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Squinky's One Button Macros for WoD

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WoD Level 90-99 Normal Macros
Shadow Word: Death is self cast to keep the macros under 255 characters.
GRIND MACRO (Good for tagging enemies since reset=target.)
/cast [noform] !Shadowform
/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=target shadow word: pain, vampiric touch, mind blast, mind flay, mind flay, mind flay, mind blast, mind flay, mind flay
/cast devouring plague
/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide()
/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=4 shadow word: pain, vampiric touch, mind blast, mind flay, mind flay, mind flay, mind blast, mind flay, shadow word: pain, vampiric touch, mind flay, mind blast, devouring plague, mind flay
/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide()
Level 100 Macros
Been in Beta.  Level 100.  Item level 620.  Haste 16%.
Level 100 "Clarity of Power" talent and, of course, Level 45 "Insanity".
Awesome rotation. Best DPS.
GRIND MACRO (Grind with it.  Kill Bosses with it.  Tag adds with it.)
/cast [noform] !Shadowform 
/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=target shadow word: pain, mind blast, vampiric touch, mind flay, mind blast, mind flay
/cast [nochanneling] devouring plague
/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide()
BOSS MACRO (About 100 more DPS than the above macro, and with SWD.  Exactly 255 characters.)
/cast [noform] !Shadowform
/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=4 mind blast,mind spike,mind spike,mind spike,mind blast,mind spike,vampiric touch,shadow word: pain,mind blast,devouring plague,mind flay
/cast shadow word: death
/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide()
Ok, this next macro may be the best macro for when we have MUCHO haste (most likely full epic top gear): Reason = Mind Flay, Mind Blast's cooldown, and all GCD's adjust, exactly the same, with haste.  If our GCD is 1.5 seconds, Mind Blast's cooldown will be 6 seconds (exactly 4 GCD's).  If our GCD is 1 second, Mind Blast's cooldown will be 4 seconds (exactly 4 GCD's).  Whereas Shadow Word: Pain's and Vampiric Touch's durations will remain a fixed 18 seconds and 15 seconds, respectively, regardless of our haste.
With a little trick, the macro below will have a length of 14 GCD's (MF=2 GCD's, VT-MB-SWP & DP=1 GCD). If your GCD is 1.5 seconds, the macro will consume 21 seconds (1.5 x 14).  If your GCD is 1.25 seconds, the macro will consume 17.5 seconds (1.25 x 14).  If your GCD is 1 second, the macro will consume 14 seconds (1 x 14).  Thus, if you have a 1 second GCD, Vampiric Touch's (15 second duration) and Shadow Word: Pain's (18 second duration) will never drop off - because the macro starts over every 14 seconds.  But, if you have a 1.5 second GCD, both Touch and Pain will drop off - because the macro starts over every 21 seconds.
14 GCD's Tricked / 16 GCD's Normal - Single Target
/cast [noform] !Shadowform
/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=target mind blast, vampiric touch, mind flay, mind blast, shadow word: pain, mind flay, mind blast, devouring plague, mind flay
/cast shadow word: death
/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide()
Why do we need a trick?  Well the macro actually has a 16 GCD duration.  Reason: Blizz's mechanics for Insanity will add two Mind Flay Insanity's between the Devouring Plague and the following Mind Flay.  That is, the Mind Flay that follows Devouring Plague will become 3 Mind Flays (6 GCD's) because of Insanity's mechanics.  The first two will be Mind Flay Insanity and the third will be just a regular, old, boring Mind Flay.
The TRICK: Ok... you have to become conscious of your rotation and do more than just spam one button.
First: make another macro:
Place it on your bar next to where you placed the above /castsequence macro that you are going to spam.
Second: target the boss and start spamming the /castsequence macro.  Watch for it... the Devouring Plague casts and then the first Mind Flay Insanity channels and then, get ready, the second Mind Flay Insanity begins to channel... NOW, tap the /targetlasttarget macro TWICE (First tap, it un-targets your target; second tap, it re-targets your target).  After this second tap, quickly, start spamming the /castsequence macro again.  
That third regular, old, boring Mind Flay will be eliminated (as by re-targeting your target the macro started over from the beginning) because the /castsequence macro says reset=target.
You will have the total duration of the second Mind Flay Insanity's channel to accomplish this double tap of the /targetlasttarget macro and the continued re-spamming of the /castsequence macro (which won't start until the second Mind Flay Insanity, totally, completes channeling because the /castsequence macro says [nochanneling]).
Congratulations, you have just turned the 16 GCD Rotation into a 14 GCD rotation and with MUCHO haste you will never have Vampiric Touch or Shadow Word: Pain drop off.
I do not yet know how high our haste, in WoD, can become but if it can approach the 1 second GCD, Ye-Haw.  If it can surpass the 1 second CGD, we can even make up for the time it takes to spam a key and/or the milliseconds of lag it takes to cast a spell.
Well, I have a last minute update.  I dropped Insanity and took Mindbender.  I used the macro above.
OMG .... A perfect rotation that only has 12 GCD's !!  Cast's Mind Blast exactly on cooldown !!  Cast's Devouring Plague exactly with 3 Orbs.  Shadow Word: Pain always up !!  Vampiric Touch almost always up with just 16% haste !!  And, It was top DPS by 6% !!
Maybe the Tricked Macro with Insanity and Mucho high haste can beat it ... but, wow, for me, good bye Insanity.
I didn't have time to redo and try the 90-99 macros with Mindbender instead of insanity... but I bet Mindbender will beat them. 
Here you go!
MINDBENDER  Level 90-99
/cast [noform] !Shadowform
/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=4 shadow word: pain, mind blast, vampiric touch, mind flay, mind flay, mind blast, mind flay, mind flay
/cast [channeling] devouring plague
/cast mindbender
/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide()

/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=target mind blast, vampiric touch, mind flay, mind blast, shadow word: pain, mind flay, mind blast, devouring plague, mind flay
/cast [channeling] mindbender
/cast shadow word: death
/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide()
SPIKE (cast mindbender on cooldown)
/cast [noform] !Shadowform
/castsequence reset=30 mind blast, mind spike, mind spike, mind spike, mind blast, mind spike, mind spike, mind spike, mind blast, mind spike, mind spike, devouring plague
/cast shadow word: death
/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide()


Edited by Squinky

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