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Season of Discovery Fury Warrior

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1 hour ago, Guest what is this said:

bad list bro.


3 piece + leather crafted > this 

Its because the list was made before BFD loot was all discovered and put out to the public to see, will be fixing everything in the next hours / days!

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Checking out this guide just to see so many odd things:

- Quickstrike rune is recommended but never mentioned in the rotation?
- Inside the Multi-Target Rotation it is written "...you should manage them with the single-target rotation, replacing Heroic Strike with Cleave..."
Heroic Strike was never mentioned in the single target rotation. Is it missing in the ST guide?
- Stances are not mentioned in the rotation at all
- In Cooldown usage chapter it's written to combine Flagellation as much as possible together with Sweeping Strikes.
This is a Fury guide in P2!!!! Sweeping Strikes is only available for Arms!

Did the author read through his own written guide? I think ChatGPT would do a better job, ngl.
Kinda disappointed...


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35 minutes ago, Lapilala said:

Checking out this guide just to see so many odd things:

- Quickstrike rune is recommended but never mentioned in the rotation?
- Inside the Multi-Target Rotation it is written "...you should manage them with the single-target rotation, replacing Heroic Strike with Cleave..."
Heroic Strike was never mentioned in the single target rotation. Is it missing in the ST guide?
- Stances are not mentioned in the rotation at all
- In Cooldown usage chapter it's written to combine Flagellation as much as possible together with Sweeping Strikes.
This is a Fury guide in P2!!!! Sweeping Strikes is only available for Arms!

Did the author read through his own written guide? I think ChatGPT would do a better job, ngl.
Kinda disappointed...


Thanks for the feedback, I'll be doing a new pass to rectify any inconsistencies soon. For now this is what was intended:

1) Quickstrike is only recommended for Two-Hander gameplay, in which case it should be used instead of Hamstring to fish for windfury procs. Basically I'll be adding this line (if you are using the rune) from the (Two-Hand) Arms build rotation guide:

  1. Cast Hamstring Icon Hamstring with excess rage to fish for Wild Strikes Icon Wild Strikes or Windfury Totem Icon Windfury Totem procs;

2) You might have missed out on where Heroic Strike is mentioned? See it mentioned correctly as the final thing to do on the priority list:

  1. If overflowing on Rage even while using all the aforementioned abilities on cooldown, queue Heroic Strike Icon Heroic Strike if its extra threat will not be an issue, or Cleave Icon Cleave, even for single-target. Keep in mind that Heroic Strike and Cleave replace your next auto attack, which will not grant you any Rage. So their real Rage cost is much higher than what is stated in the tooltip.

So essentially you want to use your cooldown abilities as much as possible and if still having left over Rage, press Cleave against 2+ targets instead of Heroic Strike.

3) Stances should be swapped to as needed for specific ability usages but the logic is to stay on Berserker Stance as much as possible. Since you are talking about the Fury guide specifically, you will want to always be on Berserker Stance outside of any boss debuffing being needed (really bad sign if you need to do it as a Fury Warrior though). I'll add a blurb on this since while it is a simple concept, it is not explained in the rotation guide.

4) Sweeping Strikes was a typo left over when I was doing all of these guides since, otherwise, it has the same usage logic as was written in the Arms guide first. Typos happen, sorry! 🙂

Thanks again for the post, cheers!


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Guest Festmester

Talent guide suggests picking Bloodthirst with 34 points in fury, but also mentions there isnt enough points to grab it.   And makes no mention of Bloodthirst in any rotation. How does that work?

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14 hours ago, Guest Festmester said:

Talent guide suggests picking Bloodthirst with 34 points in fury, but also mentions there isnt enough points to grab it.   And makes no mention of Bloodthirst in any rotation. How does that work?

Typo leftovers from previous phases, fixing soon thanks!

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