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Garrison Min/Maxing

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I'm suprised there isn't a discussion on what the optimal garison buildings will be, lets start a discussion on what you all believe are the "best", here's my view:



Small Options (3 slots):

-Profession Building


-Salvage Yard


I think the stand-out building here is the Salvage Yard, it provides a chance at follower upgrade items as an additional by-product of missions.  Once your followers hit max level epic, they have a set of ilevel 600 items which can be upgraded only through follower upgrade items.  These additional ilevels unlock higher difficulty missions with better rewards.


The storehouse on the other hand seems pretty lackluster.  Its tiers allow bank access and additional work orders.  Additonal work orders are pretty worthless unless you plan on logging in less then once every 3 days.


It really seems like the best option here is to match your professions, if you're running 2 crafting professions, with a possiblity of running an enchanting study to allow for disenchantment of your own items.



Medium Options (2 slots):


-Trading Post


-Gladiator's Sanctum

-Lumber Mill



Of the 5 possible medium buildings I think the Inn is the most important.  It allows you to recruit a follower with a selected trait or ability of your choice once a week.  Additionally gives daily dungeon quests for extra gold, and an additional mission type (treasure hunter).  Most followers you'll obtain will end up with random traits and abilities, being able to make sure you get followers with the specific traits you want will be of huge importance.


Beyond that, I would reccomend steering clear of the lumber mill.  While my premade was able to get 10k resources at the onset, I've stayed level at 6k resources with minimal effort.  The resources provided by the war mill work orders (which like all work orders take 4 hours each to complete) seems more built around those who just want to log on weekly to push some buttons on their garison and not bother with it otherwise.



Large Options (2 slots):




-Mage Tower




I believe that the best combination of the 5 are the Barracks and Bunker.  The Barracks has 2 important bonuses, level 1 unlocks high XP follower missions, which will be vital to leveling up your followers, and level 3 grants 5 additonal follower slots.  This allows for more missions to be done, and makes it much easier to set aside followers to work at your garison buildings without as large of impact to the number of missions you can do.


The case for the bunker is a bit weaker.  Its main draw is its level 2 rewards, which allows for work orders to be placed for garison resources that have a decent chance at rewarding follower items (about 20-40% from what i've seen) which I believe will be key.  Additionally, the work orders have a chance to contain apexis shards and will always contain transmog currency (meh).  The level 1 bunker is also a very good leveling bonus as it increases the chance your quest reward will be upgraded from green->blue, and blue->purple.

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I haven't looked at garrisons whatever, though I may soon, but what do you know about the inscription building? I heard you could do that to make some easy DMC

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Creating Inscription Items Without Inscription

If you select the Scribe's Quarters without having Inscription, an NPC can craft some recipes for you. You can get herbs to mill by building a Herb Garden.

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I've been taking dozens and dozens of pages of notes on Garrisons (spending several hours playing them every day). I agree with the Storehouse being completely useless. That said, I think the Lumber Mill will be necessary early on, because you won't start out with 10k resources, as we did on beta, although the Garrison Cache gives 1 resource every 10 minutes, so that's 144 per day.

I haven't gotten my Inn to level 3 yet, so I don't know what these Treasure Hunts are (and I don't plan on reading it on another website tongue.png). But here too, I agree that the Inn will be very useful at first, especially if there is no follower with your profession traits that can be unlocked by a quest.

I haven't done a lot of testing on Large buildings yet.

  On 10/1/2014 at 11:50 AM, Brewmonksta said:

Creating Inscription Items Without Inscription

If you select the Scribe's Quarters without having Inscription, an NPC can craft some recipes for you. You can get herbs to mill by building a Herb Garden.

inv_misc_book_08.gifSecrets of Draenor Inscription: This spell is a daily cooldown that takes 2 inv_inscription_pigment_cerulean.gif Cerulean Pigment. It creates currency needed to purchase many recipes:So get alts with lvl 2 buidlings tongue.png

That's very interesting, I didn't notice that, as I made 4 characters, each with different crafting professions and build the corresponding buildings in my Garrison tongue.png I guess I need to add this to my TODO list.

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Great topic.  My Beta experience was tied directly to raiding, so I'm looking forward to see more opinions here!  Damien, do you plan on sharing your notes on the forums?

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  On 10/7/2014 at 1:12 PM, Gwenymph said:

Great topic.  My Beta experience was tied directly to raiding, so I'm looking forward to see more opinions here!  Damien, do you plan on sharing your notes on the forums?

I don't think so, I'll just make them directly into guides. It's not that I don't want to, but formatting them in a way that they can be shared is going to demand the same amount of work as writing the guides, so I might as well write the guides directly tongue.png

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If you can only get Savage Blood from the Barn, it sounds like it will be extremely important, especially early on.

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Thanks TLTeo.


It seems Tannery lets you craft without the profession epic leather armor, epic cape, inv_cape_draenorpvp_d_02caster_blue.jpgFine Blue and Gold Tent and well also the BL drums which can be useful if you sometimes pug like me.


Scribe's Quarter lets you craft heroic dungeon level staves (630 is hc dungeon drop right?) but also darkmoon cards which are certainly attractive.


