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[US Sargeras][A] Donner Party Recruiting for Mythic

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Donner Party: US Sargeras PVP Alliance

Things you should know about us:

*Former 10man Group looking to move forward into Mythic Raiding

* Our raid days are Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday 8:30-11:30 PM Server Time. (thats Central for non Sargeras peeps)

* We use EPGP

*Our recruitment is always open to exceptional applicants of all classes, but right now we are seeking the following:

<Healers, Melee and Ranged DPS>

Here are a few things that we look for in potential recruits:

* Social players with a good sense of humor able to take & give criticism as well as interact and communicate with our TeamSpeak3 environment.

* Attend raids 3 nights a week.

* Ability and willingness to play multiple specs.

* Players with excellent situational awareness.

* Players interested in pushing through multiple tiers of content with us. We are looking to recruit for the long haul.

* Intelligent players that are interested in playing the game to its fullest potential. Cross-server applications and group applications are welcome.

*Anybody interested in joining our guild can contact one of our officers’ in-game (Jallesa, Stillson, Adaptable, Arindar, or Glamerous.)

Visit our Website: http://donnerparty-sargeras.enjin.com/

Edited by Jallesa

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