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Dot Tracking?

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With Affdots no longer being a thing (and not working on 6.0), is there a recommended DoT tracker, or are we just building weak auras at this point?

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Well Affdots wasn't actually working for me when I logged in today, so unless they update it, I'm out of luck on that.

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Yeah, AffDots isn't working at all at the moment.

I have Raven - I use it to track other spells and buffs.  I know it can track DoTs and does a decent job, but I have it turned off.  And while the end result looks fine it's a pain in the ass to configure and setup.  

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This is what I made real quick before raid today when I saw AffDots wasn't working



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I saw that last night an alpha version of Affdots was released.  Mine still seems to work, albeit with a lua error.  I've like this add-on so much that I'm holding out until the release version to see how it is.

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Affdots is literally only good for tracking DoTs now.  Its primary use of monitoring the current spell power coefficient of your DoTs is an outdated method of optimizing DPS.  The number should literally always read 100.

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Affdots is literally only good for tracking DoTs now.  Its primary use of monitoring the current spell power coefficient of your DoTs is an outdated method of optimizing DPS.  The number should literally always read 100.


I will be admitting my own personal lameness here, but that is one of the reasons I switched from affdots to just using Weakauras to track (which now that I think about was a month or so ago).   My lameness?  My dot uptimes were *horrid*  in the 80% range.  It seemed like during fights I was always watching and refreshing, but logs don't lie.


Solution?  Knowing I would not need affdots to track power, switch to weakauras.  Lame weakauras that start bouncing when time to refresh, big obvious shake slide in when missing, that sort of thing.


Yes, lame, but Dot uptime went from that 80% to 95% + instantly.  Without doing a bunch of extra casts (Well, other than when I still try to snapshot buff)  :D

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Yea, i just made some based off lockys and i actually like using it. Im always for ways to get rid of other addons. 


I then decided to make one for destro...and realized we have one dot to track lol.

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I use PolMonitor for Dot Tracking instead of AffDots now.  Its been around since Burning Crusade.


I rebuilt everything for all my classes around PolMonitor in WOD now and its the only thing I use (eliminated Bartender, AffDots, etc).




Edited by Soulflower

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