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Death Knight Leveling Guide

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Guest Deathnight

To any moderator, hello just wanna point out to all leveling page. Why don't you guys make all the leveling guide page into one and include it in the 'general guide' section. Then in that leveling guide page, most probably in the table of content, a section(link) that directs to a 'per class' leveling guide(link). Cause i have been reading your guides and seen the same thing like the first suggested leveling zone(valshara or azsuna, because it's shorter) in all classes leveling guide. I think this would lessen the number of page you'd be updating and would make the whole leveling guide neater/cleaner/simplier. 

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  On 4/26/2017 at 7:11 AM, Guest Deathnight said:

To any moderator, hello


Hi! :)

  On 4/26/2017 at 7:11 AM, Guest Deathnight said:

Why don't you guys make all the leveling guide page into one and include it in the 'general guide' section. 


This is definitely something we can look into doing - I'll pass this on to the writers and we'll see what we can do! Thanks for the feedback :)

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Guest KingofHeroes

Why don't you actually update this guide. 11 months old really?

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  On 7/20/2017 at 2:06 PM, Guest KingofHeroes said:

Why don't you actually update this guide. 11 months old really?


The issue is, the guide isn't particularly relevant anymore. It was intended to be used as a quick way to level from 100-110 with the best path to starting your artifact, but with the way AK now operates, it makes absolutely no difference what artifact you take first, nor which spec you level with. You can simply play with exactly what you want to and then just immediately get yourself up to AK25 and, shortly after, AK40. 

I can ask for the writer to update it, but there is much more focus on the actual 110 spec guides.

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