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Leap/Earthquake Barbarian

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Guest Maurier

Is it not better to use Earth set items, gloves, shoulders and pants then use a leo's crown with a big diamond in it for the huge CDR? instead of the bonus fire dmg from andariels/magefists (depending what item you swap out?). Sure a 5 second CD of Leap is better than the 10second CD of leap with an extra 20% dmg on it?

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Is it not better to use Earth set items, gloves, shoulders and pants then use a leo's crown with a big diamond in it for the huge CDR? instead of the bonus fire dmg from andariels/magefists (depending what item you swap out?). Sure a 5 second CD of Leap is better than the 10second CD of leap with an extra 20% dmg on it?

Hey, Maurier

In most situations when a player struggles building up CDR for better uptimes on WotB, Leoric's Crown is probably the best choice and Andariel's Visage on the list is a mistake that will be fixed. Magefist is a really solid alternative if you have no access to Leoric's Crown. 

Thanks for pointing it out.

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Guest Blutspakt

I dont like the build. Tried it with some good gear on t8. never was so fast down with a single grp with 2 groups of champs. no survival skills no escapeskills.


i am sure that i played not perfect but i simple dont like this.


also i think whirlwind on t10 is much faster and safer

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Guest Shoo

the kanai stuff is wrong. you cannot stack 2 ring of royal grandeur and 2 furnace...

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Guest Honeybear

I dont like the build. Tried it with some good gear on t8. never was so fast down with a single grp with 2 groups of champs. no survival skills no escapeskills.


i am sure that i played not perfect but i simple dont like this.


also i think whirlwind on t10 is much faster and safer

I completely agree.  I have a full IK set with a decent ancient wep (though not the Gavel I'm supposed to have) and I can fly through t8.  I was so excited to try this build once I finally got all the right pieces in place, and I got absolutely murder-faced, still on t8, on just about every pull.  What am I missing? Did something get nerfed at the beginning of this patch?

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I completely agree.  I have a full IK set with a decent ancient wep (though not the Gavel I'm supposed to have) and I can fly through t8.  I was so excited to try this build once I finally got all the right pieces in place, and I got absolutely murder-faced, still on t8, on just about every pull.  What am I missing? Did something get nerfed at the beginning of this patch?


Nerfs did not occur, but neither did any reworks - the set is simply begging for a revision, as it is the oldest Barb set from Reaper of Souls and hasn't been designed for difficulties over t6. Some minor adjustments can be made (mixing with IK, cubing some of the necessary items), but it simply doesn't hold up to the newer sets without a redesign.

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Guest atom alchemist


I completely agree.  I have a full IK set with a decent ancient wep (though not the Gavel I'm supposed to have) and I can fly through t8.  I was so excited to try this build once I finally got all the right pieces in place, and I got absolutely murder-faced, still on t8, on just about every pull.  What am I missing? Did something get nerfed at the beginning of this patch?


Nerfs did not occur, but neither did any reworks - the set is simply begging for a revision, as it is the oldest Barb set from Reaper of Souls and hasn't been designed for difficulties over t6. Some minor adjustments can be made (mixing with IK, cubing some of the necessary items), but it simply doesn't hold up to the newer sets without a redesign.


I can confirm that this is correct, the set WAS powerful, as was this build, but when compared with the new or reworked sets, it simply doesn't compare, i attempted to use this set and even in t6 it's damage potential is no where near a hota set, sad but true i was looking forward to trying it for speed running though rifts, but my hota build is faster.

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In the new revision to the build posted today, it looks like there is an error in the passives.  Berserker Rage is listed in the skill section, but the text says it should be Earthen Might.


Still reading the rest of it, but already excited to try it out...!

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Guest Braunwolf

What is the point of Dread Iron without using Ground Stomp?

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Guest Darkreaper

Yes using Dread Iron belt is pointless in the build unless you use the spell ground stomp Deadset needs to learn how to upload build correctly the belt does nothing at all towards the build best off using String of ear's instead. So for anyone that is going to use this build dont use Dread Iron belt unless u use the spell grpund stomp also in the setup

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It also increases Avalanches damage by up to 200%.

Since both Shouts cast Avalanche in addition to EQ, you will more than notice the extra damage.

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Guest WootyMcWoot

War Cry and Threatening Shout Cause an Avalanche and Earthquake. So you do use avalanche in that sense. You don't have a rune for it since you don't have it on the skill bar, but it's still a source of extra damage so it's definitely not pointless.

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Guest Burpies

This build needs to be updated. Animosity is useless here. Swap out animosity for Earthen Might. Every leap gives you 30 Fury. Every Warcry use gives you 60. Every Threatening Shout gives you 60. Try it, it works.

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The confusion probably comes from the fact that the pre-patch version of the belt does not have the Avalanche damage increase, so if you're looking at a belt you already had, it would appear pointless.  But the post-patch version has up to a 200% increase, and as pointed out, with Avalanche being triggered by War Cry and Threatening Shout, it is far from pointless.


NOTE --> Something I've been meaning to post is that the guide should include a note clarifying the use of the belt.  It's confusing at first since you're not making use of the Legendary Power.


