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6.1 Affliction Guide

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Hey all, I have read everywhere for openers most are all the same as the one posted on the front page. I do it exactly as shown but am still not "bursting" (for lack of a better term) I see some Affi's that a few seconds after pull are doing 53k, where as i never pull over 20-23k on pull. Am I over all missing something? 




Any help would be appreciated before I lose my raid team spot :/

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Drain Life




Did you mean drain soul? Because drain life is not how this is done. 


Also, if you are not using SB:Haunt you should be using Service popping out that extra DG every 2 minutes.

Edited by Middari

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Did you mean drain soul? Because drain life is not how this is done. 


Yes Drain Soul. lol. long day.





I am not using SB:Haunt usually cataclysm (very rarely) and Demonic Servitude with Supremacy as Tier 5

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Yes Drain Soul. lol. long day.





I am not using SB:Haunt usually cataclysm (very rarely) and Demonic Servitude with Supremacy as Tier 5



Well, give service a try and see if that helps. If you use it on CD it has the potential to be very good.


Otherwise you will need to post some logs for us to help.

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Honestly that doesn't look terrible.


DoT uptimes were fine, Haunt up time was ok but could be higher.


You used two potions, but your guild lusted at the end (probably because they still thought he gains more damage like he did on Beta), and you were using glyph of Dark Soul which most people agree is pretty bad. Even more so considering you have SoN which should be paired with DS on all but your extra charge via AD.


You maintained Haunt throughout Dark Soul.


It was just the nature of you playing a spec that wasn't very good in that parse; you should have played Demonology with Synergy and Demonbolt.

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Tried Demo could not figure it out at all.


I think on those logs i was using more haste. Wondering if i should switch all my mastery enchants back to haste.


I'll relog again tonight if i can get warcraft logs all set up. Cause i'm actually doing worse then in those logs.

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I think Mastery is generally the best stat to stack for all 3 specs, but don't expect any wild swings in DPS from changing a couple hundred secondary stats. We're talking peanuts here.

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I also have another question. If i am not specced in to Soulburn:Haunt should i be using soulburn at all during a fight? i currently have not been.

It is a pure DPS loss because of losing Haunt uptime.


Don't do that besides cases you are battle resurrected and you need to summon your pet.

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So is there actually a rule on whether to use full time Doomy or SB: Haunt for single target (ST) fights?


My item level is 677 with just under 13% haste if that matters.


Mostly at the moment I am wondering for Blackhand (normal). I know there are 2 tanks but it's pretty much ST. By looking at logs it seems all 3 specs are relatively close and I do not feel confident yet to use Demo DemServ on a fight I do not know completely so Affliction it is. Slightly off topic but how does Destro do so well there?


So yes Affliction and it seems both ways can do decent so I was leaning towards DemServ and getting the pet to do more of the work for me while I run around like a headless chicken. Have to say I was missing Demonic Leap for the Mark and tanks.


What about for Gruul and Ore (heroic)? Until I get my Demo spec back in line. 


Thanks for any help in advance

Edited by spikeysquad

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I believe gahhda mentioned in the battle.net warlock forums that you'll want SB:H with 4pc, DemServ without, and DemServ for heavy movement.

Read around before asking.dry.png

Running around like a headless chicken is all I do on Blackhand.

Go DemServ, because you also lose some Drain Soul uptime = lose shards.

The thing is that tanks recieve increased damage when their buff falls. Punch them with big punches and get bigger output, that's easy.

Ore is 100% DemServ. Gruul is questionable. I do not question my RNG and my haste level by prefering DemServ/.

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Thanks for the reply Paracel. Yeah I did read around and Googled with no luck but no I didn't surf through all of this thread again as I have read it before but I don't have the memory to remember that post. Sometimes, not through lack of trying, it is hard finding information when it is spread all over the place and there is so much to go through.   


Yeah I was pretty much running DemServ so will stick with it, thank you.

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I finally got my 4p bonus, so i switched to sb:haunt. Most of the time i havel ike 98% Haunting Spirits uptime, though there are  (rarely) times, when i have 4soulshards, and for refreshing the buff i still have plenty of time. Should i use a single haunt till then, or cast a soulburn and wait for the time to refresh with haunt?
I'd also like to know if i should cast dark soul the moment it becomes available by the 4p bonus, or wait for procs?
I may also have a favor to ask. I'm pretty confident about my dps nowtimes, but want to know if i could do more, so pls guide me if i did something wrong.
Gruul fight

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DS usage is simple.
You want to sync it with buffs, and with Haunt debuff.
The other point is that you shouldn't be waiting too much for your cooldown time to be wasted.
AD makes a great deal for you here, not only giving you 1 free damage cooldown, but also giving you some time to wait for proc.


Using Haunt outside of Soulburn is a question of decision making. If you are sure you'll be able to refresh your buff - then your Haunt is pretty much spare and you got to cast it in order to avoid overcapping.

Edit : remembered one thing - my Simcraft has shown me almost 800 dps difference between SB Haunt and Serv/Serv, favouring the latter. Is that OK?
I'm still not quite sure SB Haunt can pull ahead of Serv/Serv because of passive damage and very much increased Haunt uptime. Can somebody prove me that I'm really wrong and RNG>stability?

Edited by Paracel

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So I have playing Affliction casually again in the hopes of being slightly less useless come 6.2 and when I may be playing it in our progress raids. I have been looking over some logs (an example if you need to see what I mean) and each one has 2 sets of DoTs. At first I thought well this would perhaps be regular DoTs and then ones buffed by Haunt but it isn't a 30% damage difference between the 2 sets and the number of ticks is not correct. So what are they? 


Secondly does anyone know of a good log reading explanation/guide for Affliction? I have tried searching but to no avail. I guess it is similar to Demo though and if no one knows of one will do a list later and see what I am missing.


http://summonstone.com/warlock/affliction/Another guide that people may find useful.  


Thanks for reading. 

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So what are they? 


spell_shadow_haunting.jpgDrain Soul "When Drain Soul deals damage, it causes all of your other damage over time spells on the target to instantly deal 40% of their normal damage."



Secondly does anyone know of a good log reading explanation/guide for Affliction? 



I've never written nor have I seen a guide for looking at Aff logs, but really there isn't really much to look at for Aff, it isn't complex by any means. Are your uptimes high? Are you using Shards right? Are you using your DS/trinkets on cooldown and/or with procs?


Of the specs in the game, Aff is one of the, if not the most, simple to look at.

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