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Protection Paladin 6.2

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Guest hjial

Can we have an update to the stats priority? Mastery got a pretty big nerf last hot fix.

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Any thoughts on the worth of Kyb's Foolish Perseverance? Is the 594 stam worth it? Or is it better to focus trinkets with mastery, bonus armor or vers?


Avoid it. It's good to keep you from being 2-3 shotted in some scenarios, but flat stats will make a huge difference for your healers rather than just having HP.

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thank you very much for your guide! It's helped me a LOT on my boosted Paladin and allowed me to make a fresh, clean start into the new expansion after a heavy burnout on World of Warcraft during Mists of Pandaria.


I have some points to make about the guide:



In the Rotation/Cooldowns/Abilities article, there remains an outdated paragraph about Sacred Shield:




If you chose wow_icon_ability_paladin_blessedmending. Sacred Shield, then you should keep up this buff on yourself with a 100% uptime. It is worth noting that the power of Sacred Shield is affected by Resolve. This means that, if you pre-cast Sacred Shield on yourself before the fight starts, you should refresh it as soon as your Vengeance increases after the pull.


This is no longer true, as Sacred Shield no longer 'snapshots'. Every new instance of the absorb will use your current Resolve, eliminating the need for early re-casts.



In the Talents article, I feel an extra sentence should be added to the Tier 2 section. While I understand that Icy Veins is primarily intended for raiders, I feel the significance of spell_holy_prayerofhealing.jpgRepentance in Heroics should at least be stated. Being able to set your own CC for dungeon fights, in order to dictate your own pace, is invaluable utility.


I'm saying this because I thought to myself "Gee, I wish tanks had their own CC so I wouldn't have to rely on impatient randoms", only to have a friend point out that Repentance is a talent choice which I completely oversaw in the guide. Life's been glorious since.



I believe that, somewhere, there should be a mention of Avenger's Shield not breaking CC indirectly. Unlike Holy Wrath, Avenger's Shield will never bounce to a target under CC spells such as Repentance, Polymorph etc. It's just good to know.



I also believe that Cleanse should be mentioned in the "Mastering your Protection Paladin" section of the Rotation / Cooldowns / Abilities article, as cleansing debuffs from yourself will make your healer's life much easier, and there is ample space for it in the rotation filler gaps we have.

Edited by ividyon
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I wonder when they gave us Repentance back :o I remember wanting in 6.0 SoO and it wasn't an option for us!

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Guest facematronic

Interesting that the prot picture on the splash page still features wings, which we can no longer use as prot sad.png

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Guest Vincense

Did a bit of number crushing myself, bonus armor vs mastery.

Since armor is affected by dr and mastery isnt, there is a shift change with the dmg reduction from SotR, ot shifts around 3000 armor.
Didn't take attackpower and Sacred Shield into account, but the shift ought to still count.

Which basically means that at 3000 mastery becomes more prominent to get than armor, but then again it is also dependent on style of playing, btw this is without taking the lvl 100 talent holy shield into account.

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Guest Rynnele

You mention under the Consumable portion that Savage Feast gives 150 Stamina, however that seems to be incorrect for virtually every Paladin i've talked to.  for me it gives 100 Crit.  

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You mention under the Consumable portion that Savage Feast gives 150 Stamina, however that seems to be incorrect for virtually every Paladin i've talked to.  for me it gives 100 Crit.

It gives 100 of your highest stat (pre buffs)

Youre getting crit means you have more crit than anything else.

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Did a bit of number crushing myself, bonus armor vs mastery.

Since armor is affected by dr and mastery isnt, there is a shift change with the dmg reduction from SotR, ot shifts around 3000 armor.

Didn't take attackpower and Sacred Shield into account, but the shift ought to still count.

Which basically means that at 3000 mastery becomes more prominent to get than armor, but then again it is also dependent on style of playing, btw this is without taking the lvl 100 talent holy shield into account.

If youd like to theorycraft on the idea behind this I recommend taking this to Theck, whos behind the theorycrafting of prot section of this website.

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Guest Okaeri

Why are a lot of world ranking paladins running crit wep/armor enchants, etc. with virtually no vers?

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Interesting that the prot picture on the splash page still features wings, which we can no longer use as prot sad.png

I think this can stay as a nostalgic touch!

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Guest Xologrim

Can we have an update to the stats priority? Mastery got a pretty big nerf last hot fix.


I'd be interested in this as well.

Atm I'm using mastery/versatility wherever possible, but I'd like confirmation that mastery is still our strongest stat outside of bonus armor.

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Guest IamVasen

the macros dont seem to work for me.... can somebody explain how they work?


