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WoW foreign language

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Hubby played Wow 20 (what??) years ago. Hardcore. Multiple lvl 60 toons. We just started playing from 1 in February together, me for the first time. I am a level 46 dwarf priest, but I feel like SUCH a noob. I asked my guild for help understanding Wow and leveling on my own (so I’m not just following my hubby around clueless to the world around me)… they sent me here!


As I’m reading through I literally cannot understand 80% of these topics and posts!! My question is: how do I learn the wow life? The shorthand, the lingo, what the HECK is going on around me? The second something drops my hubby knows if I should greed or need or pass, he says things like “that staff is good for a mage you don’t want it.” HOW DOES HE KNOW THAT??


I want to know what he knows but, married life, I don’t want to ask him! Lol how do I learn the lingo? How do I figure all this out without feeling like a noob in front of him?? What resources are there for first timers like me?

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@ 2 years later. For example- Do you know what mages like? intellect ( increases the blue line] and stamina (increases the green line]. Psst- ask a player who is similar to you. Priest's like intellect and stamina also. Intellect for spells, stamina for health. If your a healing you need to maintain your mana, and not attract things that kill you when healing, healing causes threat to the things you are fighting. you get armor that has added talents that makes you a stronger player

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