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By Lavundi
Hello guys.
I have an issue to open the "Heroes" section. It won't open anything and the site keeps White (screenshot).
It doesn't matter wich browser I'm using and some other friends have the same issue.
Maybe you could check it out?
Thanks and Keep your work going on :)
By L1nks
Hello friends!
As many rogues here,I want to ask you about my dps.
I have 898 gear and can't improve my dps.
My armory: http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/soulflayer/Лиинкс/simple
My log from Kros: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/GN6Lc317J4mBjvyQ/#fight=14&type=damage-done&source=12&view=analytical
Can you help me to understand my mistakes&
By SwiftMagic
I have entered the following in the quest checker form:
Region: Europe
Realm: Azjol-Nerub
Character: Arabianmagic
Questing Zone: Ashenvale
Then after I clicked the button it replied with the following:
Blizzard's API sent back the following error: Realm not found..
Please help.
Thank you.
By andrewFTW8
I want to ask about my rotation cause i'm not doing that much dmg as i should or maybe i'm wrong.
Just need a few tips and if you could tell me what i could change in my rotation,gear,talents.
Here's one combat log on Tichondrius:https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/zwMmAfC7GP6vtcQW/
Here's my armory:http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/silvermoon/Asmond/simple
By Kaeltha
I would like to ask someone who is confident enough with their frost DKs to help me out with a few things, hopefully wont take longer than 15-20 minutes in game chat, and meeting up some where.
All thought i feel i know my char well, i also feel Im not pulling the required dps for my itemlevel and if i can, i want to improve on that.
Battletag is Desert#2867 and i'll be online pretty much all day (EU, CET), only leaving around 4-5pm for night shift working.
Cheers for anyone who could hop in for a chat, all the bests