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    I would to start to this post not because I am mad about prunning or nerfing of abilities but to be constructive (first post ever). I believe in general that the changes and adjustments in patch 6.0.2 have been very good and look promising in Warlords of Draenor. Abilities and skills are being balanced for level 100 and not level 90. This is good considering that the current content is irrelevant and nerfed. However the change to Warlocks Level 90 talent Kil'jaeden Cunning (also known is KJC) once again is pointless, uncreative, and bland(too much like Icy flows for Mages).


    Lets face it, the ability to cast and move has been a controversial topic and skill that Blizzard is trying to stray away from because it is too valuable(overpowered) in multiple situations. So why on Azeroth have a talent that even allows it. KJC in its current state is the same talent it was when Mists of Pandaria was came out. KJC has changed so many times that it has become redundant. The talent that it would be better off replaced looking at the new content and where it is headed.


    Now, I know it is impossible to balance every class, spec, talent, and gypth but I believe there is an easy fix if you consider the following. Remove KJC and replace it with a signature spell that changes depending on what spec (just how meteor works for Mages). Heres an Example of what could be done.


Affliction- Soulharvest: Siphon enemies within 8 yards for X Shadow damage. Each hit increases the chance to proc nightfall by X% per hit (Max 5 hits). 30 sec cooldown instant cast.


Demonology- Shadowflame: Targets in a cone in front of the caster take X Shadow damage. Each hit generates X fury (Max 5 hits). 1 min cooldown instant cast.


Destruction- Backlash: Causes your next 2 incinerates to be instant and do X% more damage. 1.5 min cooldown instant cast.


    Those are just some ideas. I'm sure there are far better ones then that. The possibilities are endless and I think Blizzards lead devolopers and community would agree. So offer what you think and lets get this topic rolling (Zagam you rock!). Excuse my grammatical errors.

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Affliction- Soulharvest: Siphon enemies within 8 yards for X Shadow damage. Each hit increases the chance to proc nightfall by X% per hit (Max 5 hits). 30 sec cooldown instant cast.


Demonology- Shadowflame: Targets in a cone in front of the caster take X Shadow damage. Each hit generates X fury (Max 5 hits). 1 min cooldown instant cast.


Destruction- Backlash: Causes your next 2 incinerates to be instant and do X% more damage. 1.5 min cooldown instant cast.


    Those are just some ideas. I'm sure there are far better ones then that. The possibilities are endless and I think Blizzards lead devolopers and community would agree. So offer what you think and lets get this topic rolling (Zagam you rock!). Excuse my grammatical errors.



Needs new names. 


Giving Aff something that could do REAL AoE would be nice. So I can 60% like that idea. Still lack luster though.


Demo is kind of a new flavor throw back, not thrilled with it but I wouldn't hate it either.


I'd rather have KJC over the Destro idea. That's just boring*boring.


Not bad though.



Also, welcome to the forums.

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I think KJC will prove useful for Demonology tbh.


Depending on how the dust settles around Demonbolt, if it stays at 4 casts once a minute (or however people are saying is best right now) with the Dark Soul Glyph, syncing it up with KJC on fights with tons of movement may prove invaluable.


Something like Warlord Blackhand had near constant movement whilst proving mainly Single Target. I think KJC will be amazing here. There are many other fights it will be great on too.

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Not sure about Shadowflame.   Something like Fel Fog would be cooler, exhaling a fel mist instead of a cone of shadow. :D


Good point on KJC for demo, would be bad to lose that burst....

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KJC for destron on Garrosh Tranistion 1 adds is rediculous, add in 2 more warlocks and that phase is all over. 

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I still like what I believe was Shizwix's idea of just replacing it with Fel Flame, increasing it's damage, and having it slightly extend Corruption/Immolate.  This would make the most sense for Destro at least since it is currently the least mobile spec and is centered around 'fiery' abilities.

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I think KJC will prove useful for Demonology tbh.


Depending on how the dust settles around Demonbolt, if it stays at 4 casts once a minute (or however people are saying is best right now) with the Dark Soul Glyph, syncing it up with KJC on fights with tons of movement may prove invaluable.


Something like Warlord Blackhand had near constant movement whilst proving mainly Single Target. I think KJC will be amazing here. There are many other fights it will be great on too.


People highly underestimate this fact. Most fights on beta the top 5 guild warlock's were running KJC/demonbolt. AD is significantly more lackluster than most people apparently think, giving it some god tier status where it's 100% required. It really isn't very good for any spec. It ranges from about 2% for destro to about 4% for demo. Particularly in the case of demonbolt, assuring you get off your demonbolt cycle is the most crucial thing, and movement fucks that up royally.


Yes, in general KJC is mediocre for demo, but when demonbolt gets added to the mix, it quickly becomes the obvious choice on many MANY MAAAANY fights in t17.

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Most people are just talking about how good AD is right now with shortened fights.  Anyone thinking it trumps MF or KJC in longer fights (5+ minutes) needs their noggin' checked.

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Coming from someone who began playing in 5.4, I've found KJC's new form to be very tactical and fun to play around with. Takes some of the mindlessness away from Destro. I use it in pretty much every SoO fight, good practice for when it will be necessary down the road. I look forward to learning Demo, I see it as our "mobile spec", combining KJC with the instant-cast Corruption and HoG, not to mention Leap.


Immersius - situational slime coverage

Golden Lotus - usually pop it when Sun's Desperate Measures goes up

Norushen - Trial, and moving for beams

Pride - If i'm far-portal or we're spreading

Galakras - When placing Fireballs

Dark Shaman - can't think of a time during this fight that movement is needed...from anybody. We usually just pile into the AH for it.

Nazgrim - Portal-dancing with assassins

Malkorok - stack phase/grabbing a puddle

Spoils - any time really

Blackfuse ^

Thok - Nice during kite phase

Klaxxi - any time really

Gary - Transitions/any time we need to spread for whirling corruption.


While I would go back to roto-turreting in a heartbeat, I know it's not happening. I'll get used to this talent and be better off for it. It builds situational awareness.


OP: I think you have a really neat idea there, I would rather see AD go away though!

Edited by Copperbad

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