how to play his class in any way.





1. Keg smash usage is low. Could have used it 45 times, only used it 34

2. Only purified 16 times

3. 7 million damage from stagger

4. zero uses of guard



1. 55% uptime on harmony, his mastery

2. 9% uptime on lifebloom

3. glyph of rejuv isn't helping

4. Hit regrowth a TON and with no clear casting procs since terrible lifebloom uptime



1. Seal of righteousness 

Edited by Recklessfear

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  On 9/10/2014 at 6:11 PM, Recklessfear said:


2. Elusive brew uptime is pretty low at 31%. Should be shooting for as close to 100% as possible

Tigerpalm applies EB. Tiger palm is like a filler for him. No reason not to use it.

Not quite.  Tiger Palm applies the power guard buff, which increases the potency of your next guard by 15%.  Elusive Brew stacks are gained from auto-attack crits, and the on use ability lasts 1 sec per stack consumed.  That being said, he did sit at max stacks for a good chunk of time, multiple times.  He should be using it anytime he has around 10-15 stacks so that none get wasted by gaining more stacks while at 15.  

The big thing to look for is shuffle uptime, which is just shy of 90%.  There is no reason not to have near-100% uptime on this, as it's gained by casting Blackout Kick, which should be his chi dump when he doesn't need to purify.  

Speaking of purifying, he's using Purifying Brew almost haphazardly.  He literally double casts PB 5 times.  There's no way his stagger is getting large enough to justifying using a second PB less than 10 seconds after using the previous one.  

Also, Chi Wave?  Chi Burst?  Zen Sphere?  He didn't use any one of these abilities.  That's throwing out an entire talent tier, full of healing and damage.  Chi Burst is incredibly powerful when your group is stacked, and Chi Wave is good for when you're spread out.  It's as if he didn't even have one specced or on his bars at the very least.

Edited by Orthios
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  On 9/10/2014 at 6:11 PM, Recklessfear said:

Just to expand on the audit.


I'll go over your fury warrior's log, and attempt my best at your rogue.


1. Blood thirst usage. Over 360 seconds he could have used BT 80 times (taking off a few for globals or 2 RBs going into a CS window). He used BT 46 times. That's half of what he could. BT procs RB stacks, as well as in mastery. His mastery doesn't work without enrage, and BT helps enrage uptime.

2. Could have used Colossus Smash 18 times, he used it 15. He has zero reason to delay CS.

3. Of his 15 CS hits, he only used SB 13 times. His rotation around CS should look like this: BT(for mastery)>CS>SB>RB>RB>BT with heroic strike all in the middle. 

4. He wasted 321 rage on capping. 

5. His enrage uptime is at 67%. Pretty poor for 581 ilvl. My 560 warrior pulls better uptime. That goes back to using bloodthirst more.

6. Looking at his rotation, it looks like he's literally just hitting buttons. Opening, he charges, Storm bolts, waits 2 seconds, then hits CS, then for over a second he doesn't hit anything. HE should be spamming heroic strike RIGHT AWAY it isn't on the same GCD. His next CS is at 26.1 seconds. He doesn't hit any ability until 29 second mark. It's 100% clear this guy doesn't know his rotation at all. To put it simply, he should be using as little rage as possible and pooling RB procs (without capping) and using BT on CD outside of CS debuff windows. When he hits CS the light goes green and hit SB, unload all the RB procs you have, keep hitting BT!

7. used skull banner once over 6 minutes

8. he's not cancelling bladestorm 4 seconds in like he should. The reasoning behind not letting it run it's full duration during single target is that you need to keep enrage up for your mastery. Hit BT, hit blade storm. At 4 second mark (after BT's CD) cancel BS, hit BT. Keep enrage up



Good review. For the reason why every uptime is so low besides poor execution, you should watch the replay, he´s like almost a minute away from the boss. And most of the times he leaves melee range, it doesn´t make sense, since there are already 2 people in the place to soak voids and no adds present(which he shouldn´t bother with anyway outside of malkorok´s melee range).


Also the replay leaves a bitter taste about overall strategy. Sometimes the range dds only cover like half of the room. Seems like a lack of appointments, like "player x goes to that position and covers this range" when everyone is running around. In my opinion it´s better to have these appointments and know, who messed up instead of every player growing the feeling he saves asses by running around like a chicken and being angry therefore. This of course needs players who can accept their own failures and try to improve.

