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MM clear top spec for us on every fight.

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I assume you mean for hunters?


Yes I should've clarified that.


Edit: Changed the title.

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Hey niix, was looking over your garrosh kill and noticed that you have way better uptime on your sniper training then i do. was just wondering if you're part of a bait group for decicrate in P2. (assuming you use such a strat). also is barrage used off cd? id assume so but id like to get more input.

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Hey niix, was looking over your garrosh kill and noticed that you have way better uptime on your sniper training then i do. was just wondering if you're part of a bait group for decicrate in P2. (assuming you use such a strat). also is barrage used off cd? id assume so but id like to get more input.


I do engineers as well as desecrates. I have a very helpful weak aura for Sniper Training you can find HERE.


For Barrage you use it on cooldown unless Chimaera Shot is coming off, or you aren't above 80% health or in Rapid Fire. 

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