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Azortharion's 6.2.2 MM Hunter Guide

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  On 11/22/2014 at 5:56 AM, Niix said:

Wow, um yeah there's very few options.. Considering removing that section now..


Yeah, I filtered wowhead by slot for 670 Mail Agility and its basically 1 item per slot except for a few with bonus armor

Edited by Atrais

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  On 11/22/2014 at 6:14 AM, Atrais said:

Yeah, I filtered wowhead by slot for 670 Mail Agility and its basically 1 item per slot except for a few with bonus armor


Yeah I just put in my weights, and hit BiS on AMR and I simmed the result compared to some other gearsets and took the highest one. I didn't even realize what I was doing was utterly pointless.

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I'd like to point out that from raiding perspective two most useful Large buildings seem to be Dwarven Bunker / War Mill and Barracks. 


Gnomish Gearworks / Goblin Workshop's "inventions" can't be used in raids and challenge mode dungeons, and other Large buildings don't have any impact on raiding at all. 


Barracks aren't terribly useful either, but having more companions and being able to level them slightly faster through patrol missions increases the chance that you will be able to successfully complete epic-level companion missions, which can give you a raid-grade gear piece. 


Salvage Yard and Dwarven Bunker / War Mill will help you gear up your companions faster, which will unlock said epic missions and make them easier to complete. 


So for those looking for raiding progress, Salvage Yard, Dwarven Bunker / War Mill and Barracks seem to be the way to go.


Other buildings are open to discussion, but if you're looking to craft your own gear, then you need to build:


1) Small building related to your profession, e.g. Tannery if you have leatherworking. 

2) Barn lvl 3 to get Savage Blood.

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  On 11/22/2014 at 1:02 PM, Iridar said:

I'd like to point out that from raiding perspective two most useful Large buildings seem to be Dwarven Bunker / War Mill and Barracks. 


Gnomish Gearworks / Goblin Workshop's "inventions" can't be used in raids and challenge mode dungeons, and other Large buildings don't have any impact on raiding at all. 


Barracks aren't terribly useful either, but having more companions and being able to level them slightly faster through patrol missions increases the chance that you will be able to successfully complete epic-level companion missions, which can give you a raid-grade gear piece. 


Salvage Yard and Dwarven Bunker / War Mill will help you gear up your companions faster, which will unlock said epic missions and make them easier to complete. 


So for those looking for raiding progress, Salvage Yard, Dwarven Bunker / War Mill and Barracks seem to be the way to go.


Other buildings are open to discussion, but if you're looking to craft your own gear, then you need to build:


1) Small building related to your profession, e.g. Tannery if you have leatherworking. 

2) Barn lvl 3 to get Savage Blood.


In other words, exactly what this guide says http://blog.askmrrobot.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/Garrisons1.png

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  On 11/22/2014 at 1:06 PM, Atrais said:

Yep. Wish I'd seen it earlier. I actually got mislead into demolishing my barracks and building Gnomish Gearworks because icy veins guide said that inventions are "very useful in dungeons and raids". Maybe that's how it was during beta. Now I had to rebuild my barracks and waste a 1000 resources. Guess my own fault for jumping the gun.

Edited by Iridar

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  On 11/23/2014 at 11:59 PM, Bowjobz16 said:

Craft engi gun or goggles first?


Goggles, same price, 640 > 630

Edited by Atrais

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  On 11/23/2014 at 11:59 PM, Bowjobz16 said:

Craft engi gun or goggles first?



You can get 640 helmet by running Molten Core, and you can get a 630 weapon in heroic dungeons, so strictly speaking you don't need to craft either of those, until you can upgrade it to a higher item level, and that mostly depends on how quickly you can get Savage Blood.


Weapon DPS is our best stat by far, so you'll probably want to upgrade your gun first, unless you plan to get a 660 PvP weapon, which should take ~4 weeks after PvP season starts. 

Edited by Iridar
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Some backstory.


Making the achievement Proving Yourself: Endless Damage (Wave 30)  got me thinking: how useful GT really is? On my first attempt I wiped on the third wave, because I didn't have enough AoE DPS to deal with a large crowd of small mobs, so I switched GT to Barrage, and - to shamelessly brag - got to 33rd wave on the first attempt after that. 


Considering MM's AOE is really lacking, I wanted to know if GT is even worth using, and how much DPS I'd sacrifice by running Barrage just in case I need AoE. 


I simmed my gear three times: with Barrage, with GT, and with neither of those things - removed them from priority altogether, and I got some curious results. 


With Barrage DPS was: 20854

With GT: 21009

Without either: 21061


And I'm like - whaaaa?...


So, apparently, with such low Haste levels, casting Barrage purely on single target is a DPS loss. Fine, I can accept that. But even GT? Doh. 


Of course, these numbers are purely for single target situation, the value of both of these abilities probably bumps up when they hit at least one additional target. It's also possible I messed up my simulations, as I'm new to using this tool, so if you guys could confirm my results with your gear that would be dandy. 


Wanted to talk on a related issue - with the addition of multistrike and versatility, the haste value seems to have dropped much lower, if not to the bottom. As I hear, we won't have much choice in our gear, as there's only one item per slot per item level tier, but I assume blizzard just distributed stats evenly, so we'll have ~ equal amount of each stat on all our gear combined.


Because of these new stats, we'll have less Haste overall, and Haste being a low/lowest priority doesn't help the issue.