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I am interested whether the advice on this guide will be updated to reflect the latest changes to haste and the nerf to Shield of the Righteous.


Haters Gonna Haste
Posted on January 13, 2015 by Theck




Based on Theck's numbers and a 2300 word post, Haste is now at the top of the stat priorities.


Bonus Armor > Haste (to 50%) > Crit (Seraphim) >= Mastery > Crit = Vers > Multistrike > Haste (above 50%) [from Sacred Duty]

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Guest Pawtus

If i've understood correctly, Theck himself updates this icy veins resource and will perhaps undertake this endeavour as soon as he has got the time. From what i read at sacredduty.net its not something he's got in abundance at the moment smile.png

In advance: Cheers, theck!

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Guest paper

This kind of thing depends a lot on your tanking style, and the environment in which you are in. For example, why I would say that it is impressive that you can solo-tank the towers without needing any healers, I'd ask why you would ever need to do that to begin with, since you have healers in the raid.


The guides we write are intended to be of use to characters progressing on difficult content. Not the most cutting edge of progression, because that's really where the innovation happens, but not farming old content either, because that's where you can get away with a lot.


So, I'm confident to say that if you were to be doing the same fight on Mythic, or progressing on a boss in the upcoming Highmaul, you'd find that Mastery would help you more.

i cant remember the guys name, but there was a high ranked prot pala who went in to exceptional detail and theorycrafting picturing each stats value per point, and haste is REALLY REALLY REALLY!!!! low compared to the other, it was best in MOP, but it's just not even worth trying to get. it is INSANELY bad at the moment

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Guest Wgunder1

I think this can stay as a nostalgic touch!

Well in reality we stilll have our wings they just only appear when our Guardian is popped.

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Guest Renegade

1.1. Generic Macros for Paladins

Most of the addons for Paladins revolve around allowing you to use your utility spells on your mouseover target.

shouldn't it say "Most of the macros" instead of addons?

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1.1. Generic Macros for Paladins

Most of the addons for Paladins revolve around allowing you to use your utility spells on your mouseover target.

shouldn't it say "Most of the macros" instead of addons?

You are right. Fixing it now. Thanks!


Also, all the guide does now reflect all the hotfix changes, I believe.

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Guest TT

I am interested whether the advice on this guide will be updated to reflect the latest changes to haste and the nerf to Shield of the Righteous.


Haters Gonna Haste
Posted on January 13, 2015 by Theck




Based on Theck's numbers and a 2300 word post, Haste is now at the top of the stat priorities.


Bonus Armor > Haste (to 50%) > Crit (Seraphim) >= Mastery > Crit = Vers > Multistrike > Haste (above 50%) [from Sacred Duty]



As I see, this change has not been released. 


Blizzard said: Please note that the following class tuning hofixes are not active yet. These hotfixes are still undergoing testing and will be implemented as soon as possible.



So until then, the Mastery should be at the top of the stat priority, should not be? 

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Guest Reuben


As I see, this change has not been released. 


Blizzard said: Please note that the following class tuning hofixes are not active yet. These hotfixes are still undergoing testing and will be implemented as soon as possible.



So until then, the Mastery should be at the top of the stat priority, should not be? 



Actually these changes are live. Test it yourself smile.png

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Guest TT

Actually these changes are live. Test it yourself smile.png


Ohh yes, you are right, thank you!

I see it now. I misunderstand the article, sorry smile.png

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Shame the guide isn't being updated at all. Had the topic on my watchlist for a few months now; nothing. I'd do it for free if I could.

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Guest Guest Telataur



First of all, thank you for all the effort you put in to this website. All of you. 

As a kind of "fresh" player I ended up on icy-veins about 1 1/2 years ago as I used noxxic before and never went back. 

I really appreciate how you usually explain different decision, especially when it comes to stat priorities, which allows me to take this in consideration but still go for a slightly different solution in the end. 


I'm a bit confused now, about the new stat priority. Since thorughout the whole forum threat you value haste last and then suddenly a bit ago, haste suddenly became second without even a percentage. Does that mean, we should stack as much haste as we can? I run my palladin prot/ret and keep using the ilvl 630 bonus armor/mastery cape instead of the ilvl 640 haste/multistrike as I figured both stats are more valuable than the slight ilvl increase I get form them. 

Could you maybe add a short explanation to the haste stat or give me a short update here?


A second question - I googled it but didn't find a satisfying answer - is there a way to make a macro so the player with the lowest health is tareted with my holy prism? Would it also be possible to target the player with the highest threat, besides the tanks?
I like to use holy prism a lot to generate threat when several adds are involved.


Thanks in avance for your answer.



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