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Guest Myra

The leveling guide could use a few fixes at ARR levels.

The AOE rotation should be single target below level 25, and after level 25 it shows fire II -> Aero -> Water, instead of Aero II and Water II until level 52, despite water 2 being available at 45 and aero 2 at 35.

The aoe rotation SHOULD BE: Fire 2 spam on 4 or more enemies, or Fire 2 -> Aero -> Water on 3 enemies sub 35.

Sub 45 it should be Fire 2 -> Aero 2 -> Fire 2... etc on 4 or more enemies, or Fire 2 -> Aero 2 -> Water on 3 enemies.

Additionally the fire -> aero -> water disappears after level 31 on single target.

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Guest Recently_Coco

So, Hyperphantasia speeds up cast time, but both Comet in Black and Star Prism use up a stack even though they're instant cast. Doesn't it make more sense to do 3 subtractive palette, then two regular palette, and then the instant casts? I don't see why you would ever use up a hyperphantasia with an instant cast. Am I missing something?

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Guest guest
On 9/18/2024 at 2:12 PM, Guest Recently_Coco said:

So, Hyperphantasia speeds up cast time, but both Comet in Black and Star Prism use up a stack even though they're instant cast. Doesn't it make more sense to do 3 subtractive palette, then two regular palette, and then the instant casts? I don't see why you would ever use up a hyperphantasia with an instant cast. Am I missing something?

even though they are instant cast, it still lowers the GCD on them to cast your next skill. so it now becomes an issue of what is stronger, the total potency of star prism and black comet is 2280 and the potency of 2 regular palettes is under 1000

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Can anyone provide clarification on the optimal AOE rotation for leveling in ARR, particularly regarding the transition points between different spells and levels?

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12 hours ago, bergel2 said:

Can anyone provide clarification on the optimal AOE rotation for leveling in ARR, particularly regarding the transition points between different spells and levels?

Hi there, please reference https://www.icy-veins.com/ffxiv/pictomancer-leveling for early AoE rotation. Its not too complex, but if there's specific questions about what's listed on the page, feel free to ask.

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Guest Alberan

There is a GIANT FLAW in these rotations, where is swift casted WING MOTIF? 

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In the second gcd opener it wants you to use Winged Muse and Mog of Ages during the cooldown of Comet in Black which is fine but the problem is that there's no cast of Wing Motif to set that upPictomancer2ndGCDStarryOpener.png

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Guest ganymead
On 12/18/2024 at 7:08 AM, Guest Alberan said:

There is a GIANT FLAW in these rotations, where is swift casted WING MOTIF? 


On 12/20/2024 at 6:45 AM, NuraShadow said:

In the second gcd opener it wants you to use Winged Muse and Mog of Ages during the cooldown of Comet in Black which is fine but the problem is that there's no cast of Wing Motif to set that upPictomancer2ndGCDStarryOpener.png

I also came here to mention this as well haha - on further investigation, I'm maybe 80% sure the Wing Motif should be in place of where the first Holy in White currently sits.

So instead it should go:

(Pre-cast) Rainbow Drip
      -Pom Muse
      -Striking Muse
      -Starry Muse
Hammer Strike
      -and so on... :)

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