Which means, as MM, we're pretty much stuck with ~2.5 second AiS and ~2 second Steady Shot for a really long time, which is kinda sad. I hope SF indeed gets buffed into providing Haste once again.

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I'm 636 ATM,i have the  heroic xbow and MC helmet so thats why im having a hard time deciding, im leaning towards gun into upgrade but wanted some extra opinions

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  On 11/24/2014 at 1:22 AM, Bowjobz16 said:

I'm 636 ATM,i have the  heroic xbow and MC helmet so thats why im having a hard time deciding, im leaning towards gun into upgrade but wanted some extra opinions

Just wait until you have enough parts and Savage Blood to craft the item + upgrade item.  Who knows, maybe you'll get the gun from the very first boss or something. Until raids open, there's no rush to get anything.


But weapon is ways more important than helmet, so when you have enough parts to craft both gun and it's upgrade item, craft it.

Edited by Iridar

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  On 11/24/2014 at 1:22 AM, Bowjobz16 said:

I'm 636 ATM,i have the  heroic xbow and MC helmet so thats why im having a hard time deciding, im leaning towards gun into upgrade but wanted some extra opinions


I stick with my original suggestion :)

Neither of the items is going to be an upgrade at this point, unless you get lucky stats on goggles, but the goggles have a higher maximum ilvl and therefore I would recommend starting on those first because the potential gain is higher and the fully upgrade goggle would be good until Heroic Highmaul, while the gun would be replaced in Normal.  More bang for your buck.

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  On 11/24/2014 at 1:43 AM, Bowjobz16 said:

Thanks for the replies guys.


No problem, keep in mind you can only wear three pieces of crafted gear, so if you're a LW, other "slots" may provide higher upgrades than the Eng ones, so do some research to figure out which you want :)

I'm personally planning on doing Eng Goggle, LW Chest, and LW Legs

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Niix, I have to say THANK YOU very much for taking the time and effort to compile and update this information for us. I know this is a good deal of time running sims and all and it is very much appreciated. So a big kudos to you for this. :D

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  On 11/26/2014 at 5:51 PM, f0nZi3 said:

Niix, I have to say THANK YOU very much for taking the time and effort to compile and update this information for us. I know this is a good deal of time running sims and all and it is very much appreciated. So a big kudos to you for this. biggrin.png


Very much appreciated man. I do it all for myself anyways, I figure I might as well take pictures of the results and help out some other people as well.

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11-26-13: Added Pre-Raid and Highmaul BiS for BM as well as added Shot Priority and Opener sections for both BM and MM. Also re-introduced my MM stat weight import for AMR (MM only).

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  On 11/26/2014 at 7:51 PM, Niix said:



11-26-13: Added Pre-Raid and Highmaul BiS for BM as well as added Shot Priority and Opener sections for both BM and MM. Also re-introduced my MM stat weight import for AMR (MM only).


One point of confusion.  Since Agi doesnt give Crit anymore and 1 Agi = 1 AP, shouldnt AP and Agi be equal?  Granted, I dont think its actually possible to get straight AP anymore, but curious why the two arent equal

Edited by Atrais

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  On 11/26/2014 at 8:01 PM, Atrais said:

One point of confusion.  Since Agi doesnt give Crit anymore, shouldnt AP and Agi be equal?  Granted, I dont think its actually possible to get straight AP anymore, but curious why the two arent equal


Mail specialization. 5% bonus to agility, puts it higher because if you had attack power you wouldn't get a 5% bonus like you would from agility.

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  On 11/26/2014 at 8:05 PM, Niix said:

Mail specialization. 5% bonus to agility, puts it higher because if you had attack power you wouldn't get a 5% bonus like you would from agility.


Thanks, figured it was something like this

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  On 11/26/2014 at 8:05 PM, Niix said:

Mail specialization. 5% bonus to agility, puts it higher because if you had attack power you wouldn't get a 5% bonus like you would from agility.

With agility/strength/intellect not giving anything except for 1 AP / 1 SP, I really question the necessity of these stats in the game. Why items can't just grant AP or SP and be done with it. 

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  On 11/26/2014 at 8:23 PM, Iridar said:

With agility/strength/intellect not giving anything except for 1 AP / 1 SP, I really question the necessity of these stats in the game. Why items can't just grant AP or SP and be done with it. 


I guess to give gear enough variety that you don't have literally every melee regardless of armor type rolling on the same gear. Exact same principle for caster DPS. Same reason they have Protector, Vanquisher and Conqueror pieces.


It would be very frustrating to gear a raid if literally every piece that dropped could be used by half the raid.

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  On 11/26/2014 at 8:25 PM, Niix said:

I guess to give gear enough variety that you don't have literally every melee regardless of armor type rolling on the same gear. Exact same principle for caster DPS. Same reason they have Protector, Vanquisher and Conqueror pieces.


It would be very frustrating to gear a raid if literally every piece that dropped could be used by half the raid.


Personally, I think they should do the exact opposite and just have straight Str, Agi, Int in the game and remove AP and SP, since they are redundant and tied 1:1 to our main stat anyway.  Not hard to make the formulas use Agi to calc damage instead of AP, seems silly to add an extra layer in there. 

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  On 11/26/2014 at 8:31 PM, Atrais said:

Personally, I think they should do the exact opposite and just have straight Str, Agi, Int in the game and remove AP and SP, since they are redundant and tied 1:1 to our main stat anyway.  Not hard to make the formulas use Agi to calc damage instead of AP, seems silly to add an extra layer in there. 


Would be interesting to see, but I doubt it'll happen.

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