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6.0.2 Earthquake Spam?

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Is this something we're to get used to? I do sort of like being able to lie down a few EQ's on top of each other, but with no Recount, I can't tell if this is a viable strategy. Did we just go from CL spam to EQ spam? I mean... my Echo of Elements truly does proc enough for me to get about 4-5 EQ's out, but I'm wondering if that's what I should be doing. Do I just want to use the one EQ, then CL filler and wait for Echo to pop again and use Lava Burst on a high priority target?


Any clarification on what others think would be awesome! Thanks for your help! 

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I wanted to test this on the beta, but it won't let me in. I guess I'll try again tomorrow, if I don't forget tongue.png

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After getting Recount up and going through a raid, I can confirm that this isn't very viable. 


You just want to use the one Earthquake at the beginning and then go with the usual rotation of CL and then pick a single target to FS and use LB procs. Fulmination's 15 stacks is also important, so dump that when it's ready.


**On my own tangent, I can't say I'm thrilled with Molten Earth. It does about 35-40% of our damage and it's a simple passive. I was personally a fan of Chain Lightning spam due to it's flash and excessive damage, but now it's damage has been reduced considerably and those giant Molten Earth crits of 18-22K is what (tries to) make up for it. Oh well... Change is change and we'll get used to it in time.**

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Really? I just did some beta testing and with 4+ targets, you should definitely spam Earthquake when you have Echo of the Elements proc.

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