By the way, you can take pre-patch Legendaries and reforge them in the Cube to turn them into post-patch versions.

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This build needs to be updated. Animosity is useless here. Swap out animosity for Earthen Might. Every leap gives you 30 Fury. Every Warcry use gives you 60. Every Threatening Shout gives you 60. Try it, it works.


If you read the text, Earthen Might is one of the passives.  They made a mistake and left it out of the skill list at the top.  But it replaces Berserker Rage, not Animosity.  Berserker Rage is not helpful because you dump all your Fury with Boulder Toss as soon as it's full, so you don't spend a significant amount of time near max fury.  Animosity is useful because of the +20 maximum Fury.  Boulder Toss does 20% weapon damage per point of Fury spent, so Animosity (potentially) gives you an extra 400% weapon damage per boulder.

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In the new revision to the build posted today, it looks like there is an error in the passives.  Berserker Rage is listed in the skill section, but the text says it should be Earthen Might.


Still reading the rest of it, but already excited to try it out...!


I'm also confused by the opening lines in Section 2, Strategy:  "The typical rotation during a fight includes a triple barbarian_leap.pngLeap into the thick of enemies".


How, exactly, are we doing a triple Leap when it's got a 10 second cooldown, and *before* doing any of the abilities of the 2pc bonus which would reduce the remaining cd?  Is there some passive effect somewhere else that I'm missing?


EDIT:  never mind, I was drunk on cheese when I read the description the first time; what I was missing were the unique_boots_009_x1_demonhunter_male.pngLut Socks

Edited by Farmbuyer

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Guest masterprtzl

Hardcore barb here, unwilling to play without my cheat death proc passive, which of the passives is easiest to cut while maintaining a functional build.

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How, exactly, are we doing a triple Leap when it's got a 10 second cooldown, and *before* doing any of the abilities of the 2pc bonus which would reduce the remaining cd?  Is there some passive effect somewhere else that I'm missing?


EDIT:  never mind, I was drunk on cheese when I read the description the first time; what I was missing were the unique_boots_009_x1_demonhunter_male.pngLut Socks

I was surprised to find that, while tripple-jumping with the Lut Socks, you can cast Threatening Shout even in midair.  You don't even have to pause, which makes it easy to get the damage bonus and still get in all three jumps.

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Guest Shava

I'm using In-Geom http://us.battle.net/d3/en/item/ingeom instead of the furnace in the cube. It's - in my point of view - a viable option instead of a furnace. Why is that? With in-geom you can reduce the CD of all skills by 10s, 15s after you kill a group of elite / goblins / rift guardians /  bosses. If you time it right you could kill a rift guardian in some seconds with multiple leaps (10s cd) + Threatening Shout (10s cd, so you could use it after the internal cd of ~1s again) in a rift with suitable difficulty.

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Guest Schwede

Hey there!

You talked about that new buff on Dread Iron, i think, its simular to Blade of the Tribes buff on Earthquake and for the following question in a way expandable on buffs on Bouldertoss, Earthquake an Avalanche on shoes, chest and shoulder.

Having 6 piece of MotE you gain 800% increased damage on earthquake and other skills ...

Gaining 200% increased damage of an identical buff will

give you 800% + 200% = 1,000% (better to say eleven times) increased damage

or even

give you 800% * 200% (which means twentyseven times) increased damage?


It's quite important to know, because 15% buff on earthquake from your chest might effectivly increase your damage by only 1.3% if the buffs are additive (800%+200%+15% = 1015% compared to 800% + 200%)

And 200% buff on Avalanche, which isn't casted as often as Earthquake, would increase your damage dealt by Avalanche by 22.2%.


As the guide recommends these 15% buffs for some skills already buffed by MotE i hope, you have an answer!

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Guest Aithan

Hello there :> Terrific work as usual.


One question: after I do the three-leap+boulder-to-the-face combo, I still have a second or two left on the leap cooldowns. I've seen videos of people chaining it and I have no idea how. I even have CDR on the shoulders, in the helm gem and maxed as paragon, but I still can't permaleap like I've seen so many people do.


What am I doing wrong? Thanks!

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As the guide recommends these 15% buffs for some skills already buffed by MotE i hope, you have an answer!


Hello! Damage increases in Diablo are an unfortunately hidden and convoluted system. The 200% damage rolls for Avalanche (on Dread Iron) and Earthquake (on Blade of the Tribes) fall into the same category of damage increases (skill damage rolls) as skill rolls on gear, and are additive with each other. The set bonus is an independent multiplier. Hopefully that cleared some of the confusion?


Hello there :> Terrific work as usual.


One question: after I do the three-leap+boulder-to-the-face combo, I still have a second or two left on the leap cooldowns. I've seen videos of people chaining it and I have no idea how. I even have CDR on the shoulders, in the helm gem and maxed as paragon, but I still can't permaleap like I've seen so many people do.


What am I doing wrong? Thanks!


Thanks! Have you maxed Fury in Paragons? Have you taken Animosity? These are potential little omissions that can lead to an incomplete reset.

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Guest Schwede

Thx Deadset!


That's a very helpful and important information to evaluate the influence of the different buffs!

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