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Official Preview of Turbulent Timeways

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Here comes the official preview of Turbulent Timeways. The event starts today on NA realms. Find out more about the rewards you can get!

Blizzard Logo(Source)

Once more, the Bronze Dragonflight has discovered growing disturbances in the timeways, with several rapidly intersecting our own!

Beginning the week of September 26, Timewalk through a previous expansion each week for five consecutive weeks. This grand tour through World of Warcraft’s past will start with Cataclysm and end with Wrath of the Lich King.

Also, for a limited time, the Timewalking quest in Valdrakken from Kazra will offer an increased reward—a Heroic level Cache of Vault Treasures with items level 428-437. The reward upgrade is only available for this special Timewalking event. After Turbulent Timewalking has run its course, the reward returns to ilvl 415 Cache of Vault Treasures.

Don’t Let Time Pass You By

Here’s the expansion timeline for Turbulent Timeways:

Illidan Awaits

Head to Outland to face Illidan and his cohorts once more in The Black Temple!

The Black Temple raid is available throughout the Burning Crusade Timewalking event. The difficulty is set to Normal and, like any Normal level raid, will not be available through Raid Finder. To take on this challenge, you’ll need to get your guild or a group of friends together, or head to Group Finder. The raid scales for your group size (between 10 — 30 players) and your level and gear will be scaled back to match the raid’s challenges.

Want to relive the time you first defeated Teron Gorefiend? Face the Reliquary of Souls once more? Witness the showdown between Maiev and Illidan before the final fight? Now’s your chance. Inside you can earn transmog sets, the pets you need for Raiding With Leashes III, a Music Roll: The Burning Legion, and gear drops. And for Demon Hunters, there’s the enticing possibility of obtaining the legendary Warglaives of Azzinoth.

Dungeons in The Burning Crusade Timewalking

All week, open Group Finder (default hotkey: i) and then select Dungeon Finder and Timewalking in the Type dropdown. When you hit ‘Find Group’, you’ll be matched up with other players and sent to one of the following Heroic dungeons:

Magister’s Terrace
After his defeat in Tempest Keep, Kael'thas Sunstrider publicly revealed his alliance with the ruthless Burning Legion. Intent upon summoning the demon lord Kil'jaeden, Kael'thas has returned to the Isle of Quel'Danas to make the final preparation for his master's arrival.

The original exiles on Draenor found death to be an unsettling and unfortunate consequence of life, and so the draenei hid their dead away in the subterranean grave-city of Auchindoun, a labyrinthine marvel located beneath the forest of Terokkar.

The Blood Furnace
At the heart of Outland's barren Hellfire Peninsula stands Hellfire Citadel, a nearly impenetrable bastion that served as the Horde's base of operation throughout the First and Second Wars.

The Botanica
The mighty Tempest Keep was created by the enigmatic naaru: sentient beings of pure energy and the sworn enemies of the Burning Legion. In addition to serving as a base of operations for the naaru, the structure itself possesses the technology to teleport through alternate dimensions, traveling from one location to another in the blink of an eye.

The Shattered Halls
At the heart of Outland's barren Hellfire Peninsula stands Hellfire Citadel, a nearly impenetrable bastion that served as the Horde's base of operations throughout the First and Second Wars.

The Underbog
Coilfang Reservoir is the name for a naga-dominated compound that lurks under Zangarmarsh's deepest waters. The reservoir, punctured throughout by massive open pipes and pistons, seems big enough to house armies - and, yet, its purpose isn't strictly military.

Your character and items will be scaled down to a power level fitting for the challenge at hand, but bosses will yield loot appropriate for your natural level. Timewalking dungeons also have a chance to drop items that usually drop when you run them on Heroic, and you’ll earn reputation with a faction that is interested in the dungeon. For example, when you Timewalk through The Slave Pens, you’ll earn reputation with the Cenarion Expedition, which could open access to purchasing the Cenarion War Hippogryph mount.

While Timewalking is active, you will gain a 50% bonus to reputations earned from quests and creature kills for all reputations associated with the corresponding expansion.

Prime your minds for a fel-tangled chrono-spatial conundrum and more in this week’s Bonus Event.

Players will be able to adventure into six of Legion’s dungeons to reap new rewards all week during this week’s Bonus Event. Your character and items will be scaled down to a power level fitting for the challenge at hand, but bosses will yield loot appropriate for your regular level. Timewalking dungeons also have a chance to drop items that usually drop when you run them on Heroic difficulty, and you’ll earn reputation with a faction that is interested in the dungeon.

