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[H - Draenor - EU] Aero - a serious m+ and raiding guild!

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Guild & Server: Aero - Draenor [H]

Previously - https://raider.io/guilds/eu/silvermoon/Eat Sleep Deplete

Cross realm/faction: No

Language(s): English

Raid Times/Days: Wednesday/Sunday 20:30 - 23:00 Realm Time

Current Progression: 8/8HC

Recruitment Contacts: Discord; Tomsen#7837 / ShaneyyM#5477

REQUIREMENTS: Active M+ players with a minimum score to achieve KSM (To Match Core Members) and 7/8HC (So that people have knowledge of the raid and are close to ready to push into mythic)

We are a core group of players that have already achieved curve together as we ran "Eat Sleep Deplete" on Silvermoon and have decided that for the benefit of progress we want to swap to horde. we have brought a core of around 10 players with us and we want to grow the core bigger for an active M+ community within the guild and for 2 day a week mythic progression.

What we can offer you:
-Competitive environment for both M+ and raid
-Strong social core without cliques
-Raid consumables and guild repair
-Dedicated officer group that only wants the best for the guild and it's members
-Mythic plus nights on a tuesday to help/ensure that everyone has weeklies


Needs: Tank, Healers and DPS.

Edited by Tomseno
Some information needed to be spesified. as in what we were before changing realm and to provide evidence so that new recruits can see what we have achieved.

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