I guess a weapon can be farmed a bit from dungeons and with War Mill maybe you get lucky with quests, left to chance. I'm a bit undecided, I think I'll be getting war mill asap.


edit: as alchemist I dont even need Savage Blood or do I? Nope I dont, could be worth making a barn later on for money.

Edited by Pwnzie

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I did a character copy lvl 90 and levelled all the way to 100, and went for the Inn. Big mistake. You're gonna want that Lumber Mill ASAP. You can bulldoze it later for an Inn, but you'll need the extra resources to level your garrison and buildings to tier 3 first.


Otherwise you depend on resources from quests which are rarer the higher your level, rare elites who only give you resources the first time you kill them or, like I had to, summoning my smuggler in Spires of Arakk every 10 min hoping he had resource crates.. 

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I agree with Diedre for the Lumber Mill until you have upgraded all others to tier 3 and keep hiting the 10k cap on resources.  The LM gives you two followers and you can buy a trap/grenade from the Barov guy even if he is deactivated.


While they really want us to have a barracks I suggest building a Dwarven Bunker first while leveling.  It doubles the chance of quest/drop items to auto-upgrade which is wonderstrukk.  Just suffer with 5 active followers until you get a second large slot.

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My main currently has:

L3 Barracks (+5 followers, and various field benefits once I get rep with bodyguards)
L3 Bunker (for the free raid token)


L3 LM, which will be switched for an Inn once I finish the current WO queue. I honestly made the wrong choice to start here, but hey, 2 followers.
L2 Trading post, so I can work on rep. Will probably swap for a Barn eventually, for raiding food and Savage Bloods.


L3 Alchemy Shack (I'm an alch)
L2 Engi Hut (For making pets, guns, and various toys)
L3 Salvage Yard (Self explanatory)


Worth noting is that the Engineering Works allows you to buy Walter, a field-useable bank bot. (I don't find any of the other engineering works items to be worth mentioning.) So if you only wanted the Storehouse for bank access, this is a good alternative that also lets you sell guns and pets.

Pretty much all my alts are levelling with a Dwarven Bunker/War Mill for the questing upgrades, an Inn to recruit Salvagers, (or Barn if they're a skinner/tailor, so I can feed my profs) and relevant profession building(s); if the follower has a gathering prof, I make their second building one that uses Ore, since every prof building has SOMETHING you can sell on the AH, and everyone gets a Mine. Might as well use that free ore. (Also, with today's hotfix, you can use a blacksmith or jewelcrafter building to turn that ore into BoE blues for disenchanting.)

I'm a big fan of the inn, because Salvager followers are almost more valuable than a lumber mill or trading post. At L100, they're DEFINITELY more valuable. A 3-follower L100(615) mission rewards 130 resources base. 630 grants 175. A single Scavenger triples that, and they stack additively. So with 3 scavengers, you could get an incredible 1225 resources from ONE MISSION. (175 + (175*2)*3) Get that inn going early, so you can start recruiting and training Scavengers up tp Epic quality.

I think my "standard" endgame setup will be: Barracks, Bunker, Inn, Barn, Main Prof Bldg, 2nd prof building/Jc/BS/Eng, Salvage Yard.

Edited by Edonae

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I am really confused and dont want to spend 40 more hours reading, could you give advice as for what would be the best garrison builds for Tailor enchanter to make gold, and garrison supplies! I made 100 and cant get enough garrison supplies to upgrade to castle. Any help would greatly be appreciated


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For Garrison Resources:

- Trading Post (random resources to garrison resources)

- Lumber Mill (logs to GR if you are into running around for logs)

- Don't forget to empty Garrison stash (about 100 GR a day)

- Followers GR missions. Try always put followers with the Scavenger trait for this kind of missions. If you don't have followers-scavengers, hire a new ones in the Tavern.


For Gold:

- lvl 3 Salvage Yard - only here you'll get big boxes with some viable loot. The rule: vendor all the greens, DE blues, AH epics.

Do not disenchant greens - they worth 1-2 dust - less then the vendor price of a gear piece. Blues DE for 10-12 dusts.

- Followers Gold missions - send only followers with Treasure Hunting trait.  If you don't have followers with this trait, hire a new ones in the Tavern.

- Build Enchanter's Study to make more Temporal Crystals - sell top enchants on AH if they are worth good money on your server.


Tailoring: don't worth a lot in terms of gold. Crafted gear doesn't cost a lot of money now.

So here you have two possibilities:

- Build Tailoring Emporium and a Barn, craft Hexweave Essences and sell them on AH.

- Switch to Alchemy or Jewelcrafting and sell 685 BoE trinkets (Alchemy) or blue gems (JS).


I described the easiest ways to earn gold without putting much time into farming. About 10 min. every day for gathering resources and BoE resources crafting and 40-60 min twice a week to restock professional buildings and farming logs/beasts if you choose Lumber Mill or Barn.

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Cant like Pandacho's post enough.


If you are struggling for "instant" Garrison resources - then farming rares / treasures is a great way to go too.


But ultimately getting an inn with scavenger traits then treasure hunters will help a LOT.


You get to the stage where missions and followers alone will provide you with a huge amount of surplus GR!


Hope that helps!

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