While Timewalking is active, you will gain a 50% bonus to reputations earned from quests and creature kills for all reputations associated with the corresponding expansion.

Simply open the Group Finder (default hotkey: I) and then select Dungeon Finder and Timewalking in the Type dropdown menu. Selecting Find Group will match you with other players and send you to one of the following Heroic dungeons:

Black Rook Hold
Carved from the greatest mountain of Val'sharah by ancient elven masons, Black Rook Hold stood as a bulwark against the Burning Legion during the War of the Ancients. The nigh-impregnable fortress is also the ancestral home of Lord Kur'talos Ravencrest, one-time mentor of Illidan himself. But since the latest Legion attack, a strange dark energy emanates from the Hold, and restless dead plague the surrounding lands.

Court of Stars
Even as Legion troops patrol the streets, casting a pall over the grand city of Suramar, the socialites of the Nightborne nobility continue to cling to custom and routine. On this clear night, the cry of revelers echoes through the chill air, as the largest mansion in the Noble District opens its doors for a grand gala. Rumor has it that Grand Magistrix Elisande herself may be making an appearance, in an effort to reassure several of her closest allies despite recent turmoil.

Darkheart Thicket
In the shadow of Shaladrassil, the Nightmare permeates every inch of the once-lush forest. Where the eldest and greatest druids once tended to the woods, meditating beneath the great world tree, corruption and madness now reign. Deep within the tangled thicket, the Nightmare Lord Xavius works to break the will of his greatest prize.

Eye of Azshara
Amidst outlying shoals off the coast of Azsuna, an ancient source of power lies beneath the waves. Long ago, the power of Queen Azshara extended throughout these lands, and the naga seeking the Tidestone of Golganneth still act at her behest. As clouds roll in and the air crackles with the energy of an approaching storm, Azshara's followers prepare to summon an incarnation of her Wrath to lay waste to the land.

Neltharion's Lair
The Earth Warder Neltharion, later known as Deathwing, once called this cavern home. Since his fall, the drogbar that once worshipped the great dragon built their capital within this ancient lair. Now, Dargrul, chieftain of the drogbar, rallies a massive army within these depths. Bolstered by the Hammer of Khaz'goroth, this army will surge from the mountainside if left unchecked, devastating Highmountain and threatening the security of all Azeroth.

Vault of the Wardens
This secret Warden facility was carved into the mountainside deep in Azsuna, and sealed with magical wards both to keep intruders out, and to ensure that the terrors locked within could never escape. Many of the most dangerous foes the Wardens have encountered were locked away within the Vault, but in the aftermath of Cordana's betrayal and the Legion's attack, those creatures now roam the halls freely.

To learn more about each dungeon’s bosses, tips, and view the available loot, check out the Adventure Guide (Shift-J), select the Dungeons tab, then choose Legion from the drop-down menu.

Legion Timewalking Rewards

You’ll also be able to visit the Timewalking vendor Aridormi in Dalaran (above the Broken Isles). She’ll be waiting to take your hard-earned Timewarped Badges in exchange for some tempting rewards:

  • A Mount—Favor of the Val'sharah Hippogryph
  • A Toy—Nightborne Guard's Vigilance
  • A Cosmetic Shield appearance—Replica Aegis of Aggramar
  • A Transmog Ensemble—Ensemble: Ravencrest's Battleplate
  • Reputation Tokens for all major Legion factions including: Argussian Reach, Army of the Light, Armies of Legionfall, Court of Farondis, Dreamweavers, Highmountain Tribe, The Nightfallen, The Wardens, and Valarjar.

Players will be able to venture into six of Mists of Pandaria’s storied dungeons to reap new rewards all week during this Bonus Event. Simply open the Group Finder (default hotkey: “I”) and then select Dungeon Finder and Timewalking in the “Type” dropdown menu. Selecting “Find Group” will match you with other players and send you to one of the following Heroic Dungeons.

  • Temple of the Jade Serpent
  • Stormstout Brewery
  • Shado-Pan Monastery
  • Mogu’shan Palace
  • Scholomance
  • Gate of the Setting Sun


Your character and items will be scaled down to a power level fitting for the challenge at hand, but bosses will yield loot appropriate for your natural level. Timewalking dungeons also have a chance to drop items that usually drop when you run them on Heroic, and you’ll earn reputation with a faction that is interested in the dungeon.


