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[EU] <Whirl> looking for mythic raiders

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A group of players who are committed to high level raiding & M+ who are looking for like minded people who obsess over the details that go into boss progression. Whether you are a frustrated Heroic raider looking for that break into Mythic, or a jaded player who wants a new journey of progression - we may be the right fit for you.

Raiding Wednesday & Sunday 19:30 - 22:30 ST - with open and collaborative decision making as a collective, and a 'whats best for the raid' mindset, we have grabbed an easy AOTC this tier under a previous guild, but now want to do it for ourselves with the vision we have for Whirl.

Mythic Raiding done right, without toxicity, and with a bring the player, not the meta approach.

We have an active community that runs keys of all levels up to 3k IO presently, and a guild in Classic also for those that can't let nostalgia go on the side.

Message us if interested - we'd love to hear from you!

Discord - Join or Message Maru#2646 BattleNet or maru_1991 on Discord

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