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Fastest way to earn honor / gear before or at 90?

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Hey guyz,


I was simply wondering....is it better to stay in the level 85 - 90 (Twink) bracket BG and just grind it till you have got enough honor points to get all the Grevious gear before going to lvl 90 or just level straight to 90 and grind BG's then?


As far am I'm aware, per win in the lvl 85 - 89 bracket is 90 HP (honor points) bonus then 45 bonus reward afterwards. Whereas the level 90 bracket BG is 180 bonus then 90 bonus (or higher, I forgot).


The only problem with me hesitating to just grind HP at lvl 90 is that once I'm level 90? Everyone will have like 450k - 550k + hp when I only have like what? 270k - 300k (lvl 88 - 89 Twink gear). I will just get absolutely BODIED and it isn't fun exactly if I am having to idle for all the matches till I have enough points to get the gear. Having said that, I did that with my main (rogue) but I was only able to do that cause I had stealth and was able to hide amongst the fight just to leech HP. My monk on the other hand doesn't have stealth and will just instantly get hit when they see me.


So yeah.....what recommendation can you give?


Stay in the lvl 85 - 89 (Twink) bracket and just grind it out 




Just hit lvl 90 and join lvl 90 bracket and grind it out then?


Looking forward to reading the replies, THANKS!

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The fastest and easiest way to obtain Honor gear in WoW Mists of Pandaria 5.4 after your PC reaches Level 90:


(1) Run dungeons to acquire Justice Points. You can also get JP from Scenarios, beginning at 60 JP for the first one each day, but I believe that dungeon runs award more JP than Scenarios. Run Heroic mode after your PC gears-up enough with the loot from running them in normal mode; they award Justice Points in addition to Valor Points.


(2) When you are near or at the limit of 4000 Justice Points, exchange them for Honor Points (500 JP = 250 HP), which also have a limit of 4000 HP.  Go to Stormwind (or Orgimmar) and find the Justice Goods vendor. In Stormwind, the vendor is in the "SI: 7" building, through the arch in the east wall of the courtyard in front of the Hall of Heroes in Old Town. The vendor is in the righthand corner of the south wall. (You could look it up on Wowhead.)


(3) Buy Honor gear from the Honor QM, who is in the first tower of The Great Wall of Pandaria that is south of the mountains which separate the Vale of Eternal Sorrows from the Valley of the Four Winds. In that area, the wall is also the boundary between The Valley of the Four Winds and The Dread Wastes. The tower is north of the partial breach in the wall where the mantids are, in Stoneplow Fields at the west end of the Valley of the Four Winds.


This will take some time to accomplish. How long it will require if that is all you do, I don't know.  But I finished it over the course of about 4 weeks, grinding the JP about 1 - 2 hours per day. During that time, though, Season 15 started, so the four pieces of Season 14 gear which I had acquired became outdated. So, basically, I had to start all over. :-(

Edited by Stardance

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As Stardance mentioned, you can farm Justice and exchange it for Honor.


You can also do the Isle of Thunder PvP dailies which rewards 525 Honor + 50 Conquest. (Guild perk can increase this to 600 Honor)


You can do Wintersgrasp (300-500 HP) and/or Tol Borad (500 HP) every 2 hours. Just remember that you can also do the quests (TB has a 300 Honor weekly)


You can also try to join Random Battleground as a group, one or two healers can make a big difference in battlegrounds.


EDIT: What I normally do when I reach lvl 90 with a character is quickly loot all the Timeless Isle chests for a gear boost, making the other easier.

Edited by Archimage

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Just from a random non-pvp person, also nifty are the opposing-faction rares in Krasarang, I think if you nab them all it is like over 800 honor, once a day.  Also, after many many runs trying for legendary cloaks on multiple toons, I noticed perhaps that even a semi-competative loss in a direct-queue Silvershard Mines withOUT a buff is like 100+ honor per run.  I think it has something to do with a mechanic, like cart control, generating honor.  So if a dungeon generates 300 jp (which is generous), that's 150 honor.  Pretty close.  Add in a win, much closer.  CTA, pulls far ahead.  So I guess it comes down to queue and run time to complete, to determine honor per hour.

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Currently you wouldn't even want to get grevious gear.  Prideful gear is available to you at the cost of honor points now.  If you want to get older PvP gear for transmogs, then feel free; but the best gear is available to you as Season 15 Prideful gear.


Currently you cannot grind honor in wintergrasp, tol'barad or the isle of thunder.  So your only option would be to grind out BG's.  Honor points will carry over to the next expansion.  So save them til you hit lvl 100 so you can instantly buy a few pieces.

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