You’ll also be able to visit a new Timewalking vendor located on the Timeless Isle. Mistweaver Xia is waiting to take your hard-earned Timewarped Badges in exchange for some tempting rewards:

Yogg-Saron Awaits!

Ulduar Timewalking is now available and Yogg-Saron – the lucid dream, the monster in your nightmares, and the fiend of a thousand faces – awaits.

When: The Ulduar raid is available throughout the Wrath Timewalking event.
Difficulty: The difficulty is set to Normal and, like any Normal level raid, will not be available through Raid Finder.
Minimum Level: Players level 60 and above are eligible to participate.

During Wrath Timewalking, you can assemble a raid group of between 10 and 30 players, travel to Dalaran in Northrend, and speak with Vormu to access a Timewalking version of the Ulduar raid. The raid scales for your group size and your level and gear will be scaled to match the raid’s challenges.

Don’t have a regular group? The Group Finder (I) can help. Create your own group in the ‘Premade Groups’ section or search for like-minded adventurers.

Looking to withstand the fires of Igniss the Furnace Master? Withstand the terrific tantrum of XT-002 Deconstructor? Or is it your very mind you want to test against the master of nightmares, Yogg-Saron? Opportunity awaits! Inside you can earn transmog sets, the pets you need to earn the Raiding for Leashes IV achievement, and more.

Open Group Finder (default hotkey: i) and then select Dungeon Finder and Timewalking in the Type dropdown. When you hit ‘Find Group’, you’ll be matched up with other players and sent to one of the following Heroic dungeons:

Azjol Nerub
Azjol-Nerub was an empire of great strength when the Lich King arrived in Northrend. Despite ferocious resistance, however, Scourge forces managed to overtake the subterranean kingdom and slaughter its inhabitants, the nerubians. Scarred by years of war and abandonment, this vast domain is now occupied on two fronts.

Desperate to save their kingdom from collapse the trolls of Zul’Drak have turned on their ancient gods. The wild deities are now considered a source of untapped power, their potent blood providing the means to repel the Lich King’s minions, who have overtaken parts of the troll nation. Heroes have recently journeyed to the beleaguered region to strike at the savage Drakkari and their maddened prophets.

Halls of Lightning
Upon departing Azeroth, the titans entrusted loyal protectors with safeguarding Ulduar, an enigmatic city nestled in the mountains of the Storm Peaks. Designated supreme among his brethren was the guardian known as Loken, but with the power of the titan complex in his hands, he turned to darkness and plunged the region into chaos.

The Forge of Souls
For many years champions among the races of Azeroth have stood against the Lich King only to be slaughtered mercilessly and forced to serve in his army of undead horrors. In his ongoing struggle to stop the Lich King, Tirion Fordring of the Argent Crusade has joined forces with Darion Mograine of the knights of the Ebon Blade in order to assault Icecrown Citadel with a unified army called the Ashen Verdict.

The Nexus
In order to reestablish his dominance over magic, the blue Dragon Aspect, Malygos has launched a ruthless campaign to sever the link between mortals and the arcane energies coursing through Azeroth. To this end, his blue dragonflight is redirecting the ley lines of the world to the Nexus, Malygos’ towering lair.

Utgarde Keep
Utgarde Keep was long thought to be abandoned, a relic of a lost civilization among the central cliffs of the Howling Fjord. Yet in recent days something has roused the fortress’ slumbering residents, the vrykul.

To learn more about each dungeon’s bosses, tips, and view the available loot, check out the Adventure Guide (Shift-J), select the Dungeons tab, then choose Wrath of the Lich King from the drop-down menu.

Your character and items will be scaled down to a power level fitting for the challenge at hand, but bosses will yield loot appropriate for your natural level. Timewalking dungeons also have a chance to drop items that usually drop when you run them on Heroic, and you’ll earn reputation with a faction that is interested in the dungeon. For example, when you Timewalk through Utgarde Pinnacle, Skadi the Ruthless could drop the Blue Proto-Drake mount for you.

While Timewalking is active, you will gain a 50% bonus to reputations earned from quests and creature kills for all reputations associated with the corresponding expansion.

Mark your calendar, gather your allies, and prepare to take a Timewalking adventure!

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