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Breakfast Raiders recruiting daytime raiders 3/8 mythic

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3/8M Vault of the Incarnates

Who are we:
Hello and welcome to the Breakfast Raiders!
As our name suggests it, we are a morning raiding guild, founded prior to Shadowlands launch on Alliance side. We reform now on the Horde side seeking better odds, filling in our raiders’ spots.

We are mature players (18+ and well above), with some of us being so mature that we decided to have kids of our own, childish enough to take the time and have fun together in WoW, but dedicated and determined in mythic raiding content and aiming towards CE.
We welcome players with similar background but not only, as long as we share the same goal: spending quality time together.

We are a multicultural team, from all around Europe and Middle-East and we value and respect our diversity.
There is a place for everybody in our guild, be it social member or dedicated raider. Mature, yet relaxed attitude is highly appreciated.

We offer:

A team of passionate raiders that work together towards a common goal.
A home where we are playing together both in and outside raids.
Raid leading team that have accomplished Cutting Edge before.
Flat guild structure, we want people to take responsibility and talk in the open.

Our expectations:

English speaking, with microphone and willing to use it.
High attendance.
Strive to be as good as you can, and help others achieve it.
Able to take constructive criticism.
Be prepared on tactics, requirements and personal consumables.

Schedule (server time):
Thursday 09:30 - 12:30 GMT +1
Friday 09:30 - 12:30 GMT +1

We will often take 5-10 min breaks one or twice during the raid.

Loot system:
We use loot council to help with distribution to those where the items does the most for progression. We believe in team play, and we are all pushing for progression.

What we are looking for:

Dedicated raiders, who want to progress even when it gets hard!
Multi-spec is a bonus not a requirement.

All DPS specs considered

High prio:

Enhancement shaman
WW monk

Ranged DPS:

High prio:

Elemental shaman
Devastation evoker
Shadow priest

If you are interested to start on our journey towards CE in the future updates, then please contact our Recruitment Officer for info.

Bnet/discord tags: Addison#2977 or Addison#7428

Guild Discord: discord. gg/tbbrpheaQN

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