Edited by Desos

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  On 9/11/2014 at 1:11 PM, urworser said:

cause there are 2 types of locks- and only about 2 players on each realm are the type u wanna be- the rest get out dps'd by my companion pet and my old tube sock that i keep under my mattress. seriously i see more purple in the chunk of 30-50k dps than all other colors up ur moms butthole. meanwhile the tard pulls 280k while smelling my fingers.


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Apparently the Trolls were up early this morning and posting on Forums.  I'm as confused by Zagam by that last comment.


On an actual note, thank you everyone for the frank and blunt comments and analysis.  We held a raid meeting last night and laid it all out on the line.  Once the shock wore off, it generated some really good discussions about where people thought they were versus what the logs really showed and everyone seemed honestly interested in taking the advice to heart.  The assassination rogue admitted he probably shouldn't have switched to combat mid raid without planning ahead and having his gear ready for the change and not practicing first instead of winging it.  Other dps looked at their setup/macros and realized they hadn't made changes to them when they changed talents so they weren't working and they had never noticed.  Hence it looking like they were randomly pushign buttons.  Others admitted they we playing the way they always had since leveling and hadn't bothered to really learn the nuances of their class.  


Overall, once we did try raiding I saw immediate changes to everyone and our second pull on heroic malk we got him down to 15% by the 4 minutes.  In past pulls he would have still been at 35-40% and I in a number of pulls I was suddenly sitting in 4th place on the dps charts.  So It urged me to refocus and retweek my settings during break so I could climb back to the top.  Overall I saw a huge improvement from the attempts with our dps all sitting above 300k consistently each pull.  We still have a way to go, but the acceptance they all expressed in being willing to change or face the consequences convinces me that the people on these forums, although harsh sometimes, reallycan make a difference.


Our Blood DK however was disappointed that no one commented on him so anyone want to give it a shot?  :-D

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Those who take advice constructively are those who will succeed in life, in a multitude of places.  Great job - continue to push for improvement every week.  We just killed Heroic Garrosh for the 25th time and we're STILL optimizing the way we do fights.  We make little pushes every week and push people to up their DPS just a small bit - it all adds up.

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I'll give a shot at your blood dk, but do note I'm on my phone at lunch between classes, so this is mainly from memory.
Disease uptimes: ~45%. This needs to go up. They help to ensure you don't have empty GCDs waiting on runes or rp with crimson scrounge procs. He sat on quite a few crimson scrounge procs. Have him get some WA's or something to track diseases and CS procs.

That's about all that I can look at for the moment, as WCL isn't good friends with my phone right now tongue.png


Edit, now that I'm at my computer, I'll go a bit more in-depth (to the extent of my knowledge).

Crimson Scrouge: 21 procs, only 2 casts of Death and Decay.  If the target won't move out of DnD, CS procs should be used on DnD whenever it's available.  Otherwise, it should be used on Blood Boil.  These procs ensure that your diseases don't fall off, since Blood Boil refreshes them.  

Plague Leach.  This is only useful if you remember to reapply the diseases.  With Outbreak glyph, you gain 2 Death Runes for 30 RP.  Your DK really needs to track these better, as it's all interconnected with Blood Plague proccing Crimson Scrouge which in turn can be used to refresh Blood Plague, and so on and so forth.  

Anti-Magic Shell.  This is incredibly powerful when used correctly.  It should be used on cd while Ancient Miasma is up, as it gives an incredible amount of RP.  Your DK lined up AMS perfectly.....with the beginning of Blood Rage.  As it says in its name, AMS only absorbs MAGIC damage.  

Cooldown Usage:

2 uses of Dancing Rune Weapon.  This has a 75 second cd with his CDR trinket, allowing for 5 possible uses.  Besides being a dps increase, it also provides 20% parry, an incredible survivability increase.

Maybe it's just me, but I'm not seeing any casts of Raise Dead, even though there are 69 melee attacks and WCL has options to see what Risen Ally 1&2 did.  That leads me to believe the first was precast and the second somehow didn't make it into WCL.  Either way, he could've had 3 uses (with the 4th being available right as the raid wiped).  


Edit2: I'm kinda curious as to what reaction (if any, and if applicable) your hunter had to have been beaten by someone almost 20 ilvls lower than him.  Just a random thought I had during lunch.

Edited by Orthios

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I think as a team we all felt a lot of embarrassment.  Especially when I posted numbers from lower geared raiders on the same fights that I found by searching all of your old logs.  :-)  


As far as the hunter, the dps went up from Monday to Wednesday by almost 100k just by focusing on the Kill Command, Rapid Fire and Focus Fire.  There was slipping in the second half of raid as usually happens because everyone was tired but we've been talking off and on all day about ways to help with WA setups, and looking at macros to use.

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